From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“You don‘t worry that these monsters will hurt other innocent people if we don‘t do something to stop them?”


“Constantine‘s former buddies won‘t hurt anyone ever again, but I know Constantine would continue to hurt innocent people, but by tomorrow morning, he will have met his demise, so he will be stopped. He‘s going to get what‘s coming to him.”


“This scares me.”


“It doesn‘t scare me. I will see you around, Det. Sheldon, and I thank you for everything you‘ve done.” Carlos walked out of Det. Sheldon‘s office and closed the door behind him.


Det. Sheldon couldn‘t believe what just happened. What came over Carlos? Why the change of heart? What happened to him in these few hours after these guys destroyed his life? This was strange to Det. Sheldon because Det. Sheldon didn‘t really believe in divine justice. He was one of millions of humans who didn‘t believe in God because too many horrible things happened to him in his life and he thought that God didn‘t care about him, so he chose to live his life as if there was no God. He didn‘t believe in forgiveness because different people in his life had left deep scars in his heart. He‘d never forgive anyone, and he thought he never would. Det. Sheldon thought that Carlos‘ terrifying experience drove him mad and he wasn‘t thinking clearly anymore, that he was making all the wrong decisions, knowing that they were wrong, after he got kidnapped and engulfed in flames. It was all right. He understood that. Something like that could forever warp anyone‘s mind, especially if the person was weak and he or she didn‘t have the ability to assimilate situations like these. That‘s what Det. Sheldon thought was going on with Carlos. Tonight, many people‘s lives would change forever, including Det. Sheldon‘s.


Carlos and Elmer returned home around eight o‘clock at night, and Carlos still hadn‘t eaten dinner. Ignacio, Lorena, Robinson, Kay and David knew that they were out, but they didn‘t know where they‘d been all this time. Lorena and Ignacio trusted that their sons weren‘t out there doing something stupid or committing a crime. They raised their boys well. That‘s why the Roman brothers were as conservative and old-fashioned as they were. They did their best not to hurt people or offend them in any way. Ignacio and Lorena Roman taught their children to believe in the power of divine justice, and how it was much more severe than earthly justice, and to never take justice in their own hands; thus God Almighty would punish whoever it was that did them wrong and punish their boys for the act of reprisal they took against that person. The Roman brothers feared God with all their hearts and just like Kay, they‘d never do something they knew in their hearts was wrong. Carlos sat in the dining room table beside Pablo to eat dinner. Pablo and Jose were still over. They were having too much fun to leave, just eating and conversing with their longtime friends, the Roman family, and it was still early for them to leave. They would go to sleep at ten every night from Monday through Friday to go to work, and Jose and Pablo‘s houses were just ten minutes away from the Roman home. Elmer also sat down for some more food because he was hungry, and a little more food wouldn‘t hurt, much less food as healthy as Lorena‘s.


“Where did you go?” Robinson asked. “Did you have fun?”


Just by looking him in the eyes, Carlos let Robinson know what he did at the police station because he knew that Robinson wouldn‘t tell anyone else. Then he looked back at his food, a chicken salad made of lettuce, tomato, and big chunks of fat-free white meat, no dressing, and started eating. For some unknown reason, Ignacio, Lorena, Carlos, Elmer and David would eat their food so slow that it would take them over an hour and a half to finish a meal. It was a