From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Constantine woke up. He was feeling better than ever before, and his first thought was Kim. Kim‘s smile had him captivated. Then, he thought about Starr and all the pain that he put her through, and at that moment, his smile faded. Constantine took another shower around nine o‘clock in the morning. Just when Constantine was getting dressed, Haggai arrived. He hadn‘t gone to work yet. Haggai had a job offer for Constantine. The Brady twins knew that Constantine had been fired from his job three weeks before for fighting with another employee. Constantine‘s boss didn‘t want scandals in his company. Before considering giving Constantine employment, they looked through Constantine‘s background. Amazingly, everything was clean. Constantine never had problems with the law. Haggai and Heber felt that Constantine deserved another chance for employment in what was now their company. Now, Heber was just as much an owner as was Haggai. Constantine walked out to the dining room, where Heber and Haggai sat. Today, they wouldn‘t go to work until ten thirty in the morning.


“I need to talk to you, Mr. Brady.”


“…Which one of us?” Heber said, innocently. “We‘re both Mr. Brady. I‘m just kidding, I know it‘s me. So sit down.” Constantine‘s breakfast was prepared on the table, his favorite, a plate of oatmeal with cinnamon, and a serving of sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs on the side, and coffee and orange juice to drink. The twins were having corn flakes with milk, toast, orange juice, milk and coffee for breakfast. To be satisfied, their serving of cereal had to be more generous than that of the average person, but they would never gain any weight except in pure muscle. They only had the fat their bodies needed, no more, and it wasn‘t even noticeable. They had muscular, healthy bodies, just like all Emadorians. “There‘s your breakfast. Enjoy.”


Constantine started eating his oatmeal. When his mouth was empty, right before his next spoonful of oatmeal, he commented, “I can‘t believe you made breakfast for me…”



“Thanks, Heber. You are amazing.”


“Of course I made you breakfast. You‘re my guest. You spent the night here. Listen, my brother is here because he has something to talk to you about.”


“First hear me out, all right?”



“I want to thank you for everything you‘ve done for me. I‘ve never felt this good. I‘m not depressed, I‘m not preoccupied about anything except my mortgage and my bills and stuff like that, but there are no more obsessions. Thanks to you I am a new man now.”


“We can take care of that, you know? Your bills and your mortgage…we know you don‘t have a job, and that‘s why my brother Haggai wants to talk to you. You already thanked me, and that was very sweet, but I want to make it clear to you right now that the only thing that I expect from you in return is your eternal friendship.”


“You ask for nothing else?” asked Constantine, astonished.


“I want nothing else. What else could I ask for?”

“Ok, you‘re going to let me talk now?” Haggai said.

“I‘m sorry…Haggai. I‘m listening.”


“I want to offer you a job at my company, and I will pay big bucks. In addition to that, I am offering you money for you to pay your mortgage and your bills, and for food, too.” Haggai pulled out his wallet and then pulled out his checkbook. Haggai gave the checkbook and the pen to Constantine for him to fill it out, write in it the amount he needed, and then Haggai would sign.