From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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would continue to give his wife and his children a better life. Right now, he could support them with the $3,500 he was making because his wife worked, too, but with the money he used to make, he could once again give them the live that they deserved.


Stephen got home from work after being fired. A jealous coworker accused him of doing something he hadn‘t done, talk crap about his boss on the internet, on a social network, and his boss fired him. To perpetuate the lie, the envious man went through the hassle of hacking Stephen‘s account and making nasty and untrue wall posts against his boss. Stephen was crying in earnest now. He couldn‘t believe he‘d just lost $6,500 a month, all for a lie.


When Sheila saw him crying like this, her feelings about him changed. He wasn‘t the heartless man she thought he was. She still blamed him for the death of her sister, Sheena, but now she was seeing a side of him that she‘d never seen in all the time that she was living with him. She couldn‘t fall in love with him because he was her sister‘s ex boyfriend. She was only sleeping with him to assume Sheena‘s identity and get her revenge on him, not because she really had feelings for him, other than hate and disgust, but today, she felt compassion for him. “What‘s wrong?” She took him by the hand and sat on the sofa with him.


“I got fired.”

“What? Why?”

“Go get your net book and read my page on Facebook.”


She got up and did what she was told. She placed her brand-new net book on the coffee table, opened it up, turned it on, and when it was done starting up, she opened her internet explorer, logged into her Facebook account and in her friends section, she clicked on Stephen‘s photo to see Stephen‘s page. It took her a half an hour to read all the garbage this idiot posted about his and Stephen‘s boss, pretending to be Stephen. He imitated Stephen so well that for a minute Sheila thought Stephen had really done this. “Oh, my God, Stephen…”


“It wasn‘t me, I swear.”



“Somebody hacked me. I don‘t know who it was, but I was hacked. I would never do that, Sheena! I have nothing bad to say about my boss, not even that he‘s ugly, who he really isn‘t, I‘m just giving you an example.”


“Yes, I know, I know. Stephen, we‘ve got to find a way that you can prove to Mr. Hill that you didn‘t do this.”


“Please tell me you know someone that can help me.”


“I do. I do. Look, just sit tight and I‘m going to go make a few phone calls, ok? If you need to use the computer, go ahead and use mine right now.” She got up from the sofa and walked out of the living room. “Just close that page, please.”


“No, Sheena!” Stephen screamed. “I don‘t want anything to do with computers!” He walked out of the living room, too, and walked all the way to the kitchen. “A computer ruined my life! I hate computers! I‘m about to throw mine out the window!”


“Calm down and don‘t do anything stupid,” she said from their bedroom. “I‘m going to take care of this, I promise.” She was dialing someone‘s number. “Just give me a few hours.”


Dr. Snyder was in his office. Sheila was calling him at the perfect time because he was five minutes from seeing his next patient, and in those five minutes, he could devise a plan to help Stephen with his gigantic and life-shattering predicament. Everything was on the line.

Stephen was about to lose his house and get all his services shut off if he didn‘t get his job back