From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Stephen opened the door. “Hello, Carrie.”


Carrie went in and Stephen closed the door behind her. “I would‘ve called the police because you‘re scaring my children. They‘re terrified and they can‘t stop crying. Nevertheless I decided to come here instead.”


“Oh, I‘m sorry, Carrie, I…”

“Where‘s Sheila?”


“You‘re talking like you just found out about this. Didn‘t you know before today?” “Honestly I didn‘t. I don‘t know how Sheila did it because she‘s human and she doesn‘t


have that kind of power, at least that I know of, but she made a fool of me, too.” “Oh, man…”


“Don‘t worry about your problem with your boss. Dr. Snyder is taking care of it right now, ok?”


“Sheila ran away because she‘s a coward. She‘s not going to face us after lying to us, after lying to my family. I was going to marry her, and she was usurping her sister‘s identity! God…”


Carrie took Stephen to the sofa and had him sit down once again. “I understand what you‘re going through. Sheila did this because she blamed you for the death of her twin sister, and still does, but now that you‘ve lost your job, and you‘re suffering, she…”


“She feels sorry for me.”

“I wouldn‘t say it that way because feeling sorry for someone is not a good thing.”


“You mean she doesn‘t hate me anymore. What good does that do? She‘s already broken my heart, and there‘s nothing she can do to change that.” Stephen had never cried like this in his life. Today was the worst day in his whole life. “Not only did I lose the love of my life and I didn‘t even have a chance to say goodbye, but I also got bitten by this viper! You don‘t understand, Carrie. My heart is in a thousand pieces right now. The only thing I want to do is to die.”


“Believe it, I‘ve felt this way before, but I can‘t kill myself and I can‘t be killed, so I had to swallow it and move on.”


“You‘re happy. You‘re immensely happy with your husband and your children, and I am very happy for you, really because I love you, I love you like…like a sister, like family. On the other hand I am alone. I made a mistake that cost Sheena her life. I will never forgive myself for that.”


“…And you can‘t blame the person that told her because if you hadn‘t cheated, no one would‘ve told her anything.”


“You‘re right, but now what do I do with Sheila? I‘ve been sleeping with a total stranger.”


“Right now, Sheila wants to get the hell out of this house, but she‘s afraid to come out right now because she thinks you‘re going to hurt her.”


“Hey, Carrie, I may be a cheater, but I would never lay my hands on a woman!” he said, slightly alarmed.


“I know that, but Sheila doesn‘t. I came here to talk to you guys, but I know she‘s not going to come out. I think you should talk to her and, you know, kick her out or whatever you want, but you can‘t hurt her in any way and don‘t blame her for anything because, I mean I love you very much, I do, but the truth is if you hadn‘t cheated on Sheena, none of this would‘ve happened.”