From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Sheila surprised Carrie once again and made her predictions an epic fail by coming out of the room. She walked toward Carrie and Stephen, but she didn‘t know what to say. Her eyes were red, almost bloodshot. She was still shaking. She looked like she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. She didn‘t hear what Stephen said about starting to fall in love with her. “Stephen,” she said, her voice broken, “I‘m getting out of this house.”


Stephen and Carrie got up from the sofa. Carrie was surprised. Carrie thought that Sheila wouldn‘t face Stephen once again and that to leave the house, she would wait until he left and then not be there when he came back and not come back ever again. “I was starting to fall in love with you, but I think that‘s the best thing you can do, Sheila. I was falling in love with what I thought was the new side of Sheena.”


“I‘m sorry for what I did to you, Stephen. I should‘ve known that you would eventually pay for what you did to my sister. You literally broke her heart, you know that?” She went back to the room that she used to share with Stephen and in less than half an hour, while Carrie and Stephen finished their conversation, she packed up all her stuff. She placed her net-book in her carrying case. Without taking a shower and changing her clothes before going out, although she‘d taken a shower today, she got out. She didn‘t shake Stephen‘s hand for one last time or give him a hug. She felt she didn‘t deserve it. He didn‘t deserve that from her either, after what he did to her only sister. She walked out of the house.


He went after her. “Let me help you with your stuff.” “You shouldn‘t help me. Just leave me alone, please.”


Carrie went outside. “I‘ll help her.” She picked up Sheila‘s biggest suitcases and put them in Sheila‘s car. An idea occurred to her, but she had to ask a key question first. “Hey, Sheila, do you have a place to stay?”


“When Sheena went away, she took my parents with her. They couldn‘t stand losing her and neither could I, but unfortunately, I survived. They didn‘t.”


“Yes, I know. Don‘t say you shouldn‘t have survived, though. That‘s not true. I think each one of us is here for a reason. We have a purpose, a mission in life, and you didn‘t die because you haven‘t complied with yours. You won‘t leave this earth until you do, and perhaps you will go to a better place.”


“Sheena was my only sister, and my parents‘ siblings also passed away, so in reality, I have no one to turn to. I agree with you. I haven‘t complied with my mission in life, and it will take me a long time to do so because I don‘t even know what it is.” It was strange, but Sheila laughed.


“None of us knows what our mission is until the time comes and we start working on it. Some people die too soon, but you should know that none of those people really rest in peace. Why don‘t you stay at my house for a few days, just until you reunite enough money to rent a house?”


“That‘s really nice Carrie, but I can‘t do that. You have a husband, children…” “There‘s no offense intended, but if I knew for sure you would be a threat to my


marriage, I wouldn‘t invite you to live with me. You‘ve only taken another woman‘s man once, and that was for revenge. It was your sister‘s man, and you only got together with him to avenge her death. You never had feelings for him, other than hate, and you will never take another woman‘s man again.”