From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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are poor, but she has the means of becoming a very successful entrepreneur. She‘s got the package, man!”


“Does she?”


“I assure you that she does. I hooked you up with la crème de la crème.” They laughed together again and hugged. When Heber let go, he said, “You won‘t regret it, man. This I guarantee to you. She was meant for you, literally—born to spend the rest of her life with you.”


They hugged again. Haggai said, “Thank you so much for this, Heber, for caring so much about me.”


Heber simply replied, “I thank you for doing the same for me.”


Rebecca was at home, in her room, writing her report. Luckily, she was almost done with it. Suddenly, Rebecca‘s sister, Dawn walked into her room. Dawn noticed an uncommon sheen in Rebecca‘s eyes as she looked in her eyes to get her attention. “Why are you so happy?” she said.


Rebecca stopped typing for a few minutes, looked Dawn in the eyes, gave Dawn all of her attention, and said to her, “I‘ve got a date!”


Surprised, Dawn smiled and yelled, “You finally got a date!” Then, she turned serious and said, “I mean you finally said yes to someone that asked you on a date!” She was worried that Rebecca would get offended with the first comment that she made.


Nevertheless, Rebecca took it lightly. “Yes,” she said, “I finally said yes to someone that asked me out on a date.”


“Was it one of the guys of your school, or one of the guys from my school?” Dawn was five years older than Rebecca was. She was very popular in her college campus. Seventy-five percent of the guys on campus were her friends. Despite Rebecca‘s incredible and undeniable beauty, none of the guys that Dawn hung out with were interested in a romantic relationship with her because they knew that if they even tried anything with her, they would go to jail.


“It‘s neither one of those,” Rebecca answered. “This guy is four years older than you



Dawn gasped. “Four years older than I am? Rebecca, that means that he‘s nine years older than you are!”


“I know,” Rebecca said, “but that doesn‘t matter to me. There are women that have good relationships with men that are twenty and even thirty years older than they are.”


Dawn responded, “Relationships are harder to keep when age difference is ten years or



“That‘s your opinion,” Rebecca said, “and I respect it, but I disagree. This guy and I, we are going to have a relationship.” Rebecca was notably angry.


Dawn sat in front of Rebecca, on Rebecca‘s bed, and said, “Now, calm down, Rebecca. I didn‘t mean for you to get angry. All that I‘m saying is that…”


Rebecca didn‘t let Dawn finish her thought. She got up from her chair and said, as she walked toward the bedroom door, “I am going to turn eighteen within three months.”


“Rebecca…” Dawn said, but once again, she‘d have to swallow whatever it was that she had to say.


“Now, I‘m not stupid,” Rebecca said “to think that becoming an adult will empower me to do anything that I want, just to have a relationship with any man that I want.”


Dawn got up and walked toward her. “Rebecca, listen to me, please,” she said to her.