From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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it would always be asking permission to go somewhere or telling on Dawn for something bad she‘d done to her. Drew and Jessica were so sick of this situation that they were about to kick Dawn out of the house. Dawn was an adult anyway, so she could take care of herself. The tense situation between Dawn and Rebecca made their parents wonder why they‘d let Dawn stay home with them.


Rebecca came into their room, crying, and ran toward them. “I‘m sorry to bother you.” She threw herself into Jessica‘s arms and cried some more, while Jessica tried to comfort her.

“What‘s the matter now, honey?” asked Drew.

“I want to talk to you about kicking Dawn out of the house.”


Drew and Jessica looked at one another, not surprised. They knew that this was coming. “I never thought it would come to this, but I can‘t stand her,” said Rebecca, tears running

down her eyes.


“We‘ve been thinking of kicking her out,” said Drew.

“Drew…” said Jessica.


“Dawn‘s an adult, Jessica. Why won‘t she just leave us alone and move in with Greg?” “Now, Rebecca, Dawn‘s your sister. She‘s living with us because she and I have always

had a good relationship.”


“So, you‘re basically choosing her over me, Mom. I can‘t believe it, Mom! What the hell is wrong with you?”


Jessica got off the bed in a matter of seconds and slapped her daughter. “You can‘t talk to me like that.”


Crying even more bitterly, Rebecca said, holding her cheek, “I‘m moving in with Aunt Marissa.”


Drew was so shocked he just sat on the bed, openmouthed. He didn‘t know what to say



“No, you‘re not. You are my daughter and you‘re staying here with me. Marissa loves you like a daughter, but she also knows not to touch you.”


“Aunt Marissa loves you. She‘s your sister. Dawn doesn‘t love me.” “Yeah, well, I don‘t love Marissa.


“That figures. I guess the story repeats itself, huh?” Dawn walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.


Jessica lied back down on the bed like nothing had ever happened.

Drew hissed, “Are you crazy?”


She looked at him with disbelief. “Drew, I love Dawn. I can‘t just kick her out just because Rebecca can‘t get along with her, and Rebecca‘s a minor, so she‘s staying here with me.”


“Yes, she‘s staying here with you so you can make her life a living hell,” he said as he got off the bed and put some clothes on. “Yeah, like I‘m going to let that happen.” He walked out of the room in a matter of minutes, and on the doorway to the room, he said, “You‘re out of your mind,” and closed the door behind him.


Jessica took off her casual clothes, left her underwear on, wore some nice clothes in less than fifteen minutes to go to Marissa‘s house, and walked out of the room. In the meantime, Drew and Rebecca had already left together, and they were on their way to his brother, Richard‘s house. Jessica didn‘t know it, but Drew was planning to sell the house, which was solely in his name and was an asset he‘d acquired before getting married to Jessica, and kick Jessica and