From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Rebecca closed her flipping phone. Luckily for her, when she was typing the message, Drew didn‘t hear her texting, and never knew about the message, so she and her father continued on their way to her uncle and her cousin‘s house. Ronald always loved Rebecca like a sister. He‘d never had a sister. Ronald only had his twin brother, Ricky, but Ricky, since they were adults, twenty-one years old, Ricky lived in his own house and Ronald lived with his parents because he still had no credit, he‘d never bought anything with credit, so before moving out and becoming independent, he‘d have to establish his credit first, by buying a house or a car, or getting a credit card, and he was afraid to do that.


Haggai replied to Rebecca‘s message, asking her the address of the house she was going to live at. Rebecca silenced the phone‘s keys and replied to Haggai‘s message with the address of Richard‘s house. Before Drew and Rebecca could get there, when they were just three minutes from arriving, Haggai appeared there and landed right on Richard‘s driveway. Ronald was watching TV, and suddenly something drove him to look right out the window. He blurted, “Haggai Brady, what the hell?” He did it just when Richard was coming into the kitchen.