From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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which the closing took place just the day before, Rebecca‘s, cell phone rang. Drew was in the driver‘s seat and Rebecca was in the passenger‘s seat. Rebecca‘s laptop was on the backseat, in a box, and Drew and Rebecca each had their own suitcase for their clothes. The suitcases were on the backseat and the laptop was right between them. The DVD spindle was on the back, on the floor, and it danced around the driver-seat side as Drew drove to his new home.


When the cell phone had rung twenty times, Rebecca finally took the call. Her voicemail hadn‘t been set up yet, and she had her cell phone set to ring a maximum of thirty times. It was Dawn, but Rebecca picked up the phone anyway. Once again, Dawn was about to change the lives of her entire family by revealing news that would figuratively make their world turn around the opposite way. “Hello, Dawn,” said Rebecca, annoyed. She couldn‘t believe that Dawn had dared to call her after everything that had happened between them.


“Hello, Rebecca. I know I‘m the last person in this world that you want to talk to, but…” Rebecca interrupted her. “Yes, Dawn, that‘s exactly right.” “…But I have something very important to tell you.”


With no emotion, Rebecca said, “Spit it out and then leave me alone. I‘ve got things to


“Rebecca, I‘m pregnant.”


Rebecca‘s attitude toward Dawn changed completely after that revelation. Rebecca was the third person that Dawn told this to. First, she told her fiancé, then her mother, then her sister. “What did you just say?” said Rebecca, crying.


Drew took one look at his daughter, and when he noticed that she was crying, without saying a word, he took Rebecca‘s phone from her, closed it, opened the window and threw it right out. Then he said, “When we all promised that we wouldn‘t let her hurt you ever again, we meant it, Rebecca.” He was referring to the entire family, except Jessica and Dawn.


“Dad, she didn‘t say anything bad to me,” said Rebecca. She couldn‘t believe what her father had just done.


“She didn‘t say anything wrong,” said Drew, not believing that for a second. “Why are you crying, then?”


“…Because she told me…”

“What did she say?”

“She told me that she‘s pregnant.”


Drew just had to pull over at a sidewalk at that moment to get a grip and digest this one, rather than to continue driving and causing a car collision. He was too shocked and emotional to drive right now, and Rebecca was just as shaken. “She‘s pregnant?”


“Yes, Daddy, that‘s what she, told me.”

“Is it too late to get the phone back?” he said as he got out of the car.


“Wait, Dad!” said Rebecca and got out of the car, too, with his phone in her hand, and just then, Drew‘s phone rang. “I don‘t care about my phone. I can always transfer my service to another one.” Then, she answered the phone as Drew walked back to his car. “Hello.”


“What happened to your phone?” said Dawn. “The stupid machine says that your number‘s not in service!”


“Dad took it from me when we were talking just now, and threw it out the window,



“…And a car ran it over, so it‘s destroyed,” said Drew. “I‘m sorry, Becks, I‘m going to get you another phone.” He went back into the car, fastened the seatbelt, turned on the car