From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Marlon and her memories with him. Finally, tonight, things would change. They wouldn‘t talk.

They would just do what came naturally to them and let nature take its course.

“I look familiar to you?” he asked. “Who do I remind you of?”


“I decline to answer that question because we agreed not to talk about… that person.” They looked one another in the eyes. “Still, I want to know what he and I have in



“No,” she said, caressing his black hair. These living things didn‘t really belong to any race. They were just they. They weren‘t Caucasian, African American or Latino. That‘s why on their birth certificates, the race pane was always blank. They could come from so many ethnic groups and have so many characteristics from all of them that their race was hard to determine. Nate had black hair, lightly-colored, but not white skin, and light-colored eyes just like Robinson and Caleb did, but he looked nothing like they did. The secret of his colossal beauty lied in the fact that when it came to him and others like him, they were totally indescribable. The only way they could be physically described was if someone took a picture of them and showed it to the person who wanted to know what that living thing looked like. “I don‘t want to talk about him, not even by telling you why you remind me of him. I just want to talk about us. Think what you want,” she said as she took her lips closer to his. “You can think I‘m easy, but I just want to try this time…” she started French-kissing him. “…And see if this time I‘ll succeed.” They continued to kiss passionately until they couldn‘t contain themselves. They lied down on the couch with the TV still on. Garment by garment, she took all her clothes off and he did the same thing. Without looking at the TV, Nate picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Then, they continued to kiss and she kissed his whole body. Just then, someone rang the bell, and whispering obscenities, they put their clothes back on. They finished getting dressed in less than three minutes and then Geri went and opened the door. She gasped. “Ricky?”


Nate gasped, screamed, “Who?” and ran to the door to see who it was.

“I know you‘re busy, Geraldine, but I have to talk to you.”


“That‘s not a problem,” said Nate and walked out of the living room and then slightly yelled, “I‘ll be waiting for you in your room, cupcake.”


“That‘s great,” Ricky sighed. “So, may I come in?” “Sure,” she made way for him.


“Are you sure I won‘t ruin your fun?”


“Don‘t worry about it. It seems that nothing turns off my new lover, not even interruptions.”


“That‘s great!” repeated Ricky, this time with more emphasis, enthusiasm, and a sarcastic smile on his face, as he went in and closed the door behind him. His smile quickly disappeared. “Ok,” he said as they walked together out of the living room and into the kitchen. “Let‘s cut to the chase, shall we?”


“Yes,” she said as she washed the carafe to make Ricky some of her magical coffee and try to lighten his mood.