From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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right at the entrance, and Richard Riley, the alleged… father of her child is sitting on the floor of her kitchen counter, drooling, surely insane, and then there‘s a third man, unidentified, holding Ms. Costas and trying to bring her back to consciousness. I need two ambulances right now.”


The 911 operator said, after she received the same message from another cop, “Don‘t worry, Imbruglia, I am going to send the ambulances right away.” And the cop that was mediating said, “Make sure no one‘s physically injured.”


Officer Blanc noticed that Ricky‘s cheek was swollen and he had a black eye and a broken nose. “Yes, Imbruglia, this man is injured.”


Nate tried to stay calm and collected and after a big sigh of preoccupation, he explained everything to the cops. “First of all, this woman, Geraldine Costas suffers from two different and grave mental illnesses,” he said as the paramedics placed Geri on the stretcher and tied her down. Then, they placed a respirator on her, and three more paramedics did the exact same thing with Ricky. “Those illnesses are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.”


The cops just sat there on the sofa and listened. They instantly knew that this wasn‘t some random man that had come over for sex with the sensual and beautiful owner of this house. He knew what was going down.


“When something unexpected happens, whether it‘s good or bad, she becomes upset, and she always reacts negatively to unexpected things, like the father of her alleged child showing up and confronting her about that three year old child they supposedly had, and then you come over and… man, she just lost it… Don‘t you understand?”


“Yes, we do understand.”


Officer Blanc found Geri‘s medications in her upper kitchen cabinets, right above the kitchen sink, and showed them to his colleagues. “He‘s absolutely right. Here we have Danklester, Oscribazen and Lillipeen, three powerful anti-psychotic medications. Oh, and all of them are high-dosage, 900 milligrams each. Holy crap! I wonder how this poor lady remains awake during the day.”


“In that case we are going to have to Baker-Act her,” said Imbruglia, and let the other officers know about this on her radio, that right after going to the hospital, Geri had to be admitted to the nearest psychiatric ward. Then, she got a ‘10-4‘ and ended the call. “Do you know anyone in her family, sir?”


“I don‘t know any of her family members in person,” said Nate as he wrote down the mobile number of Geraldine‘s mother in a little notepad that he would always carry around in the back pocket of his pants, ripped out the little page and handed it to Officer Imbruglia, “but this is the mobile phone of her mother, Sandra Lee Costas.”


“This is perfect.” Imbruglia took her phone from inside her jacket and dialed Sandra‘s mobile number.


Unfortunately, at that time, Sandra and Peter, Geri‘s parents were sleeping soundly in their bed. Suddenly, Sandra‘s cell phone rang and she flipped it open and answered it, annoyed. “Hello.”


“Mrs. Costas, I think I have some bad news.”


“Who the hell are you calling me at this time of night?” said Sandra, angry as Peter woke up, confused about the situation; thus his wife had never been this rude to anyone. “Don‘t you have anything better to do?”


“Honey, honey…” Imbruglia heard Peter in the background, trying to pacify the mother of his children.