Gift Of The Mancynn by Dominic Hodgson - HTML preview

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When Earth’s men will fall

On the day of evil’s creation

A wall of flames will rise on the horizon

And a future they have set

By the protectors of time and space

A quest known, yet unknown to the universe

Man will change the past by the future

The temple in metal will awaken

Then a friend will trick one of death

When the first star shines blue

A time when death is thrown at heroism

The scout will kill the sneak

When creation is torn apart

The planet’s cage burns

When God’s Chariot falls

When end itself crumbles

He’ll look upon the death of darkness

When the one sent to destroy shall do so

When the eighth dimension calls

Destiny opens its ring and kills its heart

A new dawn, unforeseen by the Gods

When living hope dies

A new universe is born

Evolution at the smile.


Translated extract from the Book of Alternity: author unknown.