Great Ones - The Tymorean Trust Book 2 by Margaret Gregory - HTML preview

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No one perceived the cycles of time that the Great Ones slept, and the Guardians of Peace came and delicately restored the fragile ecology – to return the world of their chosen ones to its original vibrancy.

They had given the Tymoreans a trust, and the Tymoreans had not failed. The Guardians did not neglect those who worked for Peace.


In time, the barren lands would become lush with new growth. The power holding the cities in stasis would seep back into the ground. The people in the cities would wake to find the shields gone and become aware that it was safe to emerge. They would send children to summon the Guardian’s Advocates. The three Great Ones would in turn re-open the portal of Dirakee and recall the Tymoreans of Royal Blood and the Tymorean missionaries would once again spread throughout the universe working for peace.


The Great Ones had restored the Guardian planet but there was still work for them in a universe, just returning from the brink of total chaos.



The End