Grozorg: The Fall by Jonas Wong - HTML preview

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“Prokun Ulterium, head of the Blood Guild,” the posted sentry introduced to the king.

“You summoned me abruptly, King Fulcan. Is there something wrong?”

“Tyrannust V. Have you heard of the news?”

“You’re talking about Tyrannust the high lord?”


“What happened?”

The king looked at me, his bright blue eyes distressed, in sorrow, in pain.

“Tyrannust V has been killed by his son.”

I dropped to one knee and placed my hood down, bowing my head. I was shocked, but my expression was concealed from the king.

“I need you and your guild to vindicate him. The era of light and order has ended at last,” King Fulcan continued, “and the age of darkness will soon rise again if you don’t act fast. Take care, and if you need anything, the kingdom is yours. You will have your reward in full upon completion.”

“Yes, my king. I will make haste at once.”

I bowed once more and put up my hood, swiftly exiting the throne room.

Without heading back to my guild, I travelled directly to Lord Nythar’s island, the Lord of Life and Death. There was a bridge there, the only bridge that linked Grozorg to the high lord’s island, which drifted far, far away, isolated from the rest of Grozorg.

Earlier this morning, there was a knock on our guild door, and the royal sentry informed me of the king’s request of my service. I was expecting another game request from him, but this was completely out of the blue.

I knew Grozorg by heart; in fact, it was probably necessary for the head of a guild to know. I grew up on Nythar’s island, moving to the city of Sanoctuis on Mainland Grozorg at the age of twelve when my father founded the Blood Guild to assist the king. I was placed in a prestige educational institution at a young age, where we memorized scrolls and legends, histories to the exact time and date. That was where I met some of the current Blood Guild members, including Kadava Lee himself. When my father and his guild members suddenly disappeared, Kadava was the first of six I recruited upon taking over my father’s position. All in all, there were seven members of the Blood Guild.

I arrived at the bridge at dusk. To my surprise, the wooden bridge had shattered, a vast gap now segregating the two islands. Looking up to the distance, the white palace of the high lord was draped in a dark black, and the strange dark shade had voraciously consumed every part of the island. Without hesitation, I pulled out a coil of rope and tightened one end around my waist. Tying the other end in a loop, I swung the rope overhead and tossed it towards the wooden peg fastened on the edge of the high lord’s island. Swiftly, the lasso soared through the air and hooked onto the dowel, tightening automatically. I jumped, collided into the side of the island, and hauled myself up in one smooth motion.

Pulling myself over the edge, I took out my dual silver krises. Clenching them tightly, I advanced towards the palace cautiously, taking note of the foreboding environment around me.

Suddenly, an armoured figure slammed down in front of me, black in gold armour, instantly stopping me in my footsteps. I leapt backwards in surprise, recovering my balance quickly. The figure was twice as tall as me with demonic black wings stretched towards the heavens. His broad chest and two massive black arms hung from embellished golden-plated pauldrons. Strangely, the figure did not have legs nor a face; instead, the figure possessed a dark, flaming trail, like that of a djinn. A black fog shrouded his head, revealing no eyes, no nose, and no ears. But he had a mouth; a crooked, human mouth.

No words came from that scowling mouth. I stood there petrified, examining the figure, fear plaguing my thoughts. I had never seen nor heard of this Primo before.

There was no warning. He swung his right arm up down, a black flaming whip with a golden handle suddenly appearing in his grasp.

I raised my daggers and stood in a defensive position instinctively. The figure lifted the whip above his head, and his twisted grin revealed a set of human teeth.

Then it came to me.

This was Tyrannust VI. This was the new high lord.

This was the murderer.

My thoughts abruptly ceased. With a quick slam of his fist downwards, I flew backwards as the cord slashed deeply into my chest. I fell off the high lord’s island, crashing back-first upon the re-entry onto the island of Lord Nythar. Darkness began to fill my wound, and my veins boiled with pain. The sky was down, the ground was up, and the barren land faded.