Grozorg: The Fall by Jonas Wong - HTML preview

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“Arcanor!” I shouted.

“At your service,” he replied, approaching me. “How may I be of assistance?”

Arcanor was the oracle of our guild, born on Fulcan’s island. He had learned the ways of seeing into the future, and had also taught himself the ways of summoning portals at his command, an ability not taught in any domain.

“Tell me, what will happen in the future; what will become of Tyrannust?”

“I can try, with no guarantees.”

Arcanor closed his eyes and crossed his legs as I backed away. Concentrating, he placed two fingers on his temples. Slowly, he started to rise, two feet high in the air. A moment later, he reopened his eyes, a fiery orange blaze replacing his normal dull brown eyes. All of a sudden, he fell down, sprawled on the planked floor.

“What happened?” I asked, rushing to his aid to help him up.

“It’s not possible...” He whispered worriedly. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“What is it?”

“I can’t.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Legend foretold, a long time ago...” Arcanor began, “the history of oracles starts with the man by the name of Oracle Uzefer. He was the first to learn the secrets of seeing into the future. Soon, he gained in popularity and chose select followers to learn his ways, and thus created a new class: The Oracle, named after his first name.”

“I get it. Just like knights, paladins, archers. Well, get to the point!” I interrupted impatiently.

“Yes. Uzefer could see into anyone’s future, good and bad, or so he thought. He quickly foresaw Zxyx’s reign, but something unpredicted happened directly afterwards. He could not tell how Zxyx would end, and what would become of Grozorg. In conclusion, oracles could only envision the way of the good. We learned over time that the darker the evil is, the more the visions are...blocked.”

“So you’re saying that Tyrannust...”

“Yes. Tyrannust was not only controlled by this sudden darkness, but soon he will learn how to control it himself. Hard to admit it, but I couldn’t see anything in the future, except for short fragments of visions. And when I tried to look further in time, everything was completely blocked.”

“What were the details?”

“The Gravity Dragon will fall. Tyrannust will become almighty. A thirteenth element would be introduced.”

“No,” I stated in awe.

“I...I felt that element. When I fell to the ground, I was overwhelmed by it. It--it is coarser than rock, it burns hotter than fire, yet it is colder than ice. It was shown to me to be the beginning of all elements, and yet it is the end to all elements. And it was dark, so much darker than darkness. belongs to Tyrannust.”