Guardian Awakening by C. Osborne Rapley - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen: A Guardian Returns


A sudden lurch left his stomach in his boots. He found himself standing in the remains of a room surrounded in chaos; the furniture was scattered about, one of the windows was missing, and there was a woman’s body in a pool of blood lying to one side. With his heart in his mouth, Tristan went over to the body, knelt down, and gently rolled it over. Ewain lay dead, with a laser burn through her head and multiple stab wounds in her chest. From the amount of blood splashed round the room she had put up a valiant struggle before she was killed.

He stood, emptiness in the pit of his stomach, hands cold and sweaty. Dionysia, where is Tristain and Aesia?

Tristain is in the kitchen, Guardian, alive and unharmed. The Sicceian female has been taken to a manor house twenty leagues from here.

Why didn’t you stop this or get me out earlier?

The training program is a very delicate and processor hungry program. My monitoring systems were off line.

Death and destruction greeted him as he made his way through the house. The servants were lying where they fell. There was no sign of the attackers. He quickly located the kitchen. He stepped through the door and stood silently listening. There was no sound except for the regular drip of a tap.

Dionysia where is she? I can’t sense her here. There was a shimmer and Dionysia appeared in front of him. “I am picking up her life signs behind that cabinet.”

Tristan walked over to where she had indicated and pulled the cabinet away from the wall.

Tristain, shivering in a small alcove, let out a small cry and blinked in the sudden blaze of light. “Daddy!” She stood and flung her arms around him.

“What happened, Tristain? Where is your mother?”

“Lots of people came this morning and broke down the door. Mummy told me to hide in my hiding place and not make any noise. I heard them shouting, and they searched, making an awful noise.” She shivered. “I think they took Mummy.” She started to cry.

“Don’t cry, Tristain, I will find her.”

She nodded her head. “Please be quick or they will hurt her.”

Tristan looked at the shimmering form of Dionysia. “Can you take her to your bunker and look after her please.”

Dionysia nodded. “Yes, of course” The projection firmed up, being replaced seamlessly by an avatar.

 “Tristain, while I’m looking for your mother, I want you to go with Dionysia OK?” The avatar held out her arms.

“No I want to stay with you and help.” Tristain squeezed his neck harder and shook her head.

“Tristain, when I find her I will have to fight the bad men. I want you to be safe.”

Dionysia’s avatar smiled. “You have not seen my house yet, Tristain, and I have lots of toys. You come with me so your father can get your mother.”

The child sighed. “Oh all right. What toys do you have?” The avatar took Tristain in her arms and disappeared. The projection remained.

“Can you get me close to where Aesia is being held?”

“I cannot differentiate between individual Sicceians. But, I can get you to the outside of the building.”

“I need you to scan it and get dispositions of the guards and sentries please.”

“Yes.” There was silence for a moment. Tristan noticed a strange expression pass across the face of Dionysia’s projection. “Oh!”

“What is it, tell me?” Tristan frowned. “Dionysia!”

“I have identified a small cluster of Guardian DNA.

Tristan felt his face start to flush “What do you mean? It’s over three days since we…”

“No!” Dionysia interrupted him. “It’s embryonic.”

Tristan swallowed his mouth suddenly dry. “Oh my God! Can’t you get her out of there then?”

“No, it is of insufficient mass. It would rip her apart if I tried to transport her.”

“Bloody hell! Get me as close as you can, now!”

“You will need a tactical display, your armour belt and weapons. I suggest a laser, knives and battle staff. You don’t want to advertise your presence with anything noisy to start with.”

“OK.” Tristan stood still while the weapons, armour belt and tactical display materialised around him. The display clipped over his head with a small transparent screen covering one eye. He checked the tightness of the belt and adjusted the laser holster on his thigh. “I’m ready.”

There was a lurch and his stomach heaved. The kitchen faded to be replaced by a windowless corridor. He pressed himself against the wall. The tactical showed his location and the rooms branching off the corridor he was in. Using the AI as a telepathic amplifier, he cast his senses outwards. There were many minds, but he was searching for one in particular. He recognised Aesia almost immediately. He touched her mind: Aesia, where are you? She was on the edge of unconsciousness.

He sensed her pain and distress. Fury like a hot desert wind filled him. If the perpetrators were standing in front of him at that moment, he could have ripped them apart with his bare hands. He took a deep breath, forcing his pounding pulse to slow. He had to be calm and think clearly. The red cloud of anger would not help.

He sent the message as gently as possible, but sufficient enough to break through Aesia’s pain. For a moment, there was no response, then she came alive. Tristan?

Yes, hold on, I’m coming to get you.

Tristan, how can you reach me in this way?

The AI is acting as a telepathic amplifier.

He sensed her shake her head. Leave me. You have to find the commanding officer. I think they are planning a military coup. You have to stop it.

Aesia, just be ready.

OK. Tristan is Tristain……

She is safe, don’t worry.

He terminated the connection. The tactical showed a corridor branching off to the right. Halfway along a room where Aesia was being held.

Two guards were posted outside her cell door. Tristan dare not use his telepathy to destroy their minds, Aesia was too close and the technique could be indiscriminate. He paused a moment then stepped out into the right hand corridor.

The two guards looked round and started to draw their guns “Hal…” Tristan shot them both cleanly in the head with the near silent laser before the closest one could finish his challenge. They slumped to the ground without making any further sound.

He checked for any movement close by, and then went to the door. He tried the handle; it was not locked. With a push, the door swung silently open.

Aesia faced the door; tied to a chair, rope round her neck and hands. “Aesia?” He stepped quickly into the room and drew the knife strapped to his shin. He cut the rope binding Aesia to the chair. She stood rubbing her wrists. “Are you OK, Aesia?”

“Yes, but for a few bruises. Who is looking after Tristain?”

“Dionysia has her.”

“The computer, are you sure she is safe?”

“She is in a hardened bunker hundreds of feet below the surface. No one can get to her.”

Aesia sighed. “Good.” Her eyes flicked over Tristan, appraising his weapons. Is that a battle staff on your back?”

“Yes why?”

“Best for close quarters fighting. Give it to me.” She held out her hand. Tristan unclipped the staff and held it out to her. She hesitated. “I can’t fight in this.” She pulled at the fastenings of her dress and stepped out of it.

Tristan’s eyes went wide. “Aesia! You are practically naked, you can’t…”

She touched his cheek with her fingers. “You are funny, Tristan.” She paused, looking into his eyes. “You are my partner, and anyone else who sees me will be dead before it registers, OK?”

“No, not really.” With a shake of his head, he handed her the staff.

Laughing, she turned towards the door. “Come on,” She ducked out of the room and started up the corridor. Tristan hurried to keep up. Three guards appeared round the corner.

Before he had time to even raise a pistol she had attacked them. Tristan froze as Aesia became almost a blur. Within the space of three breaths all three guards were lying dead, skulls and limbs smashed.

She skipped over the bodies and darted up a wide corridor on her left. “This way, hurry up.” Tristan was hard pushed to keep up with her.

They came to a large door at the end of the corridor. Aesia pressed her back against the wall and put a finger to her lips. Tristan skidded to a halt and stood silently waiting.

Aesia knelt down and put her ear to the door.

“What are you doing?” Tristan whispered.

She turned her head towards him a frown on her face and put her hand up. “Shh,” she hissed through her teeth.

There was steel cold hardness about her Tristan had never sensed before. He shivered involuntarily.

She moved back from the door, moving silently like a cat and came to him. She pulled him down close to her so she could whisper. “There are five men ranged just inside the door. Plus the ringleader of this little nest of vipers is in there. He is the one you need to interrogate. You get to him and the couple of guards round him I will deal with the rest.”

“OK, but...” Tristan hissed.

Aesia did not let him finish “Knock down that door now!”

Tristan shook his head, then with a shrug walked up to the door, engaging full battle armour as he did so. He jumped forward, smashing against the door and turned it to matchwood. Hand laser fire bathed his suit; the whine of the cooling unit filled his ears.

Standing behind a desk flanked by two guards stood an old, balding Sicceian dressed in a flamboyant, heavily decorated officer’s uniform.

In the time it took to take a breath he had appraised the situation. Out of the corner of his eye, a shape flashed low, passing beside him underneath the concentrated laser fire at almost blinding speed.

He fired at the two guards in quick succession. Ignoring anything else in the room, he ran forwards, making a grab at the balding officer, pinning the officer’s arms to his sides.

The armour cooling unit shut down as he turned. Scattered behind him, lay the three remaining guards.

Aesia stood over the last one, closed the telescopic battle staff, bent down and with a fluid movement removed the guards blouse and pants. Tristan pushed the officer to his knees and held him paralysed. He disengaged his battle armour.

She quickly donned the dead guards uniform then looked straight at Tristan with a smile on her face, held up her arms and pirouetted round once. “Better now?”

Tristan sighed “Yes. Following your naked body up the corridor was playing havoc with my concentration. And thank God you are on my side!” Aesia laughed softly the cold steel in her mind melted away and was replaced by the gentle warmth he was used to.

“What are you? How do you move so fast?” Tristan asked.

She stepped forward and took his hand. I’m an Adept, especially with a battle staff. It is a very rare ability, usually past down from mother to daughter.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

Aesia shrugged. “I never had a need to use it.”

Tristan sucked in a breath through pursed lips. “The times you tackled me in the cottage and on that ship we used to leave Earth. You could have disabled me before I had time to take a breath.”

She looked up at his face. “The very first time your mind touched mine I knew. I could not use my ability against you. All of that time I spent fighting MYSELF. It was at that oasis I finally bowed to the inevitable.” She squeezed his hand. “Right, we are wasting time, let’s get on with it.”

Tristan turned to the officer he was holding paralysed. He partly released his control, just keeping the man on his knees. “What’s your name?”

He ignored Tristan and glared directly at Aesia “I’m not telling you or your pet anything,” he spat out.

Tristan sighed. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You either tell me what I want to know, or I will force it out of you. Be assured I will get it one way or another.”

The officer swore at Aesia, his mouth a tight line, jaws clamped together.

All right, if that is the way you want it.

The officer’s eyes opened wide in horror. “How did your pet do that? Slaves aren’t capable of telepathic communication.”

Aesia glanced at Tristan, and then smiled down at the kneeling Sicceian. “Oh you’ll be surprised at what my pet can do. Are you going to talk or not?”


She rested her hand on Tristan’s arm. “All right, my Pet, do your worst.”

With no effort at all, Tristan sliced through the barrier the officer had put up against him. His mind was open, and panic bubbled under the surface. Memories came and went. Tristan flicked through them like pages in a book, then found what he needed. There was a brief resistance he had to suppress before the whole plan was laid out before him. The officer’s eyes rolled back in his head he started to dribble and foam at the mouth, then he slumped forward and died.

“Did you find anything?”

“Yes,” Tristan nodded. There was the sound of voices down the corridor Aesia turned and moved behind the door jam.

Dionysia is there a way you can get us both out of here or do we have to fight?

I can transport you both if you are close and hold onto the Sicceian.

“Aesia, come here quickly.” He held out his arms.

“But Tristan they are coming.”

“I can get us out of here, but you need to be close.” Aesia looked sceptical but moved close to him. She put her arms round his neck and he held her round the waist. Now, Dionysia.

Aesia let out a scream, gripping Tristan tightly. “Whaaa-”

They were standing in a large well-appointed lounge. “-at.” Tristan smiled as she looked around her eyes wide. “Wow! Where are we?”

“This is an underground bunker that houses the planetary computer and quarters for at least two Guardians.”

Aesia pulled away. “Right, tell me about it later, first I want to know if Tristain is safe.” 

A door on the far side of the room opened and the avatar of Dionysia walked into the room. “The child is safe, asleep in the room across the hall.”

Aesia turned and, grabbing Tristan by the hand, she pulled him past Dionysia out of the room. She hesitated for a moment then opened the door opposite. Tristan heard her catch her breath. In the dim light he could see his daughter sleeping arms thrown out across the bed.

“It looks exactly like her own room at home,” Aesia whispered. “Isn’t she adorable?” She looked back at Tristan.

Tristan felt a lump in his throat. “Yes, she is cute,” he whispered back. “Now, we must discuss what I’ve discovered from your kidnapper.”

He heard Aesia sigh. “Oh all right.” She squeezed his hand and he sensed the wistfulness in her voice. “I suppose we cannot live in peace and safety until this war is over.” They walked together back to the lounge. Aesia left the bedroom door ajar. Tristan gave her a questioning glance. She sighed. “Just in case she wakes up frightened.”

They sat on a large couch facing Dionysia’s avatar, that now sat on a chair, legs crossed under her, her hands resting on her lap waiting for them. Tristan leaned back and gathered his thoughts.

Aesia shifted beside him as he sensed her growing impatience. “Well?”

“There is to be a full meeting of the Sicceian government here and all the occupied planets in three days time. The hard line military are planning a coup. They intend to kill out of hand known supporters of the peace movement. Those not yet declared to openly support the continuation of the war will be detained. They will then impose Martial Law throughout the remaining planets under Sicceian rule.”

Aesia gasped. “They can’t do that, it is unprecedented, it’s treason!”

Dionysia shook her head. “They have to be stopped.”

Tristan glanced from one to the other. “I can probably stop the Coup here with your help Dionysia, but how do we stop the takeover of the civilian administration on the other worlds?” He lent forward and ran his hand through his hair. “Unless we can activate more planetary computers.”

Dionysia stared at him. “Even if it were possible to reactivate them, how would a single avatar stop a military take over?”

The planetary governments will be sitting simultaneously. All will be linked directly to the main assembly here on Sicceia in real time. A heavily armed avatar appearing at the centre of each assembly directly under my command should cause enough surprise to stop the coup in its tracks. A display of power the Sicceians will understand.”

Aesia was watching him with her eyes wide. “You are planning to bluff them into submission, aren’t you?”

Tristan shifted uncomfortably in the chair. “Yes, it’s a risky strategy, especially if they call the bluff. But, it will be something that has never happened before. The Guardians and their computers have been long forgotten. I am banking on them not acting against something they don’t understand.”

“Don’t forget, Tristan, we have to rely on sufficient planetary computers being still operational to cover most of the planets. It will show weakness if not.”

He turned to Dionysia. “I know the risk. Can you get them to restart?”

“It will take time as each computer will have to start the ones closest to it. There are over two hundred worlds still under Sicceian rule and there cannot be any breaks in the chain.”

“Why, Dionysia? The Quantum communications should not have any range issue.”

“Because, Tristan, until the computer is running there is no active receiving system. The boot command has to have sufficient power because the receiver is passive.”

“Oh. That was not included in the training.”

“Of course not. A situation where the computers were shutdown was never envisaged.”