Guardian Core Chronicles Darkess Rises by Michael Youngblood - HTML preview

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Part one

Secret Guardian


Getting started



Etan is now officially a planetary Guardian. He has a full planetary level matrix that Matt absorbed. Going from the memory of a few hundred people to a few thousand people was a big jump. It has taken Etan several days to sort through few of major memories. He now had the experience of a wide range of people and jobs types. It was like he had lived thousands of life times. The memories and experience of doctors, scientist, engineers, diplomats and even lawyers just to name a few were all available to him. It seemed like a hollow victory though. Etan knew some of his memories had been taken away for his protection though he didn’t know the details why. He felt like he was missing something in his life, like a close friend. He liked the people that worked for him but it wasn’t the same as a best friend. Etan put all that aside and focused on the mission at hand.


Normally at this point he would contact the highest governmental officials and have them at sit down and discuss the planetary problems. Most planetary problems revolved around at least one of three issues, availability of land, resources, and the threat of attack from neighboring countries. With Guardian tech the first two could usually be resolved fairly easy. The last one was a matter of the Guardian not letting one country strike out against another. In this case however he needed to watch over the planet, help where he could but stay away from high profile events. Etan knew the enemy would be watching him closely. Hopefully they would let their guard down enough to show themselves.


Etan’s comments


I began dealing with the tribes first instead of the cities. I was betting our unknown enemy was heavily invested in the bigger cities. If I was lucky they would stay with the highly populated places and ignore me altogether. If I can get a number of tribes to cooperate I can help them grow in positive directions. Trade roads scattered the landscape from some of the bigger tribes so at least a little interaction was already occurring. What I needed was to get to know them better. I could read their minds but my energy signature could give me away to this mysterious enemy. I decided to keep the mother ship far away and find someone from this world to teach me their ways. On smaller scale I read a few minds but if I did this on a larger scale or too often I could give myself away. What I needed was an introduction to a leader in a larger tribe. Get to know the people without having to revel myself.


I changed my appearance then released nearly all my light energy. I had the mother ship hide two sectors away and cloak. It would slowly head back to Terroca while I took a shuttle on another mission. I traded the shuttle off at a nearby planet and took a transport to a few different planets. If anyone had been following me this should throw them off my trail. In private I changed to a look like Argyle and began my real mission. I purchased an old shuttle and headed toward the slave markets. Terroca was one of the few planets that still used hardened criminals as slaves.

Though cruel it was a good deterrent to crime. The key to doing away with slavery was ending violent crimes. Help a society grow to the point of emotional maturity and spiritual enlightenment. But for today their ways would help me achieve a minor goal. I need to find a Tribal from Terroca. I programmed the shuttle to take me to terraca. It took three days stuck in the shuttle to get there with no one for company but Matt.


Matts explanation


Now I know what you’re thinking. How could the Guardians allow any slavery to happen? The only kind of slavery that is allowed is career criminals. Criminals like Rapist, murderers or terrorist. What’s the point in someone just sitting in jail for decades? Nearly all Guardians would buy these hard to deal with cases. Provide them with shelter, food and medical treatment and they earned their keep in return. Though technically deemed as a slave they are not mistreated or abused. Most individuals after years of service and being taught the right morals can truly be reformed to become moral and honorable. Some even got to earn their freedom if they become law abiding people.


The auction



After the three grueling days he had finally made it to one of the slave markets. The market was near a group of old buildings in a run down part of town, dirty and unkempt. Most of the people here looked dirty and unkempt too consequently. He was told that Terrocian females were sold, here. A Drax beetle suddenly scurried under his feet, nasty things infesting every space port in the galaxy. They made nests in the wiring of any mechanisms they found and chewed through the wires. He would have to do a thorough check of the transport pod for them, when he returned. Etan decided to grab a bite to eat on the way. Replicator food was not as good as fresh food. He looked and spied was a vendor selling burritos. This must be his lucky day. He didn’t realize just how lucky he was until he got up to order and he was getting the last one in the shop. Usually he would have been the guy behind the last one sold. He was about to stop and eat but remembered the time. He needed to get on to the sale before they got started.


Suddenly he felt a dark presence drawing near. The presence of someone with dark energy always gave him a cold chill down his spine. A lesser agent’s energy can be easily seen but some higher level agents can mask their signature. He causally looked around trying to pin point it. He ended up colliding with a man dressed in a black cloak. He was about to apologize for his clumsiness but then he caught a glimpse of another suspicious man. He was also dressed in black and was half way hidden behind a sign. This could be a test. Maybe he had been followed after all. Instead of being nice Etan acted angry and told the man to watch where he was going. He could see he was carrying some papers on the sale too. He could be here just for the sale but Etan couldn’t take that chance he needed to get out of here. The man picked up his papers and looked at Etan’s burrito. He grabbed it out of his hand and said “I’ll take this for my troubles” Well if losing his burrito kept anyone from being suspicious it was worth the loss. Etan continued on before any more incidents occurred.


Soon He was close enough to hear the auctioneer “Our next slave is a Tribal female thirty eight years old and healthy.” She was tall and slender with flowing blond hair, blue eyes and clear skin. She was dressed in a leather bodice, not a typical way for a slave to dress. It was form fitting, and she filled it well, with hourglass shape hips. If she was a free woman she might have been a model. The auctioneer continued his shouting “Who will start the bidding at a hundred pieces of gold.” “Not for her”, said a voice from the back “We know all about that Har-asic.” Har-asic was a local term which meant wild one. Then the voice said again “She has gone through three masters and she is only good to look at but not for work or play.” Several others in the crowed agreed and no one gave a price. Wow! Thought Etan certainly this is my lucky day. She was exactly what he was looking for. “I bid one hundred” Etan cried out. Several people in the audience laughed after they saw the scrawny figure of Etan. He was in Argyle form. So he was five foot tall and skinny with no muscle tone, brown hair with no strong chin or jaw bone.

A man in the crowd commented “Her last master was a large man and couldn’t tame her. What chance does this wimp have?” All eyes turned to Etan. “Watch out” laughed another “or you'll end up her slave” The auctioneer continued “Going once, twice, three times, sold to the man in the back.”


All this time she did not move or show any emotion, she just stared straight ahead with hate in her eyes. At the sound of the crowd harassing Etan, she turned to see who had won the bid for her. First she looked confused, and then it changed to a look a hunter gets when he bags his first prize. She was ushered back to the waiting cage while Etan went to pay for her. Even chained, she managed to knock out two of the guards on her way down, while she screamed obesities at the crowd. The auctioneer fell back off the stage into the water barrel. I doubt he will ever forget her. A final cry went out from the annoying voice in the crowd “I give it a week until she's back and you’re in the hospital” “Or the morgue” another voice chipped in. Payment and processing turned out to be dull and uneventful. Giving your money to the seller was not as exciting as what you’re buying. They had endless laws and papers to be signed to officially make her his slave. Only murderers, rapist or terrorist could be sold as slaves, even so the laws about slave ownership was complex.


Reapers comments


I got a good lead on this new enemy. I made my way to a planet called Terraca. The lead indicated that a woman who was a slave, once aqusired an item I’m searching for.  I missed the sale because of some bratty teenage boy. The stupid kid bumped into me knocking my papers out of my hand and got mad at me. Who does he think he is me? I’m the only one allowed to do that. Selar asked me to avoid creating any scenes so I didn’t kill him for his arrogance. I took his burrito just for my troubles. I shouldn’t have gone back for the hot sauce from the vendor. By the time I ate and made my way to the slave sale, the female I was looking for was already gone. Later I found out that the snotty teenager bought her. Ok now I did have a good reason to kill him. Maybe this was my lucky day after all. He was gone by the time I got to the right place but I would find him soon enough.


Matt’s comments


We didn’t know at the time we had a run into Reaper. The funny thing was it was a reversal of when He and Etan first meet. Originally Reaper ran into Etan and knocked the stuff out of his hand. Then he was rude to him. Now Etan was the one who ran into Reaper and had to be rude to him. Life’s funny like that.


Day one the auction

Algeria’s view


Once again she was being sent to the slave market. Her last master had beaten her, slapped her, spit on her and had done everything he could think of the break her, but she would not budge. Her master decided he would resell her to get his money back and get a better behaved slave. Algeria was a warrior; she would not give up the fight, ever. Once she was on the slave block they began the process, but only one scrawny man bid on her, her reputation was building. She had out fought men twice her size; she could handle this guy without breaking a sweat. After the bidding one of the guards tried to fondle her, so she reacted by looping her chain over his neck and used it to push his head into the other guards think skull. Just for fun on the way down she pushed the auctioneer in the water barrel. She knew she couldn't get away but the point she wanted to cause trouble and add to her reputation. She was lead to the medical bay and rechecked for diseases then she escorted by two huge guards to her new master. Now the fun begins


The lead guard comments


Some poor sap got the wild woman. This time I can’t let her get loose or else it’s my job. The buyer was a scrawny teenager. I thought we had stricter rules on the age limits of the buyers. This poor kid doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s going to get killed. I shook my head but reframed from making a snide comment. I was glad to get rid of this wench, even if it meant the buyers funeral. “Where do you want her?” I asked. The little guy put something around her neck and told me I could go. “Your funeral” I muttered. Oh well not my problem now. I was glad to be rid of that woman.


The first meeting

Etan's memories


I waited in the shuttle pod for her to be delivered. This time she was heavily chained by her feet and hands, and gagged. She was dragged by two large guards. I guess they didn't want a repeat of the stage incident, Can't say I blame them. “Where do you want her?" the guard growled. “Just hold her still for a second, if you please” I replied back evenly. I was so excited I could burst, but this was not the situation to show weakness of emotion. I placed a jeweled necklace around the woman's neck. The two guards had her secured well, so she had no leverage to fight or pry free. The necklace was an advanced bio-crystal tech that absorbed into her skin becoming part of her; she couldn't take this collar off. I touched a sequence of stones to active the collar and stepped back. “You may unchain her and go. Everything will be fine.” I told them. She actually didn't need to wear a control collar, she couldn't have hurt me, but I didn't want her to know that yet. The guard stared at me for a second, shook his head again, let out a heavy sign and muttered “Your funeral”


She had no reason to fight getting released, so she stayed still while they unchained her. Either from shock or waiting for the guards to leave and she never moved. She stood perfectly still her eyes never wavering, gazing at me with a cold dead stare. The second the hatch closed she pounced. She moved faster than any beast I had ever seen. She flew at me with her hands spread. She let out an ear piercing screech of rage. In less than a second she had bridged the seven foot gap between us, with animal like reflexes. The collar kicked in, sending pain down her spine. This only slowed her, slightly. She grabbed for my neck, and the collar kicked in with a momentary paralyses. I told her “The collar is on defensive mode and will only activate if you try to attack me.” She threatened and insulted me a few times, just for fun. I didn't let it rattle me. Her aggressive actions vaguely reminded me of someone I used to know but I couldn't remember who. She threw down the food offered to her by Nova. She was the Sil assigned to serve me. Misteek’s other children had all been more or less male in form and manner. But eventually she decided to design a female Sil after herself. Nova was one of those. Honestly I think Misteek was just worried about me.I guess having Nova to watch out for me was her way of caring. It was too bad the woman refused to eat, Nova is a great cook.  I suddenly felt a dark presence drawing near again. I quickly ascended the pod and headed out. The rest of the trip was uneventful.


Algeria's view


They delivered me to my new master. He was a mouse of a man. He put something around my neck; fortunately for him the guards had me very secure. It felt odd but I had experienced many kinds of bonds and restraints before. It absorbed into my neck. If I had too when I got away I would cut it out with a knife. He stepped back and told the guards to leave. I couldn't believe my luck. I would knock him out and take his ship. Since he had been stupid enough to make it easy I might even let him live, after I mocked him a bit of course. I leapt at him but was stopped by the collar. If I couldn't hurt him then I would hurt his stuff instead. Someone in the crowd had said, “I give him a week”, Hah in 5 minutes, this weakling will be begging to get rid of me. A few more auctions and the authorities would have to send me back to jail. At least I could fight my way up in the ranks in Jail. That was better than slavery. I am Algeria of the Moroccan Tribe, the most feared warrior clan of our country, second most only in size not ability to fight.


Matts comments


As she approached the consol the necklace which had been scanning her brain learning her personality and intents, pulsed her again. This time it was stronger. She staggered back stopped from her goal. “Know this little man” She said “No matter what you do I will never be yours to command, and I will make your life a living hell.” Etan tilted his head, cracked a slight smile and calmly said “Sounds just like my ex wife. Have you two meet?” “Ok no mercy”, she stated “you will die slowly”. Once again he did not react with anger. “I see from your records your name is Algeria”. He stated. She scowled. “As far as you’re concerned, my name is your death.” Etan looked at her with amusement.


Algeria’s comments


I planned to learn as much as I could about my surroundings. When I escaped I would use the lay of the land to my advantage. Most people looked at me and either saw a pleasure slave or a simple barbarian. I was neither. I am an excellent fighter but I am also quit cunning. We arrived at our destination. I was guided out of the ship by the female robot Nova. At least I think she was a robot. She didn’t have plated skin or bulky joints like all the others I’ve seen before. She was more like a smooth silver humanoid. I figured from the tech level of the shuttle pod that the bigger ship waiting on us would be the same, but it wasn’t.


We stepped out of the pod into a new world. On a few missions for my tribe I’ve seen computers, lasers and even teleport tech but this was considerably more advanced. Slaves are often shipped in cages. These cages are put on transports. The transports in turn pick up their shipments from cargo bays. I’ve seen my share of such bays in the five years I’ve been a slave. There all dirty, dimly lit trash heaps. The people that work these places are low paid, flunkies with even lower IQ’s. As long as the products come in safe, no one cares how the place is kept up I guess. You can tell a lot about a society by such places. But this room was clean and bright. The young men working were also clean and smartly dressed. I was in wonder over this place. They must be a thousand years more advanced than any technology I’ve seen so far.


We exited the craft and the little man told me I could walk or be carried. I didn’t mind walking but I needed to put up a fight just to show he had not broken my spirit. He called for two security bots to escort me somewhere then he turned and walked out of the room. These bots looked more like the traditional units I’ve seen before. In fact I have seen them before. They were almost the same design as the ones used in Jails. I knew their weakness. This model had been changed because of it. I guess they didn’t have many security problems on this ship or else they would know about it too. If I could disable both of them then I could still take the pod out of here. This might be my lucky day after all. I waited until they were beside me. With a quick twist I managed to disable the first Drone. One brace on the neck contained a biosensor. This left less room for the stabilizing structure. A random hit wouldn’t do it. You had to know exactly where to hit it and how. Fortunately I did. It was exactly this kind of skill that had made me so successful in the first place. I turned to do the same to the second unit when I was knocked down to the floor. A third unit had snuck up behind me. Needless to say after a moment I was back in chains.


Tantrums and Conniptions



They arrived at the preset coordinates to meet up with the mother ship. Etan landed the pod in the cargo bay and called for two security bots to meet them. He looked at her and said “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I have security bots here to meet us. You can walk or be chained and carried, your choice.” As was expected, she chose to do it the hard way. In retrospect, perhaps he should have sent at least four bots. Not sure how she disabled one of the bots while she was wearing the suppression collar but she did. Apparently its head was jammed on backwards now. Disruption aside he was well prepared to deal with this wild woman. Etan lived on a mothership. A mothership is approximately the size of a 100,000 seat sports stadium, big enough for most kinds of missions. He had servant bots and security measures of various kinds all through the ship. Etan hoped he had a good way to train his new slave to be calm and rational. She was lead to the ships bridge. Several people walked back and forth tending to the ship. The bots released her from her bonds, and then Etan focused his attention toward her for a moment. “There” Etan stated with relief “Now you can throw fits to your hearts delight” once again she looked momentarily confused. But this strange action by her new tormentor would not stop her, she thought.


She tried to grab the nearest bot by the neck and do what she did before, that had worked quite well. Her hand passed right through it as if she were a ghost. “What” she said stammering as her momentum carried her to the floor. Etan explained “You are intangible and inaudible to all but me and a few of the specially made bots. I can see and hear you but you are out of phase with the rest of the matter on the ship except for the walls and floor. You can kick and scream until your voice goes horse, no one else can see or hear you, and you can’t trash any equipment. The walls and floors are made of very tough alloys, good luck hurting them.” She was taken back. “What" she repeated. Then her expression changed “If you can see me then maybe I can still hurt you” Etan smiled “Come and try it” he said. She didn't need a second invitation for this, she lunged at him, this time the collar didn't stop her. She passed right through him like she did the bot earlier. “NO, no, no” she screamed howling mad. For the next half hour she threw a tantrum like he had never seen before. For awhile it looked like she would never tire out, but eventually she did. Her hair was frazzled and sweaty, face red and clothes torn. He had heard of the term having a conniption but had never witnessed one quite like this. He was glad she was intangible.


Matts comments


She was fun to watch. If she had been in phase with the ship it would have been trashed by now.



Algeria's view


I couldn't believe it, he had made me intangible, I paced back and forth mulling the whole situation over looking for a lope hole, or something I could use. I could think of nothing. This went on for over a week I would pace back and forth thinking, then sit and stare at my captor for awhile. I did notice he was working intently on something. He could still see and hear me if I could distract him enough, he might let me go. Normally I could solve most of my problems with violence, but I could do annoying too. I decided to taunted him “Hey you little man, yeah you the shrimp with no life. I'm going to keep talking to you so you can’t work, why you don’t let me go now, and save yourself the trouble?” He just looked at me and stated. “I can just as easily tune you out so I can’t see or hear you either” which he apparently did. Well, there goes that plan. After several hours all to myself I realized how lonely it was. In my tribe, in jail, or even the slave cages I was never truly alone. There were others there who were kindred spirits, but here I was alone.




The more she thought about it, the more it made sense that he didn't want to keep her intangible forever. Whatever his purpose or reason behind getting her, she would need to be tangible. This was designed to frustrate her into doing what she was told. She had to admit that part was working. He was obviously not as big a fool as she had taken him to be. He was well prepared, but there had to be a weakness in his plan somewhere. She was a warrior and she knew no defense is perfect. No matter how powerful something is, it has a weakness. She just needed time and opportunity to find his. She could only come to one conclusion, she would have to fain acceptance of his mastery long enough to gain his trust until she could escape or kill him. She approached one of the bots that had served her food. “I am ready to cooperate, tell him that” She stated as false nicely as she knew. But the stupid contraption didn't move or acknowledge anything she said. She had no choice but to sit and wait for the man to talk to her. One day he would pay for this, she would kill him in the worst possible way she could think off.


Algeria's comments


Later he talked to me but somehow, he knew I was lying when I said I would cooperate. I must not have done a good job on the false politeness; I would have to get better with that if I was going to win his trust. Dang it how did he know? This might take longer than I thought. He went back to work and ignored me for a few more days. It was intolerable.


Etan's comments


After awhile I turned and asked her. “And how is our mood now? I hope it’s a little better.” I said. “I am ready to cooperate” Algeria said calmly “Is that so” I asked knowingly. “You’re lying” I told her “But eventually it will be the truth” She was progressing fast through her journey. Already she was tired of being ignored. A few more days and she might have an emotional break.


The first break



After a two more days of being intangible and being ignored, she couldn't take it anymore. She was mad, frustrated, and lonely and for the first time in a long time a little scared. She couldn't do anything but sit and cry. The wetness of her tears reminded her of the torrential rains in the forest near her home. She hadn't cried since her mother died. Her mother had taught her to be strong and independent. But her emotional reservoir was so full; she had no choice but to cry it out. At least no one could see or hear her right now. After her cry session, she suddenly felt emotionally numb, as if she had cried out all her feelings for the moment. She promised herself right then that no matter what she would not lose who she was, and she would never stop being a warrior. If she ever stopped fighting, she has already lost. Shortly afterwards she lay on the ground and slept, better than she had slept in a long time.


30 years ago in the Morrican tribe.


Algeria’s memories


“ Geria be good for your father while I’m gone tonight, ok?” Algeria didn’t want her mother to go on another mission. “But why does it have to always be you?” she asked. She knew the answer to that already. The men fought the battles with other tribes and the women went on the spy missions. Most of the missions they went on were in one of the bigger cites. They like to steal our resources and land. Some of the women would break into high level buildings and get needed items or info. We were expert enough that other tribes hired us help them on their missions. We could trade our services for food, supplies or needed labor.


The next day


I was in class when we heard the news that my mother’s raiding party was returning. All us kids got to get out early to meet them. The gate opened up but no one looked happy. There were a few guards carrying a chest full of weapons that had been acquired. What could everyone be unhappy about? Then I saw what it was. My mother was being carried on a stretcher. She had been hit by a toxic blast. It was a type of energy blast that poisoned the victim. If the initial blast didn’t kill them the poison would. My father and I spent her last few hours together. She touched my tear streaked face and said “Don’t be sad for me. I spent my life protecting my family. I didn’t just protect you but all my family, everyone in my tribe. They are your family too.” My father and I had never agreed on what I would do when I grew up. I didn’t want to be a warrior. As the daughter of a leader I was expected to take my place among the Warriors. I had always had a creative side and wanted to design things. My mother held my hand one last time before she died and said “Whatever you do I’ll be proud of you. But whatever it is, do it to help your family.” She had a look of peace as she breathed out, one final time.


2 days later at the funeral


Her mom would be missed by everyone. Her mother and father were the bravest people she knew. Her Grandfather was a strong leader that had helped her tribe to grow in power since he had been the leader. Her father had taken after his father and would be a great leader one day too she supposed. It just wasn’t fair. Her tribe was just trying to get back what others had stolen from them, and now her mom was dead. Her father told her not to cry. Warriors weren’t mourned they were celebrated. She couldn’t help it she had to cry. She loved her father but would miss her mother dearly. A few days later her made up her mind that one day she would protect her people in the same way her mother did. Now she would be a warrior but it was by her choice.


Etans memories


 She was like a caged wolf, restless and predatory. Each day she paced back and forth and then starred at me for awhile. Fortunately, she didn’t know that I could read her mind; she was mulling things over and planning out right trouble. It was funny; she thought she could annoy me into letting her go. I had centuries of experience and patience, I could handle annoying. I told her I would make her inaudible a

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