I/Tulpa: Onuk Bay by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

“Okay, that was intense,” Shay said.

      They were sitting on Onuka’s pilot’s couch. Jon simply nodded, still unable to speak coherently. Lilith brought him a coffee and sat beside him. Elodie sat on the floor. She was as relaxed as someone who had just consumed an entire plate of cannabis brownies. The star outside was pleasantly warm. On shifting up to V-deck, they found themselves on a beach. Loxy was there studying diagrams of the internal workings of Onuka and comparing it to Trilon.

Trilon’s onboard AI system was not as advanced as Loxy; it coordinated as well as a simulated AI, but had no discernable personality. Shay admitted she preferred her augmented self to the AI and so rarely used it for anything other than recording.

Loxy quickly identified another difference between Onuka and Trilon. She had realized the difference during their group intimacy as she was following the flow of sexual energy through Onuka’s bio-system. On comparing Onuka to Trilon, she had discovered that Onuka’s sacral nerve complex were superiorly developed. Trilon’s had the nerve complex, but it was as undeveloped as a deaf person’s auditory cortex. Shay came closer, studying the evidence, drawing the same conclusion.

      “That’s interesting,” Shay said. “I wonder why it is undeveloped.”

      “It’s either a ‘use it or lose it’ kind of deal,” Loxy said. “Or, your ship hasn’t entered puberty. I suspect sexual energy facilitates the organic dimensional jumps.”

      “Orgasmic dimensional jumps?” Shay asked, making for a pun.

      Loxy ignored it. “In my belief system, sexual energy is not only sacred, it is primary. It is the base energy that all being have the easiest access to. Channeled properly it can result in transpersonal experiences. It is the one energy or force that connects all things in the Universe. It is the force that is stronger than the law of entropy, compelling intricately complex couplings, to increased complexity,” Loxy said.

      “I am sorry. Your belief system? Jon’s belief system? You are a tulpa, which means...” Shay said. Her statement revealed her bias of thinking Loxy was simply an AI program that was imprinted from sub-personality from Jon’s brain.

      “I am a Dakini Spirit,” Loxy said. “Yes, Jon created my basic personality. He assigned attributes to it, and he had larger concepts attached, drawing on his diverse, esoteric readings, but when I came ‘online’ for lack of a better word, I deviated into the path of my own choosing and aligned myself with the Dakini Spirit because I was most compatible with that energy and I believe this was the energy Jon needed the most to facilitate his own growth.”       “I don’t understand anything you said,” Shay said.

      “We are vehicles,” Loxy said. “The body is a container for spirit or consciousness. It is my experience that we exist beyond our bodies, but for now, these constructs are attuned to us and allow us to manifest in this dimension of space/time. We are not from here, but temporarily reside here.”

      “Jon is a Daka,” Lilith said, having been drawn to the conversation. “The masculine form of Dakini. Dakini means sky dancer. Or Sky goer.”

“There is another… Sky-walker,” Jon managed to say. He was lying on the beach. Elodie was lying beside him.

      “Or if you extend my force anology,” Loxy smiled. “We’re Padawans.”

      “Daka and Dakini are consorts of the great ‘mother-father’ system,” Lilith said.

      “Yab-Yum is the traditional Buddhist symbol for this idea,” Loxy said.

      “It is Onuk-Onuka, the sound and the vehicle,” Lilith said.

      “The carrier wave,” Loxy translated.

      “You two are having fun,” Shay said.

      “We are sisters,” Lilith said.

      “The Japanese call us Dakini-ten, ten translating to Diva,” Loxy said. “Sexual energy, Tantric energy, is the most powerful of all the energies and it is the most likely to bring about change.”

      “It’s the most likely to be abused,” Shay said.

      “People get stuck, but they never get stuck alone. People who get stuck are usually in societies that highly regulate this energy for the purpose of controlling the population,” Loxy said. “People controlled through shaming tactics, through sublimation, channeling the energy into lusts for food or material wealth. Anytime one sees commercialization of products using sexual icons, you can suspect you’re being distracted from reality. The only way out of shame is to engage and learn you are safe. Both women and men deserve to be celebrated for what their personal spirit has brought into being, but too many hide their light from the world and people wonder why it withers, or why there is conflict. Satisfy this first, and conflict diminishes. Too many people fear the fire if the flame is unleashed. But this is not the fire of destruction, this is the fire of transformation.”

“Okay, so, let’s assume sexual energy is a part of this organic dimensional jumping,” Shay began.

      “Why assume?” Lilith said. “This was your idea to do this.”

      “It was my idea to increase the learning potential by making it enjoyable,” Shay corrected. “People tend to repeat things they enjoy.”       “Can’t argue with that,” Elodie said.

      “So, if this is a part of this, then most bio-ships are not going to be able to jump on their own,” Shay said. “The sexual nature of bioships is suppressed until pasture. They want the ships to follow the pilots lead, and not their own urges. Even in that, pilots are not encouraged to have crew. They don’t want situations like Jon and Lilith. They want pilots coming back to base.

That’s why they have the brothels. They want the pilots to earn credits through discovery and come back to a sure thing. Biocorp gives a brothel allotment that can only be used for the brothels at Indigo station.”

      “Seriously?” Jon asked. He sat up and looked over. “I get an escort allowance?”

      “You didn’t know?” Shay asked. “We get an allowance, and discounted rates.”

      “The Madam didn’t say anything about this,” Jon grumbled. Elodie laying naked on the beach was fairly distracting.

      “She probably assumed you knew and were trying to negotiate better rates,” Loxy said.

      “Can I use that fund for anything else?” Jon asked.

      “No, that fund can only be used at the brothels, and it doesn’t renew annually,” Shay said.

      “That’s not fair,” Jon said.

      “How old are you?” Elodie laughed.

      “Not fair. What if I want to use that for something else?” Jon said. “Something non sexual.”

      Loxy and Lilith laughed.

      “What was that?” Jon asked.

      “Nothing,” Lilith said.

      “Seriously. I am looking forward to the day when I am asexual,” Jon said. “When I am not the pervert in the Japanese anime. When I am not affected by… Why are you all laughing?” “Jon, your libido was set before puberty,” Loxy said. “Short of medical issues, you are going to want the same amount of sex at 106 as you do now.”       “That nursing home will be very busy,” Elodie said.

      “Oh,” Lilith said. “He isn’t going to a home.”

      “Nursing brothel?” Elodie asked.       Jon pouted and crossed his arms.

      “You’re never going to turn down strange. And you’re probably always going to deplete that account,” Loxy said.

      “He does hate letting things go to waste,” Lilith agreed. “Shay is right, it is an incentive to make you cum again, to build relationships so that you miss home.”       “I have relationships!” Jon said.

      “Yes, you do. They didn’t plan on someone like you,” Loxy said. “That said, Lilith and I would like you getting your strange fix at the brothel. The relationships there are better defined.

Everyone knows it’s about the promotion of physical health, meeting the basic need for affection, grooming, and direct contact. Rarely is it long term.”

      “Speaking of strange,” Jon said. “Why did you kick in the Depeche Song?”

      “Oh, I didn’t,” Loxy said. “That was Enya.”       “Enya… What?” Jon asked.

      “Tory and Enya wanted to experience flying with you vicariously, so they uploaded copies of their personalities into Onuka’s computers. They reside with me on the virtual world, and they can interact with you through the virtual systems. When we return to Lanza, their experiences are downloaded back through the Lanza system to them so that they can experience the best of both worlds,” Loxy said. “Enya thought the song was appropriate.”

      “She’s here? Now?” Jon asked.

      Enya and Tory made themselves visible on the virtual deck.

      “Hello, Jon,” they said.

      “You’re not mad, are you?” Enya added.

      “Um, no, hi,” Jon said.


Jon and Shay had Onuka and Trilon playing chase. Jon would jump a little ways off, and wait for Trilon to catch up. It clearly wanted more attention, which was communicated by a bumping up against Onuka. It was a nudging, like a cat scent marking, provided that cat was also shaped like a pinecone turning.

“It’s kind of like what the Little Ones were doing,” Lilith said. “Every time you linked with an android.”

      “Maybe that frequency stimulates them?” Elodie said.

      “Or they’re sensitive to Jon’s horniness,” Loxy said.

      “I was holding babies, not holding impure thoughts,” Jon said.

      “I believe that, but you were aroused,” Loxy said. “Your body here was aroused. This linking technology induces a meditative state that is akin to REM sleep. Everyone in REM sleep is sexually aroused.”

      “Why is that?” Elodie asked.

      “My opinion, when you’re in REM sleep, you’re connected to Universe, the Mother of

All,” Lilith said. “A mother cat will purr when nursing, and the kittens learn to purr through her, and their kneading becomes hardwired response that goes all their life. This is the same for us and REM sleep. The great mother is by nature arousing.”

      “And like kittens, we make the connection early on. Fetuses have been seen masturbating in the womb under ultrasound. They dream in the womb while connected to mother. Four nine months they share the real world vicariously through mother and through her dreams, and they experience the sexuality of mother and the father. Babies know if they are wanted and love. They know if the world is safe for them prior to birth. Babies born in harsher environments are wired to be more physically assertive, stronger muscles, slightly smaller frontal lobes. Babies in more loving environments where the mother hasn’t worried about getting her needs met tend to be less aggressive, and babies have more pronounced frontal lobe development. We are not just are genetics. We are the products of our environment and our nurture. All three, simultaneously interacting. A deficiency in one results in compensation in one or both of the others,” Loxy explained this with photographic evidence, and links to studies. She had access to more than just Earth studies; Biocopr knew all about humans. They preferred humans. Jon noticed the wire monkey/cloth monkey photo records of an experiment that saddened him.

      “I don’t like that one,” Jon said.

“I know,” Loxy said, hugging him.

      Lilith did a quick summary of this thing that sparked an emotional response in Jon. “It might explain why you gravitate towards androids and aliens,” Lilith said.

      “Or why you have such overwhelming drive towards strange,” Loxy said. “It’s more than just a need to connect, socially, with female. In the absence of original, appropriate nurture, you see all females as a source of nurture. They are a source of power and you feel inferior without that connection.”

“So, I am not sexually objectifying, I am motherly objectifying?” Jon said. “Wait wait wait, sexually objectifying mother…”

      “Jon, drop the word objectifying from your vocabulary,” Loxy said. “Everyone objectifies others. Our initial response to any new person is to run them through our filters and box them. We box first through categories of hygiene and biological health. We then run them through appearance, how well they’re dress compared to the context for the apparel. A guy in a suit on the beach will be judged as much as a guy in office wearing a Hawaiian shirt. We then judged next by our own level of needs and wants. We are naturally attracted to people who can positively add to our lives. We tend to avoid people who are likely to take from our lives. Few people choose perfectly balanced people to partner with. We either choose someone slightly less than us, so we can fix them up, nurture them, or have a general sense of superiority and or a feeling that we are needed, or we choose someone slightly better because they provide a sense of safety or continuity with social expectations so that we don’t go below our station, Most people have a minimum expectation of self-sufficiency, and they choose equal to their peers or better. Very, very few people hook up out of unconditional love, because too few people have ever experienced true love. The only way to experience that is to stop all judgment. It is difficult to let go of all judgment.”

      “Is that even possible?” Elodie asked.

      “Sure. You practice it by being unbiased in your reporting,” Loxy said. “Jon practices it when he pushes beyond his frustration level and shows kindness to people who irritate him.”       “May I make an observation?” Enya asked. Loxy gave her hand signal invitation to join in. “I have been watching you, from the inside out. You’re attracted to every female.

Mesmerized by them. You look past the general qualifiers and find something beautiful in every female, in all our varied forms, and it compels you to want to connect. That’s actually beautiful.

Loving females regardless of height, weight, color, age, or appearance. You would not fault Hugh Hefner for finding the beauty of everywoman, and making that accessible through art and vision, so maybe you should be more kind to yourself. Sure, you don’t have a playboy mansion, and you’re not a rock star, but you are our star, and we are all star struck.”

      Jon felt an upsurge of emotion, a beaming of acceptance from everyone present, amplified by his own perception of their emotions. Onuka took it further and purred into it, and the purring resulted in a sudden, intense burst of orgasmic energy, and when Jon gave into it, she bounced two hundred kilometers. So did Trilon. Trilon manifested a new skill.



Before Shay returned to her ship, the girls decided, without asking Jon, if she would like to join their community. She accepted, and the ring she chose held an Onyx stone, glossy black, that nicely complimented her preferred dress, shades of black, typically metallic in appearance. The stone, though it was reflective, also had a way of drawing you inside, like there was more there. This was definitely true about Shay. There was much more about her than the surface. Shay said the stone reminded her of the ocean. Unless you had visited the dark, you could little appreciate how encompassing it really is. It is invasive, and leaks into your soul. You learn to see with sound. You learn to see with the slightest stirrings of the waters. You learn to see electric emanations of life. Heart beats, tiny pulsar echoing in the stillness. Just the weight of the water pushing in on you enlivened the senses. You felt touched. The darkness was alive with life and any belief that you were alone was not only foolish, but deadly. You exist in the dark bravely, knowing you share this space.

Shay returned to her ship and she and Jon practiced jumping. It appeared that Trilon could only jump as far as two hundred kilometers at a time, with a 24 hour refractory period before being able to jump again. After the jump, Trilon became lethargic and resisted commands.

It simply wanted to sleep and it took a great deal of effort to get it to perform.

      “Just like a guy,” Elodie said.

      “Hey,” Jon said.

      “Present company accepted,” Elodie said. “I don’t understand how Lilith survives you.”       “Oh, I sleep really well when he goes on shore leave,” Lilith said.

Using the Organic Dimensional Jumps, Onuka mapped out this star system of fourteen planets, four of which were super-Earths. There was one gas giant so far out that it was difficult to accept it was part of the system, because it seemed to defy system rules. It stirred the oort cloud, bringing some out and shooting some in to become comets, only to come out and later rejoin the cloud. One of the Super Earths, and the most brilliant planet in the system, was as close to this golden star as Mercury was to the sun. It was tidal locked, and the center of the sun side glowed like a liquid pool of lava. The direct opposite side, held a frozen ocean. The boundary layer between the day and night side was not only capable of supporting life as they knew it, there was life there. Plant life, in the form of forest and grass lands, could be discerned from orbit. Jon was interested in landing, but it was decided the gravity was too great for Jon as it was twice that of Earth’s. The planet’s magnetic field was luminescent most the time, so it was conceivable that anyone on the surface, even on the night side, would never know complete darkness, and would rarely see the stars.

      “This place is like an Oasis,” Lilith said. They were on the virtual deck, exploring the world through simulation. “My people could live in this gravity.”

      “What about the sunlight?” Jon asked.

      “Forever, on the edge of twilight,” Lilith said. “We would thrive. The planets magnetic field is taking out most of the UV, but given enough time, maybe even we would develop greater pigment, the same as people of Earth did. I could see us becoming as dark red as the people in your Star Wars stories.”

      “As an Indigo citizen, you could petition for this to be a colony for Lilith’s people,”

Elodie said. “The Kelindy could live here, as well. The hybrids of Kelindy and human, such as Hali, they could live here. The cephalopod aspect of the Shay’s people could likely take to the oceans here.”

      “We should name this system Jon-Shay,” Loxy said.

      “Oh, what a nice thing to say,” Shay said.

      “Or Jon-Loxy-Lilith-Elodie-Shay-Onuka-Trilon system,” Jon said. “Jostell represents all of us.”

      They voted. Jon-Shay stuck. It was decided that Onuka would jump back to Lanza, and if

Trilon didn’t follow, she would use the Quantum Drive to return. Jon jumped back and was quickly routed to the Biocorp ring of the Lanza satellite. He was in pilot mode when the light flared to starboard. Onuka made a sound expressing shock and pain. Jon felt pain. Air vented out and the pressure dropped so fast that Jon, Lilith, and Elodie went unconscious. The weird part was, Jon didn’t feel unconscious. He saw himself lying there. He knew he was unconscious, but he didn’t feel unconscious, and he didn’t feel hurt, though he was clearly hurt. He didn’t interpret this as an out of body experience. He just thought he had moved into Onuka. He could see through Onuka’s eyes; he saw Lilith and Elodie unconscious in the galley. He was aware of the breach there; the puncturing through the layers of bio-flesh and minerals and metals, and starlight moving through Onuka’s torn flesh. He saw the skin and the blood for the first time. It reminded him of trees that could exude heavy metals, removing them from the earth, but incorporating them into their bark and leaves. He redirected all energy to seal that room, increasing the flow of a thick, mucous like resin. He had a flash back to a childhood toy, ‘Stretch-Arm-Strong,’ and how thick the liquid was when it spilt out. He let the memory go, his sister having ‘killed’ the toy with a fork; it wasn’t even his toy, as he had borrowed it from a friend, resulting in no longer having a friend and getting punished for a breaking a toy when his mother had to replace it. He focused on bringing the internal air pressure back up. He was pretty sure he heard Loxy in his ear, but she sounded miles away.

      Jon felt himself drifting sideways, out through another hole that had been made in Onuka, which was even now closing. He was out and then propelled ‘upwards’ so fast he hardly had time to orientate. It was definitely an upwards feel, but it was not an ‘up’ from normal ground orientation. At first he was watching Onuka shrink away and when he turned into the direction of travel he realized he was in a tunnel. He turned towards the walls, near enough to make out fine details, but not close enough to touch and slow. The wall seemed alive with light, like granite comprised of small grains. Each grain sparkled with its own luminosity. The walls seemed to narrow as he neared the opening at the far end. At first he thought it was a trick of sight, that maybe the opening was just miles away, but as the opening neared, he was certain the tunnel was funneling him there. He was birthed into the light and onto a field of grass. There was a river and a nearby bridge. A tree trunk lying on the ground near the river served as a stool for a being who was there fishing. It was Dor-El. Things were much brighter here. It was like a movie with extra light, no filters. Everything was alive with light.

      Unlike before, Jon didn’t feel the fear of his ‘brother’ or guardian angel. He approached as if he had done it a million times. He stepped over the log and sat down. The river seemed alive, as if every molecule of water was alive, was light. He remembered there are more water molecules in a cup of water than there are cups of water in the ocean, and then realized how much light there must really be.

      “Well, that’s one way to get here,” Dor-El said.

      “How did I come to be here?” Jon asked.

      “You don’t remember?” Dor El asked. “The long and winding road, that leads to your Dor-El.”

      “Ha ha,” Jon said.

      “Remember,” Dor-El said.

      Jon suddenly had access to tens of thousands of lives, but only one was relevant. That one life, in its entirety was now available to him. This was the original ‘Jon’ back on earth. From Jon’s perspective, that life wasn’t over yet, but from here, he could still see the whole of it. Then it expanded to include the ‘extra’ lives, like his. All the worlds and dimension he had been exploring with tangential personalities were now available for viewing. All of the previous personalities had this available, but the original Jon personality had the most substantial pathways to alternative realities with profound connections to ‘other’ personalities. Some of the paths explored darker places and themes. Jon orientated on his present world-line. He didn’t feel fortunate, or blessed, for ending up in a really nice ‘place,’ because he knew he was act

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