I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


Jon went from dead sleep to full awake, as if chased by a nightmare, coupled with that feeling of having been numbed by a dentist to suddenly having full feeling back. Nurse Joy and Loxy were there taking his arms, reassuring him he was safe, and it took him a moment, but then he recognized them.

 “I’m alive,” Jon said.

 “You are,” Joy said.

 “And I am still here!” Jon said, touching himself.

 “Where did you think you would be?” Loxy asked.

 Jon shrugged; “Not here,” he said. He marveled over her and how beautiful she looked in her Pokémon scrubs. Apparently she had changed to be of better medical service to human and Pokémon alike.

 “Most people wake up here when they’re Pokémon get KO,” Joy said. “But you’re the first person I know of to get KO and wake up here.”

 Jon didn’t hide his confusion. Jenny was there, so was Mentos and Reese, and the town’s mayor, and Erika, the nature loving Princess.

 “I don’t understand what happened,” Jon said.

 “You saved the town, is what happened,” the mayor said.

 Jon sorted. “No. I am putting the town in danger. I need to leave,” Jon said, trying to get up.

 “Wait wait wait” Joy said. “Calm down. We got you.”

 “You don’t understand,” Jon said. “They’re drawn to me.”

 “We understand,” Erika said. “We all are. And you’re right, it would be best if you depart our city until we figure you out.”

 “I don’t understand how I got out of that predicament alive,” Jon said.

 “Gardevoir explained it to us,” Loxy said. “Apparently, when you leveled up and passed out, it was as if they could no longer see you, so they just returned to their place.”

 “There has been a lot of chatter over the police channels about random, atypical Pokémon sightings lately,” Jenny said. “As if they’re migrating this way.”

 “Loxy,” Jon said, squeezing her hand. “We should probably talk to your Professor friend. I don’t want to be the cause of anyone being harmed.”

 “Unfortunately, the city has had a power failure, and all cell service is off line,” Jenny said. “All city vehicles that are still functioning are being employed in clean up and rescue, so you’re going to have to walk to see him.”

 “And, Jon,” Erika said. “I think you should refrain from telling people you’re a Pokémon magnet. There are some unscrupulous people who will try to use you to capture the Pokémon that are drawn to you.”

 “But why are they drawn to me?” Jon asked. “It doesn’t seem to be all the time. Like right now, none of the Pokémon here seemed to notice me at all, but then there are times when I feel like the whole world is staring at me, and when I look, the Pokémon are definitely all staring, but people most of them seem to be doing anything they can not to look in my direction, if that makes any sense.”

 “You’re making sense, in we hear what you’re saying and I think your perception is valid, but we don’t know the how or why to it,” Erika said.

 “You’re a mystery, Jon,” Loxy said. “I have never known of a human being caught up in a ball or registering on the Pokédex or having special abilities or playing for more teams than I even knew existed, but here you are.”

 “A game changer,” the Mayor said.

 “I should probably go alone,” Jon said. “It could be dangerous being around me.”

 “Don’t be an idiot,” Mentos said. “You don’t know anything about the world and you will get lost or do something stupid without us.”

 “Well, he’s right about you probably getting lost,” Reese said.

 “Or getting distracted,” Loxy said. “We’re friends and we will stick together.”

 “Really?” Jon asked.

 “It’s what friends do,” Mentos snapped.

 “We’re friends again?” Jon asked.

 “We were never really not friends, I was just really sore about the money thing,” Mentos said.

 “Normally, I would go with you,” Jenny said. “Your mission is that important, but there is a lot of work to do at the moment. Even with some of my visiting sisters being drafted into emergency service.”

 “I would go, too,” Joy said. “But the town needs their nurse in this moment of crisis.”

 “Your party is sufficiently advanced that I believe you will be okay to proceed on your journey,” Erika said. “But I intuit that you must not tarry too long in any one place. You must keep moving.”

 “The town has pooled some provisions for your journey,” the mayor said. “You will have food and gear, and Pokémon supplies. And, one more thing:” The mayor stepped up, removing an item from her jacket pocket, a jacket that didn’t match her torn Pokémon ball dress, and was likely put on just to keep her warm during the crisis that she had been actively engaged in countering. She handed it to him. “This is a key to our city. Normally, I award this in a ceremony, but I don’t want you to leave without it.”

 “Oh!” Jon said, very grateful and feeling unworthy examining the key.

 “I suspect you have never had a home, a safe place to rest your head. I just wanted you to know that you are always welcome here. If you survive your journey,” the mayor said.

 “Oh,” Jon said.

 “Come on,” Loxy said. “We’re burning daylight.”

 “John Wayne?” Jon asked.

 “No, Loxy Isadora Bliss,” Loxy said.

“Well, I guess it’s settled, then. We’re off to see the wizard,” Jon said, pushing off the table and landing on his feet. His knees nearly gave way, but Jenny and Loxy had him until he was stable.

“No, we’re going to see the Professor,” Mentos corrected.

“He’s was trying for humor,” Loxy explained.

“How is that funny? Why would anyone want to see the wizard?” Mentos asked.

 “Because, because, because, because, because,” Jon said to Mentos, sounding a little annoyed.

“This is going to be a long journey,” Reese.

“So, let’s get this party going,” Jon said. “Yellow brick road here we come, arms linked, skip dancing as we travel.”

Jenny handed him his backpack. “I doubt there will be any skipping while toting these.”

“And there is no road,” the mayor said. “An occasional well-worn dirt path, maybe, but no roads. It was agreed long ago that we would minimize our footprint on this world, so no road, no petro using vehicles, limited air travel by tech.”

“You could give us a flying a Pokémon,” Mentos said.

“Not one big enough to accommodate your entire party and gear,” the Mayor said. “And with the computers offline, we only have access to what we had on us at the beginning of the crisis.”

 “And you’re not ready to be flying,” Erika said. “Level up a bit more, keep your feet on the ground.”

 Mentos stared at his feet. “Yes, Mam,” Mentos said. But then he raised his head, showing resilience. “But one day, I am going to be a better trainer than even you, and I will own a gym, and everyone will come to see me!”

 Erika bowed to him, Namaste hands.

Loxy and Reese grabbed their packs. Mentos was happy for the free gear, but wasn’t happy lifting it, mumbling a wish for a bigger Pokémon to carry it. They waited as Jon slipped on his pack. They headed to the door as a team, until Jon hesitated.

“Wait wait wait,” Jon stopped them. He pulled a receipt out of his pocket. He turned to the Mayor. “I know the town is in shambles and it may be difficult to locate but may I have my clothes and bag back from the ball.”

“It’s in your pack,” Loxy said.

Jon removed his pack and started sorting through it.

“You don’t believe her?” Mentos asked.

“I believe her,” Jon said, indicating with his hands that clearly he believed her, hence the digging through his bag.

“So let’s go,” Mentos said.

“I have to return this pirate outfit,” Jon said.

“You got enough votes to keep it,” Erika said.

“Oh, okay, cool, thank you,” Jon said, still pulling items out of his bag in his search of his regular outfit. He pulled out something cool and took a moment to consider its function, puzzled over it until Loxy explained what it was, and then he continued his rummaging.

“So, why are you still unpacking?” Mentos asked.

“I don’t want to get my Friday night go to the ball clothes dirty,” Jon said, pulling out his jacket. “This is more like it.” His MASH mail bag came out next. He looked at his friends.

“What? We don’t have time for me to change?”

Jon pulled out his jeans, shirt, shoes and socks, next and started to swap them from the things he was wearing.

“We have time,” Loxy said.

“Well, if he’s going to change, you should change, too,” Mentos told his sister.

“But I love my bunny costume,” Reese said.

“You look better as a Pikachu,” Mentos said.

“Because you’re bias,” Reese said. “Jon, you like my bunny outfit, don’t you.”

“Yeah, it’s great,” Jon said, changing his shirt out first right there in front of everyone.

He didn’t even realize he was doing so, which revealed an evolution to fit the culture he was presently residing in, as they didn’t care if he changed in front of them; it’s just what people do. 

“That’s only because you never saw a real Pikachu,” Mentos told Jon.

“Yes I have,” Jon said back.

“No you haven’t!” Mentos said.

“Yes, I have,” Jon said.

Chester barked.

“You’re not a real Pikachu,” Mentos said.

“He looks exactly like a Pikachu!” Jon said.

“No he doesn’t!” Mentos said.

“OMG, please tell me you two aren’t going to be doing this the entire journey,” Reese said.

“But he doesn’t look anything like a real Pikachu,” Mentos complained.

“He looks more like a Pikachu than your sister in her Pikachu outfit,” Jon said.

“Oh! How dare you, Sir,” Reese wailed. “I thought you liked me.”

Loxy closed her eyes. Gardevoir put her hand to her forehead, echoing Loxy’s sentiment.

“I like you just fine,” Jon said. “I’m just saying the Chester looks more like a Pikachu than…”

“No, he doesn’t!” Mentos and Reese said.

“I am a fabulously looking Pikachu,” Reese insisted.

“And I love you as a Pikachu,” Jon said.

“Honest?” Reese said.

“Absolutely. I get a real charge out of you. I do think I would prefer a Kitty costume, though,” Jon said.

“Meow?” Joy asked.

“A Talking Meow?” Jenny asked.

“No, just kitty,” Jon said. “I am partial to cats.”

“Again, that’s because you never had a Pikachu,” Mentos said.

 “How about a Kitten that looks like a Pikachu?” Reese asked. (If you hadn’t seen that picture on the internet, you got to go see it.)

 “Um, any kitty will do,” Jon said.

 Joy and Jenny covered their mouths. Loxy seemed amused, but it wasn’t apparent if it was because Jon was struggling to get everything back into the back. Loxy took the stuff from him and showed him how to properly repack the bag so that it all fit. When they were finally departing, and hugs were shared, the Mayor whispered in Jon’s ear that the key would open her door.

“Do we have time to go shopping for a kitty outfit?” Reese asked.

“The store is closed until they repair the damage to the building,” the Mayor said. “Bye now.”

“Be sure to pick up any stray Pokémon,” Joy called.


Jon and Mentos led the party, arguing about whether or not he had seen a real Pikachu. Loxy and Reese followed, rolling eyes, and trying to hold their own conversations that had nothing to do with the children that led the way. They were hardly out of town when they were ambushed by single, solitary child. The child, a black child, dressed as a pirate, with a patch and hat and plastic sword in one hand and Pokémon ball in the other hand, couldn’t have been mistaken as anything other than a child, not even eight. He leapt from the bushes and blocked the path, threating them with plastic sword.

 “Ahoy, mates,” he shouted.

 Jon screamed. “OMG, don’t do that! Why are you jumping out of bushes scaring people like that?!”

 “Hey, that’s my hiding place!” Mentos said.

 “Looser snoozer weepers,” the boy said.

 “Oh, yeah, prepare to…” Mentos said.

 “Stop,” Jon snapped at Mentos. “I’m not letting you battle a child.”

 “Who are you calling a child, old man?!” the boy snapped. “I am the most world renowned pirate of all time! Now, hand over your booty, or prepare to die.”

 “That sounds like something you would say,” Reese said.

 “I would never say prepare to die,” Jon said.

 “But you would so say hand over your booty,” Reese snickered.

 Jon ignored her, blocking with side frown. “Kid, go home, I hear your parents calling you,” Jon said.

 “Nope, you have to battle me,” the kid said.

 “We are not battling a five year old,” Jon said.

 “I am older than five,” the kid said. “I just look young because I have good genes.”

 “Look, kid, first, I can’t keep calling you kid,” Loxy said. “What’s your name?”

 “I am the Dread Pirate Robertson,” the kids said.

 “You’re Robert’s son?” Jon asked.

 “Robertson,” Robertson corrected.

 “Robert’s son,” Jon said again.

 “Robertson,” the kid said again. “Are you deaf?”

 Jon pointed at him. “Get out of our way or…”

 “Or you will what?!” Robertson asked, twirling his sword to show off his skill, which was actually quite impressive.

 “OMG, Jon, how old are you,” Loxy said. “You can’t argue with a kid.”

 “I am not a kid!” Robertson said.

 “Where are your parents?” Loxy asked.

 “They were eaten by Pokémon,” Robertson said. “Just like you’re about to be.”

 “Oh, how sad,” Reese said. “You’re an orphan?”

 “Don’t get any ideas in your head,” Mentos snapped at her. “I’m the kid in this party.”

 “Well, we can’t leave him here,” Reese said.

 “Of course not, we’ll just have to return to Celadon and hand him over to Jenny,” Loxy said.

 “Are you kidding me?!” Mentos said. “We can’t keep going back for every distraction. It’s better to push on.”

 “I suppose he could come with us,” Loxy said. “Just as far as the next town.”

 “That can’t be ethical,” Jon said.

 “And leaving him here is more ethical?” Loxy asked.

 “We’re not leaving him,” Reese insisted.

 “Of course we’re not,” Loxy said.

 “I’m not going anywhere with you!” Robertson said. “Enough banter. I have suffered you enough!” He threw down his ball and a Caterpie arrived on the scene.

 Jon retreated behind Loxy. “What the fuck!”

 “Language!” Loxy said. “There are kids here.”

 “Look at the size of that bug!” Jon said.

 “How old are you?” Loxy asked. “It’s just a Caterpie.”

 “It’s huge!” Jon said. “And I hate bugs.”

 “Then it will make your death all the more sweeter to me,” Robertson said. “Get him, Caterpie.”

 Caterpie roared, a roar almost inaudible, ‘Caterpie,’ rearing its head, moving tiny legs in a tiny little ‘incredible hulk’ like motions, while inching forwards. Jon retreated further.

Robertson cheered on his bug Pokémon, laughing at Jon’s misery.

 “OMG, Jon, for real?” Loxy asked.

 “I don’t like bugs,” Jon insisted.

 “Argh, your doom approaches!” Robertson said.

 Loxy picked up the Caterpie, petted it, gently.

 Robertson began to cry. “Don’t take my Pokémon! He’s my only friend in the whole wide world!”

 Loxy knelt down.

 “How old are you, for real,” Loxy asked.

 “I’m five and half,” Robertson said.

 “And what’s your full name?” Loxy asked.

 “Nick Jr. Robertson,” he owned.

 “I knew it!” Jon snapped from his safe place behind a tree. “Robert’s son.”

 “Robertson!” Nick snapped back, wiping his tears. He looked to Loxy. “May I have my Caterpie back, please?”

 Loxy handed him the Pokémon. He put it back in the ball.

 “Are you really an orphan?” Loxy asked.

 “Yes, Mam,” Nick said.

 “Do you have any family in the area?” Loxy asked.

 “No, Mam. It’s just me and Caterpie against the world,” Nick said.

 “Then it is settled. You will be coming with us, and you will not argue with me, further,” Loxy said. “Clear?”

 “Yes, Mam,” Nick said.

 “I don’t believe this,” Mentos said. “We can’t be seen with this kid in tow!”

 “Be nice,” Reese said.

 “Jon, help me out here!” Mentos said.

 Loxy stood up, put her hands on her hip. Reese mirrored her. They waited for Jon to side with them.

 “Do we have to take the creepy kid with the bugs?” Jon asked.

 “Bug,” Nick corrected.

 “Jon, come here!” Loxy directed.

 “But he’s got that bug!” Jon said.

 “Do you ever want to play with me again?” Loxy asked.

 Jon considered, lowered his gaze, and approached Loxy, sullenly. Loxy pulled Jon over to the side, while Reese continued to chat with newest member of their team.

 “How dare you call him creepy,” Loxy said. “He’s like five.”

 “Come on! Kids can be creepy,” Jon said.

 “Name one,” Loxy challenged.

 “Eddy Munster, Wednesday, her brother Pugsley, Dewey Wilkerson, the whole cast of Zoom…”

 “Stop,” Loxy interrupted him. “You’re telling me, you didn’t have a crush on Wednesday?”

 “Of course I did, but I am creepy,” Jon said. “And I know creepy, and he is a bit creepy. And he has bugs! We might have to de-lice him.”

 “Did you ever consider that maybe he is traumatized by the loss of his parents?” Loxy asked.

 “You believe his story that they were eaten by Pokémon?” Jon asked, skeptically.

 “It’s possible,” Loxy said.

 Jon lowered his voice to a whisper, “Or they split town because he is creepy.”

 “Jon, parents don’t just split on kids because they’re creepy,” Loxy said. She observed a look, like a micro expression of panic as if he were remembering something. “You’re parents called you creepy or they split town on your or both?”

 “I don’t want to talk about it,” Jon said.

 “They abandoned you!” Loxy said.

 “Still not talking about it,” Jon said.

 “You should be able to empathize with him, then,” Loxy said. “Cause my Pokémon intuition sense is telling me you and Nick there both peg in on the low end of the Autism Spectrum. Now, we’re taking him with us, and that’s the way of it.”

 “Yes, Mam,” Jon said.

 Loxy dragged Jon over and introduced him to Robertson.

 “Why are you pouting?” Reese said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

 “I know,” Jon said, still looking at the ground.

 “So, if you are in agreement, why are you still emoting?” Loxy asked.

 “Because!” Jon snapped. “I am mad at you. I don’t like the threat of affection being pulled if I disagree.”

 “How old are you?” Reese asked.

 “No, Reese, Jon is right. I misspoke,” Loxy said, hugging Jon. “I was wrong to threaten to withhold affection to coerce you into siding with me. I am sorry.”

 Jon wiped his eyes, still looking at the ground.

 “Are you crying, Sir?” Nick asked.

 “OMG, you are crying?!” Mentos said.

 “It’s okay to cry,” Reese said.

 “Says the girl,” Mentos said.

 Nick started crying. “Are you crying because of me?”

 “No he’s crying because he’s a big baby!” Mentos said. “Just like you!”

 “Why are you crying?” Reese asked Nick.

 “Because he’s crying and I am happy to be joining you,” Nick said. “It’s scary out here in the big world.”

 Reese hugged up Nick and started crying.

 “OMG, I am surrounded by girls and babies!” Mentos said. “Am I like the only adult here?!”

 Mentos started walking. Loxy motioned for the rest to follow and Jon fell behind, recovering in his own time. Nick followed Loxy and Reese.

 “Do you have any food?” Nick asked.

 “Jon?” Loxy said.

 Jon fished something out of his mail bag and tossed it to the kid.

 “OMG, thank you,” Nick said, falling back to walk with Jon, “the carrier of food.”  Jon nodded.

 “When’s the last time you had a good meal?” Reese asked.

 “Umm, I don’t remember,” Nick said.

 “That is so sad!” Reese said.

 “You’re my sister!” Mentos yelled back from the front.

 “You can share!” Reese shouted back.

 “This is really good. May I have more?” Nick asked.

 Jon looked to Loxy. She nodded. “One more, but then I want you to wait till we break our stride for dinner.”

 Jon handed him another pack, picking up the trash he dropped to the ground. “We always police our trash,” Jon said.

 “It’s biodegradable, isn’t it?” Nick asked.

 “Maybe, but we still police it,” Jon said. “Do you really need the patch?”

 “Nick Fury needs a patch,” Nick said.

 “Is your name really Nick?” Jon asked.

 “Better than Richard,” Nick said.

 “Richard Robert’s son?” Jon asked.

 “Robertson,” Nick said.

 “It’s what I said,” Jon said.

 “And don’t call me Richard,” Nick said. “I hate that name.”

 “Richard’s a great name,” Jon said.

 “It’s a stupid name!” Nick argued.

 “It’s great. You could be a Richie, or a Rick, or Ricket, my favorite actually, or Hitch, or Dick,” Jon began listing.

 “Call me that again, and I swear, Caterpie and I will carve you up and have you walk the plank,” Nick said.

 “How can you have me walk the plank after you carve me up?” Jon asked.

 “OMG, Jon! Rest it!” Loxy said.

 “No, he’s got some serious logic issues,” Jon said.

 “He’s five!” Loxy said.

 “Five and a half,” Nick corrected.

 “Take the patch off,” Loxy said.

 Nick pouted, folded the patch up to reveal he had two good eyes, but he didn’t take it off completely. Loxy allowed for a little defiance.

 “Know any pirate songs?” Nick asked Jon.

 “You’re not a pirate!” Mentos yelled back.

 “I am dressed like a pirate,” Nick argued.

 “There’s not an ocean for miles!” Mentos said.

 “Well, of course. We don’t burry our treasure at sea!” Nick said.

 “Like you have any treasure,” Mentos snickered.

 “I have a map and everything,” Nick said.

 “OMG,” Jon mumbled. “Loxy, are you sure about this?”

 “Yes,” Loxy and Reese both said, without looking back at him,

 “Know any good pirate movies?” Nick asked.

 “No,” Jon mumbled.

 “My favorite is ‘the Pirates of Pokémon,’” Nick said.

 “You can’t just throw Pokémon in the title and expect that to be clever,” Jon said.

 “What are you talking about?” Nick asked.

 “It’s the Pirates of Penzance!” Jon said.

 “Oh, so you do know pirate movies. I love the Pokémon of Penzance,” Nick said, hitting Jon playfully.

 “Don’t hit me,” Jon said.

 “But I like you,” Nick said.

 “Loxy! He’s touching me!” Jon said.

 “OMG, don’t make me separate you two,” Loxy said.

 “When’s the last time you had a bath?!” Jon snapped.

 “I am a pirate, I don’t take baths,” Nick said.

 “Loxy, I hope you have a water and soap Pokémon,” Jon said.

 “Can you guys keep it quiet back there! You’re scaring all the wild Pokémon away,” Mentos yelled back.

 “Oh! You guys are Pokémon trainers, too?” Rick said. “So am I! We can help each other train.”

 “OMG!” Mentos said.

 Reese’s cheeks filled with air as she contained laughter. Loxy tried not to look at her, because she knew if she did, she was going to surrender to her own laughter.

 “Yesterday, I taught Caterpie to jump over a stick at centimeter above ground level,” Nick said. “My Caterpie is like the bestest Caterpie in the whole wide world.”

 “Mine is better!” Mentos yelled back.

 “Pff, please!” Nick said. “Can yours jump over a stick?”

 Reese whispered to Loxy, “This feels like a family.”

 “I am the Pokémon King!” Nick sang. “And it is, it is!,it is a glorious thing to be the Pokémon King. Hurrah for the Pokémon King! One more time! I am Pokémon King…”

 “OMG, I will never catch another wild Pokémon,” Mentos said.

 “Yeah,” Loxy agreed with Reese. “A big happy family.”

 They walked for another hours, and when they came across a lake, and they did take a moment to make sure Nick was properly cleaned. The soap and shampoo dispensers from the hotel were employed in the process, and for whatever reason, fun or just making sure Jon was clean, he was included, and then Reese, and there was this big water fight where they were all being cleaned by Loxy’s water Pokémon. Fortunately, they had gathered firewood prior to their water time, and set up camp, and so they were able to change and sit right down to dinner, and there is probably a suitable camp fire type song for a montage of this sort, but the author couldn’t hear it over Rick’s rendition of “I am the very model of a modern major Pokémon, with information animal, vegetable and mineral...” And some of the words he mumbled you just can’t make it out, but clearly, he nails some of the words about Pokémon.