I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Loxy tried to take a short cut, but Jon pulled her back onto the sidewalk.

 “Jon, we’re going across the street,” Loxy said.

 “We’ll cross at the light,” Jon said.

 Loxy looked around, confirming there was nothing, no pedestrians, no cars, nothing.

 “Okay, you know how you said people might be like ghosts, but not ghosts,” Jon said.

 “You really want to live dangerously?” Loxy asked.

“I’m just saying, if you’re right, well, if they are there, then there are cars there, and even though we can’t see them, something big going through us might be a little disconcerting,” Jon offered.

 Loxy considered his point. “We’ll cross with the light,” she said.

 They got to the corner where upon they were suddenly ambushed by four Spinaraks. They retreated to an alley, where more Spinaraks walked over head along the side of the building and across a web bridge at the top of the building, and dangling from an emergency ladder, were two females, almost completely cocooned in web. They were hanging upside down.

 “Prepare for trouble!” Jacey yelled.

 “It’s more than double!” Jacky said.

“Eh, we could use a little help from our friends,” Jacey said.

 “Mewtwo, I choose you,” Loxy said. Mewtwo was released.

 “Meloetta, I need you,” Jon said. The Pokémon ball he released bounced, hitting the trigger and releasing toothpaste as it rolled. The Spinarak hit it, sending the ball back towards Jon, but delayed as it began licking up the toothpaste.

 “Jon!” Loxy said. “Jon, stop wasting toothpaste,”

“You can’t blame that on me. Your culture makes everything look like Pokémon balls and it’s confusing,” Jon said.

“OMG, it’s not a cultural thing. Poké balls make excellent dispenser due to their near infinite storage capacity,” Loxy said.

“Oh,” Jon said. And then had an idea. He grabbed up the toothpaste and in combination with the dental floss, made sticky string and incapacitated the nearest Spinarak, causing the others to bow in respect to his spider-like abilities and momentarily retreat.

 “Jon, I like that toothpaste!” Loxy lamented.

“Yeah, how do you like that,” Jon said to the spiders. “Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can… out of web! Just like that?!”

“I told you near infinite,” Loxy said. “You and Belle wasted half of it the other day playing around in the shower.”

“We’re surrounded!” Jon said, drawing out another Poké ball. “Meloretta I need you!”

The cute music girl, Meloretta, emerged, sprinkling tones and notes into the world like a child’s bubble dispenser releasing bubbles, spun, transforming into Pirouette, the same way the Librarian would become Almighty Isis.

“Wow, two girls in one!” Jon said.

“Stop day dreaming and pay attention!” Loxy said.

 “It’s ADHD inattentive type,” Jon said.

 “Yes, save your super power for a non-crisis time,” Loxy snapped.

“We need more help,” Jon said, going for the ladder.

“Where are you going?” Loxy asked.

“The friend of our friends is our enemy?”

“They’ll probably stab us in the back first chance they get,” Loxy said, but agreed they needed the help. “Wait wait wait.”

Loxy threw down another Poké ball, releasing a Mega Meganium. It took up almost the whole intersection. Spinaraks fled to avoid being accidentally trampled. It lowered its head, wanting to be petted by Loxy. “Oh, yeah, I love you, too, Mega Maganium.”

“Holy mother of flower girl dinosaurs, batman!” Jon gasped.

“You act like you have never seen a giant Pokemon before?” Loxy said.

“OMG, what do you feed that?” Jon asked.

“I would be interested in that information, too,” Willow said. “I have never heard of a Mega Maganium before.”

“Mega Mega,” it echoed.

“I feed her whatever she wants, isn’t that right, baby,” Loxy asked.

“Why didn’t you lead with that?” Jon asked.

“Well, it’s not fair to compete with her. I mean, sure, I can level up easier, but what do I really learn?” Loxy said. “That, and revealing her will bring every trainer in the world my direction just for an encounter, and it will also attract wilder Pokémon, because they get really jealous by tamed Pokémon, and she is so big, walking across the country side would attract a lot of attention. I had to alter the programming code not to recognize her as Mega Meganium so that no one would know.”

“That’s like cheating, isn’t it?” Gisselle said.

“A girls got to have some secrets,” Loxy said. “Mega, lift Jon up there!”

 Mega Meganium bit onto the back of his jacket and lifted him up. He drew Jacky closer to him and began to cut her free with a Pokémon knife he had in his bag. It was a really nice, survival type knife, with glossy red and white handled, with a tiny Pokémon ball jewel, and a Pokémon ball compass at the end that screwed off to reveal an inner pocket to stash Pokémon candies.

 “Wait!” Jacky said. “Jacey first.”

 “That’s quite alright,” Jacey said.

 Jon undid just the right spot, and Jacky fell, like a ball of yarn unwinding, dropping her gently to the ground. Jacey unwound just as easy. She tried to inform him she really did like him before she fell. Meganium turned him towards another, smaller cocoon, which he assumed was Team Rocket’s back pack with Pokémon supplies, and probably their Pokémon. He collected and cut the web line suspending it. Meganium then sat Jon on his feet inside a platform she wore that allowed her trainer and friends to ride on her back. She then picked up Jacey, who was next to Jacky, who was cowering behind Loxy. As Jacey went up, she said, “here I go again! Oh!” Jacky was next. Loxy was lifted last and when she was placed in the basket, she found Jacey and Jacky attacking Jon with affection. Pirouette arrived to the platform under her own power, turning back into Meloetta. Mewtwo flew up to Meganium’s head and pointed forwards in the direction they needed to go. Meganium advanced, and the spider type Pokémon fled, fearing being trampled.

 “Oh, we love our Pokémon,” Jacey said.

 “Thank you for helping us,” Jacky agreed. “You wonderful Pokémon you.”

 “Mine,” Loxy said, showing her first sign of possessiveness.

 Jacey and Jacky retreated to the rear of the platform, surrendering Jon.

 “Of course,” Jacey said. “We didn’t mean to steal him from you.”

 “Yeah, we just wanted to borrow him,” Jacky said. “Maybe makes some eggs and see if we could have our own Jon type Pokémon.”

 “You can’t begrudge a girl wanting to have her own Jon Pokémon, can you?” Jacey asked.

 “If you want to borrow something, you just have to ask,” Loxy said.

 “The Captain wishes to address Team Rocket,” Siri said, projecting an image of Captain Terror.

 “Hello, Team Rocket,” Terror said.

 “Terror?” Jacey said.

 Terror tapped her pips on her collar.

 “Captain?” Jacky said.

 “My Captain?” Jacey said.

 “Yes, I am Captain Terror, of the United Federation of Pokémon 0001 Starship Starshine,” Terror said.

 “Oh! Good morning, Starshine!” Jacky said.

 “Yeah, the Earth says hello!” Jacey said.

 “Cadets!” Terror said, trying to stop their rambling.

 “Oh! Busted in rank again,” Jacky said.

 “If you wish to continue to serve Team Rocket, you’re going to have to assist Jon and Loxy,” Terror said.

 “Glad, too,” Jacey said.

 “Absolutely,” Jacky said.

 “Whatever you need, boss mam,” Jacey said.

 “Much rather kiss your ass than Friborg’s,” Jacky said. “I mean, serve under you. I mean, at your service!”

 “I am not going to lie, this mission will be dangerous,” Terror said.

 “We laugh in the face of danger,” Jacey said.

 “Ha ha!” Jacky demonstrated.

 “Loxy is in charge of this Away Team,” Terror said.

 “I thought I was in charge,” Jon said.

 Loxy petted the back of Jon’s head. “Oh, of course you are, dear,” Loxy cooed.

 “Men always think they’re in charge,” Jacey giggled.

 “He could be in charge of me,” Jacky agreed.

 “Rockettes! They’re not just honorary members of my ship, they are your superior officers and an integral part of my crew, with Secret Team Rocket membership badges,” Terror said. “Activate your Pokédex and allow your Handler to take over guiding functions.”

 “Yes, Mam, Sir, Captain, Sir,” Jacey and Jacky said, digging their pack out of the webbing, which they complained about its stickiness, and tried wiping their hands on Jon, and on retrieving their Pokédexes from the bags that were wound together, they turned them on.

 “Hello, my peeps!” came the voice of their handler.

 “Meow?!” Jacey said.

 “Talking Meow!” the voice said.

 “We have a Pokémon as a Handler?!” Jacky cried.

 “Do you have a problem with that?” T.M. asked.

 “Um, no,” they said, looking at each other helplessly.

 “Oh, how the fickle the winds of fate,” Jacky lamented. “Once we were handling Talking Meow, now we’re being handled.”

 “Contrary to popular belief, I was always in charge, now it’s just official,” T.M. said.

 “This is a real game changer,” Jacky said.

 “New world, new paradigm,” T.M. said.

 “Yeah, well, I guess beggars can’t be choosers,” Jacey said.

 “Oh, that’s not true,” Jon said. “You could still choose the streets.”

 They pouted. “We choose you.”

 “So, I have completed a scan of your bag. You have no master balls. I want you to divide your remaining Ultraballs so that Loxy and Jon may have some,” T.M. said. “Also, give Jon your full revives so he can heal up his brood.”

 Jacey and Jacky seemed to be fighting their instincts just to be able to share what was in their pack, but they relinquished the items. Jon thanked Meloetta and called her back, and then brought forth Faye. She accepted the Max heal, looked about, and hugged Jon. Then she hugged Loxy. She then touched Jon’s face and returned to her ball. Jon then summoned Nissa in order to give her a max revive. She radiated with love and health.

 “She is absolutely stunning,” Jacey said.

 “Isn’t she? I wish I had a Pokémon like her,” Jacky said.

 “Aww, humans,” T.M. said. “Always wanting what they don’t have, while failing to appreciate what they do.”

 Nissa pointed to the NY landscape.

 “Yeah, I love NY, too,” Jon agreed with her. “And this is like the best ride ever. You can see everything from up here.

 “Everyone is going to want to ride the back of Mega Meganium in the future,” Loxy said.

“Of course, you have to have monitor your giddiness level. She produces a lot of oxygen. And you want to avoid being around fire type Pokémon. Fire and oxygen, not a good combo.”

 “We’re arriving at the Rose Center,” Jon announced.

 “Where we will be ambushed by Roselia?” Jacey asked.

 Loxy chuckled. “Let’s hope not.”

 “Wait wait wait,” Jon said. “That’s exactly something I would say, but you laugh when they say it.”

 “Oh, Jon,” Loxy said. “If you had said it, before she said it, that would have so been funny, but your comedic timing sense is off, and that’s why you couldn’t say it, and why if you did say it, it just wouldn’t have been as funny.”

 “Bond never had my troubles,” Jon lamented.

 “Oh, that’s not true,” Loxy said. “There was that one Bond who got his ass handed to him in the opening sequence.”

 “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service?” Jacey asked.

 “The 2009 movie directed by Wong Jing?” Jacky asked.

 “No, that’s ‘On His Majesty’s Secret Service,’ with Barbie Hsu and Sandra Ng,” Jacey said.

 “Oh, I love Barbie Hsu and Sandra Ng,” Jacky said.

 “Me, too! Remember when we were little and we used to pretend to be them?” Jacey asked, showing off some martial arts move. Jon was injured in the demonstration.

 “Oh, I never stopped pretending,” Jacky said, demonstrating her own moves, double injuring Jon.

 “Hey!” Jon complained. “Loxy, they’re hitting me.”

 “Don’t make me separate you three,” Loxy said. “Oh, Reese, you wanted to share something earlier, but we keep getting distracted.”

 “Oh, yeah, well, it’s okay, it can wait,” Reese said.

 “We got time,” Loxy said.

 “Might as well tell us now, in case we don’t live through the day,” Jacey said.

 “Oh!” Reese sighed.

 “What?” Jacky asked. “That’s always a possibility on a Team Rocket mission.”

 “It’s just that, I wanted a perfect moment, but I guess the only perfect moment is now,” Reese said.

 “Now is always the best time,” Loxy agreed.

 “Yep,” Jon agreed. “I mean you could delay or procrastinate, and though that moment that was now might have been the ideal now, your present now is still the best now, so you might as well make this now your now. Funny how nows work like that.”

 “Jon,” Loxy said, sorting that. “I think you said something profound, but it was very hard to track. You might want to work on it.”

 “Um, you’re going to be father,” Reese said.

 “Now?” Jon asked.

 “Well, no, not right this moment now,” Reese said.

 “Am I even old enough to be a father?” Jon asked.

 “We’re still debating that,” Loxy said.

“If you’re old enough to play pirate…” Reese said.

 “What happen to all the Pokémon protection you took,” Loxy asked.

 “Oh,” Jon said. “Ummm. I forgot.”

 “Definitely not old enough,” Loxy said.

 “Well, we’re beyond that ‘now,’” Reese said.

 “I don’t know what to say,” Jon said. “I mean, this is serious.”

 “Oh! Are you having regrets?” Reese asked.

 “No! No. I am just thinking I wanted to improve myself so I would be a better parent than what I personally experienced,” Jon said.

 “You’re going to do fine,” Loxy said.

 “We’re going to do fine,” Reese said. “We have each other.”

 “I am happy for you both,” Loxy said.

 “Loxy,” Reese said. “I said ‘we’ which means you, too. I am not old enough or mature enough to do this alone, and a baby should have extended family, and sure, it will have the entire ship’s crew as back up, but I absolutely need you. You’re going to be the goddess mother.”

 “You mean the god mother,” Jon said.

 “Jon!” Reese said. “She’s female! Surely you’ve noticed.”

  “Yeah, stop being so patriarchal,” Jacey said.

 “Men, always wanting to take over the world,” Jacky agreed.

 “Reese, I think you and Jon have made me the happiest goddess mother ever,” Loxy said.

“I accept.”

 “It’s not even here yet, and we’re counting chickens before they’re hatch,” Jon said.

 “Jon! We’re not haven chicks, we’re having a baby,” Reese said. “Nurse Joy has already given be a clean bill of health. We are good for launch, in about 9 months.”

 “Launch!” Jacey laughed. “The newest Team Rockette!”

 “Unless it’s a boy,” Jacky said.

 “Do you know? Did Joy tell you?” Loxy asked.

 “It looks like one of each,” Reese said.

 “Twins!” Jacky and Jacey said, hugging each other. “Good things come in twos!”

 “We’re having a litter?” Jon asked.

 “Well, you did want to play hello kitty,” Reese said.

 “I think we’ve arrived at the Rose Center,” Jon said, taking the side street out of this conversation.

“Okay, we should get off here,” Loxy said.

 “Do we have time?” Jon asked.

 “So not funny, Jon,” Loxy said.

 “Besides, apparently you already have, you naughty Pokémon you,” Jacey said, pinching his cheek.

 “More than once, actually,” Loxy said. “Mega, put us down here, please.”

 Meganium lifted the entire, platform from her back and lowered it to the ground. Loxy undid the bar, and walked down the stairs on the right side of the platform, and was followed by Jon, Jacey, and Jacky.

 Before them was the Rose Centered for Earth and Space, and clearly, something was going on inside the building. An inner light radiated in random flashes through the glass, which sometimes shot out in the forms of beams, and sometimes appeared as expanding circles reflected in the large, plate glass windows, as if the glass was allowing you to see invisible spheres passing through flatland, represented by expanding circles, like water drops pinging a pond.

 “Okay, Team, now that the banter is over with, let’s do what we came to do,” Willow said. “You’re very close to the source now.”

 “How did you determine this was ground zero for Pokémon arrivals?” Jon asked.

 “In the real world, the natural wildlife is migrating out of the area. Normal rats, for example, flee in the presence of Rattatas.”

 “Oh, yeah, my Rattatas could eat a dozen normal type rats for breakfast,” Jacey said.

 “Mine could eat twice as many for lunch,” Jacky agreed.

 “Well, I bet they have never encountered normal New York type rat,” Jon said. “They’re pretty big. And pretty clever. They even go to college. They’re rumored to carry away small children and raise them as their own.”

 “You’re just saying that,” Loxy said.

 “If it’s true about Pokémon, how do you know it isn’t true about NY rats?” Jon asked.

 “Well, because,” Loxy said. “You’re just saying that to scare us about being in NY.”

 “No, I am not just saying that, I am repeating what my mother told me,” Jon said. “She often left cheese in my crib to try and bribe the rats to take me.”

 “Oh!” Jacey said. “That sounds like our mom.”

 “You’re sisters?” Loxy asked.

 “No, we both adopted,” Jacky said. “Our biological parents were eaten by Pokémon.”

 “OMG, how often does that happen in your world?” Jon asked.

 “Well, it’s really hard to gauge that,” Loxy said. “Some trainers leave town and are never to be seen again, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they were eaten.”

 “Oh, sure, there are much more frightening alternatives than just being eaten,” Jacey said.

 “Yeah, when I consider the possibilities, I think I would much rather be eaten,” Jacky said.

 “I would…”

 “Jon!” Loxy interrupted his attempt at humor. “Probably would have been funny, but timing is off. And you already have one on the way.”

 “Are the four of you stalling?” Willow asked.

 “No, we’re contemplating our options though prolonged banter!” Jon said. “If you rush your Away Team you get sloppy Away missions.” He looked to Loxy. “We should probably go do this, though.”

 “It’s probably going to hurt,” Loxy said.

 “Like pulling off a band aid,” Jon said.

 “A lot of band aids,” Loxy agreed. “Simultaneously.”

 Loxy and Jon were in agreement, but didn’t move forwards.

 “Is it safe to advance?” Jacey asked.

 “I thought you were going to laugh in the face of danger?” Jon said.

 “Ha ha ha,” Jacey offered a stuttered giggle.

 Jacky managed forced smile.

 “OMG, I’ll lead,” Jon said.

 Nissa took Jon’s hand, requesting to go back into the ball. “OMG, not you, too.”

 “Jon, I think the time space distortions are making Nissa seasick,” Loxy said

Jon reconsidered his protest. “I am sorry I wasn’t listening to you. I am a little scared.

No, I am lot scared, but I got this,” Jon said. He offered her ball. “Go on back in, we’ll be alright, and as soon as the portal is closed, I will call you if there is need.”

 Nissa hugged his neck, and went into her ball. Loxy summoned Mega Meganium back to its ball, as it was way too large to enter. Jacey called out her Cofagrigus, while Jacky called out her Yamask.

 “Jesse!” Cofagrigus said.

 “James!” Yamask said.

 “Aww, I so miss hearing that,” T.M. said. “Brings back so many memories…”

 “Fond memories?” Jacey asked.

 “No, just memories,” T.M. said.

 Mewtwo descended to stand next to Loxy. They all turned to see who he would choose to walk in with him. Jon called Diancie out.

 “It’s our first time to battle together, you want to do this?” Jon asked.

 Diancie stood tall, even though technically she was floating, and she became evidently brighter, discernable even in the light of day.

 “Let’s do this,” Jon said, leading the way.

 Ever since Bruce Willis walked with his team, people have been trying to recapture that moment of a team walking boldly into danger. The A-Team probably could have done this. The Magnificent Seven might have done this, even while on horseback. The Guardians of the Galaxy seriously did it, first movie, with cherry bombs even. But this, this was Team Rocket, defending the world from devastation. Depending on your translation device, and your DVD region code, and which High School they hired the subtitled translator, you might get: “there is a voice saying something” or ‘prepare for terror from the skies.” “From beyond the horizon, from beyond the big bang, a voice is calling us!” “We come along in a swift currents of light.” “The crisis we will convey to the universe!”

 “OMG, I’m so scared right now,” Jacey said.

 “I have never been so scared,” Jacky said.

 “That’s how you know you were called,” Loxy said, finding her own strength from deep inside.

 Jacey ran ahead and opened the door for them. “Gentlemen first,” she insisted. “You don’t want to be sexist, now, do you?”

 Jon smiled, bowed to her, and entered. Once inside, finding the portal was not difficult at all. Above them, coupled and or entangled in the armillary sphere, a vortex of energy spun in one direction, while the armillary spun in multi-directions. Their Pokémon gave very determined looks, as if preparing for the biggest, most confrontational menace they had ever encountered.

 “Pretty,” Jacey said.

 “Yeah, kind of reminds me of the chandelier vortex in the original Poltergeist,” Jon said.

 “Jon, do not go into the light,” Reese said.

 “Oh, hell no,” Jon said. “Not even with that rope Loxy gave me, which I have never used by the way.”

 “You should always have a rope in your bag,” Loxy insisted.

 “And clean underwear,” Reese said.

 A Pokémon emerged, slipping out as if being born into the universe, accompanied with slime and sludge. The sludge broke and scrambled off saying “Grimer, Grimer, Grimer,” while the slime just oozed off, perhaps a secondary, not sentient slime. The Pokémon remaining orientated on Jon and said “Litwick.”

 “Oh, how cute,” Jon said.

 Jon’s crew looked at him.

 “Jon! That a very dangerous ghost!” Loxy said.

 “Oh, nonsense,” Jon said, going to go pick it up.

 It lifted Jon up and dropped him to the ground without even touching him.

 “I do believe in ghost,” Jon mumbled.

 Mewtwo attacked, and Loxy pulled an ultraball from her backpack, waiting for the opportune time to catch it. Diancie helped Jon back to his feet, throwing a diamond as the Litwick tried to recapture Jon, even while Mewtwo was attacking it. It seemed to only have eyes for Jon.

 “Another one is emerging,” Jacky announced.

 Diancie had to let Jon go to face the new comer, chasing the Pidgie out of the area. Slime covered Jon as it oozed right down on top of him. A Grimer landed beside him, grabbed at his feet, flipping him back to the floor. The Grimer pulled him, and he slid grasping at the floor, but the slime kept him from getting traction.

 “Data! Something’s got me!” Jon yelled.

Diancie chased the Grimer away, it fled, its hands waving in the air. Jon sat up, wiping slime out of his eyes.

“I feel like I landed on a Nickelodeon show,” Jon said.

The next Pokémon was a Lickitung, which came accompanied by two Grimers, probably because of its size. It landed practically on top of Jon, and started licking the slime off. “No! No lick,” Jon said. “Bad Pokémon.”

“I do think he’s protesting too much,” Jacey said.

“He so is,” Loxy agreed.

“No! No licking, no biting,” Jon said.

“Oh, Jon, Pokémon lick and bite, it’s what they do,” Loxy said.

“People, too,” Jacky said.

“No tickling,” Jon said. Jon threw a ball wildly and accidentally caught the Litwick.

“Oh!” Loxy protested. “I wanted that one.”

 “Why aren’t you helping me?”

“Because, Lickitung is harmless,” Loxy said.

“And she apparently likes you,” Jacey said.

“You don’t even need a ball to train her,” Jacky said.

 “I bet there is a Muk stuck just inside the portal,” Loxy said, ignoring Jon’s antics.

“Sit!” Jon told the Lickitung. He stood, feel on the slime, and got back up. Lickitung gave a quick lick of his back, taking more slime off him. He managed to get back on his feet, hands out as if struggling to not fall while wearing ice skates.

 “I suspect you right,” Willow agreed with her analysis. “That would explain the large number of Grimers in your area.”

 “Um, speaking of Grimers,” Jacey said, getting closer to Loxy.

 It was evident that they were surrounded by Grimers. Eyes in shadowy spaces, and dark shapes growing closer. Some were bigger than others, but not quite Muk size.

 “Jon, use the special ball to summon out Muk so the portal can close,” Loxy said. “We’ll cover you!”

 “We will?” Jacky said. “Oh, yeah, of course.”

 “Wait wait wait,” Willow said. “Um, Jon, about that ball. There’s an extremely high probability set that if you activate it within the sphere of influence of the portal’s field, it will result in the equivalent of an earth type mass or volume of antimatter being dumped into your region.”

 “Um, Professor,” Jon said, wiping his eyes after a stray lick from Lickitung caught him off guard. He already had the special ball in his hand, the trigger guard up. “I’m not really good with math, but I do know antimatter and matter don’t mix well and at that volume level, well, that sounds fairly dangerous.”

 “Well, I am using a metaphor, it’s not really antimatter, but yes, exposing the earth to its own weight in antimatter would likely turn this solar system into a brilliant ball of light that would outshine every star in the Milky Way Galaxy for about a 2 minutes, thirty three seconds,” Willow said.

 “What the fuck?!” Loxy snapped. “You give an adult child a nuclear bomb disguised as an oversized Pokémon ball?!”

“No! No, no, no,” Willow protested. “No. This is much much bigger than a nuclear device. Bigger than fission, bigger than fusion…”

“Wait wait wait,” Jon interrupted. “Let me clarify Loxy’s objection: WTF!”

 “Again, and technically, not nuclear or even antimatter, but that’s the analogy of what might happen if you trigger that device inside the sphere of influence of the portal’s energetic effect,” Willow said. “Like smashing atoms, a lot of atoms. Big atoms. Earth sized atoms.”

 “You said probability, how high of a probability?” Loxy asked

 “About 95.2 percent likelihood in favor of the worst case scenario explosion,” Willow said.

 “That’s like better than a Masterballs catch rate?!” Loxy shouted.

 “Let me clarify my objection,” Jon said. “What the fuck! You gave me a pretty bomb, with flashing lights, and cool trigger guards that almost guarantee I’ll push at least one button!”

 “Well, you wouldn’t want to accidentally trigger that in your bag while running, and, besides, it’s the only thing big enough to end this Pokémon threat.”

 “This is not Aliens. You don’t have to nuke the world orbit to be sure,” Jon said.

 “Again, not a nuke,” Willo