I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 21, or Author’s Notes, or, End Credits, the girl, and Everything


Anything good can’t be, shouldn’t be, will not be, contained or constrained. You can’t impregnate the minds of children and expect them not to question or run wild. And if you think you’re an adult, then you have forgotten there is an inner child, who was impregnated with wonder and amazement and love before you became an adult, and you may be, or not be, an extension of that younger person, or a tangent, or a fully, otherwise expressed Universe far removed from that other place and time. Even if it wasn’t love, the simple fact of it being the opposite, or something other, was sufficient to define love allowing for it to exist in you. It’s not just what we do, it’s who we are. If something is good and resonates with us, it’s going to spread, it’s going to adapt, mutate, and or evolve. That’s what the definition of good is. The litmus test is popularity across culture and time, with the caveat if you caught it- it is yours regardless of anyone else carrying it, or their claims. We have met that here. End credits in movies are like ‘thank you notes’ to the people, places, and ideas that have shaped a world. There is a cast here that deserve mentioning. There are people, ideas, books, movies, music, contained in these pages that have made my life all the richer for their presence; their touch, their essence- I want to celebrate that. I would not be here, in my present form, if not for all of it, everyone, the brilliant, the good, the bad, the ugly. In writing this, have I done anyone a disservice? I hope not. We live in such a litigious, insecure world, where people get their feelings too easily hurt. (I’m not saying it’s wrong, but if the whole world has to give up peanut butter because a few people have an allergy, I am having hard time with that. Most people don’t have this, but yeah, it’s serious if you do and I am not saying you should police your part of the world, but to ban peanut butter?) I’m sensitive, too, but I still wish to breathe, and I want other people to breathe. There was no malicious intent to harm others; no Pokémon or people were harmed while making this. If I failed to mention someone, or something, or an idea, or ideas, or their origins, well, it was truly my failure.

All that said: if this book were a movie, this would be the end credits, and you would be ill advised to leave before the last credit rolled, as you would so miss something hidden in the confines. (Thank Marvel for that! Yay, Marvel. (Technically, I think we owe the whole embedding stuff in the end credits to ‘Ferris Bueler’s Day off.’ Yay you! (and a note to all future producers, never, ever throw away unused material. People want extras and tangents and I could give Ratattas Ass if some CEO thinks the movie is too long. They’re not artists. They don’t have a clue what’s good. (Evidence for the last statement: Gilligan’s Island, Star Trek, Firefly, and anything produced by James Cameron.))))

Oh, if you were to start with the last quote from Loxy at the end of the last chapter “I got him!” as a cue to start the beat of the opening-end-title credits, that song would be “You Make My Dreams” Daryl Hall and Jon Oates. Yes, if you haven’t heard it, you should ‘youtube’ it now, (Thank you Youtube!) and add it to your 80’s playlist, or your total playlist. Yes, if this was a movie, this song would so be revived for a new generation. Pokémon Go NY will make it cool. Again. Also, on opposite ends of the screen, kind of offset from credit type font, a countdown of Pokémon will ensue, which will make the job of a future pan and scan guy really challenging; because he will have to catch them all, without making people seasick. And whoever did their costumes, did a really good job, as they do their little dance or challenge charge or wink or wave. You just got to love them! Maybe a ball lands next to them, beams them up. Who knows! Let your imagination run wild! 


 Professor, and a very real, and very cool physicist Doctor James Gate, aka Professor Samuel Norman from Lucy, aka but unconfirmed, GOD: played by none other than Morgan Freemen. I mean, if you’re going to talk to God, he should so look like Morgan. Or George Burns. Or both. 

Loxy Isadora Bliss: playing herself! Oh, she wanted me to quote her: “A Pokémon is not a Tulpa, however, a Tulpa could be a Pokémon. Catch me if you can!”

Jon Harister: our money is still out on this one. There is evidence he could be Ion Light, or vice versa. He might even be someone else. No one knows how old he is. This guy is just off the map, not here, not there, not anywhere. 

Gardevoir- Nissa… It’s really difficult to tell sometimes. Dream makeup is that good. Pretty sure it’s Natalie Portman. Still waiting to see how she manifests. You got to try not too hard to pin these things down because once they have been measured they tend to stay that way. A physics thing.

 Medicham-Faye.  Oh, come on, this was a giveaway inside the script. Karen Gillan? I mean, if she can wear a police kiss-o-gram for the Doctor, she can so dress as ‘I dream of Jeanie’ for Jon and Loxy. Unlike the good Doctor, I kiss back! Don’t believe me? 

Cut scene: Katy Perry approaches Elmo. “Elmo, play dress up with me.” Elmo turns, lights shimmering around him, and suddenly, he is not Elmo. “Ditto?!” Katy looks at the camera helplessly, “Oh no!” Katy is tackled by Ditto. There is clearly something going on, maybe a struggle, like someone trying to get out from under a wet, purple blanket, and escalation of curious noises…

Reese is played by Fersia. If you don’t know Fersia, she is a fellow student form Safe Haven University. She is transpecies. No, really, her attributes are no longer just Furry costume. She has special cat like powers that aren’t anything near what cat woman was, and no, she is not Halle Berry. It’s not that I would reject the idea, it’s just she isn’t, and you can’t make someone into someone they don’t want to be, like making a Furry a human. It just doesn’t work. So, embrace your Furries everywhere! (And no, embracing transpecies does not take away from being Transgender. They’re not trying to rob you of status. We are all much more than who we think we are and we transcend all labels! Embrace the love, not the fight or flight.) Furries may be hidden around you. You may have to encourage them out of the closet. Let them know they’re safe.

Mentos, who is this kid? Why is he in my dreams?! No really. You know how my dreams go, why is there a kid here? Umm, that said, could he have been me, like Bruce Willi’s the Kid was him? Where is my red, time traveling, bi-wing airplane?!

Candy man guy on the street                yes, we’re still casting this. I am voting for Bruce Willis. I know he belongs in here somewhere, and I am still debating if he is coming with Emily Mortimer (The Kid, which is absolutely one of the best movies ever, and so needs to be on your playlist!) or Milla Jovovich, (Fith Element, also a must in your playlist.)

The other Pedestrian from the street is played ‘Billbilly, with his hat’ and if you don’t know him, youtube Violette Wautier  (Habits (Stay High), because if you’re going to be a fan of Thai artists, well, that’s a great place to start.

‘you seem lost’ man                              there are several still in need of casting, come to think of it, until then they’re just miscellaneous actors in my brain, the kind you dreampt about but on waking you’re like, who the heck was that.

Woman restaurant owner                                I am pretty sure this Mary Alice, she makes some mean cookies in the Matrix Revolution.

Husband of restaurant woman             James Earl Jones. He is much more fun in person. No, really, that side with him in the Big Bang Theory, that’s like seriously him. 

Red team valor                                     Candela, played by Candela, (Please be Halle Berry in the sequel!)

Orange team passion                                 Renee Olstead. Yay, go Texas! (Yes, I am from Texas and may be playing favoritism. (Okay, I am definitely playing favorites here.) 

Yellow team instinct                             Spark, played by Spark, 

Green team harmony                                  Jennifer Stone (Texas again! Yee haw!)

Blue team mystic                                   Blanche, played by Blanche. I would tell you more but we’re still in contract negotiations for the next film. 

Indigo wisdom                                       Jackie Chan just always makes his way into my dreams. Love you, Jackie!

Violet team spirit                                    Rakul Preet Singh. You don’t know her? OMG, watch more Bollywood!

White-the one team to bind them all:     Oh, you haven’t met her yet. She’s coming, though. In a big way. And she is played by Scarlett Johansson, and she is going to kick butt. (Please don’t hurt me!)

Shadow Spirit, always follows White:              Galadriel Stineman

Joy                                                         Oh, Joy!

Professor Willow                                   If you haven’t met this dreamy, ‘salt and pepper’ man, you haven’t played Pokémon Go, and I only have one question for you: How old are you?!

Jenny                                       Jenny, I got your number, I am gonna make you mine… 

Cut scene. Jon writing a letter to the Stark Agency. “Dear Mr. Stark. I am writing to say that the ‘Ditto’ Pokemon suit that you allowed me to Beta test is absolutely the most brilliant invention ever, except for this one minor flaw, I can’t take it off. It’s not hurting me or anything, and it’s so user friendly it’s like not wearing anything and which is okay, because it really expands my apparent wardrobe without me spending on wardrobe….” Loxy entered. “What are you doing?” “Umm, writing a fan letter to Robert Downey Jr,” Jon said. “Oh! I love Robert Downey Jr.,” Loxy said. “Would you tell him I love him?” “Um, sure,” Jon said. Loxy kissed him. She paused. “What?” Jon asked. “Why do you taste like Katy Perry?” Loxy asked. “How do you know what Katy Perry taste like?” Jon asked. “Cause I kissed a girl,” Loxy said. “OMG, that is so hot,” Jon said. “Want to play…” Loxy asked, nodding to the Rey suit on the Rey mannequin. (Rey scratched her forehead and asked if she could leave yet.) “Wait wait wait,” Jon said, quickly turning back to the letter. “Sorry for ending this so short, but thanks again. Look forward to your future cameos in my escapades. Feel free to invite Gwyneth Kate Paltrow. Okay, I’m free now.” “Um, yeah, the moment’s gone. I’ve lost the loving feeling,” Loxy said, sadly. “I think I have a power suit that might change your mind.” “Can it make you look like Katy Perry.” Jon mused; “If you like, actually…” Loxy takes his hand and leads him away from the desk. (“Seriously, can I leave now?” Rey asks.)

Jacey                     Barbie Hsu… I should say something clever here.

Jacky                    Sandra Ng       I should double it here.

Stanly                 Stan Lee, courtesy cameo provided by Marvel Comic who were unwilling to comment on his presence or if Pokémon will join the Avengers in an upcoming movie. (Don’t worry, I may have a reach around.)

Erika,                  the nature loving princess, gym leader, Aka the original ‘Flower Girl’ Alish really wanted to play her, but Erika wanted to play herself, but off production, Alish and I played our own scenes and had a great a photo op on the set. And, she was happy to finally meet Erika.

Miki, Jo                         Played by Ellen Page

Maki, Zoe                       sometimes, you just can’t reveal who you’re dreaming about. (Cough, Dua Lipa, cough cough)

Jr, Trainer                          (TOP Secret. Unable to disclose due to confidentiality issues.

Cool Trainer                      (See above, since this is the same person, just older younger versions.)

Guide at the gym           Laurence Fishburne, with glasses and everything. I thought he was an agent at first. 

Boy in line                               I am sure these people exist. They must. They can’t all be Tulpas. I am just hoping they’re not all some Korean Boy band, because, seriously, why would an all boy’s Korean band be in my head. I could understand if was Gangnam style, but he’s too old to be one of these boys in line to fight at a gym, and his fighting stile scares the Pokémon. Just saying.

‘What a game changer,’ girl           I am pretty sure this Park Bom from 2ne1, the Korean band, but sometimes, after watching a lot of Korean all girl bands, everyone kind of gets blurry and they all become one, like that Indian illusion dance of one girl having a dozen arms, but you change the perspective and suddenly the dancer unfolds like a mirror revealing infinity…

Other boy from line               yeah, I am really not interested at all in the boy actor’s names. (I suppose I could just pick any Korean Boy and fill in but it just be picking names out of a hat line up, not serious casting. You’re not surprised, are you? (Just saying, trying to be honest here. Yeah, they are in the script, they almost have to be, except in that one world…Oh, we haven’t gone there yet. I have. You’re welcome to join me. Provided you’re the right age, and the right gender. Sorry, this a very exclusive club world thing and because it’s in a different part of the galaxy I don’t have to open it up to just anyone. I mean, think about it. Not everyone gets to and visit Mr Heffner place and kick back with him. That’s a special invite. Hey Hugh! Thank you for all the dreams over a life time.

Miranda the Mermaid               Clearly, this can’t be the same Miranda from the 1948 British comedy about a Mermaid, but if it could be, it would be, and that’s all I got to say about magic and mermaids. Sure, there were other mermaids that came to the audition for the part, with some credible credentials, and they all were all incredibly convincing. I mean, seriously, if I had to choose one based on the ‘test’ kiss, I would have chosen them all. 

Weeki Wachee Mermaids          Are real people, too. No, really, look them up. Go see their show. I think they’re still doing shows. I hope they’re still doing shows. If they aren’t, I am pretty sure you can still catch a mermaid at Aquarena Springs. No, really you can. Well, you can’t actually catch them. They’re not ‘officially Pokémon and they’re wild things, probably opposed to being caught. Not everyone is as friendly a catch a Miranda, and I got her, you can’t have her, not trading, nope, not me. I get very sentimentally attached to my Pokémon. Also, there was, or is, a swimming pig at Aquarena Springs, and I am going to catch it, so if you see it, remember, I am looking of it. I need it to complete my collection. (That, and I am hoping to use it as bait to draw one of those wilder mermaids closer. (OMG, why do I tell you guys everything! How old am I?!)

The Merman               I didn’t get a close look. It might have been a younger Fabio. I mean, a casual glance and he might be the face of every Harlequin Novel. And some of those covers are seriously sexy, and I have been tempted to read them just because of the girl on the cover, not that I am admitting to reading Harlequin, mind you, but I do admit to coveting Fabio’s hair. Sometimes I wish for the broad shoulder, the six pack, but mostly the hair. I think I look more like Bruce Willis, and you never see the Bruce Willis type on the cover of a Harlequin, which means, what, Bruce and I can’t star in Harlequin? What, we’re not funny enough?

Pokémontas                 Is played by Sacagawea. Don’t you just love saying Sacagawea? Do you remember the song “Elbow Room” from School House Rock? I would just wait for her to sing ‘Sacagawea.’ Now, before you purist get all bent out of shape, this is clearly not ‘the Sacagawea.’ If you haven’t read “I/Tulpa and the Worlds of Crossover,” you’re not missing anything per say, except the following explanation. Utlilizing Carl Jung’s ‘Active Imagination,’ Napoleon Hill’s ‘Invisible Counselors Technique,’ while already engaged in this ‘Tulpamancy’ thing, Sacagawea decided to join me. (Same with Jackie Chan. They are solid member of the core counselors guiding me.) So, it could be that Sacagawea is the ideal of Sacagawea, or she could be a manifestation of the collective unconscious, which is unclear yet to me if that means she has attributes imbued upon her by everyone who holds her in their unconscious or she is merely the archetype of that persona, or if she is the real deal. Every now and then I see her as the Sacagawea from ‘Night of the Musuem’ next to Robin Williams, but that could just be a trick of the mental light, cause most the time, she is like no one I have ever seen, but clever, kind, but don’t mistake that kindness for being a pushover, because she can kick butt. (And less fantasy here; she seriously debated not being one of my counselors. Partly because I think the real Sacagawea had some PTSD and her experience with ‘white folks’ in the original time line was less than ideal, but maybe that’s exactly why she and I drew together, because we need to help each other with our understanding of our different worlds. (Which is the only reason any of us come together. (Seriously, we’re not supposed to be making everyone like us, but embracing otherness.))

The mayor –                 Sigourney Weaver, I am sure there was a line from Aliens supposed to be here somewhere…

Lester, the toy maker.                        Lester has certainly been growing as a character. See, he isn’t just some cliché, emasculated male figure there as a two dimensional prop that makes me look better, I mean, Jon look better. 

Aya,                                       Also a Safe Haven resident who identified herself as Akan, not a species but an inhabitant of southern Ghana

Terror                                     played by Rooney Mara. I think the straight hair bang thing cells it. 

Captain Morlon Friborg          played by Adam Sandler. Don’t ask me how he got the gig. And, there’s still a lot of denial how Sandler got hooked up with the whole Friborg franchise, but it his definitely his face. I can’t help it. It what it is. I mean, seriously, if you had a happy place, tell me Adam hasn’t influenced it. Yes, my happy place has Virgina Venit in it, too. It even has a dwarf. And you know how hard it is to find a friend dwarf these days? Seriously. With science and hormone replacement, no one wants to be a dwarf, but everyone wants to have at least one dwarf friend. Maybe because when you take a dwarf friend it increases the opportunities of hook ups. Like, there are those girls who will you and the dwarf and pick you because you’re not the dwarf, which is really not right, but you still take the hook up before you kick to the street for not liking dwarfs. There is also the girls who pick you because they secretly want to hook up with the dwarf and they’re using you to get to the dwarf, and yeah, you accommodate them and pass them off to the dwarf friend. And there are those who hook up just because you’re cool enough to have a dwarf friend. It’s kind of like having a puppy or a toddler; women put you in that other box where you’re approachable, but even on those days when you’re alone, you still the happy place, with the rainbows and water sprinklers and Virginia… Just saying. Oh, so, back to Friborg Sandler. Well, if you secretly had an imaginary friend, wouldn’t you want it to be Sandler. Can’t you see us as brothers? I mean, seriously, that other scene where he is singing into the intercom and buzzes up the old lady and the next scene you see the old lady dressing and leaving, tell me that so isn’t me, I mean, Jon, yeah… Again, just saying. (By the way, I miss you, too, crazy old Chinese lady.)

Doctor Horrible                   That actor that played Doogie Howser. In fact, to get Horrible, you have to evolve Doogie. Same lab coat! Unfortunately, I am not allowed to tell you what item you need to evolve Howser. And no, Kathryn Layng, did not evolve with Horrible, and no, she is not Nurse Joy, but I so crushed on Kathryn and so wished I had been truly as smart as Doogie, cause that sexual tension was definitely there, and if I had been that smart, maybe, maybe there is a world out there that manifest that tangent, too. Riding on Horrible’s coat tails, yeah, not ashamed to admit it. Heck, since we’re admitting stuff, might as well admit there is that world with me and Belinda, too. Really? You don’t think if I am a child wanting to hook up with Doogie’s mother? And who would seriously name their kid Doogie. That’s something a dog does on the floor and gets swatted with the newspaper, but I don’t hold grudges. Belinda and I have a nice tangent world, except she keeps remind me I was never as smart as the other son. And yes, I did steal Doogie’s girl, Wanda. It wasn’t hard. I magically made the window enter into my world and she got stuck, and it helped evolve Doogie into Horrible, cause he was really sore about that… Too much? Shh, just forget. Go back to sleep. 

Uhura                                      played by Uhura. Okay, if you haven’t been following, Jon is a magician, a Tulpamaster, and he has called out the most incredible cast of invisible counselors, of which, Uhura is part of the primary team. Not trying to convince you of magic, however, if you read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and grow Rich” and do a little research, even Mr. Hill would tell you his experience with the Invisible Counselor technique was so bizarre that he gave it for a while because the people were ‘realer than real.’ Uhura is realer than real. Of course, I have been a fan since childhood, and seen her in all her manifestations, and so, the sentient being that has presented herself to me as Uhura is pretty convincing and I accept her. Is she really? This is a hard question for me. My experience of her is solid. Maybe she is my Spirit-guide ‘playing’ Uhura. Maybe she is the collective unconscious projection of an archetype, and don’t doubt for a moment that there isn’t one. You can’t have that many people thinking about Uhura and playing Uhura without consequences. Maybe she is just a dream character who I have given sufficient authority and power to which has enabled her to push the boundaries of ego and unconscious so we can better interact, whether I am in REM sleep or not. I don’t know. All I can say is I am totally grateful for her presence in my life, spanning a lifetime, as I am for all my guides and counselors and invisible-but not invisible friends. 

Burgandy                             (the French bitch) is in the background. I think her lines got cut. Umm, I wonder if she was the one that was just standing there, staring at the wall? OMG, even the handler doesn’t want to deal with her shit! Poor girl. Yes, I can not like someone and still extend empathy. Still, I have Real Dolls that had more inside them… I mean, more substance… Umm, moving on. 

Cut Scene: Robert Downey Jr. responding to fan mail. “Dear Jon, If you’re going to persist in writing me, we need to clear some things up. One, I am an actor. I am not really Mr. Stark. And, in that vein, let’s also clear up the whole ‘Heart and Souls’ thing. Loxy is right, they’re ghosts, not Pokémon, not tulpas. Yes, I see your argument for them being Pokémon ghost or tulpa ghosts, or even Tulpa Pokémon Ghosts, but according to the script, they were just ghosts. No, I was not actually possessed by the ghosts, nor did I switch out with any tulpas; I don’t have tulpas, I am just really that good of an actor, and no, I don’t play Pokémon.” (Ignore the fact his phone is open to the Pokémon Go APP, the Stark version with serious modifiers for Legnedary combat mode; and his avatar looks like Ironman.) “I am a serious actor; I don’t have time for playing Pokémon go, which is not even close to the game Go, but that would be a serious game I would play if I had time to play. Seriously, do you know how hard Go is? Chess is like Checkers compared to Go. And for the last time, stop asking me why I wasn’t on the poster for the movie ‘Only You!’ Yes, you’re right, that wasn’t me, and I don’t really want to go into it, yes, you’re probably the only one who noticed it, but that really goes to show your obsessiveness, and, well, they have great meds for that now…” Gwyneth enters. “They’re ready for us… Oh, are you actually answering a fan letter?” She hugs his neck. Robert frowned: “This guys is completely nuts, but he’s persistent. He thinks I am really Stark.” Gwyneth nodded sympathetically. “But, you are really Stark.” “Shh! No one is supposed to know that but you,” Robert said. “Oh, yeah,” Gwyneth said, leaning in closer to see who he was writing. “Oh, I know him! Wait wait wait. You gave him the Ditto suit?” “It was an accident. I was having it cleaned, and something got mislabeled and…” “You gave him the Ditto suit?!” “He’s a magician. Quirky things like this happen around magicians.” “You gave him…” “I didn’t give it to him, it just sort of happened!” “Well, you ‘sort of’ just got to get it back,” Gwyneth said: seriously concerned, “If anyone knew what you and I were doing with that suit, we’d be like on the front page of the Enquirer, again.” “Um, yeah, well, unfortunately, Jon was doing something he shouldn’t have been doing with the suit, it’s malfunctioned, and he can’t get it off, and the telemetry I downloaded says it’s going to be on for the rest of his life.” “But I liked that suit!” Gwyneth said. “I still have the Ironman suit.” “Yeah, that’s great for flying, but it’s kind of hard and not romantic at all. I am still bruised from the last time you caught me from falling,” Gwyneth said.  “Yeah, sorry about that,” Robert said. “Better than the bruise I would have had if you hadn’t caught me,” Gwyneth said. “Wait wait wait. What did Jon do with the suit that we didn’t do with the suit that resulted in this huge malfunction?” Robert pulled up the telemetry and the data started pouring in. “Oh.” “Yeah.” “Can we play back the entire encounter with the holographic entertainment system?” “If you like.” “In bed?” “If you like.” “Want to invite Jon to participate with the Avengers?” “Are you kidding? You can’t have two magician. He and Strange would just bicker all the time and we’d have to separate them. It’s really dangerous just having two magicians.” “You mean, like we had to separate Isis and Wonder Woman?” “Give Isis time to get over the fact that Wonder Woman is actually one of her sisters. She’ll come around again.” “How is Thor handling the fact he slept with one of his sister?” “Doesn’t bother him. It’s a god thing, they sleep with relatives all the time.” “Really? I thought for sure he’d have to claw his eyes out or something.” “Only if he sleeps with his mother.” “Oh, speaking of which, I so hope Jon doesn’t open that file do not open. Maybe you should remote delete it?” “No, the system did a memory backup directly into his brain, which is why the suit won’t let him go. The suit thinks it’s Jon.” Gwyneth seemed a little concern, and angry. “You so better hope he doesn’t get amnesia and comes home to our house dressed as you because I am going to be really sore if that happens.” “Probably not as sore as Katy.” She pointed at him. “I am warning you.” “I am sure it won’t happen.” She pointed at him again. “Again.” “OMG, Robert. I just can’t work with you…” (Yes, even a Robert Gwyneth cut scene cameo is usually a bit drawn out, but they improv so well together.) “It’s because it’s not improv! I am really sore!” Gwyneth said to the camera.

Bianca                                  played by Rachel Anne McAdams

Tecia, security officer,         actually played by Tecia, and those joint locks she executed, those were real, and they hurt, and off set, she’s plays really rough, and she can lock you in her legs and take you down faster than you can even think, and I was frequently dazed, and bruised, but, the show must go on. 

Bridge Officer, red highlights:        Played by Emma Watson. (Come on, you don’t think I didn’t go there, or am going to go there, or well, just stay tuned. Will she die? Will she save the day? Is there no end to these fantasies?!) (It’s just a fantasy, ohohoh…)

Starship Sunshine extra with possible future story arcs: I am really not going to go present this whole list, as there has to be some surprises, but special mentions had to go out to Audrey Tautou with a spoon with her Pokémon with a spoon…Kaley Cuoco, (with the caveat no no Sheldon. (No, really, Kaley, tell Sheldon to stop sending me fan mail. I know he liked the Trek fan fiction with Captain Garcia, but I am not putting him in because though he is sometimes funny, he is also seems sometime kind of mean.) Nikki Cox, I so miss you Niki, and your father so had a Tulpa Pokémon in your basement, which you probably didn’t know about till just now, but I would so not have had a dog Pokémon tulpa if I was living in your family’s basement, but that’s a different show and replete with 3’s company level confusion when my Tulpa you and the real you getting confused and some serious ethical questions being deliberated over in comical manner.

Would you like to be an extra? Do you have a Tulpa or a Pokémon or Tulpa Pokémon looking for a venue to display your talents? Do you know of a show that was probably about a Tulpa before people really started knowing what tulpas were? Like Harvey? That is so a Tulpa… Send a pic, drawn, captured, live, or photo shopped, and tell your story. So many worlds, so many possibilitie

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