Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 105


When they got a break, Joyce convinced Sam to meet with her in his office. Joyce had hoped, by coming clean to Sam it would mend the bridges between them. It seemed she was wrong. Instead, it had pushed Sam further away from her. He glared at her in contempt.

“Don’t you think it’s a little late for a confessional? Why didn’t you tell me before now - when it might have made a difference?”

“Because, I was afraid for you. Don’t you see? Everything I did… was for you.”

“I didn’t need your help, Joyce. Did you threaten Donna? Of course, you didn’t. You couldn’t have. You’re not that smart with computers. Who were you working for, Joyce?”

“I don’t know Sam! Whoever it was used some kind of device to alter their voice. It sounded robotic, distorted.”

“So you don’t even know if it was a man or a woman that was talking to you.”

“No, Sam! I don’t!”

“And you think that person is who gave you the Euphoria?”


“But the second delivery was an empty box?”

“Yes! The box was the same as the first one, but when I opened it there was nothing there. I got another call that said the box was far from empty.”

“And, this all happened, right before we picked you up, for the carnival?”

“Yes, Sam. Please stop talking like you don’t believe me.”

Sam’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s because I don’t! You’re lying to me. You know who’s behind this, and you’re not telling me.”

Sam’s door panel chirped. “Sam, it’s me. Can I come in?”

Sam narrowed his eyes and grinned. “VICi, unlock door panel.”

The door slid open; Donna stepped inside. “Sam I need to…” she paused when she saw Joyce sitting in the chair in front of his desk. “Did I come at a bad time?”

Sam stood. “No. Joyce was just leaving.”

Joyce stood. “We can finish this later.”

“No, Joyce – we won’t!” Sam firmly stated. “By the way, the next time you decide to take a day off, I’d better know about it first. Now, go do your job, or I’ll find someone else who can.”

Joyce studied Sam’s eyes for a few seconds and turned. Donna moved to let Joyce past. She glanced over her shoulder and then locked her eyes on Sam’s. “What was that all about?”

Sam scoffed. “Joyce’s idea of bearing her soul.”

Donna frowned. “What did she say?”

Sam waved it off. “Doesn’t matter. What did you want to talk to me about?”

Donna sat in the chair. “Me, and the baby, and this thing in my neck.”

Sam swallowed hard. “What about it, sweetheart?”

“Sam, if the worst should happen, and a choice has to be made, between me and the baby, I want you to save him. You were right. He’s special. He has a purpose here. He has to be born, even if it’s in another woman’s body. Use whatever means necessary to keep my body alive, until you can find a surrogate mother.”

Sam’s eyes widened. “You’re not going to…?”

Donna slowly shook her head. “No. I’m not. If it’s going to happen, it has to happen here. Forrest is not going to let me live, whether I take him the cure or not. When he releases the neurotoxin, if I’m here, you can save the baby. If it happens with Forrest, both of us would die. That can’t happen, Sam. Daria said ‘Protect him well. In his hands lies the fate of two realms.’ At first I didn’t understand it. Before I found out I was pregnant with Rich, I couldn’t decide whether ‘he’ meant you, or Richard. Then I realised it didn’t mean either of you. Daria was referring to the baby.”

Sam furrowed his brow. His mouth gaped. He stared at her incredulously. “You’re willing to risk your life, and the life of your baby, all because of something a fortune teller told you? One of Richard’s friends? Sweetheart, that’s crazy!”

Donna’s eyes glossed. She swallowed to cool her burning throat. “I’m sorry. I thought you would understand. I guess I was wrong.”

Sam walked around the desk and crouched in front of her. He took her hands and stared into her eyes. Donna pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. She looked down at their hands. “Sweetheart, look at me. I can’t let you do that. I can’t let you go!”

Donna studied his eyes. “It’s not your choice. If you won’t help me, I’ll ask Sheila. Besides, it’s too late.”

“What do you mean, it’s too late?”

“The spot on my neck is tender, and I think I’m running a temperature. If you give me antibiotics, it’s just going to compound the problem.”

Sam held the back of his hand to Donna’s forehead. He frowned. “You’re a little warm,” he said, putting a digital thermometer under her tongue. He turned her head to the side and examined her neck. “It’s swollen slightly, and a little red,” he said, gently pressing it with his fingertips.

“Ow!” Donna groaned. “Not so hard!”

“Sorry,” he said and pressed a gentle kiss over it. Sam took the thermometer out and kissed her. He glanced at the thermometer, sighed and kissed her again. “38.7 – low grade temp,” he said and stood.

Donna sighed. “Then I was right. My immune system has identified Forrest’s bug and marked it for termination.”

Sam opened a box of topical antibiotic and threw the empty carton in the bin beside his desk. “Turn your head.”

“What are you doing?”

He started gently rubbing the cream on her neck. “You’re right. I can’t give you oral antibiotics or an injection, but I can try treating it from the outside. I want you to stay in the infirmary so I can keep an eye on you. If something goes wrong, I need you close.”

“Sam, my neck is not the reason I’m here.” She handed him a jewel cased DVD.

Sam read the words on the front of it, ‘Just In Case’. “What is this?”

“It’s for Gary, and Richard, and his father. This…” she said, taking an envelope from her pocket, “…is for you. Never, under any circumstances, let Richard or anyone else, see this letter. If, by some miracle, I get through this, I want you to destroy it. Maybe, when this is over, we can pick up where we left off.”

Sam held her chin in the palm of his left hand and studied her eyes. The knot in his throat was choking him. “Donna, sweetheart, you can’t do this to me – to us. If Forrest detonates the explosive in that little bastard, in your neck, I’m not sure I can do anything for you or the baby.”

Donna softly smiled. “I know you can. All I’m asking you to do is try. Will you?”

Sam lifted her to her feet and kissed her again. He took her hand. “Let’s see what condition the casing is in now.” He led her to a biobed. “VICi, deep scan. Focus on carotid artery. Analyse and identify neurotoxin in foreign object.” Sam held his breath. His heart pounded as they waited. A few seconds later, his worst fears were confirmed.

VICi; Deep scan complete.

Sam closed his eyes for a few seconds and swallowed hard. Taking a breath, he completed the command. “VICi, display results to wallscreen.” His eyes glossed. He blinked to clear his vision.

Donna looked up at him through tear dimmed eyes. “I’ll stay in the infirmary. Get Richard and the others.” She rose up and kissed him. “Remember what I said.”

Sam nodded. “VICi, emergency, notify the following to come to the infirmary: Dr. Sheila McGowan, Richard Triplet, Sir Richard Triplet, and Gary Browne.” Sam handed Donna a surgical gown. “Sweetheart, get this on. We have to hurry.”

VICi; Dr. McGowan, Richard Triplet, Sir Richard Triplet, and Dr. Browne have acknowledged and are on their way.

“Go ! I can handle this.”

“I love you,” Sam said, lifted her hand, kissed it and left the room. Joyce met him in the waiting area. Sam started barking orders. “When Sheila gets here, send her to the scrub room. Deal with Richard and the others, and then assist Donna.”

“What should I tell them?”

“Tell them I’ve identified the neurotoxin in the vial. Donna’s immune system is destroying the outer casing. It’s dangerously thin. We have no choice but to try and remove it. I’ll explain more when I come out, but tell them if we don’t act fast, we’re going to lose Donna and the baby.” Sam closed his eyes for a second as he fought stinging tears. He couldn’t lose it. He had to hold it together, for Donna. “VICi, reduce temperature in OR to ten degrees Celsius and hold. I have to go, Joyce!” Sam whirled and left.

Joyce took a deep breath and waited by the infirmary doors. Sheila, who had been in the medical lab, got there first; Joyce directed her to the scrub room. Sam looked up as Sheila entered the room. “Sheila, this is your expertise. I’m going to assist. I’ve reduced the temperature, so wear long sleeves.”

“Where’s Donna? Has she been prepped?”

“No. When the rest of the team get here, we’ll put her straight under. I didn’t want to waste valuable time. Sheila, you have to save her!”

Sheila started scrubbing. “I’ll do my best, Sam.”


Richard and Gary came through the infirmary doors first; Sir Richard not far behind them. “What’s going on, Joyce? Where’s Donna?” Richard asked.

“Dr. McGowan is scrubbing for surgery. When Sam checked it, the outer casing on the vial was dangerously thin. Sheila is going to try and remove it before it ruptures.”

“Did he find out which neurotoxin Forrest used?” Sir Richard asked.

Joyce sighed. “I’m sorry, Sir Richard. Sam didn’t have time to explain, but he mentioned if they weren’t successful that they could lose Donna and the baby. I need to get back and assist Donna. Please, stay here.”


Back in Shreveport, Louisiana, Jared had finished getting dressed to take his family to the airport. They’d been with him since he got back from the UK. He and his daughter, Sarabeth, had spent some much needed quality time together. Leaving Donna again, had been hard on Jared, but his family being there had helped. Juanita’s being there had helped, as well. In her, Jared had someone he could confide in who knew all his secrets. Juanita was good with Sarabeth, as well. She wasn’t Donna, but Sarabeth had formed a special bond with Juanita, as well as Nano, Juanita’s yellow tabby.

As Jared had suspected, the only bond he and Nano had formed was a measure of paranoiac tolerance. To Nano, Jared smelled like a wild animal, and could send him skittering across the marble tile in the entrance hall, with just a look. If Jared was feeling particularly mischievous, a growl or flash of his glowing crimson eyes turned the cat into a giant yellow hissing puffball. At least the cat made him laugh. Jared hadn’t done that a lot lately, and to Nadine, it was pleasant to see.

Tom, Jared’s father, was sitting at the snack bar, finishing up his cup of coffee, while he waited for Jared to come downstairs. Nadine, Jared’s mother was in the kitchen, helping Cassie prepare snacks, for their flight back to Arizona. Nadine was not looking forward to this parting. Sarabeth had begged to stay with her father, but Jared had told her he had something to take care of. He’d promised Sarabeth that he and Juanita would visit soon, if time allowed.

Jared stepped into the kitchen. Nadine turned to go collect Sarabeth and Myra, who were out by the pool, watching Nano chasing a squirrel around the back garden. Nadine stopped in her tracks and grabbed the wall for support. She felt as if someone had knocked her legs out from under her.

Using preternatural speed, Tom and Jared were by Nadine’s side instantly. “Mother, what’s wrong?” he asked, helping her to a bar stool.

Nadine’s eyes glossed. She swallowed hard and shared a look of concern with Tom. Jared’s eyes glowed crimson red. He felt like a boulder was pressing down on his chest. “It’s Donna,” he choked. “Something is seriously wrong… with Donna.” He reached for his cell phone.

Nadine rested her hand over Jared’s. She slowly shook her head. “Not yet. There is a choice to be made. You must wait for them to come to you.”

Jared tightened his jaw. His voice became a growl, low in his throat. “I need to be there, Mother. She’s going to die. I wasn’t there for Sara. I have to be there for Donna!”

“You may yet have to go to her, but that time has not yet come. Reach for her thoughts. That’s how you can help her the most.”

“But, what if she’s still blocking me out. I can’t risk penetrating her warning barrier, especially now!”

“That is Donna’s choice Jared. You must abide her wishes, or you will lose her forever.” Nadine turned. “We’re not leaving him, Tom. Not until we know for sure.” Tom let out a long sigh and nodded.


“Donna!” Joyce shouted and checked her pulse. “Sam, Sheila, get in here!”

Sam burst out of the scrub room; Sheila was right behind him. Donna had collapsed to the floor. “No!” Sam groaned and checked her pupils. He pressed his stethoscope to her chest and listened. “She’s in arrest! Sweetheart don’t do this to me!”

Sam lifted Donna’s listless body and laid her on the table. “VICi, monitor BPR of mother and foetus. Sheila charge paddles to 200! Clear!” Zap!

“Sheila, how’s the baby?”

“He seems unaffected.”

Donna’s body lifted off the table – no response – she was still in arrest. “Come on baby, don’t do this to me! Charge to 300! Clear!” Still no change.

“Come on Donna – come back sweetheart. I don’t want to go much higher. Charge to 350! Clear!”

Donna’s body jerked; there was a blip on the screen. “She has a sinus,” Sheila announced. “Intubate her, Sam and let’s get that damn thing out of her neck.”

With their hands turning blue and their fingers going numb, Sheila, Sam and the rest of the surgical team worked as quickly as they could. Sheila carefully guided the fibre optic camera and microsurgical instruments to the chip. The image on the wallscreen confirmed her worst fears. The vial’s outer shell had dissolved and released the toxin. “I’m sorry, Sam. The damage is done. It’s in her bloodstream. We can keep her on the respirator, or we can let her go. I don’t think it’s going to make any difference. The toxin has already destroyed her brain cells.”

Sam thought about Donna’s request. “She stays on life support, at least until I can keep my promise.”

“What was the promise?”

“She wants the baby saved at all costs. I have to find a suitable surrogate mother to carry the baby to term.”

Sheila’s eyes widened. “Does Richard know about this?”

“I don’t know, she didn’t say, but he will when I tell him.”

“In that case, let’s flush as much of the toxin out of her system, as possible. At this stage, that’s about all we can do.”


Three hours later, Sam and Sheila took off their surgical caps and masks. Sam blotted his eyes on his sleeve. Donna’s blood had been reheated to thirty-seven degrees Celsius and returned to her body. Sheila turned to the respiratory technician. “Is there any indication she’s even trying to breathe?” she asked.

“No, Dr. McGowan.”

Sam sighed and removed the rest of his surgical gear; dumping them in the bin. He couldn’t see any hope for Donna. “VICi, gradually increase room temperature to twenty degrees Celsius. Move her to an ICU. Keep the respirator on full assist.”

Sheila studied his eyes. “We’ve done all we can, Sam. Now it’s up to Donna. Stay with her. I’ll talk to Richard and his father.”