Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


An unexpected bouquet of flowers was delivered to Donna’s neighbour. The ‘deliveryman’ then knocked on Donna’s door. When there was no response, he looked around, picked the lock and entered Taser in hand. A quick check revealed Donna wasn’t there. Had she been, his orders were to zap her and call the waiting ‘ambulance’.

He planted bugs throughout the apartment and then replaced the hard drive in her desktop computer with the defective one he had brought. Anyone who tried to start the machine would think the hard drive had failed and wouldn’t reboot. He then removed the phone outlet and replaced it with a remote controlled one.


Forrest stood on the balcony of his penthouse apartment above D’Netics, staring at the lake in the distance. His bags were packed and waiting by the door. His cell phone rang. He held it to his ear and listened. “It’s done. You were right. The apartment was empty. Dr. Rigden is gone, and so are most of her things.”

“Good,” Forrest sighed and disconnected the call. He stepped back into the apartment, pulled the glass doors to and locked them. Pressing another button on his cell phone he waited.

“For your sake, I hope you have good news.”

“Jared Thundercloud is in Arizona. Donna is on a plane headed to the UK, and she didn’t refill her birth control prescription. I assume that’s good news, enough.”

“You’ve done well….”

“I’ve done my part. I’m leaving. They’re your problem now.” He ended the call and turned. “We’re leaving.”


Donna roused to the sound of a strong steady heartbeat. She nuzzled closer, deeply inhaling, expecting to pull the familiar scent of his cologne into her lungs. It wasn’t Jared’s smell. Then it all came back. Jared had left her. Her eyes glossed. Her throat ached from uncried tears. Since Jared had left her, despite Richard being there, and him and Gary doing everything they could to help her, Donna’s life had been an internal living hell. An endless nightmare she couldn’t seem to wake up from. She sighed deeply.

Richard brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Donna stiffened and moved her nose away from his neck. “How are you feeling?”

Donna swallowed hard and fought through layers of fog. “Groggy,” she murmured, blinking to keep her eyes open. She glanced at her arm. It had been put in a sling. “Where am I?”

“On your way to the UK. The paramedics gave you something for the pain before we left Barksdale. You can have some more in a couple of hours. How’s your arm?”

Donna flexed it. “It’s still sore, but the throbbing has stopped,” she winced. “Where are we?”

Richard checked his watch. “We should be getting close to St. John’s. Are you hungry, or thirsty?”

“Thirsty – a little. Do you have any Dr Pepper?”

 “No, pet…” Richard sighed, “…but, I can get you some when we land to refuel. I’ve got ginger ale and sparkling water. Will that do till then? Are you sure you don’t want something stronger?”

“I’m sure. Ginger ale will be fine,” she responded, moving off his shoulder. “Why aren’t you helping John fly the plane?”

“I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”

“I’m fine,” she sighed.

“I guess our helicopter rides helped,” he smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

“I guess so,” she exhaled and leaned back in her seat.

Richard came back with two cold ginger ales. He tipped his bottle to his lips. Donna took a sip of hers and closed the lid. “I thought you liked scotch?” she prompted.

“Not when I’m driving or flying a plane. If you’re going to be OK, I’ll go back to the cockpit, or I can stay back here with you.”

“It doesn’t matter. Where’s my purse and laptop?”

“In the compartment, above our heads. Do you want them?”

“Yes, please. I might do some research or read.”

Richard raised an eyebrow. “How are you going to use it?” He motioned to her sling. “Why don’t I stay here, and we’ll watch a movie, instead.”

Donna softly smiled. “You have to fly the plane. I’ll manage.”

Richard sighed and stood. “Here, pet. I’ll set your laptop on the table. If you need anything use the intercom.” Richard caressed her face. “It’s nice to have you here.”

Donna smiled weakly. She looked across at her laptop and decided she wasn’t ready to wrestle with it. She took her Kindle out and set her purse on the floor, next to her feet. She selected George Thundercloud’s book and started reading. She might not be able to be with Jared, but at least she could learn as much about his ways of life, as possible. Now that she was alone, Donna’s smile faded as she allowed her heartbreak to surface. Silent tears tangled in her dark lashes. She blinked to clear her vision. She fought to stay awake, but soon dozed off.

Without Jared there to protect her, the dream was back; the one about the man with the dancing aqua eyes. His face was clearer. The eyes were different - still aqua - but greener than before. His accent vaguely reminded Donna of Mel Gibson, but it didn’t matter. If he was her future, she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was who he wasn’t – Jared.


A couple of hours later, Richard checked on Donna. He found her on her left side, legs slightly curled; Kindle resting on the seat next to her, loosely grasped in her hand. He put it away and threw a blanket over her. Their one night together might not have meant anything to Donna, but Richard couldn’t forget. He remembered the look of need in her dark eyes. The silky softness of her skin. The way she moved her body, hot and hungry, moist and sticky, against his. The smell of her perfume. The bite of her nails on his back as she reached her peak. He sighed deeply and softly swept the back of his finger over her face.

“Someday pet,” he whispered, tenderly kissed her forehead and went back to the cockpit.

During the flight; Richard checked on her several more times. As they neared the airport, he sat next to her and fastened his seatbelt. He leaned closer, looking at her for a while, up close. She was still asleep, but restless.

“Donna? Wake up, pet. We’re getting ready to land. Can you fasten your seatbelt, or do you need help?”

She tried, but with one arm, it was next to impossible. She snorted resignedly. “I guess I need a little help.”

Richard softly smiled and leaned across her. He hesitated, studying her eyes, leaning in to kiss her. Donna stiffened. Her heart pounded; this still didn’t feel right. At the last possible second, before his lips touched hers, Donna lowered her head. “I’m sorry…” she whispered. “What happened between us was a mistake. I shouldn’t have let it happen.”

Richard sighed and kissed her forehead. “It’s OK….”

“Please, don’t let this destroy our friendship. I desperately need that.”

“It won’t destroy our friendship, I promise, but you know how I feel.”

“I know, but I just don’t… feel… that way about you.”

Richard smiled, leaned back in his seat and curled his fingers around hers. “The next bit might get a little bumpy.”

“Aren’t you going to help John land?”

“This plane is so automated, with a little help you could land it.”

“I don’t think so….”

Richard chuckled. “At least you’re not afraid of flying.”

“Yeah…” Donna scoffed and swallowed the lump in her throat. Amazing what a broken heart will make you do.


John landed the plane. Donna grabbed her purse and reached to close her laptop. “What do you think you’re doing?” Richard asked, closing the lid and slipping it into her case. “The handbag you can have, John and I will get the rest.”

Donna narrowed her eyes and groaned. “I’m not helpless.”

“You are right now. Sit tight. I’ll come and get you.”

Donna groaned, exasperated and sat back on the edge of her seat. She took out her Kindle and pretended to read. Focusing her eyes on the top edge of the device, Donna waited for a window of opportunity. As soon as Richard and John were gone, she slowly eased her arm out of the sling. Flexing her fingers, she tested for soreness. It barely hurt; she softly smiled.

Keeping an eye on the door, Donna rolled her shoulder and gently squeezed the bandage. She softly smiled again. By tomorrow, her arm would be completely healed. Her eyes widened. Richard would expect her to see a doctor; probably the one at the centre. “I have to do something,” she mused.

She hurried to the toilet at the back of the plane and unlocked her cell phone. “Gary, it’s me. I have a problem.”


“Donna?” He was relieved, but a little surprised to hear from her. “Have you landed yet? Where are you? Where are Richard and John?”

“I’m in the bathroom. Richard and John are unloading the plane. I have to talk fast. Gary, what am I going to do? Richard will expect me to see a doctor.”

“And what’s the problem with that? I think you should.”

“Gary – think! Trust me. By tomorrow, my arm will be completely healed.”

“Oh – forgot about that. I guess the antibody is still in your system, then.”

“Duh – you think! What am I gonna do?”

“Tell Richard?”

“No! I won’t betray Jared.”

“Even after what he did to you?”

“That doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the way I feel about him. I don’t think anything could do that.”

“I thought you were warming up to Richard.”

“So did I, and I was - at least - I thought I was. I can’t explain. It’s just – well – it’s complicated, Gary. I need to figure out what to do about my arm. What about Sam? Can he be trusted?”

“Sam Kaliea? I suppose….”

“That’s it – yes – of course! If I saw Sam, as a patient, and I confided in him, he wouldn’t have a choice. He would be forced to keep it to himself – doctor patient confidentiality.”

Gary’s eyes widened. “Donna… I think we should talk to Sir Richard about this first.”


“There are other… issues to be considered.”

“Such as…?”

“Well, for one thing, Sam doesn’t work in the same department as we do. Our lab is – well - it’s secluded, you might say.”

“Gary! Don’t start with the secrecy thing. I got enough of that from Jared. Look. This is my body, so I think it should be my choice.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re already trying to put me in the middle of something I’m going to regret?”


“Gary, when I was in Arizona, I confided in you. As a result, I lost Jared. I told you what being with Jared had done to me. You asked me to trust you.”

“Well – yeah – I did, but….”

“You also asked me to trust Sir Richard, which I did.”

“Yes, but….”

“There are no buts about this. We are sitting on something that could change the world, assuming I can figure it out.”

“Ok – right. I’ll buy that, but….”

“Oops! Dammit!”

“What is it?”

“They’re coming back. We’ll have to finish this when I get to the Centre. Talk to Sam. I’ll see you soon.”


Gary took a deep breath, knocked on Sam’s office door and pushed it open. Sam was busy typing on his keyboard. He glanced up and continued working. “What can I do for you, Gary?”

“I need to speak to you in strictest confidence.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “This sounds serious.”

“It is, Sam. It’s very serious, and it concerns my cousin Donna. She needs your help, and she needs to be able to trust you. I need to be able to trust you.”

Sam leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers behind his head. “OK… does that mean Donna, and I will be working together?”

“No, Sam,” Gary narrowed his eyes. “It means you’ll be working with me and Donna.”

“But not Richard?” he hedged.

“Unless things change, no. Not on this particular research project.”

“Does Sir Richard know the nature of this secret project?”

“Yes, Sam,” Gary sighed in exasperation. “He does, but he doesn’t know Donna has asked for you to be included. I haven’t told him that part, yet.”

Sam grinned. “Donna… asked for me to be included?”

“Yes, Sam,” Gary responded with a touch sarcasm. “Donna asked for you to be included.”

A sly grin turned up the corners of Sam’s mouth. “What exactly do you need me to do?”

“Before I tell you, do I have your word this will go no further?”


“Donna needs you to examine her gunshot wound.”

That’s the big secret!” Sam’s eyebrows shot up. “Considering I treated her, via video call, technically that makes her my patient. I assumed she would.”

“Well, she is your patient, but, there’s something different about her… she’ll explain that to you. They’re on their way over here now. Sam… what Donna is going to share with you cannot be shared with Richard or anyone else. One other thing.”

“Man, she’s putting a lot of trust in someone she knows nothing about.”

“That’s not entirely true.”

“Donna knows more about me?”

“You and Donna have a few things in common.”

“Really – do tell?”

“Music, you’re both doctors, Donna has read your book, and she agrees with your methods.”

A slow smile spread across Sam’s mouth. “Donna likes music?”

“Not just likes Sam. Donna is – well – she’s kind of a star.”

“I’m into the music scene. If she’s a star, why haven’t I heard about her?”

“Because her career was short-lived. Not because she lacked talent, but because her band split up, for personal reasons.”

“Donna had her own band?”

“Not exactly. The band kind of had her. She was the female lead vocalist for ‘Raging Storm’. The band split and Donna came over here.”

Sam leaned forward in his chair. “I guess I’d better see what this ‘Raging Storm’ is all about, then.”

“Just don’t say anything to Donna. I’m not sure she wanted anyone to know this, but, since you both like music, I thought you might need to know.”

“You haven’t told me anything. Did she know you were going to talk to me?”

“Yes – about examining her, but nothing else.”

Sam smiled smugly. “OK. I’ll personally handle Donna’s case.”

“I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

Sam chuckled. “I’m not all bad, Gary.”

Gary stood to leave. “I’ll soon find out, because if you’re working under me, you’ll do as I say.”