Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 85


John skid the Escalade to a stop and jumped out. Sir Richard got out and walked to the back of the car. Gary and Sam took out the gurney. Donna followed them to the edge of the verge. “Sir Richard, you stay here with Donna,” Sam said. “We’ll get him out.”

Sir Richard pulled Donna into his arms and held her. She looked up at him and rested her head against his shoulder.

John opened the door and pushed it back until it snapped in place. “Richard! It’s Sam! Can you hear me? Come on Mate, say something. Come on Richard, answer me. You’ve got a very concerned fiancée waiting on the verge!”

“Sam…?” Richard groaned and slightly turned his head. “Where’s Donna?”

“She’s up on the verge with your dad.”

“Tell her not to try and come down here.”

“I won’t let her. Where are you hurt?”

“My head and my right shoulder.”

“Does it hurt when you move your neck?”

“A little. It feels stiff.”

“You said your shoulder hurts. Can you move that arm?”

“Not without considerable pain,” Richard groaned.

Sam opened the back door and took the passenger headrest off. Carefully, he crawled over the front seat. “I need to check your shoulder. I’ll be as gentle as possible, but it still might be a little painful. Just try and relax.” Sam examined Richard’s shoulder and head. “You’re going to have a headache from that. Gary grab me a sling kit. I want to brace his arm before we try to move him.”

Gary hurried up the bank. “He’s talking to us, D,” he smiled. “He bumped his head on the side window, and his shoulder is hurt, but he’s OK.”

Donna wiped her eyes on the back of her hand and let out a long sigh of relief. “Can I….”

“…No! Richard knows you’re here, but he said not to let you come down that bank. He’s afraid you’ll slip and hurt yourself. Just stay here with Sir Richard. We’ll have him out, as soon as Sam puts the sling on him.”

Sam put the sling on Richard’s arm and fastened it and the pillow around his torso. “John, I’m going to push him up, you and Gary ease him out. Be careful and try not to move his shoulder any more than necessary. Ready?”

“We’re ready,” John said.

“OK, Mate. It’s time to get you out. Just relax and let us do the work.”

Richard softly chuckled. “You’ll get no arguments out of me.”

Once Richard was out of the car, Gary and John helped him up the bank. Donna’s eyes filled with tears as she touched his face. “I was so worried about you.”

“I’m OK, pet.”

“Richard, sit on the tailgate, so I can reduce your shoulder. Sam, give him an injection for the pain.”

One corner of Sam’s mouth turned up. “That’s what I was about to do, Miss Smarty Pants. Are you sure you know how to do this?”

Donna narrowed her eyes. “Sam, unlike you, I may not have my own practice, but I went through medical school and two years of residency. I have performed closed reductions and re-set bones. Are you suggesting I don’t know how to do this?”

“I might ask you the same thing.”

“There’s an easy way to solve this problem,” John chuckled. “Why don’t you just ask the patient who he’d prefer?”

Richard gave Sam a wincing grin. “Do I even have to answer that question?”

“Besides,” Sir Richard interjected. “If he chose you Sam, Ricky would never hear the end of it.”

Richard groaned. Donna sighed in exasperation. “Sam, please, he’s in pain. Give him the injection!”

Sam injected lidocaine into the shoulder joint, and they chatted while they waited for the medication to numb the affected area.

“Ricky, what happened?”

“Honestly, Dad, it happened so fast, I’m not sure. I came around the bend. I was blinded by a set of headlights. I didn’t have time to think. It was either hit the other guy head on or….”

Sir Richard tightened his jaw. “…Another car ran you off the road?”

“Yeah, basically. It was either the verge or a head on collision. I didn’t count on my wheel slipping. The anchors had no effect. The right front of the car glanced off a small tree, the airbag popped out, and I hit my head on the window. That was it. The next thing I knew, there was a bright light shining in my eyes, and I guess I blacked out again.”

“That would explain the other skid marks and tyre tracks,” John said. “The light you saw was probably the other driver checking to see that you were still alive.”

Donna frowned. “So he ran you off the road, and then just drove off, without even calling anybody? It’s against the law in the States to drive away from the scene of an accident. Isn’t it the same here?”

“Yes, petal. It is, but that doesn’t mean everyone abides by the law.”

“The bastard! What if he’d been bleeding, or dying?”

“Let’s put it this way…” Sir Richard said, “…if I ever find out who it was, they’ll get theirs.”

“How does your shoulder feel? Is it getting numb?”

“Yes, but it still aches.”

“Then, let’s get this done, so I can get you home,” Donna said. “Sam, I need you to get behind him and support his body.”

Sam crawled over the seat, knelt and propped his front against Richard’s back. “Ready when you are, sweetheart.”

“OK. Richard, I need you to relax as much as possible and try not to move. The lidocaine should help with the pain, but it will still be uncomfortable. I’m going to use what we call the Kocher method. I want you to straighten your shoulders.”

“How’s that?”

“Yes, like that. OK, deep breath and we’ll begin.”

Within a couple of minutes, Richard’s shoulder was back in place. She kissed him. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No, and the best part was the treat for being good,” he said and kissed her again.

Sam sighed. “Could you move to the side a little, so I don’t have to crawl back over the seat?”

Richard slid to the side. Sam sat down on the tailgate, next to him.

“OK, let’s get his car out,” Sir Richard said. “John, hook the winch to the tow bar. Sam, you, or Gary steer it out.”

Sam stood. “I’ll get it.”


Lady Triplet woke with a terrible chest pain. She reached for her nitroglycerine pills, concealed in her bedside table and put one under her tongue. Replacing the lid, she put the little brown bottle back in the bedside table and closed the drawer. The pain got worse. Clutching her chest, she groaned and sat on the side of the bed, waiting. Each second that passed seemed as though it was an eternity. The pain wasn’t letting up. She gasped for each breath and grabbed for the phone. “Vera – get Richard - help me. I can’t… breathe….”

Vera heard a loud thud, and then nothing. “Oh God! Jack. I think she’s fallen. Hurry to the lift. I’ll ring Sir Richard!” Vera searched through an address book for Sir Richard’s cell phone number.


Richard got into the passenger seat of his car. Donna got behind the wheel. She adjusted the seat, side and rear view mirrors so she could see. “Donna, are you sure you can….”

Donna tightened her jaw. “…Sam, I’ll have you know I’ve been driving a car since I was fifteen years old!” she growled. “I was driving before I left the States. I haven’t forgotten how.”

Sam grinned and looked across at Richard. “Are you sure you trust her driving.”

Richard studied her eyes and smiled. “More than I trust yours.”

Sir Richard leaned down. “Be careful, petal. You’ve only got one set of headlights, so take your time.”

Richard gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll be fine, Dad.”


Richard nodded. “See you when we get there.”

Donna eased on the gas and drove off.

Sir Richard’s cell phone rang. He ignored it, watching Donna’s tail lights until they were out of sight. He unlocked it and glanced at the name. “Hello Vera. Have you told Mum about Ricky’s accident?”

“Sir Richard, get here quick. It’s your Mum. She’s passed out and fallen.”

“Sam, get in the car! John turn us around and get back to the castle. Something is wrong with Mum. That was Vera.”


Sam checked Lady Triplet’s pulse and then listened to her heart. He looked up at Sir Richard. “Gary, get the gurney. We need to get her to the complex, Sir Richard. She’s in arrest.”

“I’ll go warm up the chopper!” John said.

Sam gave Lady Triplet an emergency injection to regulate her heart rate until they could get her to the complex. Gary and Sam jumped in the chopper with Lady Triplet. Sir Richard jumped in the co-pilot’s seat, and they lifted off. Sir Richard turned. “What’s wrong with her Sam?”

 “Her heart is beating too slowly, Sir Richard. Has she been diagnosed with an irregular heart rate?”

“Not that I’m aware of. As far as I know, she’s as strong as an ox, but, until here lately, my Mum and I haven’t seen a lot of each other. What could have caused this?”

“Sir Richard, your Mum is ninety years old. If she hasn’t already been treated for this, there are a number of things that could have brought it on. Donna and I will check her out.”

“That reminds me. I’d better let Ricky know something.” He unlocked his cell phone.


“Press that middle button on the right hand part of the steering wheel. Hello Dad.”

“Ricky, if I’m on speaker, take me off.”

“Pull onto the verge a second.”

Donna slowed and pulled over. Richard put his Bluetooth ear bud in. “Press that button again. Dad are you there?”

“Yes, Ricky, I’m here.”

“Hang on a second. OK, pet, you can pull back onto the road. What’s up, Dad?”

“Son, I know you can’t drive, and I didn’t want to scare Donna, but we’re almost back to the complex with Grandma.”


“Not long after you and Donna left, Vera called me. Grandma collapsed. Sam said her heart was beating too slowly. He gave her an injection. I thought you might want to know.”

Richard’s eyes widened. He swallowed hard and softly cleared his throat. “OK, Dad. We’ll be there in about ten minutes.” Richard ended the call. “Pet… don’t panic. Something has happened to Grandma. They’re on their way back to the complex.”

Donna put her foot down and the car started accelerating. She kept her eyes forward, concentrating on the road. “What did Sam say was wrong with her?”

“He said her heart was beating too slowly.”

“Sam isn’t your grandmother’s doctor?”

“Are you kidding? Until lately, her and Dad hadn’t spoken for years.”

“They seemed to be getting along well enough when we watched Mama’s video.”

Richard chuckled. “They tolerate each other, Donna, but they’re a long way from close. I’m closer to Grandma than Dad is.”

Donna arched an eyebrow. “I see. So you… don’t do everything your grandmother tells you to?”

“Hell no!” Richard scoffed. “I try to appease her. I may tell her I’m going to do something, but I don’t always do it. It depends on what she asks me. Why?”

“Oh – no reason. I was just curious. I guess we’ll have to postpone the wedding.”


“Your shoulder. Richard, you’ll be out of commission for at least two weeks – possibly four – depending on how many ligaments you’ve torn.”

“I thought you wanted to get married as soon as possible.”

“I do, but I couldn’t ask you to do that. How is your shoulder, by the way?”

“Sam’s injection is making it bearable. We can still get married, Donna. You may have to help me a little with your ring, but I don’t want to postpone it. I’ll get you or Sam to give me some pain medication, and I’ll be fine.”

Donna softly smiled and snorted. “You know, you’re almost as stubborn as me.”

“Start slowing down. We’re getting ready to turn down the road to the farm. Just take your time. I’ll guide you through it.”


Sam and Gary put Lady Triplet on a biobed. “VICi, full body scan. Focus on cardiovascular system. Enlarge sinus node. Monitor vitals and display to wallscreen.” Sam drew some blood. Sir Richard and John stood out of the way, watching. “Gary, can you do a blood gas?”

“No, but I can,” Donna said as she and Richard entered the room.

“I’ll get VICi to scan your shoulder in a bit, Richard,” Sam said.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. Take care of Grandma, first.”

Sam handed Donna the vial of blood. She turned to Richard and kissed him. “You stay here and behave yourself.”

Richard grinned. “Yes Ma’am!”

Donna rolled her eyes. “Sweetheart,” Sam interjected. “I need that as soon as possible.”

“OK,” she said and left.

“While we’re waiting on that, let’s get you on another biobed and find out how much damage you’ve done to your shoulder,” Sam said. “How does it feel? Do you need more pain medication?”

Richard softly chuckled. “I wouldn’t say no, but, I’m OK, for now.”

Sam studied the wallscreen display. “Well, here’s the good news. Although you dislocated your shoulder, you haven’t torn any ligaments. I wouldn’t suggest you using it for at least two weeks, maybe longer. So… are you postponing the big day?”

“You wish. No, I’ll have you give me another injection.”

“What about your grandmother? Surely, you’re going to wait until she’s able to attend?”

Richard frowned. “Why? I’m not marrying my grandmother. The only way I’ll call off this wedding is for Donna to ask me to. If the worse come to the worst, Grandma can watch on the wallscreen.”

Sam arched an eyebrow. “If that’s the case, why bother getting married at the castle? Why not do it here, in the chapel?”

“Again,” Richard responded. “That’s up to Donna. As far as I’m concerned, I just as soon marry her in the cafeteria. I don’t need my grandmother’s chapel or a chapel at all, for that fact. I’m hoping Donna, and I will be together forever. Since this is her wedding day and we’ll only do this once, I want her to be happy.”

“Even when you know she doesn’t love you?”

“I love her. That’s enough for me.”

Sam frowned. “Wait until it’s time to carry her across the threshold.”

Richard smiled condescendingly and crawled off the biobed. “Sam, I have two arms. I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Is Grandma going to need a pacemaker?”

“Possibly. I’ll know more when I see the results of her blood gases. I’m hoping with proper exercise and diet, we’ll be able to regulate her arrhythmia with drugs. Assuming she follows my instructions.”

“Oh, believe me…” Sir Richard interjected. “She’ll follow your instructions!”

Sam’s cell phone rang. “Excuse me a second,” he said and went into his office. “What’s up sweetheart?”

“Can you come to the lab, for a second? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you before I enter the test results into VICi’s database.”

Sam smiled. “On my way,” he responded and ended the call.


“What’s up, sweetheart?” Sam asked as he entered the medical lab.

“Are we treating Lady Triplet, now?”

“Unless she wakes up and disagrees, Sir Richard wants us to treat her. Why? What have you found out?”

“What do you know about vepramil?”

“Not a lot. I know it’s been used to treat hypertension and migraines, and it’s also an unconventional treatment for arthritis. I’m afraid that’s about all I know. Why?”

“Take a look at this. VICi, display Lady Annabelle Triplet’s blood gases and chromatograph results.”

Sam frowned. “Her PCO2 is almost 60mmHg. That would account for her fainting and bradycardia.”

“I was hoping we’d be able to avoid a pacemaker, but don’t see how. Lady Triplet is not a compatible match for the EHG. At least not with our current vector. With it being Richard’s grandmother that was one of the first things I checked. Now, look at her chromatograph.”

“No wonder she passed out. She’s lucky to be alive. Another ten minutes and she would have been dead.”

“I know. Has she regained consciousness?”

“She hadn’t when I left.”

“Do you know who her doctor was or what they’d been treating her for?

“No, sweetheart. I know very little about Lady Triplet.”

Donna frowned and exhaled. “With all the top qualified doctors at the Centre, it just seems strange that Lady Triplet would prefer to be treated by an outsider.”

“Maybe she doesn’t trust her own son.”

“Sir Richard said he and his mother fell out over a personal matter, but he never said what.”

“Triplets are experts at keeping secrets. Sir Richard is not much different from his mother, and Richard falls somewhere in between them.”

“Let’s leave Richard out of this and stick to the subject. As far as Lady Triplet is concerned, as I see it, we have two choices. Either start running tests, or wait until she wakes up. I think the latter would be our safest option. At her age, I don’t want to cause her unnecessary distress.”

Sam stroked her temple with the back of his fingers. “You’re pretty good at this, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“That acting job you did, when we got Richard out of the car would win an Oscar. You seemed genuinely concerned. Even your tears looked natural.”

Donna jerked away and narrowed her eyes. “I was genuinely concerned, and my tears were real, Sam. I told you, I do care for Richard. And, another thing, I don’t think we should be discussing this in here, nor do I think it’s a good idea for you to openly express your affection for me.”

Sam grinned. “Sweetheart, the medical lab is my responsibility, too. There are three places where we are basically safe. Here, the infirmary, and my quarters.”

“Unless Richard decides otherwise. Anyway, I have some good news.”

“You’ve decided to call off the wedding?”

Donna chuckled and shook her head. “Will you be serious? My HIV1 sample will be here on Monday. I intend to start testing on Wednesday.”

Sam whistled. “Wow! Talk about a short honeymoon.”

Donna’s smile faded. “I may need therapy before this is over.”

Sam pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “Just remember… I’m here. If you need someone to keep you sane, I’ll gladly volunteer.”

“You’re sweet.”

“That’s the first time a woman has ever used that word to describe me – snake, yes – but never sweet.”

She rested her head against his shoulder. “Maybe they don’t see what I see.” She looked up at him. “Are we in agreement about Lady Triplet, then? We consider fitting her with a pacemaker?”

“If we can’t get her bradycardia under control, I don’t see any other option.”

After a few seconds more, Donna sighed and pulled away. “Time to put my Wonder Woman mask on, again.”