Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 87


Richard came out of the toilet wearing his white terrycloth bathrobe. Donna was sitting up in bed, reading her Kindle. She looked up. “Has anyone ever told you that you look incredibly sexy with wet hair?”

He grinned. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Donna smiled. “Probably not.”

“I’m glad you’re sitting up. I need you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them.”

“OK, but I might go to sleep.”

“Hold out your hand.”

Richard placed the small box in her hand. “OK. You can open your eyes, now.”

Donna looked down at the box. She furrowed her brow. “What is this? You keep buying me all these things, and it’s nowhere near my birthday.”

“Just think of it as making up for all those years we were apart.”

Donna lifted the lid off the box. Her mouth gaped. Her eyes glossed. “Oh, Richard! Where did you find this?”

Richard smiled and softly cleared his throat. “The locket I bought at a jewellery shop. The laser etching on the front was done by our electronic specialist, here in the complex. You remember him, Jeff Wein?”

“Yeah, I remember him. This is so beautiful. It looks just like….”

“…Raging Storm’s logo?”

“Yes,” she choked.

“Open the locket and see what’s inside.”

Tears filled Donna’s eyes. She swallowed hard. “It’s Rich, and Beth, but how did you get a picture of her?”

Richard grinned. “There’s another compartment, in the back.”

Donna looked up at Richard. “Is this what I think it is?”

“It’s your microSD card from your old cell phone. I had it checked so you could get the files off it.”

Donna frowned. “Oh God, Richard. I don’t think I’m ready for that. This will have all my pictures of….”

Richard laid his hand on hers. “I know, pet. Of you and Jared, and his family. You can safely keep them in your locket until you’re ready to look at them. I know this is painful for you, but I also know how much they meant to you. I know you loved Jared. I know you still do. All I want is for you to be happy, Donna.”

Donna wiped her tears away. “I can’t tell you, how much this means to me. Thank you,” she said and tenderly kissed him. “Put it on for me, please.” She turned, holding her hair out of the way.

“There,” he whispered and kissed the side of her neck.

Donna turned. The links in the tiny gold chain sparkled like stars, around her neck. The wolf baying at the moon on the front of the locket glittered with each breath she took. “Just as I suspected. It looks beautiful on you. I had Jeff put a special seal in it, as well. It’s waterproof, so you don’t have to take it off, when you get in the shower or bath, unless you want to.”

“You’re so sweet, but you don’t have to buy me all these gifts.”

He turned the bed covers back. “I get them for you because I love you. Now, into bed, little mother-to-be.” Richard crawled in beside her. With caution, Donna rested her head on his shoulder. Richard kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, pet,” he said and turned out the bedside lamp.


Everyone in the wedding party had breakfast in the conference hall at the complex. As soon as Sam had confirmation that Joyce, and the rest of his senior medical team were on their way, he, along with the rest of the wedding party boarded a chopper and flew out to the castle to prepare, for the celebration. At least that’s what it was to everyone but Gary, Donna, and Sam.

The first thing Sam noticed about Donna was her new necklace. It concerned him that she’d been prompt to return his, but now proudly wore this one. Unless Jared had sent it to her, Richard was the only one who could come up with its customised design. If Jared had sent Donna the necklace, with the ‘Baying Wolf’ logo on it that meant Donna was lying to him and Richard. Sam intended to ask her about it, when they had some time alone. If… they got that chance.


After hanging up on her last night, Joyce wasn’t surprised to find Sam gone, when she entered the infirmary. The only thing she found was a sheet of instructions and a duty roster, for Dr. Sheila McGowan, McGowan’s younger sister. Sam meant to have as little contact with Joyce as was necessary. Through the years, she and Sam had gone through rough spots, but it seemed since he became involved with Donna, Joyce and Sam were at constant odds with each other. Before now, Sam had never stayed cross with Joyce this long. If she didn’t tell him something soon, they would be lucky if they remained friends, if anything. But that had been one of the rules of this game; tell no one.

Sam’s cold shoulder was pushing Joyce to who she considered to be a safe haven – Ian Allen. But, how much did she know about him? Apart from the fact he was a dirty blonde with crystal blue eyes that could melt a woman’s heart with a smile. He’d been part of the senior medical team since he came to the UK; shortly after she and Sam had. There was something oddly familiar about him, but Joyce couldn’t figure out what it was.

Ian knew next to nothing about his biological parents; only that they had both been British. How he came to be in Australia was a mystery to him. Ian said he’d tried to find his parents, but without something to go on, he hadn’t been successful. Even testing his DNA had drawn a blank. Finally, Ian had given up the search and decided it really didn’t matter, now.

The few dates Joyce had with Ian, hadn’t been bad, but it seemed as if what he wanted from her was the same thing Sam wanted – nothing. He pleasured her in bed, but he constantly pumped her for information – or so it seemed. Like Sam and Richard, Ian had that bad-boy mysterious air about him. At least he was a friend she could talk to and pass the time with. She certainly couldn’t do that with Sam, these days.


By the time Sir Richard’s chopper landed at Langston Castle, preparations were well underway. Alice and Alan were busy in the kitchen, helping Vera and Jack, and the rest of Lady Triplet’s house staff.

After lunch, Gary, Sir Richard, Richard, and John were locked away, in the study. Missy was in one of the bedrooms being fitted for her gown. Donna had taken advantage of everyone’s absence to reflect on the current events. She was stood with her back leaned against the doorway to the chapel, watching as the decorators transformed the drab stone room, into a floral paradise.

Tomorrow was her wedding day. She should be happy, but Donna was numb. For her, it seemed as if she was trapped in a proverbial crystal ball while all around her, time was speeding past. She didn’t know how to feel. Without looking, Donna sighed deeply and turned to leave.

“Hi, Pretty Lady,” Sam smiled.

Donna’s breath caught. “Shit Sam! Where did you come from? Did you take lessons from Jared, when he was here? I thought you were upstairs being fitted for your tuxedo.”

“Don’t insult me.” Sam frowned. “The tailor finished with me. I came to see where you were hiding.” He brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek.

“Don’t do that!” Donna warned and stepped back. “I’m hiding anywhere I can find,” she groaned. “If you don’t stop taking chances, I’m going to stop even talking to you. Can’t you understand?”

“At least, you don’t have to worry about bumping into the dragon lady.”

“Yeah,” Donna scoffed. “That is one thing.”

“Where is the lucky groom?”

“I would imagine off somewhere making sure tomorrow goes to plan.”

“How are you?”

Donna swallowed hard. “How do you think I am, Sam?”

Sam lifted her locket and rubbed his thumb over the wolf engraving. “That would depend on how much this means to you.”

“The locket and what’s inside means a lot, but I want to run! I want to get out of this castle and run as far away and as fast as I can. I don’t want this – you know that – but I don’t have a choice!”

Sam motioned to her locket. “May I?”

Donna nodded and stepped into Sam’s personal space. “It was very thoughtful of Richard to do this.”

Sam glanced into her eyes and then gingerly opened the locket. “Who are the boy and girl?”

“The little boy is my son, Rich. The little girl is my daughter…” she paused, sighed and shook her head. “Well, I think of her as my daughter. That’s Beth, Jared’s daughter. Isn’t she beautiful?”

Sam frowned. “It’s uncanny how much she looks like you and Jared.”

“That’s because, Sara, and I could have passed for twins.”

One of Sam’s eyebrows shot up. “I see. What’s this?” he asked, opening the last compartment of the locket. Something fell out. “Whoops!” He bent down and picked up the tiny chip.

“It was the microSD card from my old cell phone, and it had all my pictures and MP3s on it.”

“Richard had it cleaned?”

“Yes, but it’s probably broken, now.”

“No, it isn’t. Give me your cell phone.”

“What are you doing?”

“Proving to you that I didn’t break it. See….”

Donna looked at an image of her, Jared and Sarabeth. Pain slammed her so hard she almost lost her breath. Her knees gave way.

“Whoa! Careful.” Sam steadied her and helped her to a chair. She took a couple deep breaths and swallowed the knot in her throat.

Sam took her cell phone, locked it and wrapped his arms around her. “You haven’t even seen a picture of Jared since he left you, have you?”

Donna shook her head and buried her face in his neck. “No, Sam,” she choked.

“Come here.” Sam kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

From the corner of her eye, Donna caught movement and jerked away from him. She wiped her eyes.

Vera cleared her throat and stepped into view. “Excuse me, Miss Donna,” she said. “Would you and Dr. Kaliea like a cup of tea, and some shortbread biscuits?”

Donna stood. “None for me, Vera. Sam, I’m sorry, but I have to go.” She disappeared.

“Dr. Kaliea would you like a cup of tea and some shortbread biscuits?”

Sam sighed and sat back in the chair. “I’d rather have a whiskey, Vera.”

“Of course, Sir. I’ll bring it to you,” Vera responded and left.

Sam unlocked Donna’s cell phone and scanned through her pictures. “Why in the hell would Richard want to remind Donna of Jared? What’s your game, Triplet?”