Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 90


The wedding rehearsal would have been over a long ago, but Donna couldn’t keep a straight face when it was time to say her vows. “Bishop, I’m sorry,” she laughed. “Could we try one more time. I promise this will be the last.”

 “Oh, come on D,” Gary groaned.

“I can’t help it, Gary. You’re my cousin. It’s extremely hard to say those words to you, and stay serious.”

Sam stood. “Then do it with me. Gary, you come play the piano. I’ll stand in for Richard. If that’s OK with you, Donna?”

“Gladly,” Gary interjected. “I’ll be reciting Richard’s vows in my sleep.”

Donna swallowed hard. “I think it’s the only way I’m ever going to get this right.” She looked to Sir Richard. “Dad, do you mind?”

Sir Richard sighed. “No, petal. You’re only going to do this once. Come on. I’ll lead you down the aisle, again. I’m sorry Bishop.”

The bishop chuckled. “It’s quite all right, Richard. This is actually the most fun I’ve had all day.”


Sam’s heart turned over as Sir Richard placed Donna’s hand in his and stepped aside. The bishop started going through the vows. Donna kept her eyes locked on Sam’s and didn’t miss a cue. Gary could tell when Sam repeated Richard’s vows that he was serious about every word. Sam would gladly take Richard’s place if Donna would let him, and even though he knew she didn’t love Sam as much as she had Jared; Donna would rather be marrying Sam, than Richard.

“Then I would say, by the power vested in me, etc. etc. At this point, the groom may kiss his bride.”

Oh God, Sam, please don’t kiss me.

Sam leaned his face closer. “I wish this were real,” he whispered and kissed her cheek.

“Perfect,” the bishop said. “Young man, we should have used you instead of Dr. Browne.”

Sam looked at Donna and grinned. “Glad I could help, but in the morning, you’re on your own.”

“Now,” the bishop said and clapped his hands together once. “Donna, how about you and Dr. Kaliea entertaining us some more. I was enjoying that, before your godfather, and I came in.”


By the time Liu and Daneekah finished talking, Forrest’s doughnuts were cold. Daneekah offered to make him some more, but Liu told her to zap them in the microwave. He paid her and left. He knocked on Forrest’s hotel room and waited. “Your doughnuts, Mr. Forrest,” he said as he entered the room.

“These better not be cold!” Forrest snarled as he jerked the bag from Liu’s hand. “Why are you wearing that fucking grin?”

Liu’s grin faded. “Blind luck,” he responded.

“What do you mean blind luck?”

“I was in the right place, at the right time. You’re suspicions about the Triplet wedding were right. It’s not taking place in two weeks. It’s in the morning at ten. I know where it’s taking place, and I’ve made arrangements to attend.”

“How in the hell did you pull that off?”

“The owner of the doughnut shop is catering the wedding as a favour to Richard. He and his bodyguard were standing a few feet away from me at the counter.”

“Did they see your face?”

“No. I stayed concealed behind my newspaper until they left.”

The corners of Forrest’s mouth turned up. “Then this is a perfect opportunity to take her out.”

“Yes… it would be. I can spike her drink and no one would know until it was too late, but…” he paused. “This could also be an opportunity to find out what his secretary was talking about.”

“You mean the mine?”

“I suspect that’s where he’ll be harbouring the cure you need.”

“But what if you’re wrong and his secretary was just spouting a load of bullshit. Triplet is clever. This could also be a set-up and Rigden could slip right through our fingers, again.”

“Which would be more valuable to you? The cure or Donna’s demise? What the doctor did is not going to last forever. You feel fine now, but once the red blood cells are used up; you’ll be back as before. Without that cure, you may not survive until we find another way.”

Forrest frowned. “Then what do you suggest?”


John parked the Escalade in front of the castle. “I’m going to take Donna’s roses upstairs. If she asks where I am, tell her I went to the loo.”

John nodded and went to the chapel. Donna, Gary and Melissa were gathered around, singing while Sam played the piano and sang along. Sir Richard and the bishop were sitting on the front pew, clapping along and enjoying the music.

Melissa looked up, smiled and waved. “Excuse me.”

John pulled her out of sight and pushed her against the wall, kissing her. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too. Where’s Ricky?”

“Upstairs, putting his apology away.”

Melissa frowned. “His apology?”

John grinned. “He bought her two dozen red roses to make up for missing the rehearsal. How did it go?”

“When Sam traded places with Gary, it went fine. Before that, Donna couldn’t keep a straight face. Every time she tried to say her vows, she cracked up and then everyone else did, too.”

John smiled. “You certainly looked as if you were having fun.”

“We were. I feel really bad for Donna that she had to leave the band. She and Jared were good together.”

“Yes, they were, and not just because of the band. Jared and Donna were good for each other.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t repeat this. Donna doesn’t really love Ricky. She’s marrying him because of the baby and to protect the ones she loves. She won’t admit it, but I think she’s falling in love with Sam.”

“Oh no - John,” Melissa gasped. “That explains why she was so serious when he helped her with the vows. Oh poor Donna.”

“It’s not just poor Donna. Ricky is head over heels in love with Donna, but he knows she doesn’t really love him. Ricky loves Donna so much, he’s hoping in time she’ll learn to love him. Personally, I don’t think this is going to work out, but it’s not my life. I’m just glad we’re back together.”

Melissa wrapped her arms around John’s neck and kissed him. “Me too.” John wrapped an arm around her waist and led her back into the chapel.


Richard entered the chapel with his hand behind his back. “I would love to applaud, but I’m a little short of hands, right now.”

“I guess that’s it for the night,” Sam groaned.

Donna narrowed her eyes. “Behave yourself,” she whispered. “You missed all the fun,” she said in turning.

“Yeah,” Sam scoffed. “If it hadn’t been for me standing in for you, we’d probably still be going over the vows.”

Richard studied Sam’s eyes. “You played the part of the groom? Who played the piano?”

“I did,” Gary spoke up. “At least for the final rehearsal. Donna was having problems with the love, honour, and obey part.”

“She had no trouble saying her vows when I stepped in,” Sam grinned.

“Excuse us a second, Sam,” Richard said and took Donna’s arm, leading her to the side. He presented her with the rose. “I hope this helps to make up for my not being here.”

Donna took the rose, closed her eyes and breathed in its fragrance. Memories of her and Jared standing in her apartment in Shreveport came back to her. She sighed deeply and opened her eyes. “It’s beautiful, Richard. Thank you,” she said and kissed him.

Sir Richard cleared his throat and stood. “Well, I’m going to turn in.”

The bishop stood. “I think I will, as well. Donna, thank you for a most entertaining evening.”

Donna’s cheeks showed some colour. “You’re welcome, Bishop. And, I’m sorry we had to go through it so many times.”

 The bishop chuckled. “Oh, don’t apologise. I can truly say this was the most fun I’ve ever had at a wedding rehearsal. Richard, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” He offered his hand.

Richard used his left hand. “You most certainly will, Bishop. Sorry I wasn’t here.”

“Just be there in the morning. You have a rare young lady, there.”

Richard put his arm around Donna’s waist and pulled her close. “That I do, Bishop. Goodnight. I’m going to be extremely rude now, and steal my fiancée away. You’ve had her all evening, now it’s my turn.”


“Before we go inside, I want you to close your eyes.”

“What are you up to, Richard?”

“Just close your eyes.”

“OK, they’re closed.”

Richard carefully led her to their bedroom. “Now, without opening your eyes, take a deep breath and tell me what you smell.”

Donna softly smiled. “More roses. Can I open my eyes now?”

“Yes, you may,” Richard responded and closed the door.

But for the rose scented candles Richard had lit, the bedroom was dark. Propped against Donna’s pillow was a bouquet of red roses. On the bedside table, chilling in a bucket of ice was what looked to be a bottle of Champagne. Close by were two tall crystal Champagne glasses.

Donna read the label on the side of the bottle. She turned and smiled. “Non-alcoholic.” She slowly walked back to him. “Sometimes, you can be the sweetest person on Earth.” She carefully removed his sling.

Richard gingerly pulled her into his arms. He studied her eyes and softly smiled. “You are the sweetest person on Earth,” he whispered and kissed her. “I love you, so much Donna.”

Donna swallowed hard and buried her face in his neck. “I love you, too, Richard,” she sighed. “Thank you for the roses. What I’d really like to know is why it was so urgent that you go to Newcastle tonight.”

Richard handed her a glass of Champagne and grinned. “You’ll just have to wait until after the wedding and find out. A toast – to my future wife and our life together.”

Donna touched her glass to his and sipped her drink. “You know if you stay with me tonight, we’re breaking your grandmother’s rules. After midnight, you’re not supposed to see me until we meet at the altar. It’s tradition, you know.”

Richard took her glass and sat it on the bedside table next to his. He kissed her and started undressing her. “Sod tradition. You’re sleeping in my arms tonight and every other night, from now on.”

Donna did love Richard and she didn’t want to believe he would do anything to harm her, but too much pointed the blame in his direction. With slight hesitation, Donna locked her eyes on his and started unbuttoning his shirt. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her doubtful feelings aside and did what she knew was expected of her. A task she may be forced to repeat, every night for the rest of her life.

To Donna, the child she carried, the one she left behind, and the man she loved justified her pain. Donna fell asleep in Richard’s arms, holding fast to the hope that someday fate would be kind, and all the wrongs would be made right.


Forrest dressed for bed. Seeing that a light was still on in Liu’s room, he knocked on the door and went inside. Liu was dressed for bed, sitting at the table taping the pieces of the map together. He glanced up and pulled off another piece of Sellotape. “On your way to bed?”

Forrest motioned to the puzzle in front of Liu. “Why are you doing that? I thought you knew where the wedding was taking place.”

“I still need the maps to find the mine. From the description his secretary gave us, and knowing Sir Richard, the mine will likely not be that easy to find. I’m hoping they’ll at least mention the name.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then I’ll have the maps to fall back on.”

Forrest leaned down, so his face was in Liu’s. “Don’t fail me! I want the cure. I want Donna dead, and I want to bring Triplet International to its knees – no exceptions!” Forrest left, slamming the door behind him. The draft scattered several pages from Liu’s maps onto the floor.

Liu sighed in exasperation. “I’m going to enjoy seeing you get everything you deserve,” he forced through his teeth.