Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 93


Richard stood by the bed, looking down at Donna. She had changed into her jeans and T-shirt and was curled up on her side, facing the door. He breathed a sigh of contentment and started cautiously taking off his tie. He reached into his jeans pocket and brought out the card of pain pills Sam had given him last night and popped one in his mouth; his shoulder was beginning to ache, from too much movement. He managed to get his tie off and used his left hand to unbutton his shirt. He changed into his jeans and polo shirt and lay on the bed beside Donna, facing her. He softly smiled and stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. Donna murmured and slowly opened her eyes. “Hi Mrs. Triplet. Feeling a little better now?”

Donna sighed, softly smiled and nodded. “More refreshed. I’m sorry, but I’d taken that dress-up thing as long as I could.”

Richard rolled over on his back. “Come lay your head on my shoulder and I’ll nap with you. Dad is taking care of a few tasks here. We’re leaving in a couple of hours.”

“Has anyone checked on your grandmother?”

Richard grinned. “Yes… Sheila gave her a sedative. She was asleep through the entire wedding.”

Donna faked a frown. “You mean she didn’t even watch it on the wallscreen?”


“Richard, she’s going to be really upset with us.”

“Yeah, but she’ll survive. She can watch Jeff’s video.”

Richard rubbed his cheek against the top of Donna’s head and sighed. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing is wrong. I’m still getting used to the fact that now you’re all mine – signed, sealed and delivered.”

Donna lifted her head and studied his eyes. “Richard… do you really love me?”

Richard tilted her chin up, lowered his face and kissed her. “More than life itself, sweetheart,” he whispered


Daneekah and her crew loaded up their equipment. Sir Richard paid her, and she left. Along with Alice and Alan, Lady Triplet’s house staff started putting things back in order. In his mother’s absence, Sir Richard took the opportunity to collect some of his personal things to take back to the complex. Once Lady Triplet had recovered and returned home, Sir Richard didn’t expect to be going back to the castle for a long time. Now that everything was in place, and the death gene project was nearing completion, there was no reason for them to remain above ground.

Sam grabbed a scotch and went back to the chapel to play the piano; one of his ways of dealing with pain. Without thinking, he started playing the song he’d composed for Donna. Like Sam and Donna, Gary was glad the festivities were over. It hadn’t been a particularly pleasant day for him, either. Not only because he knew how badly Donna was hurting, but also because it reminded him of Juanita, and what he’d lost.

Juanita had moved on, and Gary knew the chances of them ever getting back together were slim to none, but it didn’t change the way he felt about her. His attraction to Tina had been mainly physical, and the ache of losing his childhood sweetheart was still there.


Daneekah and her team hurried back to Newcastle for their next appointment; a business meeting at the Marriot Hotel, in Gateshead. Because of the delay with Richard and Donna’s wedding, by the time they’d loaded the vans, Daneekah and her team only had a few minutes to spare.

Once the event was over, Daneekah was so impressed with her new help that she considered offering him a permanent position. After helping her and the crew unload the vans and put everything back in the shop, Liu had declined; as she’d expected him to. Insistently, Daneekah made Liu two dozen sugar-coated doughnuts to appease his boss. Liu thanked her for the opportunity and walked back to the hotel. He knocked on Forrest’s door. “Mr. Forrest, I need to speak with you.”

Forrest and Eli shared a wide-eyed look. “Get into the bathroom!”

“I’ll be with you shortly!” Forrest called out.

Eli stood, rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Wrong answer - too civil,” he whispered.

Liu stood on the other side of the door, confused. “Sir?”

 “Don’t you have ears? I said I’ll fucking be with you in a minute!” He glanced back over his shoulder to make sure Eli was out of sight. Forrest cleared his throat, roughened his voice and contorted his face. “Where in the hell have you been all day?” he growled as he jerked the door open. “Get in here! You were supposed to be back hours ago!”

Liu arched an eyebrow and stepped into the room. Forrest slammed the door behind him. “Where did they have the real wedding?”

“In a castle. A place not too far from a small village called Langley. I’m late because the wedding was delayed for half an hour. Afterwards, I helped Daneekah, the woman who owns the bakery, with the rest of her appointments. I’ve made a valuable contact, who is also a close contact of Richard Triplet’s.”

“I’m not interested in all that fucking shit. Did you learn anything useful?”

“Unfortunately, not as much as I’d hoped to. I questioned Dr. Rigden, but I think she’d been briefed. She was very vague with her answers.”

“Did you get the location of the mine?”

“No, but I’ll figure that out soon.”

“Exactly what did you find out?” he forced through his teeth.

“That Richard and Donna are not going on honeymoon. Dr. Rigden said there was too much work to do, so I suspect she was referring to her research. She also said they wouldn’t be going back to Triplet Hall, so that could only mean that they’re working at the mine. I was unable to reach my other source at the Centre, so I assume she and the senior team have been moved to the other location, which again, has to be the mine.”

“That’s it? That’s all you found out?”

“There is one other thing. During the reception, when I spoke to her, the new Mrs. Triplet did not particularly seem happy, about this union. In fact, it seemed more like she’d just come from a funeral, than her wedding. It’s possible that I didn’t give Triplet enough credit. If they suspected something, the entire wedding could have been a set-up. Richard and Donna may not be getting married, at all.”

Forrest laughed. “That would certainly throw a spanner in the wheels of progress. Wouldn’t it?”

Liu furrowed his brow. “Sir…?”

Forrest waved it off. “Never mind. What about Triplet and his mother? Did you see Lady Triplet?”

“No, Sir. I’m not sure she was even at the wedding. If she was, she didn’t go to the reception.”

“What about the place – the castle – did you get a look around there? Any hint as to why they chose to have the wedding there?”

“Only what was in the kitchen and the main dining room, where the reception was held. It looked more like a home than a business establishment. There were no signs anywhere, and they moved about the place as if they knew it well. I suspect whoever owned it also had close connections with the Triplets.”

Eli’s cell phone rang. He took it out and read the flashing name. “Shit!” he hissed. He knew he couldn’t take the call. If he did, it would give him away. He let it ring.

Forrest glanced toward the toilet. “I have to get that!” he growled. “Get in there and don’t come out until you’ve found that fucking mine! Go – now!”

Liu drew in a calming breath and rose to his feet. “Yes, Sir,” he said and turned to leave. “Oh, I almost forgot. As a favour to me, Daneekah made you some more doughnuts. I hope you….”

Forrest jerked the bag from Liu’s hand and pointed. “The mine, you fucking moron!”

Liu closed the door and finished his statement. “…Choke on them,” he said with a sigh of exasperation.

Eli waited until he heard the door close. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t answer. What is it?”

“I think you should come to the hospital. There’s a problem with the patient.”

“What kind of problem?”

“I’d rather not discuss that over the phone.”

“Understood.” Eli ended the call.

“What’s going on?” Forrest asked. “Who was that on the phone?”

Eli motioned to the door to Liu’s room. “Keep him occupied. I have to go to the hospital. There’s a problem. Stay close. I may have to do another bone marrow transplant.”

Forrest frowned. “What do I look like? A fucking cell factory?”

Eli narrowed his eyes. “Unless you want this operation to blow up in your face, you’ll do what I tell you.”

Forrest growled. “Stand out of view. Get down there and let me know what’s going on!” He jerked the door to Liu’s room open without even knocking. Again the draft from the door sent some of Liu’s papers flying.

Liu sighed in exasperation. “Sir, I wish you wouldn’t do that!”

“I’ll do whatever I fucking want to do.” He grabbed the front of Liu’s shirt, lifting him out of his chair. “You will do what I tell you to do!” he growled and slung Liu back in his chair.

Liu clenched his teeth and slowly lifted his head until their eyes met. He swallowed hard. “I will do as I’m told, but I need to concentrate. I cannot do that with you breathing down my neck and scattering my papers all over the room, every time you come storming in here unannounced, Sir.”

Forrest went back to his room, took a shower and dressed for his evening meal. He’d just picked up his room phone to order, when his cell phone rang.


“It’s Eli. The news is not quite as dire as I’d expected, but for you, it’s still isn’t good. We need to increase the number of harvested stem cells in our patient’s treatment. When I tried to culture more, for some reason, the procedure we’ve been using didn’t work. I’m trying something new, but as it is experimental, it has to be tested before we can use it.”

“How long will it be before you’ll know?”

“Possibly a month or so. In the meantime, we have to go back to the old method, so I need you to come to the hospital for the procedure. I don’t think we can risk doing it in your hotel room anymore.”

“Can he last another month?”

“If you cooperate. What did John find out?”

“Nothing useful, other than the new Mrs. Triplet does not seem particularly happy. Like I give a flying fuck whether she’s happy or not. She’s caused me more hell than she’s worth. If it wouldn’t screw everything up, I’d cut my losses and get the hell out of here. I’m sick of kissing ass. It seems to me the task is done.”

“So what? You’ll walk away and chance his recovery?”

 “He’s not going to come out of this, and you know that.”

“He could if Dr. Rigden completes her research.”

“I’m on my way!”

Eli grinned and locked his cell phone. “I thought you might be.”


Once Sir Richard and his party got back to the complex, Richard was faced with a dilemma. With his injured shoulder, he wouldn’t be able to carry Donna over the threshold to their quarters. Instead, what he did was have her face him and stand on top of his feet. He then walked her over the threshold, which Donna found unusual but sweet.

After their meal, Richard and Donna made plans to go visit Lady Triplet. Something Donna was not looking forward to. Her stomach roiled every time she thought about it.

Lady Triplet had awoken and was quite perturbed with Sheila for sedating her again. Lady Triplet watched Joyce with curious eyes, when she came in to check her vitals. “Joyce… are you afraid of me?” Lady Triplet asked.

Joyce swallowed her fear and faked a laugh. “Of course not, Lady Triplet.”

Lady Triplet narrowed her eyes. “Too bad. You should be,” she said deadpan.