In Which Time Stands Still by Bill Hibberd - HTML preview

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David couldn’t sleep.


If gravity brought mass together, attracting more and more to itself until it became so compact that a black hole formed. And if that black hole was actually matter within the universe returning to its natural state in the fourth dimension. I.E. back to where time stood still, then it seemed to David that time must be acting on everything within the universe uniformly. Big or small it would make no difference.


Against the inexorable force of time, everything in the universe would be slowed until eventually it would come to rest.


This drag would pull every part of every molecule together so that every molecule would ultimately join with every other until sufficient mass was created that it simply dropped out of existence within the universe returning to its natural – fourth dimensional – state.


Could this explain why so much matter was apparently missing?


Scientists have calculated, using the current understanding of the way the universe was created and based on the research and hypotheses of leading theorists, that there is insufficient matter in the universe.


According to the most recent theories there should be much more matter than can be accounted for.


They have no answers to this conundrum but the laws of physics as they are presented today support their mystery.


David’s model suggests, quite simply, that the scientists have probably calculated correctly but have not had reason to consider that the missing matter has simply returned, already, to its natural state and left our universe for good.


David realised that this model of our universe within a bigger space – the fourth dimension – and its relationship with that fourth dimension was resolving many of the issues that philosophers, theologians and scientists are debating on a daily basis.


David was feeling a little doubtful.


How could he get his ideas tested, even disproved?


He remembered his list. The one he had made just a few days ago and went to the place where he had secured it.


He wondered how many of his listed items had been resolved.


He looked at each item in turn and thought back over the conversations and thought processes of the past few days


  • Is time travel achievable?

If it is possible to enter the fourth dimension then it should be possible to return to our universe from any point which means that in theory time travel should be possible but significantly out of reach for us at the moment.


  • What is time?

Time is static. An inert state that can only be measured if travelled through. Time is a drag, the headwind affecting all matter slowing it until it returns to its inert and static neutral state


  • What is dark matter?

No ideas yet.


  • Where is all the matter that is mathematically supposed to exist given the current thinking on the creation of the universe?

The universe is constantly in a state of stress, returning bit by bit to its original – fourth dimensional – state. The missing matter has been resolved already and has returned to the fourth dimension.


  • What is gravity?

The physical manifestation of the effect of time dragging all matter together until it reaches sufficient mass to return to the fourth dimension.


  • Can the ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ forces be properly identified and even harnessed?

Long believed to have properties similar to gravity. These forces are also the manifestation of time acting at a micro level on our universe.


  • What really happens within a black hole?

The black hole is the point where matter leaves our universe returning to its natural state within the fourth dimension.


  • Is the current theory on black holes and their event horizons accurate?

Yes, given that matter leaving our universe, and the point at which any joining matter could never leave the pull of that event, would appear exactly as a point of exceedingly strong gravitational pull from within the universe.


  • What of light speed? Is it really as fast as it is possible to travel?

This has been touched on, but not thought through, completely, yet.


  • If everything that we know of the universe can really be put down to ‘the big bang’, what went bang?

The universe popped into and out of existence within the fourth dimension. At that instant it has to exist because time is irrelevant in that dimension. However, having appeared, our laws of physics stand within the confines of our universe as we travel through the fourth dimension and experience the effects of time.


  • What if the story of the universe being created in seven days is a metaphor that can be placed into a greater context?

Given that the universe exists as an anomaly in the fourth dimension and given that it is possible to visit the universe and reach in at will, it is entirely acceptable to believe that a being from the fourth dimension could have created the earth in a series of steps. Each of these visits could have been advised by the telling of stories or the leaving of clues but the concepts described here-in would be so difficult to address that they would be told of as ‘daily’ interventions.


  • If there is a god, where is God hiding when we send space ships into what was once considered to be heaven, God’s domain?

Science has, until this theory, stolen all the places within which a god could exist. The concept of a fourth dimension brings with it a place for a god. The ability to visit our dimension at will without the constraint of linear time has much of the mystery of the holy books. This includes the suggestion that a god is everywhere and with us all, all of the time.


  • Are there aliens? And, Do those aliens visit planets – earth included?

For some people, the idea that aliens exist is easier to accept than the idea of gods. However, if, in our future, we learned how to leave the membrane that is the boundary of our universe and after entering the fourth dimension we were able to re-enter, perhaps at a different point in time, then our arrival and departure would be very much the sort of sighting that is being credited to aliens. This argument ignores the possibility that other worlds within our universe may have beings that have mastered travel that allows them to visit neighbouring stars and their orbiting planets. Perhaps a combination of both is what is experienced when people claim to have seen aliens.


David considered; the only points on his list that he felt were totally unresolved were


  • What is dark matter?


  • What of light speed? Is it really as fast as it is possible to travel?