In Which Time Stands Still by Bill Hibberd - HTML preview

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The case for a 3D Time Environment is overwhelming. In this article, Bill Hibberd, makes the case for the existence of the 3D Time Environment and challenges the world’s experts to come forward and test the theory against their most recent findings.


If only part of what Bill Hibberd theorises holds true, then science could be on the brink of another breakthrough with enormous potential.


“I don’t claim to be any kind of scientist or mathematical genius. This theory is formed out of pure logic. My challenge is to the people who claim to be our leading scientists and mathematicians and to our leading theologians… Fit what we know and believe, to this model and see how well it solves and resolves key issues of the 21st century.


We live in a three dimensional world where we enjoy length, breadth and depth.


We can travel up and down. We can travel left and right. We can go forwards and we can go backwards.


We are so lucky.


Join with me and imagine, for a moment, that we are in fact one-dimensional creatures.


We are, say, a tube. We can go forwards. We can go backwards. Life is good. Occasionally something will appear in front of us but that’s okay because it’s no bigger than we are and, anyway, it appears and then it disappears. Sometimes, though very rarely, we make real contact with these things and that’s too weird because it pushes us but not in any way we can recognise.


Tubes are lucky too because compared to a point; a dot; or a blip, a tube has got masses of movement.


A tube has a one-dimensional existence that moves forward and backwards and can you imagine how weird it must seem to the point/dot/blip thing when a tube passes through it?


I mean, all the point/dot/blip thing knows is that something materialised stayed a while and then dematerialised where, as we tubes know, we’re going someplace and… whoa! What was that that just appeared and disappeared right before my eye?


From the perspective of the point/dot/blip thing, life’s great. We are here and we can do most anything we want, so long as we stay here and obey the rules that belonging to ‘here’ imposes on us.


Occasionally something really weird happens and things appear and disappear but we have no way of explaining these things so we just push the idea away and we don’t let anybody know that it really happened.


I have used a very light hearted illustration to try to give an impression of how dimensions can be all but invisible to any existence that operates at just one dimension less than those around it.


A three dimensional existence allows that a point can be approached from any direction up/down/left/right/forward/backward and that from the three dimension perspective can choose to arrive at a point from any of those directions.


From the point’s perspective, it never sees the 3D thing coming, going or changing direction because there is no such thing as direction.


A two dimensional existence can be in any plane relative to a point and we can easily perceive, from our 3D reality, the variety of planes that are available to a two dimensional ‘creature’. Any one of the two dimensional creatures can approach a point from any angle that is available on its flat plane of existence.


Once again, the point only knows that something has arrived and that it has gone. It has no idea from whence it came or where it went.


Similarly, the 3D creature can choose to be ‘in the plane’ of the 2D creature, or out of it and the 2D creature may not recognise where the 3D creature came from nor where it went. The 2D creature only knows that something was there and then it wasn’t.


We’ve already seen life from the 1D creature’s perspective and we’ve visited the perceptions of the creature confined to life in the point/dot/blip.


If you’ve kept up with this mental imaging this far, then you are ready for the next big step…


We exist in our 3D world and have carefully crafted laws of physics that we know are strong and safe. We have strong religious beliefs that bind the very fabric of nature and our societies and these, also, help to keep us safe.


We have many un-answered questions.


Let us consider TIME.


When it comes to TIME we exist as the ‘point’ we described earlier. We can remember our past. We can predict a likely future using experiential modelling such as weather forecasting and demographic predictions. What we cannot do is literally see into the future or physically re-live a moment that has already happened. Neither can we move to the side nor up or down. In a three-dimensional world of time we are as encapsulated as the point we chuckled at in our opening explorations.


Keep your mind open to this idea.


I’ll summarise,


In our ‘point’ existence we have 3 dimensions, we have the laws of physics. To us our ‘point’ is vast beyond belief and the space within it is infinitely big.


We have not said that the ‘point’ doesn’t move but any movement it makes through 3D time is completely outside of our comprehension.


Let us look at some of our biggest discoveries and assumptions regarding the universe and quantum physics and relativity and gravity and our perception of time.


In 3D time, a creature would be able to move around and come to a point from any direction and the point would not know where it came from nor where it went.


If 3D time is a truly three-dimensional environment then, relative to our ‘point’, we could be approached from any direction. It therefore follows that our concept of ‘time’ has no meaning ‘out there’.


Okay, some of the big theories that we hold dear!




The universe started when a massive explosion took place and the rapidly expanding gases were very hot. Over millions of years these began to cool and join together forming galaxies as the still hot balls of star materials attracted planets to form and orbit around them.


This works even allowing the 3D time environment plus, it gives us somewhere from which a big bang might have originated.




This can be explained with the 3D time model.


Given that before the big bang there was nothing in our reality, it is acceptable to reason that our matter would gradually return to its original state. That it would eventually drop out of our reality appearing to us as if it were accelerating into nothingness and looking exactly as if it were disappearing down an enormous galactic plug hole, which, coincidentally, is exactly how black holes appear to us.




The point at which nothing can escape the pull of a black hole; bit closer you’re in it; bit further away you’re not.


Imagine two vehicles travelling at exactly the same speed and in the same direction as each other. Vehicle 1 suddenly starts to decelerate. The view from vehicle 2 is amazing. Pandemonium breaks out because what they see is that vehicle 1 has started to accelerate away from them. When vehicle 1 stops the view from vehicle 2 is that vehicle 1 is moving very quickly away from them. Imagine that vehicle 1 will eventually become unstable and just drop out of its previous reality. The point at which it can no longer return to the reality of vehicle 2 would be the event horizon.




What if the speed of light is escape velocity for our ‘point’ existence and that over that ‘speed’ just moves you into the 3D time environment.


GRAVITY and the so-called WEAK and STRONG FORCES


These forces can also be reasoned into the theory of 3D time environment.


If matter in our ‘point’ reality has a natural ‘pull’ towards its pre ‘big bang’ state, then all matter in our reality will be subject to a force that is inexorably trying to return to 3D time. This will drag small matter to bigger matter and will cause the spinning that perpetuates the various orbits and rotations that we witness throughout our known universe. Be it large or small.


Now for a really big additional thought…


Time is a product of movement. At rest, time is irrelevant.


The only reason we have time in our reality is because our ‘point’ existence is moving through the 3D time environment.


Einstein theorised, and real time experiments later proved, that time is relative. If the pace at which something is moving through the 3D time environment is varied, then time relative to us also varies.


I suggest that outside of our ‘point’ reality, time is un-important; that it is possible to move in three dimensions of time; to look in and visit our ‘point’ reality from any direction.


Could it be that science fiction writers who invent warp-drive, subspace, hyperspace and the other alternative ways of getting around our light speed limitations have been fashioning their own versions of the 3D time environment all along?


The challenge to our scientists, mathematicians and theologians is this;


Applying all known relevant laws, formulae rules and theories show how the existence of a 3D time environment can be proved to not exist.


It is my contention that only the existence of this 3D time environment makes it possible that our current understanding of our universe and the things we hold dear can be true. It is also my contention that much that is in doubt and that cannot be proved, today, will become provable with this model in place.


Copyright Bill Hibberd


David sat back and looked at what he had written and decided that, basically, he had captured most of the discussion points that he, Helen and Brian had explored.


He had no idea whether he had written something that would fire imagination or whether his ideas would simply get lost amongst the millions of other words printed day after day, the world over.


He fell asleep.