Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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They rounded the corner and he could see a GMC dealership. A big shiny white suburban was on the showroom floor. They went inside, and he went straight to the back of the offices to where the accounting department was located. He went into what was obviously the manager’s office. He looked around and found a locked cabinet behind the desk. He opened some draws on the desk and found a ring of keys. The third one opened the cabinet. Inside were the keys to all the cars in the showroom and outside.


Smiling he asked her with a bow, “and what would milady’s pleasure be; a suburban perhaps, or maybe a sporty model, or a truck? Personally, I like the Suburban.”


“Why suh…” she said putting her hand to her chest, “I just can’t possibly make such a decision all by my little ole self.” She turned around and held the back of her hand up to her forehead feigning distress. “You must help me suh or I fear that I shall faint from the effort!” They both burst out laughing.


“All right woman! A suburban it is… now if I can do this right, we will have wheels.”


He went to the shop and got two batteries, poured something in them and put them on to charge. Then he went to the showroom floor and took the old battery out of the suburban. He checked the gas tank and he had her help him turn on the electricity and he turned on the gas pump. He changed all four tires with brand new ones freshly aired up.


“Why do you want this one in particular?” she asked him.


“The showroom models are generally loaded with all the extras might as well get the best.” He said laughing. “Besides, this one has been inside all these years.” They discussed how to get the thing off the showroom floor. He found the keys to the large showroom side doors and they opened them. Together they pushed the car out and down a ramp; and it kept right on going into one of the concrete columns on the side of the dealership.


“Oh no! You realize we don’t have insurance?” she said in such a deadpan way that he wasn’t aware she was joking till she started laughing.


The dent wasn’t too deep; the car would still operate without a problem. They pushed the damn thing around to the service shop. There he changed the oil, and lubed what he could. He got the battery off the charger and put it back in the suburban.


“Ok, cross your fingers - here goes nothing!” He turned the key. After a lot of coughing and sputtering, the engine caught. They had wheels!


“Yeehaa! Hey baby, like to go for a ride?” he was grinning from ear to ear.


“Why sir, I believe you are tryin’ to take advantage of my good nature.” She opened the door and jumped in laughing.


“It ain’t your good nature I’m interested in my dear,” he said making like Groucho Marx, raising his eyebrows up and down.


They laughed all the way to the center. As they pulled up he could see at the roof edge a bit of black leather draped over the edge of the building. “Is that part of Jake’s wing? Is he asleep up there?”


Just resting my dear boy …was the immediate reply in Daniels’ mind.


Full as a tick and sleeping it off is more like it! Kate said laughingly, she knew him well. We will leave you to your slothful lazy ways.


A loud roar of ‘approval’ made Daniel jump, eyes wide he looked at the woman who was laughing at his reaction. She got out of the car and went to the side door and entered a code. There was a woosh as the door opened and he felt the rush of cold air hit his body.


“It’s air conditioned!” Daniel blurted out in surprise.


“Nice huh?” She made her way to the sidewall where there was a series of switches. She pulled them all. The place lit up like a Christmas tree. It was an unbelievable sight. The warehouse was huge; it held anything one could want for any occasion. And there were levels, three he thought. The rows were laid out with loose-leafed notebooks at the beginning and end of each. There were big signs saying, ‘CHECK YOUR NUMBERS CAREFULLY!’


“When we first found it we sort of went wild; it becomes addictive I can tell you. After, Sam and I came back here and found the catalog book that held the numbers of everything that was stored in here. We went to each row and checked each level. Then we wrote down everything and placed it at the head of each aisle. We went into the town and turned off all the power. We went to all the shops with food, clothing, and any perishables. We moved them all here. It took us the better part of three months, but everything was listed and catalogued. Towards the back of the warehouse you will find a makeshift Mall. Every now and then I like to go there and indulge myself. Jake says it’s healthy.”


“Do the others come here also? Or is it just for the riders?”


“Oh no, anyone can come here. About twice a year half of the community comes here for 2 weeks. They get any new clothes they need. If they are decorating they can pick up any items they need for their homes. They indulge themselves for a bit. It also allows for a little healthy romance between the men and women.”


He looked at her to see any signs that she indulged herself in this also. She stared at him guessing his thoughts.

“No, I do not join them. I prefer to come here alone.”


“Well, where is this ‘Mall’ you spoke of, I believe that is a good place to start. Is there a barber shop?” She nodded yes. “Do you want to go off and do your thing and we could meet back here in a couple of hours?”


“Sounds good to me,” she headed off towards her beauty shop, “see you in two hours!”


He watched her go and turned towards the ‘Mall’ area. He found the barbershop; it was makeshift at best, but it had all the essentials. He got busy and gave himself a shave leaving his mustache intact. His hair was hopeless. It had grown quite long. He needed a haircut, but he couldn’t do it himself. Instead he combed it back and fastened it at the nape of the neck with a piece of rawhide shoestring he confiscated from the shoe dept. Next he walked up and down the aisles taking in all he saw and placing in his mind for future reference. They had really done quite a job.


He found the men’s section and took a long look around. She said the winters were very cold up there so he looked for some long johns, and some ski clothes, gloves, thermal socks, and ski boots. He thought to himself that when he made his own cave, he would come here for whatever items he needed.

On the second level he found an area roped off - it held weapons. A real nice crossbow and some arrows caught his eye, silent, but deadly. He took one and swung it over his left shoulder. He felt like a kid in a candy shop. He heard movement behind him, and as he turned, he reached for the rifle he had laid on a crate. It was just one of the twins, with a ball in his mouth. He grabbed the slobbering mess and tossed it off as far as he could throw it. The dog gave a quick bark and turned and bounded after it.

I guess it’s his playtime, he thought to himself.

He went to the front of the warehouse and found some carts that were probably used to move small crates to different areas. He took one of those and filled it with his booty, then went looking for more. She was right this was addictive.

He hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. He was on the second level looking over a catalogue at the front of one of the aisles when he caught movement below. Quietly he moved beside a crate and peered below. It was the woman; she had done something to her hair and had also put on make-up. The change was striking; she was really quite beautiful. Standing there watching her as she bent over a crate he felt himself unexpectedly come to life.

Easy ‘general’, down boy; now is not the time.

He grinned to himself as he pictured her in some very explicit poses. The dreams had supplied him with many of these.

I’ve got to stop doing this - any action right now would put her off.


He had known of women like her. Some were almost destroyed emotionally by a cretin; or hurt in their younger years so badly that they shut themselves down. They were very shy around men, and at first seem very standoffish. But these were women of strong will, these were survivors. There was only one way to break thru their barrier…patience. What these women wanted was a strong man to take them in hand and treat them like they were still young girls.

Patience and gentle kindness was the thing that would work with her.


Good Heavens! I had no idea that you people were so duplicitous! Jake burst into Daniel’s mind. Daniel, none of those things will work on my Lady. She is totally different from what you think.


Jake! Daniel was surprised, taken off guard. I didn’t know you were listening in on my thoughts.


I am sorry Daniel, but they just sort of filtered in and I became interested. Your idea will not work in this case. You see I know that she wants to feel wanted and pursued again. I know that she is very attracted to you, but Daniel, she is so terribly afraid. The fear of being ridiculed and humiliated again is very strong. Believe me I have tried to help her in this, but she tells me to quote unquote ‘butt-out!’ Your task will be quite difficult.


Why is it so all fired important that we become mates? I know that I will ride your Queen. I have seen it in my dreams. You can still have her, and you’re Lady and I will just be friends.


It is not that simple Daniel. You see when two dragons mate - their riders feel everything. Everything that they are feeling, only more intensified. You will not be able to control your actions. You will find yourselves in the throes of pure animal lust. You will mate as we mate. There will be no stopping it, Daniel. Can you imagine what this would do to her if you were not already mates? Daniel was taken aback, I wasn’t aware that something like that would happen, Jake. I can see where you’re coming from now; and I understand what you are trying to say. But Jake, in my dreams I see her with me. And I mean ‘with’ me. I believe it will work out the way it’s suppose to in due time.


Jake left as quickly as he had come. Daniel didn’t want her to think he had been spying on her. So he grabbed a big handful of his stuff, and started to make a lot noise walking down the ramp to his cart. He didn’t look in her direction at all, hoping that she would think that he didn’t know she was there. It worked. He pretended to stumble and fall down and threw his clothes all over.


“Great! I can’t even walk without stumbling around like a 2 yr old!”

Then he turned and saw her looking at him. He stared at her for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing. She joined him shaking her head and laughing. She helped him up and when he put his arm around her waist he felt her stiffen; it was ever so slight, but he felt it.


“You are doing too much, too soon. You need to pace yourself. Besides, we should stop for lunch. What do you say? Can I bribe you with food? Sandwiches, pickles, chips, soda or beer?” she waited expectantly for his answer.


“Yes ma’am! I can be bought! You can have your way with me, a beer would do it!” He was smiling and looking directly at her.


“Let’s get this stuff to the car and load it up,” she suggested. They pushed the cart to the open doors, and she told him to go get in the car. She would put everything in the back. He wouldn’t hear of it and helped carry his share of the load.


“You’re just as stubborn as I am,” she told him, and he just grinned at her and headed for the drivers side, “and I suppose you want to drive too?” she said handing him the keys.


She closed the rear door of the car, went to the warehouse door and put her fingers in her mouth and blasted the silence with a shrill whistle that made him jump. A few seconds later the ‘twins’ came bounding out of the building and jumped into the car. She closed the door and entered a code. She came down the steps and got in the car.


“Home James, and don’t take the freeway.” She turned around and reached behind her for something in the back seat. Then she turned around and handed him an ice-cold beer - in a coozie!


“Whoa, you are priceless, I just may keep you around!” he took a long drink. “Hmm, this is great.” At which point a loud belch erupted from him, “sorry,” he said sheepishly.