Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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They arrived back at the house and hurriedly brought their goodies in and put them away. She then showed him how the shutters worked on the large living room windows. They went upstairs also and shut all the shutters up there. They let the ‘twins’ out before the storm arrived, and the silly dogs ran around for a time barking at nothing and chasing each other. After a time Daniel called them and they bounded inside and slid across the rug on the living room floor.


Back in the kitchen, she was turning on the oven when a rather loud crack of thunder sounded and she jumped and dropped the pizza cutter.


“The thunder can get really bad. It shakes the house and rattles the pictures on the walls. I hate it - probably because it frightens me. But you are here tonight, so I shall be a brave little trooper. Let’s get the Pizzas going. Damn, I need a beer, how about you?”


“I’m ready for a cold one. Want me to set up the movie?”


“Yes, that would be great,” she shouted from the kitchen. She took a long swallow and then belched like a truck driver.


“Good Lord woman, I believe you out did me!” he walked into the kitchen grinning. “I think ‘Armageddon’ is called for first; what with all the thunder going on about this place it will fit right in perfectly.” He set up the movie and returned to the kitchen watching her as she worked.

“Say,” he asker her, “do you want me to feed the twins?”


She nodded and motioned to the cabinet under the cupboard. He pulled the double doors open and dragged out a huge tub labeled ‘Dog Food’; opened it and scooped out a bowl for each of them. They came running into the kitchen and tried to ‘help’ and Daniel ended up on the floor with food all over him, and the twins licking his face. “Eat it up guys, enjoy.”


She was laughing at his predicament, “The pizza will be ready in about 45 minutes. We picked the best kind, got to cook it in the oven. This house is going to smell like an Italian restaurant shortly.” The thunder was getting louder and closer. I need to drown out that horrid racket!


She took another swig of her beer and went out into the living room to the entertainment center. “I’m going to put on some music until we’re ready for the pizza.” She took out a Laura & Reyes CD and put it on. She cranked it up and suddenly the house was filled with Latin music. She took another long pull of her beer.


The thunder was agitating her. He could feel it and decided to diffuse the situation. He came out of the kitchen with his hands in the air, clapping in time to the guitars and shouting, “Yipa, Yipa! Lets dance woman!”


To his surprise she started swaying with the music, dancing around him in a circle, clapping her hands. She was barefoot, and her hips swiveled in time to the music. She was radiant; she seemed to have let go of her inhibitions, but he knew it was the beer. He would have to be careful and not spook her. Luckily the twins picked that time to come in and join them. Barking and running around in circles chasing them. The both laughed at the dogs, and after two songs she went into the kitchen to check on the pizzas. He followed and stood in the archway.


“You know what I miss most at times like this?”


She looked at him with a glint in her eye, “Cigarettes!”


“You read my mind woman!” This was getting down right eerie!


Shaking her head no she said, “No, I was a smoker too! And if you promise not to tell, I’ll take you to my stash!”


“Lead on woman, my lips are sealed! You know you just can’t have beer and music without smoking a cigarette or two or three.”


“It’s uncivilized!” she chimed in,


She took him into the pantry where the freezer was and she opened it up and took out several boxes of frozen cauliflower. In one there were several packs of Marlboro lights, and in the other Capri menthols. She threw him a pack of Marlboro’s and took one of hers. Then she put everything back in place. They went back into the house and sat at the bar.


He lit up first, “Oh man, it’s been too long. Near as I can guess about 3 to 4 years since I last lit up a decent cigarette. We found some in one town, but they were so stale it was terrible.”


“It’s the freezer. They will keep indefinitely as long as they are in a freezer.” She went over to the frig and got 2 more beers and set them on the counter. Then she opened her pack and lit up. She took a long drag, “Oh this is good!” Just then the music stopped, and there was a loud crack of thunder. The entire house vibrated from the shock.


Daniel leaped off the bar stool, “Son of a bitch! Damn you weren’t kidding about the thunder!” Daniel could see the effect the thunder had on the woman, her face was drained of color. “Hey, let’s eat in the living room, ok?”


“Sounds good to me,” she immediately joined in, “why don’t you go start the movie and I’ll get the pizzas out of the oven and slice them up.”


She turned around and reached up into the cupboard for two plates. She also got down a large platter. The timer went off and she removed the pizzas from the oven. The movie was still showing the credits when she entered the room with her hands full. He went to her side taking the large platter and putting it down on the coffee table. She placed the plates and napkins down also. Then she took a swig of her beer, and looked to see where she was going to sit. He had pulled the couch around to face the TV and placed the coffee table right between the two. She plopped herself at one end of the couch and he sat at the other. They watched the movie and greedily stuffed their faces. Occasionally a comment or two broke the silence.


“Ok, ok, this is the part I love to watch over and over again. When the two shuttles take off a minute apart, it is so cool!” He was watching her and getting caught up in her enjoyment and her reactions to the movie. “What?” She was looking at him with furrowed brows.


“Just soaking up some of your enthusiasm,” he said with a grin. “You really get into these don’t you?”


“Well duh? The whole idea is to entertain, right? So why not enjoy the different parts of the movie. I mean, what fun is there, if a movie is some dark melodrama.” She explained passionately, “That’s not entertaining. I want to be excited, guess what’s coming next. You know what I mean.”


He was smiling at her. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” They continued to watch and his mind was racing with thoughts about her. Her voice brought him out of his daydream.

“Now this is where they depart from the fun stuff and put some stupid military stunt in here. I mean they wouldn’t just detonate a nuclear bomb by remote control. That’s just so bogus; they ruined a perfectly good film with a stupid subplot.”


“I never really thought about it before.” He saw that she was very complex in her thinking.


They finished eating, and watched the rest of the movie. While he changed the DVD, she cleaned up and got them two more beers. As she was walking back into the room there was a flash of light and a deafening bang. The whole house shook, several pictures fell off the walls, and she froze in mid step.

Seeing the look of fear on her face he was quickly off the couch and at her side.


She burrowed her head against his chest as his arms encircled her. “It’s okay, it’s just a storm,” He told her. “It can’t hurt us.”


“You haven’t been in one of these before have you? They can go on for hours. I generally wrap myself in a couple of comforters and hide in a corner at the back of my cave.” She was trembling. “I think it has something to do with the way the weather changed after ‘They’ came. Storms are really much more intense, lightening strikes are the worst. I don’t like this one bit. Jake? Are we in any danger?” Jake?


No my Lady, you will be fine. I have every confidence in Daniel. He will not let anything bad happen to you. I am allowing him to listen to our conversation; you do not mind do you?


No Jake, I don’t mind. I’m sorry, I know I’m acting like a baby, I guess I just panicked. It’s the noise, it’s so loud and the whole house shakes. It’s spooky that’s all.


Do we need to get to shelter Jake? Daniel felt like he should be doing something, Should we go to the cellar?


No Daniel, the storm is moving out of the area now. The wind is starting to pick up and I believe that it will rain soon. The temperature is dropping rapidly. You two should be safe in the house. Have a pleasant evening!


She suddenly realized that she was still standing there in his arms. She let out a slow breath and stepped away, “I’m ok now.” She went over to the couch and sat down. She looked up at him; “well, I feel like a silly goose.”


“Actually my dear, you feel pretty good,” he gave her his best WC Fields imitation. “Seriously, if you’d like to curl up next to me on the couch, we can put in another movie and chain smoke the night away.” He was smiling at her patting his end of the couch, trying to put her at ease.


There was another loud burst of thunder and that made up her mind for her. “You’re on cowboy!” She said as she grabbed a blanket and scooted over towards him. “Is it me or is it really getting cold in here?”


“No, I’m fine right now.” He grabbed the remote and started the movie, nonchalantly putting a throw pillow across his chest. “Come here and get comfortable woman.”


She came over and made herself comfortable leaning against him. They both settled down to watch the movie. Jake was right, the thunder and lightening finally subsided, and the wind began. A loud, howling wind, with a pelting rain began.


As the movie started she watched and then shouted, “Oh no! You didn’t!” He was laughing at her reaction. And then they both began to mouth the announcement:

“Do you have what it takes to be a Citizen?

 Are you interested...

 Want to hear more…”


He had put in ‘Starship Troopers’. They spent the next two hours in riotous laughter seriously mocking the actors and making like the ‘bugs’. By the time it was over they were laughing so hard tears were streaming down their faces.


“I’ve never had such a good time at the movies before,” he told her. ‘Seriously, this was great!”


She stared at him for a long time smiling, and then stood up and did something he never expected. She bent over and took his face in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth. (Well done, lady!)

Then she was off in a flash climbing the stairs two at a time yelling behind her, “I’ve gotta pee like a race horse!”


He was completely taken off guard. Son of a bitch! I never figured on that happening. All right Jake, all bets are off.


Daniel, this is your area of expertise, I am out of it from here on. I have given you all the information you need.


She came down the stairs and went into the kitchen. She fixed herself a coke and brought him one. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. His mind was racing. He knew what he wanted to do; but he felt that would put her off. He had to tread carefully. He washed up and decided to call it a night before things got out of control.


She was sitting on one of the big chairs peering thru the shutters at the storm outside when he returned. She looked like a little girl sitting there. He marveled at how she could be so cold and hard when she was called upon to be the leader of the community. When she said she came to this house to unwind she wasn’t kidding. She was like a different person altogether.


“What?” She was grinning, and then she got serious, “if I offended you I apologize. I took liberties and I shouldn’t have. I must look like a silly old fool.”


“Not from where I’m sitting.” You look good enough to eat woman, he thought to himself. “I think it’s getting pretty late, maybe we should call it a night, what do think?”


“Oh, you’re probably right. We did have such a good time; I just don’t want it to end.” She went to him and gave him a quick hug and said “Good night Daniel, I’m glad you are here, sleep well.” She went upstairs to her room.


He sat there for a while thinking about all that had taken place during the day. His mind went over everything she had told him. Jake, are you awake?


Is there a problem Daniel?


No, no problem Jake. I sent her to bed, and I’m wide-awake. I can’t seem to turn off my mind. I’ve been thinking about everything that has happened, and everything that she told me. And I was wondering about a few things.


Go ahead Daniel; I have been expecting your questions.


Well, first off, I think what happened, all of this; I think that we got a long overdue spanking. I know it sounds crazy, but we really deserved it. The world was on the brink. But Jake, was it God, were you sent by Him? And where does all that religious stuff fit into the world now?


It is a different world now, Daniel. The Father does not reveal his designs to us. We are only his servants; He tells us what our task is, and what we must attempt to accomplish. Eons ago man was chosen to go his own way alone; to see where it would ultimately take him.

Your world was in chaos Daniel, even you agree on that point.


Yes Jake, I’m ashamed to say, we made a real mess of everything, Daniel said contritely.


War and terrorism, the deliberate genocide of a race of people; these were all very bad things. Man hated his fellow man, unacceptable!

Jake’s voice took on the tone of a father admonishing his child.

Your world was so negative Daniel; it was on the brink of total annihilation. Decisions were made that we are not privy to, and now we begin again. Only this time, the Dragons were called forth once again to serve with man. We shall see where it will take us.


We were such fools Jake, in our hatred for anyone different from us we ended up losing it all.

Daniel’s voice was almost desperate in tone, he sighed deeply, millions have died, only a handful of us left. Tell me, do we have a chance this time?


Time will tell Daniel, but to put your mind at ease, remember this; you have all been chosen for a specific purpose. It was not just random chance. Do not worry yourself about this now. When your Dragon Queen hatches all will be clear to you. Now you must rest my friend.


Thank you for being honest with me Jake; good night.


Daniel smoked another cigarette, and thought about everything Jake had said for a long time. Then he went up to bed. He noticed as he climbed the stairs it was getting much colder. He saw that the woman had put a large comforter on the end of his bed. He started to go to her room to say thanks and then thought better of it. He lay there for a time and finally drifted off to sleep.


The sky was bright and the air was crisp, he could feel the wind flowing over the both of them; they were lying on the cool grass. He was so content; completely at ease and very happy. Then suddenly they were in the air, flying above a desert. He looked to his left and she was right there. Jake and Queenie were straining to be closer to each other. They’re just like us, he thought. They can’t get enough of each other. It would be another 2 hours before they got to the coast. Suddenly there was fire everywhere; they were being attacked! Queenie shouted to him to hold on tight and she banked to the right and shot away so fast he almost lost his grip. He had time to see Jake do the same. They came up behind a torn, tattered, much smaller version of themselves. In unison they blasted it to ashes.


He was startled awake by a loud crash. He sat bolt upright in the bed listening to see if he could determine where the sound came from. Rain was beating down on the house and the wind was howling. It sounded like broken glass I think. For a minute he needed to make sure he wasn’t still dreaming. Shit, it’s freezing in here. BANG! Where did that sound come from? He thought he heard muffled noises. He strained his ears trying to get a direction. It was coming from her room! He rushed down the hall and threw open her door.


There was a loud boom and a flash of lightening; the scene before him was frozen. Wind and rain were pelting her thru a broken window. She was standing there dripping wet and shivering. She was trying to grab the latch on one of the shutters. The wind kept blowing it out of her reach.

How long this had been going on he didn’t know, but it was long enough that her lips had turned blue. It was freezing in there.

She was yelling something at him, “W.w..window br..broke, sh..shutter….. got to close it.”

Her body trembled from the cold.


He quickly moved past her and reached out and grabbed the latch and pulled it closed. He turned around and faced her. There was blood on her ankle and her leg; she was standing on broken glass. Her bedclothes were dripping wet and clinging to her body showing every curve. She was trembling badly. He lifted her up off the broken glass and placed her on the rug beside her bed. He went into her bathroom and grabbed some towels. He wrapped her in a large one and told her to take off her wet clothing. Then he proceeded to dry her, starting with her hair and working his way down. She was shivering badly and he knew he had to get her dry quickly before hypothermia set in. He was rubbing her vigorously trying to get the circulation going again. Then he went over to her dresser and rummaged thru the drawers and found a tee shirt and some sweat pants.


“Here, lift your arms,” he pulled the tee shirt over her head. I know this body so well, damn what timing!

He grabbed the pants and held them for her, “lift your leg and step into this, easy girl I’ve got ya,” he said as he held her arm for balance. “There you go, come here and sit down,” he told her, “I want to check your ankle, you’re bleeding.” She hadn’t even noticed. “It’s your foot. Did you step on some broken glass?”


“I g..guess so, I d..don’t know.” She was shaking all over. “So ss… oo c..cold..”


He went to her bathroom and found a first aid kit. He checked her foot and saw it was a deep slice, but it would heal. He cleaned it carefully, and then bandaged it up. He got a pair of socks and put them on her feet. She was shaking violently now. He picked her up in his arms and headed for the door, there was a surprised look on her face. He left her room and headed down the hall to his. He put her in his bed, piled on comforters, and climbed in with her.


“You need to get warm, and body heat is all I can think of right now.” She shook her head yes and yielded to his arms. He pulled her to him and held her tightly. Then he began rubbing her arms up and down. He reached down and did the same to her legs to get the circulation going. He pulled her to him and tried to wrap himself around her. He tried to give her as much of his warmth as possible. After a time her shivering slowed; exhaustion finally overtook her and she fell into a deep sleep curled up in his arms. He lay there wishing the circumstances were different. He dozed off himself after he was sure she was sleeping soundly.


High on top of the mountain a pair of black eyes twirled in excitement. Nicely done! Things are moving along well. It won’t be long now.