Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Two days later, Steve’s dragon called him to the hatching grounds. When he entered he saw the broken pieces of shell lying about. He looked all around trying to accustom his eyes to the dark. He heard her in the rear of the chamber.


Hello? It’s me, Steve. Where are you? She stepped into the light filtering into the cave. Oh my God! You’re beautiful! Steve was so overcome that he went to his knees still staring up at her. Her color was a dark green shade; she had silver down her back and around the ridges of her eyes, with a touch of purple. Her eyes were brown suspended in a pool of yellow. She was not as big as Jake, but she was big, 18-20 feet at least, and still growing.


She reared back and spread her wings and laid her head down at Steve’s feet. I am a Warrior Dragon of the First – you are my companion, my rider and my friend. I am Lady Elzbeth! Aha, you have a good, quick mind; we will get along just fine. Now, before I can go and stuff my face, we must do this last thing.


She raised her head a bit and stared directly into Steve’s eyes. A beam of energy passed thru them both as knowledge was shared and a lifelong bond was sealed. As with Daniel, the change began to take place as Steve was raised into the air and Lady Elzbeth wrapped her wings about him. After an hour she placed him on the ground again.


You are gorgeous darling, absolutely gorgeous! He was crying, overwrought with emotion.


Of course I am, I am a Dragon of the First! Now I must go and present myself to Jake and his Queen; and then I shall go feed. I will return in two days. With that Lady Elzbeth bent, spread her wings and glided out of the cave.


Steve stood there trying to catch his breath. After a bit he pulled himself together and left the cave. He headed down to the Hall. As he came down the last path, Daniel noticed the swagger in his walk and the changes in his appearance. He understood what was propelling him. It was a momentous occasion.


“So Steve how was it? You were gone for two hours! What did you get? Steve? They threw questions at him all at once.


Steve looked at Daniel and smiled. “Her name is Elzbeth, Lady Elzbeth. She’s a Warrior Dragon to the First. And she’s fucking gorgeous! She’s dark green, rich dark green. She has silver on the ridges down her back, and also around her eyes, with purple thrown in. She has the most beautiful brown eyes you ever saw. God she’s beautiful!”


Daniel smiled for him, patted him on the back, “Congratulations Steve!” Kate leaned over and gave him a hug. He was oblivious to everything.


So it went for the next week. One at a time, the eggs hatched and called to their riders. Men and women were seen rushing up the mountainside. Kate noticed that they hatched in pairs. The female, then the male, each pairing couple matched perfectly.


Lady Ashley was called next. She entered the cave and listened intently for any sound. Her eyes were adjusting to the dark when she saw him and went to her knees. He was a large dark forest green color. He has the silver markings on his back and around his eyes that marked him as part of Jake’s army.


My Lady Ashley, there you are. My Amazon Princess! You are quite beautiful. I am Daowyn, Warrior to the First. You are my companion, my friend, and my rider. He rose up and presented his head to her. She stroked him and cried. He raised his head and the bonding between them began. A real take charge type of dragon. She was overcome with emotion.


You are wonderful! So big, so fantastic! She was sobbing and with tears of joy.


Of course I am. Would you not want the best for your companion and rider for life? I must go and present myself to the First, and his Queen. Then I will feed, and return to you in two days.


Ashley was befuddled when she descended the mountain tears streaming down her face. Steve took her in his arms knowing what she was going thru. She soon calmed down and relayed the wondrous news of Daowyn’s arrival.


Then Jerry was called. He went like a shot up the mountain. His dragon was exactly as he envisioned. She was a deep rich brick red color, with silver on the ridges around her eyes. And eyes black as night in a sea of yellow. She said her name was Lady Olivia – Warrior Dragon to the First. She said he was her companion, her rider, and her friend. She liked him, and was fascinated by his personality. She was pleased to finally meet him. When he came down the mountain he was smiling and crying. Like the others, it took a while for him to calm down. “She’s a real little lady. Just you wait till you’ll see her!”


Beth was called that evening. They were at dinner when she suddenly stood up. “I have to go!” was all she said. They all knew what that meant. She looked at Jerry, smiled, and she was off. She entered the cave and looked about. She was hoping that she wouldn’t faint.


You will not faint my Lady Beth, for you are a strong woman, a fighter as I am. Come forward so I may meet you at last. She stepped forward and beheld her lifelong friend for the first time. He was a deep dark brick-red color; there were silver ridges down his back and around his eyes with the purple that marked him as part of the First’s army. He was huge, 20 feet at least. He bent his massive body and laid his head at her feet. I am a Warrior of the First – I am called Rhontin. And you are just as I pictured. A beauty of stature and grace! You are my companion, my rider, and my friend. I am well pleased! As Beth stared into his eyes everything around them disappeared. She was engulfed in a bright light and their bonding took place with the sharing of knowledge and more. His wing wrapped around her and it was during this time that her spirit was healed. She felt a great weight lifted from her and was overcome with happiness.


Two and a half hours later she came down the mountain. Her steps were sure footed, and with purpose. She was crying still, but it was out of happiness. Her change was the same as the others. She bore that air of great confidence and purpose. Jerry took her in his arms and held her as she related the joyous news of her dragon to the others.


Collin was called the next morning at sunrise. Becky was the only one that knew he had been called. At breakfast she told the others. Collin walked in an hour later. He was ecstatic. “She’s beautiful, just perfect! We’ve been talking for so long; it was great to see her at last. She’s a blue, almost gray, with the silver like the others - a Warrior to the First. Her name is Maya, Lady Maya. She knows I have the ‘sight’, and she says it will help us in battle. God, she’s great!


Then there was nothing for the rest of the day. Becky knew she would be next and she was getting worried that something was wrong with her dragon. Jake calmed her and told her that he just need more time to grow. She continued her chores for that day, and when they met for dinner she wasn’t very hungry. Collin started to say something, then thought better and didn’t.


The next morning just as they were finishing up breakfast, Becky jumped up and shouted, “He’s here! Gotta go!” and rushed out of the Hall. They all laughed knowing the excitement she was feeling. She rushed up to the cave and burst in huffing and puffing. She let her eyes adjust, and looked about. There was one egg on the hatching ground. She heard movement towards the back and stepped forward.


My Lady Becky, my wonderful friend, there you are! He stepped forward and she saw him at last. He was a deep dark blue with silver on the ridges of his back and about his eyes, a dab of purple thrown in for good measure. Black eyes like the night, suspended in silver pearl.


Oh my God, you are…. magnificent! You are more than I ever imagined! You are gorgeous!


Of course I am! He reared up and bent and laid his head at her feet. She went to her knees. I am a Warrior Dragon of the First – my name is Jared. You are my rider, my companion, my friend. We are here to serve. She stroked his head and cried and told him he was her salvation too. He raised his head and stared into her eyes and the bonding began. An hour and a half later she came down the mountain floating on air. She was overcome with emotion. Collin tenderly put his arm about her and held her for a bit till she calmed. She related the good news to everyone; and received congratulations from all.


The last was Sally. They all knew it would be a momentous event. She would go up the mountain as a child, but would return as a young woman. Jake had told them that much. Michael was hovering protectively near her, but she wasn’t affected like the others. All the time she had spent with Jake and with Michael had prepared her. She was ready, looking forward to it. She had prepared some clothes to take with her, as instructed by Jake. She carried them with her everywhere.


Kate had sent Michael on several errands and the others to do their chores. “Give the girl some breathing space, guys!” Sally laughed at Kate’s dilemma, thinking it fun.


Two days later as they were standing there talking, Oreo came out of the Hall and up to Sally. She meowed loudly, patted Sally’s leg and ran up the mountain. Sally looked at Daniel and Kate.


A big smile erupted across her face. “See you guys later!” And she followed Oreo up the mountain.


Michael wondered why Kate has sent him on this stupid errand. Then he realized she was just giving Sally a chance to breathe. They were like a bunch of mother hens hovering over her. She was strong, and he had prepared her well for what was to take place. She had trusted him; and now he was going to have to trust her. He finished his chore and headed back, he saw Kate and Daniel as he landed.


“She’s gone to the mountain Michael,” Kate informed him as his eyes flew wide. “Now we wait.”