Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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The snowstorms hit the mountain with a vengeance, and covered everything in a blanket of white. The temperature dropped to below freezing. It was damn cold in the caves and Daniel would have none of it. He remembered what Steve and Jerry had told him and quickly decided to put them to work on getting heat to the caves. They were only too glad to have something to do. It took them both two weeks, as Jerry had predicted, but was most welcome by the time they were finished.


Daniel and Kate spent the cold mornings snuggled up in bed. He enjoyed this private time with her. They would talk about the coming war, and about how well their riders and dragons were doing. Daniel would try to guess what Jake was up to; what plans he had in play, much to Kate’s admonishments to let it go. And of course they talked of each other, which always led to Daniel caressing Kate. She wouldn’t let him go after that until they made love; so their mornings were a little longer than the others.


The Dragons were warm in the big cave above. They spent most of their time flying in formation with Jake, training, diving and flaming at the same time. They had all grown much larger, and their wings had taken on a definite muscular tone. It would not be long before they would begin ‘First Flight’ with their riders.


Thru her discussions with Jeffery, Miss Susan had seen the need for warm clothing for the riders when they were in flight. She had come up with an idea and discussed it with Jeffery. He praised her for her foresight, and with his blessing she embarked on her mission. With Jake’s help, Miss Susan had gone to the warehouse and searched for large long leather coats. Finding what she needed, she got out her old sewing machine and proceeded to make riding jackets and helmets for the dragon riders. Using a hot etching gun she emblazoned the outline of a dragon on the back of each jacket. When she was finished she asked the riders to meet her one night after dinner on the mesa top. She stepped on the mesa with Jeffery carrying a large box. Smiling she quietly told the riders what she had done, and proceeded to present her gifts to the riders. The riders were amazed at the workmanship and the intricate detail; she had obviously worked long and hard on these garments. It was a labor of love on her part, and they all understood. After this, Miss Susan was regarded with new respect.


As the weeks wore on, Daniel made use of the extra time by organizing the riders and suggesting that they all become proficient with the use of crossbows. He was convinced that this could help them when they were in battle. Daniel explained his thoughts to the riders concluding with the fact that he knew, ‘we can’t penetrate their hide, but if we could get a lucky shot and take out one of their eyes, then we would stand a better chance fighting them.’ Most agreed with him.


Jerry came up with rigging that they could use while flying. It would allow the riders mobility and at the same time keep them from falling off the dragons while they used the crossbows in flight. Using Lady Jennie as a test dragon, they tried the rigging out on her. She said it was not constricting and Michael said it worked very well.


During this time some of the people in camp had asked if they could relocate to the town. They felt they would be safe there, no marauders had been seen for some time. After discussing it among themselves, the riders felt that this was inevitable. The big house would be kept for the riders use only. Sam said he would go to keep an eye on them. So they made him the Mayor of the town; and he and about fifty of their number left. The power was turned on and they settled themselves in for the winter. Everything seemed to settle down and things were going along okay. Two and a half months passed and all seemed well. Except for the occasional flights for food, contact with the town was on a minimal basis for the dragon riders.


On a recent run, Kate and Daniel noticed a change in attitude between the camp and the town folk. Words were said, the harmony they had once shared as a group seemed to be fading. There was some sort of resentment brewing. They spent several days at the big house trying to track down the cause. They could find nothing to put their finger on, but it continued to gain strength. Kate decided to say something to Jake. That evening she and Daniel returned to the mountain and immediately called for a meeting to speak to Jake about it. As she was telling Jake, Kate could see that he was getting very agitated, his eyes were twirling and he grunted several times.


Leave me my lady, I must think carefully of this turn of events. Kate and Daniel returned to their quarters and tried to rest. Throughout the night they could hear Jake as he paced about the large mesa deep in thought.

Dawn rose on a weary Kate and Daniel, needless to say they did not get much rest. They returned to the top, but Jake was gone. Kate called to him and received a short and curt ‘busy right now, will talk to you later’ from Jake. She and Daniel decided to go below to breakfast and go about their chores. They tried to keep things as normal as possible. Jake and his whereabouts played on their minds, but Daniel finally prevailed with Kate by explaining that Jake would fill them in as soon as he returned.


It was close to dinnertime when Kate spied him returning to the mesa. He called to them both and asked them to come to the top. As they stepped out onto the mesa they saw Sam climbing off of Jake’s back.


Ah, my friends, Jake called to them, come, I have much news to discuss with you both. I went to the town and called for Sam. I explained what you told me about the problem in the town


Sam joined the conversation; Yeah, I was going to contact Jake tonight. There’s something happening that I don’t’ like it one bit. It took me a while to figure it out, but when I did I figured that Jake should be told quick. A man came in several weeks ago. He seemed all right at first, now, I’m not so sure. I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly, but I know he’s responsible. He says things, negative things, but always adding ‘it’s not for me to say.’ The others listen to him; he’s making trouble on purpose. Jake, it’s almost like he’s trying to turn the townsfolk against you and the riders.


The Insane Ones have sent him. I will not have this happening to my people! Jake spoke in anger, unusual for him. This is why I had to leave you my lady. I had to get to the bottom of this quickly. The black devil that rules the insane ones has made use of a damaged human; one who is mad. This is how they operate, they try to cause dissention and anger among the people, and then they attack. Jake rose up and turned to Sam; where would he be at this time of day?


I’m not too sure; he seems to disappear in the late afternoon. But later tonight he will be out walking; he always walks up to the big house in the evenings. He walks a lot at night, and he is always alone.


He won’t be tonight, not for long! Jake roared, Rah, I have need of your services! Jake called to his second in command. After the sun goes down, seek out this creature and bring him here quickly and silently.


I do as you command my liege; Rah bowed his large head and took off seconds later. He explained to his rider, Lady Sally, what Jake had asked and that this was a very dangerous mission. She thumped him on his nose and told him she was his rider; no matter what the mission she was coming along and he better get used to it!


Jake called all the riders to the summit after dinner. They were filled in on what had been happening down below. 30 minutes after sunset Lady Sally called to Jake. She informed them that she and Rah were returning with the man; and to be prepared. As they landed all understood her warning.


If ever there was a human in the throes of insanity, they were all staring at him. He was unwashed and unkempt in appearance. His eyes were red rimmed and bloodshot. His dirt embedded nails were long and several were broken, as tho they were ripped off. His hair was matted, and his clothes reeked. He was spewing curses and saying the vilest of things. Most of these he directed at Jake, and Kate. He showed no fear of Rah; he seemed to be in a trance-like state; as if he were speaking for someone else. Rah literally dropped him on the mesa where Big John and Steve waited. He continued spitting out vile things until Big John popped him on the head. It was only then that he seemed to become cognizant and aware of his surroundings. He saw Kate and immediately took a step in her direction only to be blocked by Big John. He began to scream at her and call her vile names.


Daniel slowly removed his crossbow from his shoulder; murder in his eyes. Let me rid us of this evil piece of shit!


Not yet Daniel, Jake stopped him. I would find out what this creature knows. Jake turned towards Collin and nodded, Collin, now is the time to do as I have instructed you.


Steve and Jerry dragged the man over to a large bolder and placed him on it. They held the man down, as Collin positioned himself above the man and stared into his eyes; then into the heart of him. He placed his hand on the man’s head. The poor creature shook all over, protesting, screaming vile things. Collin knelt and probed thru this creature to the one controlling him. Collin turned white as a ghost and his face took on a hard tone. While all this was taking place, Jake’s dragons had gathered above and were circling the mesa. After several long minutes, Collin stood and shakily went to the side of the boulder and retched.


Collin looked up at Jake, Kill him now Jake, do it quickly.


Knowing what was coming; the creature scrambled off the boulder, taking Steve by surprise, and went for Kate. He was stopped dead in his tracks by Daniel, who loosed an arrow into the poor wretch’s head ending his vile possession. Rah flamed the corpse to ash immediately. No one was sorry.


Collin took a deep breath. You were right, he was sent by the leader of the devils, a big black bull. They know we are here Jake; the emergence of your Queen was the signal. They picked it up in the ether. They needed to know exactly where we were located; and Jake, they intend to kill your Queen. They know who you are and they are afraid, very afraid. I don’t know when they will try an attack, but I believe it will be soon.


Jake threw back his head and let loose a mighty bellow. Warriors! He called to all his dragons above, Are you strong enough for your riders?


All the dragons bellowed as one and roared their answer. Yes!


Riders, go to your homes and gather your riding gear! Return quickly, for tonight you will all take your First Flight! Jake commanded.


The riders left at a dead run. Each went to their cave and put on their leather flying clothes, and leather gloves. All returned within a half hour and they were all carrying weapons.


You will need no weapons for this flight, Jake informed them. This must be done in the Light; you will understand when you return. Now Riders, go to your Dragon and mount. Lady Jennie and I will remain here to guard the camp. Rah, you know what has to take place during First Flight. I leave it to you to see that it is accomplished quickly and safely.


My Liege, I am honored. Rah called Sally to him quickly.


When you return scout the area from on high. Look to the West first. Daowyn, you will look to the East. I do not feel them on wing yet; but that can change quickly. Now go, and Gods speed go with you all!


They rose in unison, banked to the right and were gone in minutes. Anyone standing on the ground would have a sight to tell his or her children and grandchildren. Jake and Lady Jennie with Kate and Michael rose and disappeared into the night sky


Picking up on the fear that Kate was feeling, Jake calmed her. My Lady, do not concern your self, they will be just fine. I am pleased that you recognized what was going on down below. We would have been caught off guard had they attacked now.


Jake, can you explain how you knew that man was from them, she asked him intently.


Love My Lady, pure simple love. From the very beginning when you first found me and we bonded, did not a great love developed between us? Kate shook her head in ascent. The foundation of the entire camp was built on love and trust. These are positive things, pure things. As the other dragons hatched, that love was spread. Each night I filled the dreams of the camp with love and understanding. They accepted us without question. They trusted us, cared a great deal for us, and respected the riders. This is as it should be. Does not everyone who comes here say it feels so good, so positive?


Kate thought about it for a moment, yes, your right Jake, we all feel it.


Jake then continued, When one of the Insane Ones is among us, there is nothing but hate, distrust, and negativity. They thrive on hate and darkness. When you came to me and told me what you were observing, it became apparent to me that a great evil had descended upon the town. I went to the town and saw a great darkness emanating from it, and so I sought out Sam. I knew we had to get rid of it immediately. I will send dreams to the townsfolk, they will realize that the man was bad, and believe that he simply left.


Should they return to the mountain Jake? Kate was alarmed, are they in any danger?


I am not sure just yet, My Lady. They may have to return for safety’s sake, we shall see.


Jake, Lady Jennie was calling him, I can feel something approaching. Just one, a scout I believe. My Michael and I can take her; she is half our size.


Do so then, quickly! Jake ordered.


Kate watched as Lady Jennie banked to the left and took off at supersonic speed and went straight up. My God she’s so fast! She was looking for the intruder when she saw a flash of fire and heard a terrible screech. A large black flaming mass came falling out of the clouds. It was followed immediately by a brown streak shooting flames at it as it dropped to the ground.


It is done my Liege, nothing remains but ashes. Lady Jennie added, my Michael gives me a strong flame!


Michael was in heaven, Yahoo! Did you see us? Whew, that was great!


Continue your patrol, but in the heights, Jake instructed them. There may be more of them. Michael and Lady Jennie flew above quickly.


You see My Lady our one advantage over them is that we can feel when they are near. They cannot do the same. They will not attack in the daytime; they prefer the cover of darkness to do their hideous work.


Kate and Jake stayed up the rest of the night patrolling the skies. There were no further incursions. Lady Jennie and Michael found no more dragons lurking anywhere. At dawn, as the sun was rising over the mountaintops, Kate could see a large wing of dragons coming their way. Jake, is that them?


They return My Lady. Prepare yourself, for they have all changed. They are now the Riders of Light. You and I have one more flight to take, with Daniel and my Queen.


Kate watched as they all flew in and dismounted. They came forward as a group with Daniel in the lead. Jake was right, they had changed. They were all a mightier version of the people she knew, they were strong, glowing with an inner force that made them more than they were. Daniel, and the men all appeared much younger; more muscular, their faces beautiful to behold. Daniel’s features were like chiseled marble. His long mane flowing in the wind, he looked like a mighty king leading his warriors. His gaze was that of a man on a mission. The others bore the same resemblance to him. Each one was enhanced beyond what they used to be.


Jake, Daniel called, Michael and Lady Jennie killed one? Are they so bold as to think they can come here! Daniel was livid. We will destroy them and strike them down.


Calm yourself Daniel. It was handled quickly and efficiently. But we must be prepared for this to happen again. They know of our existence now, and they will mount an attack against us; we must be ready. Daowyn and Lady Elzbeth, you and your riders will fly patrol the remainder of the day. Fly to the heights, they cannot go there. You will be able to see the skies all around us. Warn if you detect anything unusual. Collin, I require your services. We meet in the great Riders Hall I have made on the far side of the mountain. Follow please, all of you.


They mounted their dragons again and followed Jake around the side of the mountain. It was indeed a Riders Hall. It was big enough for all the dragons to enter with their riders. It was obvious that Jake had been planning and preparing for this for some time. They all entered and dismounted.


Kate went to Daniels side and he took her hand grinning, “My love, I fear that we have begun the battle of our lives!”


Jake called the riders around him. We must be on alert at all times, Jake began; Kate and Daniel picked up on it this time. We were lucky; they will not take us by surprise again. If any of you get the slightest feeling that all is not right, sound the alarm to your dragons. Any strangers approaching this area are to be brought before me, and Collin. Rah, my Queen must be protected from this day forward. They will try to kill her before we can mate.


They will not get the chance, Jake. Lady Jennie and I will protect her, my Liege.


I have every confidence in you Rah. Rhontin and Lady Olivia, you will fly patrol at sunset. Your color will shield you from their eyes. As I told the others, go to the heights and scan the skies. They may send a scout to check us out first.


He turned around and spoke to all the Riders and Dragons; Now, all of you hear me well, if an attack does come, you are to return and do battle quickly. They are half our size and their flame is no match for ours. We can make short work of them.

There was much boasting among the Dragons and their Riders.


Jake continued; my fear right now is that they will try to harm the town first. Lady Kate, you were right. They must return to the mountain for safety’s sake. I will give them dreams to make them want to return. I will also inform Sam of what is happening. He will get them moving.


Jake now moved to the center of the room and turned to Collin. Collin, you must go into a trance and see what you can find out. I have taught you how to control and direct your ability. Now is the time to use it.


Collin lay down on a large boulder in the center of the floor of the great Hall. He closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. He was soon under and stayed that way for over an hour. What he saw can only be imagined. He was in hell, and did not want to stay for long. Several times he cried out and thrashed about, Big John had to hold him down. Becky was concerned that he would be hurt. Ashley and Beth went to her and offered comfort as sisters would. Slowly Collin’s breathing returned to normal; it slowed and became even, and he started to come around. Again he had to retch to remove the darkness from him.


Jake, ugh, they are being led by a huge black monster. He’s full of nothing but hate and blind rage. He has a special hatred for you. You were both in the same hatching ground. The day Kate came and found you, his rider never came. He wants to hurt you really bad. It was very difficult to listen to them; there was so much hate and negativity. They are planning an assault on the town, a quick fly-by to show that they can get close; 2 or 3 days I think. They are coming with twenty or more of their kind. They hope to get the people in the town. And another thing; I barely picked up on this but they are hatching eggs at an accelerated rate. Any of their kind who destroys a hatching ground is killed. They want an army of dragons to fight you. They fear that you will mate with your Queen. It will be the end of them if you do, and they are very aware of that fact. Collin slumped down on the floor.


2 to 3 days you say, hmm, it is enough time; we can do it. Jake turned to Kate, Daniel, Kate, will you please go and pack a small bag with a change of clothes and return quickly. We leave for a day. Rah, I leave you in charge; keep everyone safe. Bring the town into camp; they will want to come when I am finished with them. You all know what you have to do. We shall return in a day with a pregnant Queen!


Kate and Daniel returned within minutes and mounted. They flew out of the cave and headed southeast at supersonic speed. Daniel and Kate knew this was the mating flight for Jake and Queenie. They were both a little apprehensive, but they trusted Jake implicitly.


Jake took them to the southeastern coast. He flew for almost two hours, passing many mountain ranges, and finally ending up in the Carolinas. They flew thru a lot of valleys, and over many green velvet hills. As the sun was shinning brightly, Jake set Kate and Daniel off on a grassy knoll in a beautiful meadow. There were no signs of life around, not even a bird could be heard singing; they were completely alone. Then Jake and his Queen took to the air.


Both Kate and Daniel looked around at their surroundings, then at each other. Kate took a good look at Daniel.

“Daniel, I haven’t had a chance to tell you, but you’ve really changed. You’ve become so much more.” Suddenly she felt a deep heat rising from her loins. She looked at Daniel and she wanted him; wanted him inside her, now. She wanted to feel his hands on her body.

“It is most sexy, my lusty warrior king,” her voice had gotten very husky. “I wonder just how much of you has changed.”

Looking at him with pure lust, she shook her hair free, and she began to undress all the while prancing towards him. She threw her clothes down and stood there naked before him, thrusting her hips seductively.


Daniel couldn’t believe what she had just said. He couldn’t believe what she was doing! He looked above and saw Jake was doing the same, prancing towards Queenie. Then he felt a wave of lust hit him. He looked at her coming towards him, and he wanted to take her right then and there.

He tore at his clothing to remove them, “let me show you just how much I’ve changed!” he teased her. Then he went for her, but she jumped him first; and they rolled down the hillside. He pinned her to the ground but she leaned forward and pushed him down and rode him wildly.


Daniel could see above as Jake was doing the same to his Queen. He spun her over and pinned her down again and savagely kissed her as he ran his hands over her body. She was all over him; and then he took her again in the same manner as Jake was doing above. He couldn’t get enough of her; it was like a surreal dream, all his senses were at their height, he could actually feel her emotions!


Suddenly it appeared that they were in the air, and he was mounting her again and again. She was playing coy one minute, and attacking him the next. Pretty soon he couldn’t tell where they left off and Jake and Queenie began. On and on it went thru the night. By morning they were spent, totally exhausted.


The light of the rising sun woke Daniel. He rose up and saw Kate lying beside him. Her breathing told him that she was waking also. He rose and found their clothing and gently went to her.

“You had better get dressed my Viking queen,” he said with a sly smile on his face.


He stopped and really looked at her. She had changed during the night. She was still his Kate, only more. Her hair had grown longer, covering her body like a blanket. Her face was younger, and her body was even better that it was before. Her breasts were firmer, her tummy flat, her legs and her arms were more muscular. She appeared to be a young woman in her early 30’s. She stretched seductively.


“Kate, you’ve changed again during the night. My God, you’re even better than before, if that’s possible.” He took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly.


Then they heard the dragons above them again.


Their eyes locked - they smiled - then they lunged for each other.


So it continued all morning. By late afternoon all four of them were totally exhausted. They fell into a deep sleep. When they awoke hours later the moon was rising; they were rested and refreshed, full of energy again.


My friends, we must return; we have to fortify our camp. My Queen has need of the hatching ground. Daniel, you will ride with Kate and me while my Queen is caring for her eggs.