Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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The next morning as the sun was rising; Daniel and Kate were in the Mess Hall drinking coffee. Daniel scanned the Hall as the people were finishing breakfast and getting ready for the days chores. As he checked over everyone, he spied the strange couple, Jackson and Sarah, as they prepared to leave the Hall. They were a very strange pair; hard workers, but never got chummy with anyone. They always kept to themselves. He mentioned this to Kate.


“I’m sure that there’s a story to be told there,” he said sardonically,” and he was also sure in time that he would hear it.


“Daniel! You of all people shouldn’t make a crack like that,” Kate said defensively. “That woman went thru hell at the hands of the marauders. If it wasn’t for Jackson, she would be dead.”


Just then Steve entered the Hall with Lady Ashley. Daniel was glad as he didn’t want to get into an argument with Kate over this. They greeted each other cheerfully and all ate breakfast together.


“I wonder what Jake has up his sleeve this time,” pondered Steve.


“I’m pretty sure I have an idea what it’s about.” Daniel had a grin on his face, “remember now, Queenie has laid her eggs, all twenty of them!”


Steve stared at Daniel questioningly.


“Well, where are the riders going to come from?” Daniel looked at them, “he has to have something on the back burner. Come on, Jake is always prepared.”


They finished eating and headed to the top of the mountain. Once there, Steve and Lady Ashley called their dragons and asked a ride for their friends. They then flew to the large Riders Hall. As they entered the Hall they could see that Jake was already conspiring with Jeffrey and Jerry. Jake called them over.


Steve, Daniel, I hope that you are well rested, good to see all of you. You all did very well yesterday. Lady Ashley, you were very impressive in battle. You took out those two dragons that attacked you quickly and efficiently. Well done little one! Ashley was beaming at such praise from Jake.


Steve, I need of your special talents. I want you to make a new cave on the far mountain. It must be large enough to accommodate about 22 people. It will be temporary till they separate into mating couples. Do you think you might be able to do that for me today?


I knew it! You’ve had something going all along, haven’t you Jake. Daniel was sure of it.


You know me well Daniel. There is a school a few hours flight from here. I have been preparing them for some time. Now it is time for us to go and get them. They are to be our new riders. The task of training them is for you, Daniel and Steve, to perform. Now, how do we pick up 22 people and bring them here with all their possessions day after tomorrow.


Steve spoke up. That’s easy; take the trailer we used to transport Daniel to the town. It should hold them. I’ll have the cave ready by tonight. Just start it in the area you want, and Jerry and I will finish it.


Preparations were made, and the trailer was brought to the mountaintop. Once there, Jerry cut air holes around the top, and they placed seats in it like a bus. Jerry welded them to the base of the trailer. Lady Olivia flew Jerry over to Steve on the other side of the mountain, and together they blew out a rather large cave for the new riders. Then they got Kate and Daniel and flew to the town and loaded up on cots and beds, and all the sheets, blankets, pillows, rugs, and other stuff they thought that the students might need. They moved all the furniture and beds into the cave, and Daniel and Jerry and Steve put the beds together. Kate laid the rugs, and created a small private area for their teachers. By the end of the day, everyone was very tired.


Early the next morning at breakfast, Kate pulled Sam aside and told him they were bringing the students back with them the next day. If he required any extra food now was the time to make a run to the warehouse. He decided to make a feast for them, even to bake some cakes. He took the trailer on a trial run to load up, and really appreciated the seats. He said that they worked real well. He laid in a 6 case supply of sodas for the kids, and also quite a bit of junk food. He and Lucy got busy making up quite a menu for the next day. Jake said that they would be back around dinnertime.


The finishing touches were put on the cave, and after checking everything, Kate pronounced it finished. They had brought in a couple of leather couches, and created a sitting area for them. She had also insisted on a screen divider for the two teachers. They had to have some privacy. She knew that once their eggs hatched, they would be moving to their own caves with their mates.


At the Osborne School, new dreams told them that they would be coming for them the next day. Excited at the prospect of leaving, they prepared quickly. One of their fellow students was placed in the tower of the school to alert them when the riders were sighted. They then went about the school retrieving all their possessions and packing their bags. They went to the field behind the school where their garden was, and took the tomatoes, and green beans, and corn that was ready and they put it all in a large basket. They went to the apple orchard and filled four large baskets with the apples that were ready. They went around turning off the gas, and closing up the school. All of their things were brought to the auditorium and lined up. The next morning they decided to gather in the soccer field behind the school. They would sleep this night in the auditorium and wait for the coming day.


The next morning Daniel, Kate, Steve, and Lady Ashley all met for breakfast in the great hall. They quickly ate and went up the mountain and reported to Jake. There was excitement in the air. Jake told them that Daowyn and Lady Ashley were instructed to ride in the heights to cover their backs. Steve, riding Lady Elzbeth, took off first and scouted the skies. Kate mounted Jake with Daniel right behind her.


All clear in the skies ahead Jake, Lady Elzbeth informed them.

Nothing on wing behind you, Daowyn reported.


Jake took to the sky and circled in a wide arc, he then swooped down and picked up the trailer. Lady Elzbeth flew scout position in front and Jake followed her. They flew at a fast pace, Jake wanting to complete this flight quickly and get the future riders to safety. At Daniel’s urging, Jake explained where they were going.


Several years ago I became aware of a certain school hidden deep in the woods of one of your northern states. It was a school for very special children; Osborne School for the Gifted. I knew we would need riders in the future. And these were not ordinary students; each was superior in different fields of the sciences. Their brains held the capacity for forward thinking, acceptance of the extra-ordinary. So I sent them dreams, and allowed them to decide for themselves if they wanted to do this thing. I then contacted their oldest fellow student, Jason, and asked directly. The answer was a resounding ‘yes’.

Jake’s voice now took on a softer tone.

The two teachers that remained with the students have become surrogate parents to them. They love them all as if they were their real parents. They gave them great leeway in their lessons and encouraged them in developing their telepathic abilities. In doing so, several of the students developed ahead of the others. They were able to see into the hearts of these two teachers, and touch the love they found there with their minds. They relayed what they saw and felt to their fellow students and a strong bond developed. The students are very attached to them


By mid-afternoon Daniel could see the mountain range Jake was heading towards. Barely an hour later, they crested a large mountain and Jake started to descend. Daniel could make out the tops of the school spires. As they glided over he could see that some were assembled on the soccer field, and others were running across the field to join them. They had been waiting for them to arrive!


The students watched in open-mouthed wonder as Jake and the other dragons came closer. They were quite amazed at Jakes’ size. They saw the trailer that Jake was carrying, and immediately knew that it was for them. Jake placed the trailer on the field, circled again, and then came in for a landing taking full advantage of the reflection of the sun to show off his great majesty. Wings fully extended he landed stretched to his full height; carefully and slowly folded his wings, and turned his massive head and stared at the group of students standing in dumb awe at the sight of him.


Kate and Daniel dismounted; standing there for a moment to size up the situation. They needn’t have bothered. Slowly at first, the students came out of their stupor and began to walk over to them, one by one. From the door of the building closest to them two adults came running out. They stopped short when they saw Jake, and then Lady Elzbeth landed and Steve dismounted. The students weren’t bothered at all. The smallest came right up to Daniel and Kate attacking them with a barrage of questions.

“Are you Daniel?”

“You must be Kate?”

“That’s got to be Jake then, right?”

“Just how big is he?”

“Who is that landing next to him?”


“Kids! Kids!” Daniel was holding up his hands and smiling at them, “hold on, jeez give me a break here! One at a time, I’m only human!” Kate was chuckling at his reaction. “Answers are as follows; yes, yes, yes, very big, and Steve riding Lady Elzbeth.”


While all this was going on, one lone student fearlessly approached Jake. Jason looked up at the huge dragon before him and thought to himself; My God you’re so big, much bigger than the dreams showed. You have to be Jake!


Yes Jason, I am. Jake answered him lowering his massive head.


Jason backed up quickly, slipped and fell on his butt, all the while starring up at Jake.

Yes! I knew it was real. And you’re not the only one! He turned to his fellow students, Hey guys...oops!

“Hey guys,” he shouted loudly. They all looked towards Jason, mouths agape.

“It’s him,” he was pointing at Jake, whose massive head was right behind him; “it’s Jake...he’s real!”


There was a loud shout from 19 boys and girls.


They ran over to Jason and Jake - no fear in their eyes, just awe. A loud shout from Daniel stopped them in their tracks.


“Stop! Hold up a second, guys.” He walked over to them as they turned to face him. “Before you go any further there is some dragon etiquette that we must get out of the way. Do you give permission of your own free will for Jake to speak with you in your minds? If you agree, turn and face Jake and answer in your mind with a yes.”


They have agreed Daniel. Jake replied immediately in a strong fatherly tone. Calm yourselves my young warriors. We have come to take you to your new home where you will be safe from harm. The Insane Ones would do you great harm if they could find you.


It was Jason who spoke first. But Jake, we are very safe here. In all our years here, there has never been a repeat of that first attack. John and Alex have taken very good care of us. They taught us how to survive, how to grow our own food. We have done here what no one would have thought possible of children.


Yes, Jason, you have done very well. Jake answered him, but the Insane Ones will come here to try and stop you from becoming riders. They do not want us bringing you to our camp. We cannot wait another day.


My Liege, it was Daowyn warning them, we are about to have company! Two of them are on their way to the field right now. I believe they are only scouts.


All of you quickly go into the school, right now. Run! Jake urged the terrified students. We are about to have some unwanted guests.


The children and their teachers took off at a dead run and were inside in less than a minute. The students pressed their noses to the window pane watching what was going on outside. Daniel ran and mounted Jake, as did Kate. They took off quickly with Steve and Lady Elzbeth in the lead. Then they shot straight up in the air and were out of sight.


“Did you see how fast they rose to the sky?” Jason asked no one in particular. “Look!” He pointed towards the west.


A few minutes later they saw two black shapes heading their way. Much smaller than the dragons they were just talking to, and not as healthy looking either. There was a blur as two dragons streaked by them flaming as they passed. The two dragons fell from the skies and Daowyn dove and flamed them all the way to the ground. The children watched him in fascination.


Jake glided down and landed on the field again; the students came running out of the school. Jake turned to Jason, So Jason, how safe do you feel now?


What do you want us to do Jake? Jason asked with wide eyes, as he stared at Lady Elzbeth and Steve.


Load all of your things on to the trailer. Take everything you want with you; you will not be returning to this place.


Jason relayed what they were to do. The students grabbed their things and started to drag everything over to the trailer. Steve came over to help and the boys gathered about him asking all sorts of questions. ‘What did it feel like to fly so fast; what was his dragon’s name; how did his dragon flame and dive at the same time’; it went on and on. Steve laughed loudly at their enthusiasm. Jason sent four boys to go and bring the baskets of apples and vegetables out to the trailer.


John and Alexandria slowly came over and introduced themselves to Daniel and Kate. Daniel asked and then took them to meet Jake. They were a little apprehensive, but there was nothing they wouldn’t do for their charges, so they followed him. There was pure awe in their eyes as they approached him. Daniel received their permission for Jake to speak to them by explaining why their permission was needed.


You have both done very well with these young warriors. Jake praised them. You have allowed their exceptional minds to grow at an accelerated pace. You should be very proud of your accomplishment.


John spoke up first. Jake, whew, I’m just a bit nervous. We, Alex and I, were never sure if all this was real, but the kids believed it, and we didn’t want to deny what we didn’t know for certain. And then we began to have the dreams also.


Alex then joined the conversation; Yes, and we spoke of them for some time, then we came to realize that all things had changed in the world as we knew it. Thru the children we came to believe that there was a new order being created. No harm had ever come to any of us from the knowledge that was imparted in the dreams. We all began to feel that we were being prepared for something.


As they stood there speaking with Jake, John protectively put his arm around Alex. The gesture did not go unnoticed by Daniel. It was Kate who finally broke the ice.


You two love each other. Over the years you have both looked to each other for strength in caring and teaching these children. She smiled at them with understanding. We are not taking them away from you, Alex. You’re both going to come and be a part of this new world we are trying to create. The children wouldn’t leave without you anyway.


Jason came over to them, “we have a little problem. Some of us have pets and we don’t want to leave them here. They would be killed by predators sooner or later. We want to take with us, can we?”


“Pets?” Daniel asked. “What kind of pets are we talking about?”


Jason turned to Daniel, “well, we have 2 dogs, a falcon, and two cats.”


Daniel grinned, “2 dogs you say.” He turned to Kate and raised his eyebrow.


Bring them. It was Jake who made the decision.


One of the boys, much smaller than the others, walked to the edge of the field and called out loudly, “Brutus, Cesar, come here boys.” Two large huskies came out of the woods at a dead run and stopped in front of him.


“Nice looking huskies, what’s your name young man?” Daniel asked.


“Andrew sir,” he was looking at Daniel with awe, “I’ve dreamed of you.”


“I’m sure you have.” Daniel said smiling. “Well, load up your friends we need to get moving.”


Andrew called the dogs and they all headed towards the trailer. He threw in his bags and the dogs jumped up. They began sniffing everything in the trailer.


A girl of about fifteen or so came up to Kate, “I can bring my falcon?” Kate smiled and nodded. She stepped away a few paces and held her arm out and whistled a shrill high warble. A beautiful brownish red colored falcon sailed out of the nearby woods and landed on her outstretched arm, “easy Lancelot,” it squawked once and settled itself.


“Lancelot! What a good name for such a beautiful bird.” Kate said as she stroked his chest gently with her finger.


“My name is Emily,” she was blushing, “and I promise, he won’t be any problem.”


Emily, you don’t have to worry about the animals. Jake informed her. Ours have always gotten along with us. In fact, three of them saved the life of my Queen and her eggs. But that tale is for after we return home.


Emily stood there staring at Jake. She forgot for a moment and began thinking, I just can’t get over how big and how beautiful you are.


Thank you Emily, now return to the trailer. We must leave quickly. Jake turned his large head, Daniel we must be off, is there a problem?


Yes, a very small one Jake, they are trying to find the cats. Daniel explained further, they split after the flaming, and the kids can’t find them.


Tell the children to return. Jake ordered. I will call them; what are their names?


“Susie, Darla, please come here.” Susie and Darla were twins, lovely freckle-faced redheads. Daniel was waving them over. “What are the cat’s names?”


 “Thor and Dottie,” they said in unison.


Jake raised himself to his full height and spread his wings and then turned to Emily’s direction. He purred for a moment, and Lancelot took off and flew to Jake and landed on his right wing. Emily couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Lancelot would never land on anyone but her. Purring loudly Jake called the cats to him.


Thor, Dottie, your mistresses have need of your presence. Come immediately.


From behind the school building two red striped tabby cats bounded across the field to Jake. They stopped at his feet. Go to your mistresses, we are going to your new home.


Both cats ran to the girls who were staring at Jake open mouthed.


Daniel broke this scene, “All right everyone, lets get settled; we have to leave now. You will be just fine inside. We use this for transporting the camp folk whenever we go shopping.”


“Shopping!” several girls shouted.

“Where do you go?”

“Is there a Mall where we are going?”


“Hold your questions till we arrive my inquisitive ones. There will be plenty of air coming in thru the vents, but wear your coats, it gets cold up above.” Daniel smiled his best smile of reassurance, and shut the doors of the trailer.


Inside the trailer conversations broke out. “All right you guys, what do you think?” Jason asked them all.


“Oh it’s them all right Jason,” Andrew assured them. “I’m very excited.”


There was a sudden lurch, and they felt themselves being lifted. Jake took to the air and headed west. It would be an easy flight back. Daowyn went to the heights and flew just ahead of them keeping a careful watch. I see no more of them Jake, we are safe to travel home.


Inside the trailer the students were busy comparing notes and feelings about what they just experienced. They all agreed that they felt no negativity. The people seemed to have their best interests at heart. And they were all very good looking.


“Especially that Daniel, he’s a fox!” Andrea, a sixteen year old gushed, “and did you see the hair on Kate and Lady Ashley, man they are too much!”


Andrew spoke up, “Did you see how fast that Daowyn was? He fired that black dragon with lightening speed. It was so amazing to watch.”


“I agree Andy,” Emily joined in, “it was like watching ballet, he was so graceful.”


“Can we get back to reality,” Jason said. “If the dreams are correct, we are about to enter a whole new world. We are going to be like them, dragon riders!”


The trip took 3 hours. They felt their speed slowing, and then there was a slight bump as the trailer was placed on the landing. A few minutes later the doors were opened, and they got a look at their new home in the fading light of sunset. As they jumped down, they could see other dragons in the air above them. Their faces were all smiles as they watched them land one at a time to let their riders dismount. They stared at six of the most beautiful people they had ever seen.


Daniel walked over to them and a dazzling young man stepped forward to meet him halfway.


“Are these our future riders Daniel?” Michael asked smiling, as he looked them all over; and the girls all blushed at the sight of him.


“Yes they are and quite a handful.” Daniel put his hand on the young mans shoulder and turned to them, “My young friends, I’d like to introduce you to Michael, rider of Lady Jennie,” Daniel indicated the large chocolate dragon on the mesa.


Michael bowed to them all. Even though they had all just seen him land and dismount, they marveled at the shear size of Lady Jennie.


Just then the two huskies jumped out of the trailer and went to Andrew’s side. Daniel felt Michael stiffen slightly. The Dragons all keened a high pitch warble. The dogs turned their heads and appeared to be listening. They pranced straight over to Michael and sat and looked up at him. Michael knelt down and patted the head of each one.


“Who is the master of these two,” he asked rather forcefully. Sally came to his side, concern on her face.


“They’re my friends,” said a slight boy of fifteen, “I’m Andrew. This is Brutus, and this is Cesar, they’re Alaskan Huskies.”


“You are very lucky, they are beautiful dogs.” Michael stared at Andrew for a few seconds, a pained look quickly passed over his face, “never take their friendship or their loyalty for granted.”


Andrew could see that he was upset, but now was not the time to ask why. “Yes sir!”


Daniel broke the spell, “Gather up your things young ones, the riders will help you. It gets mighty cold up here when the sun goes down, so let’s hurry up.”