Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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They all bowed to her, and Jason stepped forward and spoke. Gracious Queen, my you are absolutely beautiful! We have been chosen by Jake to become the next dragon riders; we humbly ask for permission to see your eggs. Please?


My, my, but you are courteous! She answered in a smooth, silky voice. Yes young warriors go into the chamber and gaze upon my beautiful children.


They entered the chamber and lined up around the wall. They could see the eggs in the center of the chamber. They were different colors, very pale but you could see there were blue, green and red hues. They all stood there silently, and each one tried to hear a call.


Andrew listened intently; he was sure there were sounds, but he wasn’t sure what they were. Then he heard a tiny voice.


Hello? Is someone there? Can you hear me?


Andrew looked around, no one else was hearing it, no one else moved. He was unsure if he was really hearing it. He wasn’t sure if he should put his hand up.


Please, is someone there? I can feel you near. A small tiny female voice said, then she started to cry. Please, can you hear me? Don’t go away! Please…!


Yes, I’m here. Andrew blurted out. Please don’t cry; I can hear you; I’ll try to find you.


Andrew’s hand shot up. Kate looked at Daniel in amazement and went over to him right away. She was shocked that anyone would hear their dragon so soon.


“Are you sure Andrew?” He shook his head yes; his eyes were huge as he look up at her. He was as surprised as Kate. “Did you answer him?”


“It’s a her Lady Kate, and yes I did.” Andrew wasn’t sure if he did the right thing, hesitation in his voice, “she was getting very upset; I wanted to calm her down.”


Kate smiled, “you did the right thing Andrew. Now listen carefully; I want you to see if you can locate her. Go forward, but be very careful not to touch any of the other eggs. Try to calm her, do you understand Andrew?”


He nodded and slowly started forward, calling out with his mind. Little one, where are you? I’m trying to find you. Can you help me? Tell you what I’m going to do; I’ll wave my hand very slowly over each egg. Let me know when you see my shadow. He slowly moved around the clutch of eggs, moving his hand over each egg. As he came to a small light tan egg he moved his hand across the top of it.


Is that you? I just saw a shadow pass above me. The excited little voice told him.


Yes, that’s me. Andrew was very excited. Are you ok?


I am now. Please, she begged him, can you pick me up?


“Daniel, she wants me to pick her up.” Andrew’s eyes were wide and Daniel could see that he was shaking with excitement. “What do I do?”


My young warrior, interjected the Queen, It seems you have attracted one of my children. You must pick her up so that she may bond with you.


Andrew looked at all of his friends, and at Kate and Daniel, who nodded for him to go ahead and pick her up. He took a step forward; bent over and gently picked up the egg and held it out in front of him. There was an immediate discharge of electricity and Andrew felt a jolt. He plopped down on his butt still holding the egg.


I hope I didn’t hurt you. Oh…. you have a lovely mind. And we have two dogs! Oh my, we are very lucky. I am so happy that we found each other.


Yes! Oh yes, you are so beautiful! I can feel you too! And you are my friend.


Andrew was babbling in his mind. He was totally oblivious to anything going on around him. The look on his face told it all. His friends all saw the change in his appearance, the sheer joy on his face; and there was not one of them who did not want to experience the same thing.


“Are there anymore?” Kate whispered.


All of their heads shook no in answer to her question. They were all staring at their friend, and the look on his face. She knew that Andrew would be unable to communicate to anyone for a while. She motioned to the children to leave the egg chamber. As they did, they could all hear the Queen in the outer chamber purring. It was a very soothing sound.


“Kate, I’ll stay here with Andrew.” Daniel offered. “When he’s ready I’ll bring him. You take the kids down to their cave and let them talk this out.” She agreed and she ushered them all out of the chamber.


Daniel returned to the egg chamber to check on Andrew. He remembered how it was when he and Queenie found each other. Andrew had a series of wonders to yet encounter.


Your young warrior is enthralled with his new companion, My Daniel. For one so young, he has a great affinity for creatures. They naturally bond with him because of this trait. Not very many of your kind have this ability. The others were amazed by his actions; did you see their faces My Daniel? They were in awe of my lovely children.


Yes Queenie, I saw them. But then your children are very beautiful, Daniel told her.


She began purring louder, showing her content. Daniel sat down and leaned against the side of the cavern and waited for Andrew to come back to reality.


Kate returned the rest of the students back to their cave so they could better discuss this turn of events. They were all talking among themselves when Alexandria entered. She looked around and immediately saw that something had happened.


“What’s going on; what’s happened?” She went to the young students and began counting heads. She noticed Brutus and Cesar sitting at the cave entrance, “where’s Andrew?”


“It’s all right Alex, Andrew found his egg; he’s in the chamber with it. Daniel is there with him.” Kate explained to her.


“But he’s so young! I thought that it would take some time for the eggs to be ready. Will he be okay?” She was having a hard time adjusting. “He’s always been so sensitive.”


“That’s exactly why he was contacted first. The dragon in the egg picked up on it almost immediately. His is fine Alex, really.” Kate told her. “He’s just caught up in his dragonet. They are sharing knowledge right now. He will return in a couple of hours.”


“And he will be changed by the encounter, Alex.” Jeffery had entered the cave. He looked at Kate and nodded. “Jake informed me of this turn of events, it is most unusual.” He went to Alexandria and called the kids over also. “Andrew will be slightly changed when you see him again. He will still be Andrew, but you will all notice that he will seem to be slightly older. He is physically changing, aging so to speak. There will be a new confidence about him. You will all experience this same change when it is your turn. Don’t be alarmed, it is a normal occurrence.”


“Oh…!” Alex threw up her hands and held her head; “this is all too much for me right now.”


The students all went to her and did their best to alley her fears. Their confidence and total belief in what was occurring finally calmed her. Kate took her down to the mess Hall for a cup of tea. She was much better after they talked for about an hour. She realized that she had to give the children free reign to make their own decisions. All mothers face this day sooner or later, letting go can be very hard on the heart. The other women riders, hearing what had occurred, came over and spoke to her relating their own experiences. She was feeling much better a couple of hours later when Sam came to her.


“Say there Miss Alex, I hear we have a new rider to be! I’d like to fix him his favorite meal. Do you think you could help me in the kitchen?” He was all smiles, big as life. “Of course only you would know what that is; and only you could prepare it for him the way that he likes.”


Alex realized what they were doing and she was grateful for their concern for her feelings. “Well, he used to like Chicken Alfredo over noodles; and chocolate layer cake! I don’t suppose that we could do that, could we?”


“No problem! You and I are going shopping. That is with your permission Kate?” Sam was asking for a ride to the town, Kate knew.


“I see no reason why not.” Kate smiled a silent thank you to Sam.

Several of the women offered to take them. So it was settled. Plus a ride on a dragon was a real good way for her to ease into accepting her children’s decision, Kate thought silently to herself. They left 30 minutes later; with Beth giving her a ride on Daowyn. Alex was aghast and thrilled, all at the same time. She could see why the children were so enthralled by their dreams. She understood their decision now more than ever. She couldn’t deny them this; she just worried for their safety.


Back at the hatching grounds Daniel and Queenie had spent the time reminiscing. She broke off their conversation by telling Daniel that Andrew had stood up. Daniel went to the egg chamber and found Andrew walking towards him. There was a marked change in the little guy. For one thing, he wasn’t little anymore. His appearance was that of an 18 year old. He had grown about 2 inches in height. His clothes definitely did not fit him anymore.


Daniel explained the problem to Jake and he relayed the information to Lady Beth who told Alex. Beth took Alex to the other warehouse where they picked up new clothes for Andrew.


Andrew stood there babbling at Daniel. “She’s wonderful. She knows me, and now I know her. Daniel, it was great! But she needs to rest now. Gosh I’m hungry.”


Understanding what he was going thru, Daniel gently took him by the arm. “Come on Andrew, we have to get some food into you.”


“Hey, what happened to my clothes!” he was looking at his pants, “my feet hurt too! My shoes are pinching my feet something awful.”


“In case you don’t remember, you’ve changed Andrew,” Daniel told him. “I’d say you’re about 5’11” now, and still growing I think.”


“Wow! I’m not the smallest anymore, Daniel.” He was grinning from ear to ear. He stopped for a minute and faced Queenie. He bowed slowly telling her, thank you so much Queenie. She’s truly wonderful!


Of course she is my young warrior. Queenie purred loudly.


Suddenly Andrew pulled Daniel’s sleeve, “say, will Brutus and Cesar recognize me?”


“Yes they will, no problem there buddy.” Daniel reassured him patting him on the back. “Come on, follow me.”


They headed down the mountain and Daniel got him something to eat at the Hall. He was surprised at how hungry he was. He stuffed himself, especially with biscuits and tons of honey. It was the sugar in the honey that his body required. Daniel was wondering if he did the same thing. He was going to ask Kate as soon as saw her again.


“When can I see her again? I mean, when can I talk to her again?” He asked Daniel.


“When she wakes up she will let you know Andrew.” Daniel assured him. “You are going to drop very shortly buddy. And you are going to sleep for a very long time.”


“But Daniel, maybe I should... ” Andrew began to protest.


“Not another word!” Daniel raised his voice slightly; “just take it one day at a time buddy.” He patted Andrew on the back. The kid was very excited and he couldn’t really blame him.


Daniel called to Jake for help; Jake this kid needs a place to sleep where the others won’t bother him. I know them; as soon as I leave they’ll bombard him with questions.


Michael and Lady Sally have already thought of that Daniel; take him to their cave. They have a place for him already set up. They saw you both when you left the hatching grounds. I will tell them that you are coming. I have already sent Brutus and Cesar to be there with him.


Thanks Jake. I knew you would have this well in hand.

“Come on dragon rider, we’re going to get you to a nice quiet place to rest.”


Andrew blindly followed Daniel up the other mountain to Michael’s cave. He was surprised to see them, and Michael took over. Sally thanked Daniel and shooed him out. “Don’t tell the others where he is just yet.” She pleaded with him.


“Mums the word Lady Sally, I promise.” And Daniel left them to care for Andrew.


“I’ve been thru this myself buddy, so just relax and enjoy the ride. You need sleep right now. Here, put these on.” Michael handed him a pair of his pajamas. “Your furry friends are here, couldn’t keep them away.”


Andrew took the pajamas and put them on with help from Michael, after which he sat on the cot they had set up for him. Brutus and Cesar came up to him and licked his face, and nuzzled his legs. He smiled and hugged his friends; then he very slowly fell back and was sound asleep before his head hit the pillow.


Michael came over and put his feet up and in the cot and covered him with the blanket. “He’ll be out for at least a day, if not more.” Michael told Sally.


A strong warrior was born this day, Lady Sally. Rah relayed to Sally. To call an egg at such an early stage is most uncommon. He has a special gift; he will be a fine addition to our ranks.


Yes my strong companion, he is indeed blessed with a great gift. Sally answered.


Emily was the next to find her egg and the electric jolt she received was a particularly large one. Queenie was heard chuckling loudly when this occurred. Over the next month, each of the students found their egg and the process began. They could be seen walking around the camp with their eggs by their sides. Everyone was very busy in the camp. Winter had set in, and it was a good time for the maturing to take place.


Two of the boys, Lance and Robert, never felt or heard anything. They were not meant to be riders at this time; and they seemed relieved that they had not been chosen. It takes a certain type of person to be a rider, and these boys did not fit the mold. No blame was attached by anyone.


That left two eggs with no riders.

Two nights later Jake called Kate and Daniel to him