Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Three weeks later, Wolf contacted Jake requesting permission to enter their land; John was coming for a visit. As they approached the landing site Kate and Daniel were waiting for them. John was riding Wolf, and Diana was with him on Surfman. The other dragons welcomed them as they landed. John got down and Diana jumped down and went to his side. They could see the difference in her, and in John.


“Lady Kate, Daniel, I bring you greetings from the Blue Dragons. Wolf has news for Jake and I have come to pick up my things. Diana was curious to see where I came from. Kate, perhaps you could show her around.”


“I’d love to John.” Turning her brightest smile on Diana, Kate asked her, “Diana, would you like to see how we live here?”


“Yes Lady Kate, I would be most interested in seeing everything.” She smiled back, and turned to look at John. He smiled and nodded at her and she followed Kate down the side of the mountain.


“So John,” Daniel began, “how is it going out there with all those dragons as relatives?”


“Great Daniel,” he smiled at him and continued, “I admit it’s a bit different, but they have been very nice. I just had to get used to them talking; and God do they talk!”


“Well you sure shocked the hell out of me when you went back.” Daniel slapped him on the shoulder, “but I know how it was with Kate, so I guessed you knew what you were doing. What happened after we left?”


“Everything you can imagine Daniel. She wouldn’t let me go. She wanted to experience everything. Wolf finally stopped her and we all went back to their main lair. I insisted that we had to have our own cave. So they made one for us and moved all her stuff into it. We need to bring back a king size bed with us for sure. I tell you, she is a marvel. She wouldn’t wait, like a dragon she wanted to mate that night. So we got together; she was unstoppable Daniel, damn near wore me out. I thought she would be in pain or something; no way, like a queen dragon, she demanded more.”


“Good lord man, how do you handle her?” Daniel asked grinning.


“Easy Daniel, threats of no more unless she agrees to learn a few things. So she’s learning; you just saw the results of my first efforts. The other Blues can’t believe that I can make her do things. She was very headstrong and apparently ruled the roost thru temper tantrums. Not anymore, and they are just astounded. Don’t get me wrong, I mean she taught me a few things. Listen to this; they chase the black devils for sport; for sport, Daniel! She acts as a decoy, and while the black ones are chasing her, the others wait above for the right time. One time she ran, ran I tell you, across a plateau and dove right over the side onto Surfman’s back, and off they went. Too late the crazy black clowns realized their mistake. The others closed in and flamed them all to ashes. Man, what a rush!”


“You’re beginning to sound like them. Have you managed to teach them any precision flying moves?


“Daniel, they can fly rings around us. You should see them in action. They could take on 100 of those idiots without any problem. They have no fear at all, and they are extremely fierce.”


“They sound unpredictable, are you safe with them?” Daniel wondered.


“Don’t worry yourself Daniel, I’m part of their family now; Wolf has made it permanent,” he said with pride.


Daniel nodded, “I see you ride Wolf, are you his Rider now?


“Yes, but he chose me Daniel,” John noticed the surprised look on Daniel’s face; “he came to me and asked me to join him on a ride. While in flight he asked me to be his Rider and we bonded. He respects me, says that I am a good warrior. I can keep up with all of them, and I make his sister happy. He was most impressed that I could handle her.” Big John took a long breath as if deciding something then he continued in a low voice, “Daniel, I’m in love for the first time in my life. And it’s great! I never knew it could be like this, never imagined I could be so content.”


“Well, I for one am very happy for you John.” Daniel patted his shoulder, “now come along, I imagine there are a lot of people who want to see you. I’m sure Kate has taken Diana down to the Hall by now. Everyone will be there for lunch, that won’t pose any kind of problem, will it?”


“None whatsoever, she knows how to conduct herself. And I told her I would be there to guide her.” They headed down the mountainside to the Hall.


Once inside the Hall John said hello to all the other riders, and then Kate came into the Hall with Diana. There was a hushed silence. Her eyes were wide as she scanned all the people. John broke away from the others and went to her. She took his hand and he brought her over to the riders and introduced her around. She was very charming and quite funny at times. Oreo took that moment to come into the Hall and pranced up to Sally and Michael.


Diana squealed, “oh my!” She went over to her and knelt down and looked into her huge eyes. “You are so beautiful! Please may I pet her?” she asked Sally.


Sally nodded, and they all watched as she made contact with the wildest thing in camp. Oreo seemed to recognize her as a dragon; she purred her Dragon purr, and threw herself against Diana. Diana answered her with a Dragon purr of her own and she laughed loudly and played with her. Eyes were wide, and mouths were agape as the people in the Hall stared at this strange young woman. She stood after a bit and thanked Sally and Oreo. Then she went back to John and took his hand.


The meal was a delight to her, especially the biscuits and honey. She tasted everything, amazed at the different selections served. She was surprised that they had no fruit, and she told Sam where he could find different kinds. She also insisted that Sam show her how to make biscuits so she could do the same when she returned home. She told Sam she wanted to make John happy, and if he liked these biscuits, she would learn to make them the right way. She spent an hour with him learning step by step and actually made a batch of biscuits. As a gift, he gave her a quart of their special honey to bring home with her. Everyone was delighted with her and all felt that John was a very lucky man.


Up above in the Riders Hall, Jake and Wolf were going over battle plans. Jeffery was amazed at the simplicity of Wolf’s strategy. Of course it would take a dragon to see that simplicity was the answer. Jeffery asked Wolf if he thought a frontal assault was the wise thing to do.


Wolf turned to Jeff, and said out loud and very fast, “How would you feel about 10 dragons coming at you, all yelling and shouting ‘surf’s up’ and singing opera at the same time?”


Jeffrey backed up quickly in surprise, and almost fell over had Jake not stopped him.

“My God, you can speak!”


“Exactly the effect I wanted,” Wolf said. Is this better Jeffery? Do you feel safer conversing this way?


Jeffery was trying to gracefully recover; I was unaware that you could speak Wolf. I assure you no disrespect was intended.


Jake stepped forward. Now do you understand why I kept this a secret Jeffery? The effect on the black devils will be great. They will become confused, disoriented. We will be able to take them out quickly. Jake turned to Wolf, I want to plan for a final assault and wipe them all out in one blow.


He knows nothing of us, Wolf said, any we run into we destroy. None have taken news of our existence back to him. Surprise is on our side Jake. But beware, if he can he will come here and try to destroy this place. I would leave a surprise here for him, just in case.


Good idea. My Queen will enjoy preparing a surprise for him. Fear not, we will be ready for him. I see John rides you, how does he fair with you all?


You were right Jake; he is a mighty warrior, I like him a lot. He likes the way we run the black ones down. He sings loudly when we battle; and he was roaring with laughter as we ran down four of them a couple of days ago and sent them to a fiery end. He is well liked by the rest of my brothers and sisters; and he likes to sing during battle, which pleases them to no end. He knows opera, something they find fascinating. And best of all he can handle our sister, which is a surprise to us all. She is as docile as a kitten when she is with him. She loves him, there is no doubt; and I believe he feels the same about her. But she is so loud when they mate, and they do that a lot!


Jake chuckled loudly. The new moon is 3 weeks away. I think it would be a perfect time for a coordinated attack to take place. We would take them completely by surprise. We could be done with them in a couple of hours, and then this world could begin to recover. I shall call my dragons together this night and plan our strategy.


Jake now turned and faced Wolf. With a mighty bow he continued; now Daowyn and Ash will take you and Surfman to our feeding grounds; please indulge yourselves. We honor you.


We thank you for your hospitality, Jake. We would allow John to stay for a while longer; he must miss his friends a lot. And this contact is also good for Diana. She must get used to being around her fellow human beings. She will see how humans live, and possibly realize that she is human after all. We also take note of the new life in your camp. This is good for the future of mankind.

He bowed to Jake and then left the Hall and took to flight with Daowyn and Ash.


Rah came into the Hall. Jake, a word please. I do not believe that my rider should accompany us any longer on flights, and most certainly not into battle. Lady Sally is sick again this morning; I am sure she is with child. She suspects I think, but she is not sure. I also noticed that several of the female riders seem to be experiencing the same thing.


Jake chuckled, It is all right Rah, I am fully aware of what is going on. I never intended to allow the females to join us in battle. They are too valuable to take a chance on their being injured. We go to war in three weeks, by then all will be aware that the females can’t possibly go along. My Queen will remain here with four dragons and the women.