Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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It was about 1 week later at the noon lunch break that Michael and Sally announced the news of Sally’s pregnancy. Sally was at least 8 weeks along, maybe more. She and Michael had informed Sam and Lucy first that they were going to be grandparents; news that thrilled Lucy so much so that she bawled like a baby. Sam was touched that Lucy thought of them as her parents.

It was shortly after this that the rest of the riders took turns announcing the same news. The male riders were all glad that it was finally out in the open at last.


During this time Kate finally relented and admitted the truth to herself; she was pregnant too! She told Jake first, who approved loudly, and then laid the news on Daniel. She wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. She needn’t have worried; he was overjoyed at the news.


“I’m going to be a father?” Daniel asked her incredulously as he picked Kate up, spun her around and kissed her. “I love you woman! Oh God, I never seriously thought I would ever be a father. This is wonderful news! Is there anything I have to do; can I get you anything? Oh Kate!”


“Slow down my sweet, I’m just fine. But I do want to make a nursery in the back of the cave; and I want to go to town and pick up a few things.” She smiled at him. “By the way, we are not going into battle with you guys. Jake says that we have to protect the future of our world, very smart that dragon.”


“My love, I will agree with Jake on this completely. As to the shopping and new room; I will do anything you want me to do. Have I told you that your beautiful?”

He held her again and kissed her. They all made a quick trip to town, and ended up loading the trailer full of baby stuff. The riders wanted the women to be busy when they left for the battle.


Kate and the women got together and discussed the delivery problems that they might have. They all decided to make a delivery room, and go to a hospital if necessary to get the equipment. And then they realized that their babies would be born after the battle. They would be able to go a hospital, a real hospital. And if they were lucky, they just might find a doctor still alive. They decided to make it their priority to scout around the towns, to spread the word that the Black Ones were all dead. They would seek out and find a doctor before the first one went into labor.


Steve and Jerry were put to work making extra rooms in most of the riders’ caves.

Oreo started following Lady Sally around wherever she went.

Brutus and Cesar did the same to Lady Emily, and her falcon Lancelot keened outside her cave every evening.

Lady Beth started to knit a baby sweater, and the rest of the women insisted she teach them how.

Miss Susan showed the women a baby quilt she made. She ended up agreeing to teach them all how to make their own baby quilts.

The women would be very busy in the coming months preparing for the new arrivals.

Exactly what Jake wanted.


All during the 3 months since Becky died, Collin had thrown himself into keeping tabs on the Big Black; he practically lived at the Riders Hall. It didn’t take long for him to see that Lady Maya was fading fast. She refused to eat, and her wing would not mend. She was very depressed and he knew that the only reason she was still alive was out of a sense of duty to him. She missed her Jared so much, and her heart was very heavy for Collin and his grief. It wrenched his heart to see her so unhappy. After much soul-searching he knew he was the only one who could free her.


Collin went to her. My love, my sweet Lady Maya, Collin gently stroked her, I know why you stay, but you don’t have to remain any longer. Go to Jared, I know how much you miss him, my love. I will be joining my Becky very soon now. You see I am to ride the White, my sweet. And he and I will meet you all after the battle; I have seen all this in my last vision. So please my sweet friend, go, and prepare the way for us to follow.


Lady Maya took a long deep breath and she let it go slowly; my sweet Collin, your mind was always so dragon-like. Yes, I will go and wait for you on the other side with your Becky, and my Jared. Thank you my friend, for releasing me.

She bowed her head down and let a long breath escape from her and then she was still; her lifeless body slipped to the ground. Collin went down on his knees; tears streaming down his face, and gently stroked her massive head.


The loud keening of the Dragon Death Chant broke the silence of the night. Dragons and riders rushed to the mesa to see what had happened. Lady Maya was brought out of the Hall and they were all surprised at how much she had faded. The White was waiting on the mesa with Jake. Collin walked straight over to him and mounted. Collin insisted the White and Jake flame Lady Maya to the next world. When the ceremony was over they returned to the mesa. It was then that Collin announced that he was the Rider the White had been waiting on. The White confirmed it by handing Collin the Staff of Light. There was nothing left to do, but prepare for the battle the next day.


The next morning Jake informed Daniel that he would be his rider in the coming battle. Daniel was sure that Jake had planned it that way all along. He was excited about the coming battle, but worried about the women. Queenie put his mind at ease by promising that nothing would happen to any of them. She and Kate were planning a surprise for any unwanted guests.


The riders said their goodbyes after the dinner break. They all planned to sleep at the Riders Hall that night and get an early start in the morning. With any luck they would be home the next morning, and the world would be safe again. Jake came in and changed all that.


Gentlemen, we leave tonight. We will arrive with the morning sun, and attack immediately. I want this over with as fast as possible. We will not give them any more time to think. I expect no more than 500 of their kind. The White will fly above; Collin has asked the right of killing the Big Black himself, I have given it to him. If any of you see him, pass the word along quickly to me. Do not underestimate these devils; they can still be very dangerous. Jake reared up to his full height and continued. Now listen carefully my warriors; the Blue Dragons will come from the sea. Many of you already know they can speak - those of you who were unaware, are now. They will attack in waves sweeping thru the black ones yelling and shouting. Be prepared for a circus atmosphere; they think of this as sport, but I am told they are very fierce and give no quarter. John will be riding Wolf, and Diana will be riding Surfman. She and one other will be ‘riding the surf’; this particular maneuver is very effective and I am told they will be dropping like flies.


Steve and Michael raised their hands. Steve began to speak first; I notice that Collin is already on the White. He was carrying the Staff of Light. Michael and I have discussed this change of events. Collin will not be coming back from this battle with us, will he? We believe he is going to his death, but first he is killing the black bull responsible for Becky’s death.


Yes, this is so. He and the White will leave together. Jake answered somberly.


Is there nothing we can do for him? Michael asked.


I appreciate your concern, and the love you have towards your fellow rider. But this is out of our hands. My friends, Collin died with Becky that day, just as Lady Maya died when Jared fell. Collin released her last night to go to Jared. He is going to return to Becky at the end of this battle. If it were Lady Ashley, or Lady Sally – what would you want?


Both Michael and Steve shook their heads. They understood what was propelling Collin, but they were still saddened. The riders all dressed, and prepared themselves in silence. When they were all ready they mounted their dragons. Everyone was ready for this battle; they had trained hard and long.


The flight took off and headed west, they were in three separate squads. Ichor and Sarah had done a good job as evidenced by their squad of dragons. They were flying point and their dragons and riders were anxious for a fight; they were going to get one. Sarah and Andrea were the only female riders in camp that were not pregnant. Only Jake knew why this was so.


Jake headed the second squad of fliers. Rah led the third squad, his group brought up the rear guard. Collin flew the heights with the White.