Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Collin arrived at Dragons Hill before the Big Black and his group. Kate and Queenie were glad, if their surprise was going to work, Collin and the White had to be there. Lady Kate spoke to Lady Emily and asked for her help in implementing an idea she had. Lady Emily was surprised that Kate knew she could speak to all the dragons. Together they worked on this idea and then presented it to Queenie. She approved and asked what she could do to help facilitate their ‘surprise’. She had Ash and Lady Ariel stretch a large white sheet of canvas tenting across the mountains between the ridge and the Riders Hall. Kate had four large poles inserted into the mountain and the tenting was tied to these. Upon it Kate and Lady Ashley projected a frightful image of a terrible looking creature. When this was in place, they set up very large speakers on each side of the ridge. They had everything positioned in such a way that Collin and the White were hidden from view behind the canvas. A very small hole was cut into the canvas so Collin could see. The night was perfect for what they had planned. There was no moon, and the mist seemed to have a mind of its own as it filled the valley and the entire mountainous area. With this kind of help Kate knew her idea would work perfectly.


All the people and the rest of the pregnant riders took refuge in the Mess Hall, and the boulder was pushed in front to keep them safe. The riders kept everyone informed thru their dragons of the progress of the battle.


Kate asked Lady Emily for help in completing this task and explained that she needed her to ask Queenie if she could ride her. Of course she can, who else would she ride, was the Queens reply. And you must come also Lady Emily; how else will we be able to communicate if you do not. They both mounted the Queen, and the rest of the dragons were strategically placed around the camp. Now all they had to do was wait.


Jake’s group with the Blue Dragons returned and went directly to the heights and stayed there. The White contacted them and informed them of Kate’s plan. Jake saluted his Queen and told her that she and Kate had an excellent plan. He looked forward to seeing the result. They kept out of sight and waited for the remaining black dragons to make their appearance. They didn’t have long to wait.


Jake, we both know that he’s going to single out Queenie and go straight for her. Daniel was anxious for Queenie, and for Kate. We have to be ready to stop him. What the hell is Kate thinking! They could get themselves killed!


Calm yourself, Daniel. You have no reason to fear, she rides the Queen. Think Daniel; the Queen has the ability to flame, but only once. It is so powerful that it will lay waste to everything for miles around. This is why it is only used as a last resort. Collin and the White will take care of the Black bull, have no doubt about that.


Jake called to Wolf, Lady Kate has set up a surprise for them. When they scatter would you like the honor of leading the attack with your group, doing what it is that you do so well? It will be then that the Black Bull will show himself and go for the Queen. I thank you Wolf, and your brethren, for your help this day. You saved Ichor and Lady Sarah, as they were spent. For this I am most grateful to you; they have a very special task to complete.


Outstanding Jake! Wolf told him. We did what little we could. I tell you, those two are ferocious fighters. Even wounded, they both fought like devils and gave no quarter. I would honor them to join us if they wish; but I understand their destiny is already set for them; they are to be leaders overseas. And Ichor has already begun to change.


You are correct Wolf. Jake was surprised that he knew. You are more perceptive than I thought, my apologies for misjudging you. You are a true leader of your people, Jake bowed his head, and I honor you and your family.


Don’t sweat it Jake. Wolf told him; we take things as they are and do not bother to get upset over small things. We know who we are, and why we are here. We realize that we are unique, and there will be no others like us. We do not have to prove anything to anybody.


Big John spoke to Wolf; what was all that about? I don’t like the idea of someone thinking you are less than what I know you are.


John, my friend, let it go. Wolf told him. It means nothing in the great scheme of things. We know who we are; it matters not what others think. And it also might be to our advantage not to correct them. You tell me that the people here were afraid of you because of your size. Do you care now what they think? No, of course not! It is irrelevant! Blow it off man; it is not worth the effort.


Suddenly Jake keened, Ah! I feel the odor of filth in the air. Aha, they approach from the north, perfect. They are about to get a big surprise.


Kate called to Jake and told him to tell Lady Ashley to get ready. It must start at just the right moment. Collin was positioned behind the screen. A thick mist covered the entire valley like a velvet blanket stretched across the mountains. Even Mother Nature co-operated, as there was no moon. Kate hoped that they wouldn’t pick up on the ruse. As they watched they could see the mist get thicker, rolling above the mountaintops. Then, one at a time, they could see the black devils penetrating thru the mist. They appeared to be ghosts hovering over the valley. They flew low, hoping to take the camp unawares.


Now, Lady Ashley, Jake told her, start your surprise!


Daniel leaned over Jake to peer below. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing; Kate had taken her love of sci-fi to a new level.

God Bless that woman, he silently thought.

Kate had the image of the alien from the movie ‘Predator’ blown up and displayed on the huge screen. God, what a remarkable idea, what a woman! Daniel and Jake watched in fascination.


The mist was so thick that the devils could barely see thru it. The wild dragons came over the ridge, lined up and descended for their final run. Suddenly, appearing before them out of the mist was a huge monster. It was bent over reaching into the mist below. It raised its head, and turned towards them and slowly stood upright, peering at them from beneath a hideous helmet. It made a strange sound and then howled as it stretched out its arm. A blast of intense fire shot out at them and consumed fifty of them on the spot. They scattered like the wind screeching and fumbling to flee. Collin let loose another blast from the Staff of Light and 20 more of them fell as they tried to fly away. The screen then caught fire and went up in flames.


Wolf and his dragons dove on the fleeing black dragons shouting and screaming, driving them into further disarray. Big John’s huge baritone voice could be heard singing their war chant, as his Blue brothers joined in. The black devils were so befuddled that they were flaming and diving at anything, taking out several of their own. It was an easy mop up for the Blues. One hundred and fifty dragons fell to the earth below dead or dying.


One big black freed himself from his dragons and went to find the Queen. He would burn and destroy everything, die if needs be and take her with him.


Just as they had planned, the Queen with Kate on her back was waiting on the ridge for him. He spotted her and his hatred exploded; he flew straight at her. Waiting till the very last minute, the Queen darted off at supersonic speed. His hate and rage was so intense that he failed to see Collin and the White come up out of the mist until it was to late.

With the Staff of Light in his hand, Collin yelled at him, “For Becky and Jared - die you monster!” He shot out a beam from the Staff of Light and it tore thru the blacks wing. As he went spiraling downward the White flew after him; with claws extended he caught him and tore him in half. He threw him out and Collin flamed him to ash.


The Queen and Kate and Emily were watching the fight below when they were suddenly attacked and flamed. Almost at the last second the Queen ‘felt’ the attack, she moved so fast that the flames never touched them. From out of the heights descended the biggest black they had ever seen. He was the real leader, a huge bull, almost the size of Jake, with large red eyes glaring hatred at them. He dove and flamed them again, screeching. The Queen again moved quicker than the flame. She glared at him with impudence. His rage exploded and he dove at them again. To his surprise out of the mist came Collin and the White. He attempted to flame the Queen and Kate before they could get away, and was answered with the Staff of Light.


“Now you show yourself, you bastard! Thought I didn’t know about you. Ha! I’ve been waiting for you!” They dove and circled and flamed and it continued for some time. Collin asked the White to tell the Queen to leave the area quickly. He continued to parry with the black devil.

“You die tonight monster! Becky and Jared send their regards!”


The black drew up his last reserves of energy and used it in one final assault with a blast so intense he hoped to destroy Collin. The White reared back and let loose with a blast of flame in unison with a shot from the Staff of Light at the exact same time. Everyone could hear “For Becky!”

The entire night sky lit up. The resulting explosion of white light was so intense that the remaining black dragons were consumed by it also. There was nothing left when the smoke cleared away.


Daniel scanned the entire area - nothing! My God, what kind of a blast was that Jake? There is nothing left behind, they are all gone.


Jake called to all of his Riders and Dragons. Return my warriors, all return to the mountain. The danger is over, the black devils are no more. Just before the end Collin bid me farewell, and his love to you all. He is with his Becky now. Daniel could see that Jake had been deeply affected by the battle.


The Dragons of Light all keened the Death Chant for Collin and the White. Now it was time to tend to their wounded. As dawn began to rise over the mountains, they would be able to see the damage that was done. There were many carcasses of the blacks strewn about the floor of the valley. Jake sent his dragons to flame them all to ash. He wanted no reminder of the black devils lingering about. He also did not want to scare any of the people below. He knew that many had seen the battle; word would spread quickly about the riders and dragons fighting the black ones. He was counting on it.


Many of Jake’s dragons had taken hits, but none were serious. Jackson and Sarah had both been burned. But they would heal. Their concern for each other kept them both from complaining, but it was obvious that they were in pain. Their fellow warriors tended to them.

Ichor thanked Sarah for taking a hit that was meant for him; he hovered over her till he was assured that she would heal. Later that night Sarah would go to him and hug him, she would tell him that she would take a thousand hits for him. They would bond strongly that night and theirs would be a strong reign.


Big John had received a nasty burn on his left shoulder and arm. When Diana landed Wolf tried to prepare her, but when she saw them all gathered around him she became panic-stricken. She pushed her way thru the crowd of people, and then burst into tears when she saw Johns wound. Surfman spoke to her and finally calmed her. She got a hold of herself and then she took over carefully bandaging John’s arm. The Blue Dragons started keening, and she joined in as she bandaged him up. There was a big sigh of relief from the Blue Dragons.


Daniel had taken a small burn on his leg and Kate was bandaging it for him. The Queen was telling Jake about how brave Lady Kate and Lady Emily had been. She praised how ingenious Lady Kate’s plan had been. It had bought them the confusion and time they needed to win the day.


Daniel praised Kate also, “your love of sci-fi finally paid off. Where you got the idea from I don’t know; but it worked great. The looks on their faces, oh Kate, it was great! They ran howling like a bunch of chickens. Where did you find the screen?”


“It was a tent; I got it from the dealership and cut it apart. I figured the mist would cover most of it. It really worked out great!” she was grinning at him.


“And the real black leader was as big as Jake. Now I understand why Collin was so sick each time he went to check on those devils. He kept himself hidden all the time.” Daniel continued, “But Collin wasn’t fooled. He laid a trap to draw him out, and the maniac fell for it. Good riddance to bad blood and abominations.”


It is over my warriors. Now we must see to our wounded, and get the word out to the surrounding countryside that they are gone. There will still be a few of them out there, but we should be able to hunt them down and destroy them easily. But first we will have a time of rest, and feasting.


The next morning Jake’s prayers were full of thanks that the first battle was over. Now the future was before them all.