Jonathan, Dragon Master by Joseph R Mason - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 - Rescue of the New King.

“The council is in session,” the Clerk to the Elder said, “all rise for the Elder of Elders.”

Llewellyn entered from his vestry and the Elders all sat down.

“High Elders of Trymyll,” Llewellyn began, “We have just returned from an interesting visit to The Blue Mountains and the throne room of the Blue Dragon king.........” Llewellyn then related to the others all that had taken place in some detail ending with. “...... The new king, Evon is, it seems, one who may be trusted. My son Thomas was having a little delve inside his mind and found that, to use his words, is one of the good guys,” this raised a smile from the others, “but, he has a council of elders who may not agree with his vision of a new order. So, we need to decide if the new regime of only breeding purebred Blue Dragons and stopping the selective in-breeding, allowing the drones and servant classes to die out is in our favour or not. Would a new brood of thousands of intelligent and magical Blue Dragons be more of a threat to us than the hordes of stupid and easily defeated Blue Dragons we already know?”

Meanwhile, unbeknown to anyone, Jonathan, Thomas, and their mother had returned straight away to the home of King Evon to listen in on proceedings. Cloaked invisible with their invisible Dragons in tow, they crept back into the throne room of the new king. Evon was sitting on his throne and there were six other Blue Dragons there as well, The elders. There was a heated debate going on, a very heated debate.

“If we abolish the servant classes, who will feed us, who will clean up after us, who will clean up after you?” one elder was asking.

“If we have no drones, which will mean we have to go out and fight. What happens if we get hurt or even killed?” another asked.

“That one is easy,” King Evon said, “who would we be fighting with? We have no enemies apart from those we make ourselves. If we were like the other dragons in Trymyll, we could all live in peace and harmony with everyone, other dragons, and the human wizards. None of them have problems getting along with each other.”

There was one elder who was saying nothing, but Thomas was picking up thoughts of rebellion from his mind. He shared them with Ren, his Golden Dragon and Ren looked deeper into his mind. He shot a thought across to Tom. “He’s thinking of taking the king down, do you want me to stop him?”

“If necessary, yes,” Tom replied.

The dissenting dragon spoke, “You are planning to destroy all that we and your father have built up this past thousand years. I will not be ruled by a fool of a king, and I demand you either step down or I will take you down.”

“I would like to see you try,” Evon said hoping his bluff would work. The dragon stepped forward and approached the throne. Stopped, shuddered, and fell dead, blood gushing from the base of his neck. This was much to the surprise of Evon, as the other so called elders, but he was quick enough to realise he now had the upper hand.

“Anyone else wishing to question my authority?” he said with a loud voice. “Now, let us discuss how we can implement my vision for the future.”

The gang of three and the two dragons withdrew quietly and apparated away to Blaenoraid again.

“What did you do to him Ren?” asked Tom.

“Well, we were all cloaked in invisibility, including my magic sword, the one you saw me use in the cave against the three-headed serpent dragon of the Master, if it leaves my hand, it becomes visible again, but I managed to keep it invisible long enough to throw it across the room and into the rebellious Blue Dragon, then in the confusion and darkness, I then drew it back before he even hit the floor, and before anyone else had noticed.”

“Nice one,” said Tom.