Jonathan, Dragon Master by Joseph R Mason - HTML preview

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Chapter 17 - A Misunderstanding.

They all then apparated away back to the castle and straight down to the apartment below. Llewellyn then went back immediately with a couple of Wizard Guards to take care of the dwarf. They had him in cold iron chains before the time freeze had worn off and he was in the cells beneath the castle when he woke from the spell.

Meanwhile, the girl had still not spoken. Gwen took her hand, but she pulled it away.

“Don’t worry lass, you’re safe now, that dwarf will be locked in the dungeons by now, you’re safe here.”

The girl looked about the same age as the boys, she was dressed in rags, filthy dirty and thin as a twig, she looked like she had not eaten for some time, she was from a magical family, but her inner aura was very weak.

Gwen quickly produced a bowl of soup, some fresh bread, and a pitcher of water. The girl drank the water like she had not drunk for days but did not eat anything.

“Well, I’ll just leave that on the table, you can come back to it when you’re ready,” Gwen said. “You boys, go make yourself busy,” she turned to Jon, “find your dad and tell him to do the same.”

Faraji, Flintock and the boys all disappeared, they knew when it was time to go.

“Well lass, the boys have gone now, tell me, what’s your name?” Of course, Gwen didn’t need to ask, she already knew her name, about her family but not about the dwarf or why she was captive, but she knew the cathartic benefits of talking. She waited some time for an answer but was surprised when it came.

“Why do you ask what you already know?” the girl said, “although I am weak, I easily sensed you rudely go into my mind, without invitation, to find the information you wanted.”

“Oh, I am sorry, yes I do know all I need to know, but talking about it often makes people feel better.”

“Why have you brought me here? What have you done with Samuel, my protector?

“What do you mean? Your protector?”

“I may be weak, but I only let you see what I wanted you to see. My version of events. Yes, my name is Glynda, Glynda Guilliams-Erwood, yes, my parents are both dead, but Samuel was protecting me, not imprisoning me, now you are all in danger because you have interfered.”

“You’re in no danger here, this is the home of Llewellyn the Brave, he is also the Elder of Elders, I am Gwen, his wife and one of the three remaining Guardians. The other two, are Faraji Mwita Osei, who was part of your rescue party, and Songhai Chen, a nine hundred-year-old mystic wizard. You also met briefly with Flintock, one of the most powerful wizards in Trymyll and my sons, Jonathan and Thomas who are, despite their age also gifted wizards. So, you are in very safe hands indeed.

“I didn’t say I’m in danger, I said you are in danger!”

Llewellyn, Flintock and Faraji and the boys appeared back in the room.

“Well, he’s not the cooperative sort, we know his name.”

“Samuel,” said Gwen.

“But he claims to be the protector and legal guardian of the girl. But he won’t tell us her name.”

“Her name is Glynda Guilliams-Erwood, and yes, Samuel is her protector.”

“Then what’s going on?” asked Flintock.

“May I suggest,” Gwen said, “that you release Samuel and bring him here also. Preferably without his axe, and we can all sit and have proper introductions and a little chat?”

“Sounds firm,” Faraji said.

A few seconds later, Llewellyn reappeared with Samuel by his side, Glynda ran to greet him and hug him. She didn’t care that dwarfs don’t do hugging.

“Gerroff!” he said.

Introductions were made, tea was poured, and cakes were produced. This time, Glynda ate one, then two and then three.

“You were hungry then,” said Gwen, “so why did you not eat before?”

“I was worried about Samuel, every time we are seen, there is a misunderstanding.”

“Llewellyn the Brave,” Samuel spoke in a clear deep tone, “your fame goes before you, we all know of the dwarf wars of old, but do not judge all dwarfs by those you may have met before. We are not all gruff, violent, and uncouth. I do not bear a grudge that you jumped to conclusions at first contact, it happens all the time. Glynda is kept in an iron cage for her protection and the protection of others. She has never been schooled in magic, she has much and powerful magic but cannot control it. She is kept thin and malnourished for the same reason, it suppresses her inner aura and makes her power weaker. But as you saw just now, she cannot resist a piece of cake or three. I know who you are, your power, and your benevolent nature, so perhaps you would permit us to stay for a while and maybe take us under your wing and train Glynda to control her magic?”

“We would be pleased to help of course. Not just me, but all in the room, Faraji, Flintock, and of course, my good wife Gwen and even Jonathan and Thomas. But pray, answer me this, why are you her guardian and why has she not killed you yet?

“The answer to both those questions is the same. I am not an ordinary dwarf, I am a mutant dwarf, I have little magic of my own, but I am impervious to magic, so even if your eldest son Jonathan hit me with one of his legendary blasts, it would not affect me. Having said that,” Samuel held up his hands laughing, “please don’t try in a confined space, you might end up killing everyone else.”

“You have heard about me?” Jon asked glowing with pride.

“Oh yes, seeing off eight blue dragons in one blast and vaporising rocks the size of a substantial house without drawing a sweat, oh yes, everyone knows Jonathan the blaster.”

“I’m also a Dragon Master,” he said, chest beginning to swell.

“A grand title for one so young, but I believe you need a little more practice before you wear it as a badge.”

“What do you mean?” Jon asked indignantly.

“When I was in the city and heard about your great victory over the Blue Dragons, even I thought, if he’s a Dragon Master, why didn’t he just send them home?”

Jon’s chest went down, he felt deflated.

“But then, I know more about Blue Dragons than most people do,” the dwarf said to everyone’s amazement.

The conversation continued until supper, then carried on after supper. Samuel told of some of their adventures and some of their misadventures. They talked of dragons, Golden Dragons, Red Dragons, even Purple Dragons, but mostly about Blue Dragons, something they all wanted to learn about.

Eventually, and far later than he wanted, Llewellyn said, “Right, it’s been a long day, time to turn in, there’s lots to do tomorrow. I’ve made up a room in one of the side chambers with a couple of beds, it’s lined with cold iron rods, so you and Glynda should be safe in there. I suggest we all get together again at breakfast. Training starts straight after that with Gwen taking the lead.”

Samuel led Glynda into the small bedroom and Samuel locked the door from the inside. It was not the best night’s sleep they had as occasional small bangs and explosions were coming from Glynda and Samuel’s room. But eventually, they all managed to get some sleep.