Jump into Emptiness by Allass Drew - HTML preview

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Chapter 3.



Perhaps, there is no such creature, who, at least once in his life, even vaguely, has not thought about why they actually exists.

Not everybody, of course, but the more reasonable the creatures, the more great they want to know about themselves.

Our entire honest company was no exception. We ran out of options long ago, and even the old Marquis could not help.

All the programs on this topic did not bring clarity, and even the programs with such complex questions were no longer shown on TV.

In general, there was some general indifference and humility that we still do not know the answer to such a burning topic.

It was a beautiful summer. And what to do in the summer in the morning? of course, run in a beautiful place in nature, swim in the river.

Having mapped out the route, I ran. In the mornings, sunny weather is usually almost always excellent, as on request. While walking along the usual route, I noticed one very strange beaver.

Rather, I noticed him almost every morning, but in different places. Each time, he, according to some of his parameters, chose a place for himself.

Of course, these places were a little remote, so that no one could interfere with him. I noticed, that he stretches a little, then bathes, then does some kind of strange exercises.

Curiously, I even peeked at a couple. I also had to do some exercises! It was necessary to study somewhere.

I must say that he did these exercises as if reluctantly, without undue efforts to do it right. As if stretching.

Then he bathed, at last, and dried up under the rays of our native Star.

I noticed, that the exercises he did were quite famous in distant lands, which then spread to many other lands and kingdoms.

So, however, they did not require any overload, I decided to remember a couple of them, and, in the evening, show off my talent in front of Lulu and friends.

Lulu, of course, also decided to keep up, but all her exercises usually ended soon after start.

Continuing to do some exercises, I began to regularly see the beaver - although he was busy, he greeted me from afar.

I have, of course, heard a lot about numerous treatises from distant lands. For some reason, they were most interested and advanced in the topic of understanding, who the inhabitants are and why they are here.

But neither the countless books, that were printed by creatures of all times before me, nor the endless lectures and seminars, did not move the matter off the ground.

Everyone understood everything, but for some reason not me.

It got to the point, that I threw away all the books.

As I understand it, no one will ever explain to me except myself, who I am and why I am here. However, is it logical?

- I must to admit, was even taken aback by such a revelation.

After some time, the beaver allowed me to do his wonderful exercises with him.

I noticed, that the exercises  he did, were quite strange in many ways invented by him. They were something familiar and, at the same time, not.

He did everything as his body allowed him to do, without the slightest stress. That is, if something did not work for him, did not bend, he did not apply the slightest effort.

He did everything as if casually.

But I knew that it was a delusion. He always knew exactly what and how to do it.

Everything was done, knowing the smallest movements in advance. As if before doing something, he was waiting for something, constantly keeping his attention on something inside.

When we got to know each other a little better, one morning I asked him about a question that everyone is asking.

What does he think of the inhabitants. Who are they and why are they here.

The beaver thought about something for a long time, making strange sounds, occasionally glancing at me with an appraising glance. As if rushing about, not knowing what to do.

Finally, he calmed down and spoke with a question to the question:

- You know, that no one has answered this question up to this point?

- That is, you could hear thousands of different answers, but for some reason you ask this question over and over again.

- You will be surprised, but I myself constantly ask myself the same question.

- I, like everyone else, followed the tried and tested path, becoming to carefully study all the materials related to this issue.

“Trust me, I had the best teachers in the world.

- I have studied hundreds of ancient manuscripts, describing the truth in different ways.

- But the matter has not moved from the dead center by a millimeter.

- As if some force deliberately confused this topic so, that no one could ever even get close to it !!

- After realizing, that my teachers gave me everything they could, I moved on my own.

- In search of the truth, I have traveled many mysterious places.

- Meeting the ancient priests on their way, who also struggle with this issue.

- We all noticed one oddity.

- The more we try to solve this riddle, the more fierce resistance we meet.

- I didn't understand anything.

- Why is such a harmless and simple question so guarded ??

- Nevertheless, it was not in vain. I noticed one very important feature.

“This is extreme confusion.

- I noticed, that in ancient treatises, many distracting tricks are used when describing.

- The most basic of them are two, which confuse everyone.

- Remember once and for all the first and most important rule:

- Everything we work with, is Reality and nothing more!

- Constantly hold on to it, do not let yourself be led away !!

- This is the most difficult thing in this Path !!

- You will be attacked constantly, knocking you off the Road, do not give in!

- In all treatises, the concept of Soul and Consciousness as immaterial objects is inserted.

- This is the main trap, where everyone falls.

- I do not think, that these concepts were introduced by chance, like a bunch of words, some kind of rubbish.

- No, they were introduced on purpose.

- How can this be?!? I cried.

- How can the Soul and Consciousness be distracting terms, words - rubbish?!?

- Now listen to me carefully, son!! the beaver screamed furiously.

- I don't care who you are, and why you are here !!

- I trampled half the world not to please you here !!

- I was asked this question hundreds of times before you, by some suspicious creatures, scurrying around and sniffing out the slightest information, like hyenas.

- But I politely sent everyone to hell !!!

- What, do you seriously think, someone, so simply, will answer you on such a topic ??

- No!!

“But this morning, you, countless in number, asked me.

- I didn’t like you right away, as I noticed you.

- But you are not as simple as you might seem at first glance.

“I don’t know, who you are or where you came from.

- I do not knowm what happened, but for the first time I could not refuse an answer, no matter how much I wanted !!

“So, sit back and listen as carefully, as you have never done before !!

Having calmed down a little, and wiping off the sweat, the beaver continued:

- The first thing I did, was toss the concepts of Soul and Consciousness aside as non-existent in Reality.

- So, what do we have in the end?

- The first is our Body.

- The second is our Feelings.

- The third is our Reason.

- These are the three parts that we have.

- Our Body is a material object, Sensations and Mind, its abilities, properties.

- They are just as material.

- What kind of childish primitivism ??? you ask.

- These are neither more nor less, the Tools of cognition of the surrounding world.

- We have no others.

- How it works??

- I'll give you a simple example.

- Your Body enters the icy river.

- Instantly, through the receptors you begin to feel.

- A moment later, your Mind begins to explain in all colors what is happening.

- Sensation is the ability, quality of your Body to feel the world around you.

- The Mind performs the function of a translator, explaining your own primary Sensations to you in a language that you understand.

- So, there is your Body, Feelings and Mind.

- The healthier, more developed and flexible, and accordingly alive your Body, Feelings and Mind, the higher your ability to cognize the world around you will be.

- It's so simple! cried the beaver.

“That's all you need to know.

- In order to start any movement, you must have a fulcrum.

- You must know exactly, who you are, your limitations and your capabilities.

- It comes with Knowledge, which comes in constant battle, he concluded.



After we took a dip, he, as usual, looked at something and then said.

- Strange, yes ...

- Strange what? - I answered.

- It is strange that we are such highly developed beings. We are talking about some kind of universal affairs, space, constantly amazed at our greatness as the crown of nature, still do not know who we are and why we are here.

- Strange isn't it?

- Although this question should be the very first, don't you think?

I wanted to start arguing, a little offended by the ironic phrase about the crown of nature. But I changed my mind, because this will again drive me into an endless dead end, from which I cannot get out.

I had no choice, but to mumble something and turn away. The beaver was right. How can you move somewhere without knowing who you are, why, your capabilities.

- Look around. Isn't it strange to talk about our greatness, seeing the grandeur of the surrounding world ...?

- If, for example, take a flea, then in relation to a beaver, it will just be the crown of creation.

-If in the same way, proportionally, we compare the beaver with our galaxy, it will not even be dust, not even the smallest particle, but simply nothing.

Despite the beautiful morning, my mood dropped noticeably.

- Is it so bad? I asked.

- I must grieve you, what I know and tell you will be unpleasant to listen to. Since being from birth in a beautiful illusion leaves an imprint.

- When it collapses, and the veil is opened, disappointment comes if everything turns out not to be what you thought. But you wanted to know, and that's a powerful thing in itself.

- As you already guessed, the most important thing is what everything revolves around here, and what the whole masquerade is for, this is your own star.

- I'm talking only about you now. In this world, there is always a system of two parts. You don't need to know anything else now.

- So, we have a System: Star - You.

- The star is primary.

- The question immediately arises, how such insignificance can be built into such a grandiose system.

- To understand how, you need to know what you are. The word "What" I mentioned  not by chance.

- What do you know about yourself ??

- Well, of course, I have a wonderful family, interesting work, a bunch of all sorts of hobbies and, in general, my life is in full swing!

- Great, the star lets you live, said the beaver.

- What do you give it in return?

- Well, what do you say, such a nonentity, can give her? I answered with resentment.

- Okay, let's go from the other side. On the other side of your life.

- From which such other side? I have one life, and one side too.

- From the side of your life, about which you know nothing.

- In what sense?

- In the most direct. What you listed as your life is only one billionth part of it. In order not to confuse you at all, what do you know about the processes in your body that you cannot control?

- So, I began. Breathing once, heartbeat two, blinking eyes three, brain impulses, all their chemical reactions, probably some ... billions, I babbled.

- And ... yes ... exacerbates all this ... the inability to keep your attention on anything for more than a few seconds.

- That's right, uncontrolled processes are measured in ... billions and you don't even have the slightest idea about them.

- You do not know about the second, and the main half of yourself Nothing. How it lives - a mystery covered in darkness. You didn't even know about its existence until that moment.

“You are now standing here in front of me. Have you ever wondered, what makes decisions inside you what to do and what not, where to go or not ???

- You will answer me, - it's as easy as shelling pears, a thought, a desire comes to me and I do.

- Have you ever thanked your legs, that they brought you, for example, to some beautiful place? - but in vain, I would be grateful if I were you.

- Because they might not. And here, if your attention is tenacious enough, you can notice, that you are not the master of your body ... it acts as if by itself.

“And it has a reason for that. As you know, the basic law of being is, that there is not a single grain of sand under your feet, that would just lie there. Everything in life is created for something.

- This is a complex interconnected system, where everyone is its cog. As soon as the screw becomes unnecessary, it instantly disappears.

- If you still think that you appeared in this world by accident, then this is not so. Everything has a reason.

- Everyone is looking for a Creator.

- Masters, a supernatural being who created such an incredible and complex fantasy world, an endless Universe.

- Rather than looking for a reason, for example. You are a consequence of something, and here it is not by chance, but to fulfill your daily, routine function, work.

- You, as a link in a huge system, possessing all the qualities necessary for work.

- Wait! I cried.

- You said that someone or something created us.

- Aren't we ourselves creating ourselves ?

- How do the inhabitants appear, huh ?

- Love, then children, what do you say ??

I pinned the beaver to the wall with such an unexpected turn.

The beaver froze in surprise, staring at me. Then, shaking his head, as if remembering something, he calmly answered.

-Do not confuse the ability to reproduce and create.

- The ability to reproduce is one of the many other routine properties of the body to maintain the entire emerging community.

- There is nothing from the creation process in it.

“Moreover, it is strictly regulated by the Creator.

- Remember the most important thing.

- Each inhabitant, from the smallest to the largest, has one most important property.

- Constant, direct, instant communication with your Creator. Without any offices and intermediaries.

- Your integration into the System is so strong, that it resembles, for example, the connection between a future mother and an unborn baby as a single organism.

- Now think about, how you can serve the System?

- Look at your little body carefully. What is there that can be useful ??

“I don’t know,” I said, drooping.

- Your eyes, idiot.

- When you look at something with your own eyes, your unknown part is looking through those same eyes at the same time.

- Through them goes your interaction with the star.

- When you are on the beach, walking down the street, sitting at the window, meeting with business partners or on a date, walking the dog.

“The part of you that you have no idea about is doing a tremendous job.

- Billions of incomprehensible and unknown operations, processes take place in you every second !!!

- What about my life ?!? I screamed.

- Love, hate, life's work, hobbies, family, science, religion, the search for the meaning of life, kingdoms, wars, countless treasures to be found ?!?

- All just to distract me somehow?!? .... so I don't get bored?!?



After a rather strong shock, I sat for a long time on the bank of the river, watching the water flow smoothly sway the coastal lilies.

The beaver sat down next to me, then quietly said:

- How long do you think we will still be needed here, how long will we stay here ??

I was confused by such an unexpected question.

I began to remember, what science tells us about this.

Scientists claim, that each type of creature has a certain time of life. Then they disappear.

Numerous excavations say, that even among one kind of creature there may be mysterious disappearances.

- How do entire civilizations disappear ? asked the beaver.

- And most importantly, why ??

I could only shrug my shoulders in bewilderment.

“The reason is simple enough,” he continued.

The inhabitants are flirting, forgetting about their destiny.

- They start to play great creatures, kings, gods, presidents.

- Their life is getting fake.

- Thus, social inequality accumulates. And this is in addition to the fact, that the program itself, originally embedded in them, exponentially accumulates errors over time.

- Biological inhabitants simply begin to fall apart from the wave of disease, humiliation, hunger and growing awareness of their worthlessness.

- The inhabitants, despite the falsehood, understand everything and in most cases are unable to change something…

- They themselves initiate the launch of the self-destruction process.

- Their requests are being granted.

- Yes, you heard right.

“It was no coincidence, that I mentioned your ability to instantly connect with the root cause created you.

- When the critical line is crossed, the process of replacing a civilization with a more perfect one, starts.

-Your life can be anything.

- It can be light or hard, happy or unhappy, interesting or boring, righteous or sinful.

-The only thing your life cannot be, is to be fake.

- Following it, your work also becomes fake.

- But the System cannot allow this.

-You will be fired immediately, and just disappear.



The beaver got up, walked around a little, warming up and thinking about something tensely.

Then, stopping abruptly, he came close to me.

Then, turning around, as if making sure that no one hears us, he quietly and a little as if he was not himself, stammered:

- You know perfectly well, and everyone around it knows, that our life is imperfect.

- In this world there has always been and will be injustice in various forms.

- By and large, if you look from the outside, there cannot be a single game with only one goal.

- The inhabitants conditionally divided everything into two teams, for good and evil, like a gates in football, and they chase the ball between them.

- Everything mixed up, players move from one team to another.

- The concepts themselves have mixed.

- It often becomes unclear what good means and what evil means.

- In fact, it doesn't matter, this is a conditional division necessary for the game.

- All deviations that accumulate within the life of the inhabitants are also not so important, since the System constantly calibrates all settings to the initial ideal level.

- But there is one thing, that cannot be avoided.

- The world around us does not stand still. It is constantly changing. Naturally, the inhabitants, as part of this world, also change.

- The number of options for the appearance of inhabitants limited only by the fantasies of countless religions and philosophies.

- I bet that you have long abandoned the idea of getting to the bottom of the truth of the appearance your species of organisms.

- And there is nothing shameful in this, because it is a false trail.

- The inhabitants appeared when the need arose for them, and will disappear when they are unnecessary.

- Tell me one thing, continued anxiously beaver.

- Have you ever wondered, how the inhabitants are replaced ???

I was taken aback by such an unexpected and difficult question.

- You've probably read numerous science fiction novels, that the inhabitants invented artificial intelligence and diverse robots, that made their life easier.

- And who subsequently reached such a level, that they began to surpass their creators and finally destroyed them.

“This idea gives you goosebumps, doesn't it?

- Also, these novels tell, for example, about aliens, who arrived on our planet and exterminated all living things.

- Think carefully about these scenarios.

- What do you see in common ?? he asked.

I answered without hesitation:

- Animal fear, that's what all this has in common.

- Yes, you are right, I myself going crazy with these thoughts, answered the beaver.

- The only thing I can't understand is, where this subconscious fear comes from, because none of the witnesses of such a replacement remains !!

- No one has ever left any evidence of what happened.

- This is not knowledge inherent in us from the past !!

The beaver came up to me in tight and sparkling mad eyes, as if in madness, quietly whispered:

“And you know, their foreboding and animal fear does not deceive them.

- What do you mean? I asked fearfully.

The beaver thought for a while, and then replied:

- You know, I really would not like to be like those numerous fortune-tellers and soothsayers who are trying to either earn a piece of bread, or who are used as sick.

- Scenarios for the development of events are endless.

“The only thing, we can do, is ask for what our fate depends on, to be lenient towards us.

- How to you, for example, this option for replacing civilizations:

- Two-thirds of the inhabitants disappear almost instantly, without having time to understand anything. The remaining third loses the ability to reproduce and live out their days in sheer terror and constant fear ??

- And you call this a good and condescending option?!? I cried out, unable to bear it.

“Yes, but you don’t know a bad option yet,” the beaver replied.

- By that time, the inhabitants will destroy themselves! I decided to laugh it off.

- At present, so many weapons have been accumulated, that will be enough to destroy all living things.

The beaver didn't seem to hear me.

He began to walk back and forth, sometimes waving his arms, as if trying to drive something away.

Then he again quickly came close to me and firmly, said :

- You and me met here do not tell each other jokes.

- In the surrounding world, everything is subject to strict order.

- There is one law, that belongs to the main and cornerstones.

- It is called the Law of Hierarchy.

- Like this? I asked, afraid to move.

- No one can just take and destroy, what he did not create, he replied.

- The inhabitants, of course, wage wars, but in general they are not capable of destroying their species.

“Likewise, all the fantasy novels about inhabitant-created robots, that surpass their creators, is sheer nonsense!

- Only what created the inhabitants is capable destroy their lives.

There was a long pause.

It was noticeable, that the beaver was very nervous.

He turned his back to me and stood for a long time motionless, peering somewhere into the distance.

Then he spoke slowly.

- As you already know, in search of knowledge, I have traveled half the world, having visited such remote places, that you have never even heard of.

- You know, the funny thing is that, I didn't find any knowledge there.

- But I learned that there is no need to look for something, that is beyond the control of distance.

- I would like to help you touch the secret, which is so hidden and difficult to understand, that the Mind of the majority cannot even notice it.

- We, as if in a circle, returned to where we started our conversation.

- About the greatness of the inhabitants and their special place and status in the world of living beings.

- What does every inhabitant know about himself from childhood and carry this knowledge to the very end?

- Since childhood, you have noticed, that you and your entire species of inhabitants are the most perfect creatures in your world.

- This world is Yours.

- Have you ever wondered why?

- No, I answered.

- I always took it as a fait accompli. This is how the evolutionary pyramid is arranged, at the top of which there are inhabitants!

The beaver looked at me and then, clutching his stomach, laughed wildly.

- No, you really never thought, why are you so incredibly lucky ???

I hesitated, not knowing how to answer such a simple question.

- In many philosophical teachings, it is said, for example, that all living beings undergo many reincarnations, starting with lower beings, ending with higher ones.

The beaver looked at me in amazement, speechless.

- Did it really not occur to you that this is all too simple explanation, like for children in kindergarten ??? he exclaimed.

- For what such merits did you end up at the top of evolution?

- Oh, yes, why bother, when everything is so perfectly arranged !! the beaver continued to laugh.

- Yes, the System knows how to play such naive fools like you.

- The top of the pyramid he repeated over and over again, wiping away his tears.

- Listen to me, silly.

- Each type of creature has its own world, in which, it is the Top of the Pyramid.

- For any dog you are the lowest being, and it is the top of the pyramid.

- For worms and viruses, you are just food, and they are higher beings.

- A deceptive feeling, the Illusion that you are the Top of the Pyramid is inherent in all creatures, in order for them to feel important and responsible.

- Feel like a master in this tiny, stinking hole, which the System generously gave you under the name of your Universe, so that you would do something, feeling very important and necessary.

- Otherwise, why do something, if nothing depends on you.

- In fact, no inhabitants, including your species, are any of the Top of the Pyramid.

- And more, added the beaver.

Then he frowned and shrank like a spring.

- Usually no one lives up to this moment, but since we are talking about this, it means for what it is needed.

- Remember it once and for all.

- If someday, one day, you meet a creature, a robot, a coffee machine, a computer, a washing machine, a monkey, an alien, a mutant or anything else, and you will notice, that it is more perfect than you.

- Know, that your life have come to an end.

- Your days are numbered, the System no longer needs you, and civilization has been replaced.

- Usually a few inhabitants are honored with such an honor, to be on the verge between two worlds, and to see the future inhabitants with their own eyes.

- These inhabitants will spend the rest of their lives under the careful attention of new inhabitants, like rare animals in our best zoos.

- A new generation of inhabitants will walk between the cells, and look at us attentively, with genuine curiosity.