Koalaland: The Making of a Kingdom by David Earl Bolton - HTML preview

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A most curious Interlude in Koalaville

At about this same time, over in Koalaville, Choty and Mo, who had a thriving anteater-rental business, were leading some of their creatures up through the lower part of the forest in search of anthills. Though it was already getting dark, this was no problem for the two koalas, who have excellent night vision, as do all of their species. And a hungry anteater can always smell out a good meal, even in the absence of light.

Happening upon a somewhat circular configuration of giant boulders, about seventy feet in diameter, they were curious as to what might be in the middle of those rocks, each of which was about fifteen feet high. Tying the four anteaters they had with them to a nearby tree, they deftly climbed one of the boulders, and upon reaching its top, peered down into the area in the center of the circular formation. They were confounded by what they saw there: filling up the area was a large, circular, somewhat flattened object with a smooth, silvery-gray surface.

'My goodness, what do you suppose that is?' Mo asked, wide-eyed.

'I have no idea. How do you suppose it got here? Look, the edges of the rocks protrude out above the thing a foot or more on all sides. Why, logically speaking, it would be impossible to squeeze it down into that space,' Choty commented, perplexed.

'Well, maybe somebody put it there first, and then put the boulders around it,' Mo speculated.

'Oh, no. Those boulders must weigh tons. Nobody could have moved them. Very strange indeed!' Choty exclaimed. 'We must report this to Judge Grandaddy and our Prestigious Koala King as soon as we get back to the grove!'

Climbing down from the boulder, they rounded up their anteaters and led them back down the forest path towards Koalaville. 'We should get these anteaters home right away,' Mo suggested, 'then we'll head down to the south to tell the King and Grandaddy.'

They walked a short distance through the forest till they got to Koalaville, then went to their trees and adjoining anteater corral, which were located just north of the center of the grove. Once they had put the anteaters into the little corral, however, they climbed Mo's tree and began to eat some leaves, conversing now about which anteaters were to be rented out the next day. Choty and Mo had completely forgotten about what they had just seen in the forest, and about their decision to report it to the authorities. Thus, they simply ate their supper, and then went to sleep for the night, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.