Koalaland: The Making of a Kingdom by David Earl Bolton - HTML preview

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'Why me?'

Bumpy and Blimpy, having arrived safely in Koalaville, went to Bumpy's tree, climbed up, and sat moping on a wide branch.

'I don't believe it,' Bumpy muttered. 'It was going to be such a great party over there. Milly was wild about me – everything was so perfect. Then those three maniacs attack me and ruin everything!'

'Well, if you had stayed at the party, and hadn't gone off to meet that mysterious koala girl that didn't even exist, none of that would have happened,' Blimpy reminded him with a slight tone of sarcasm in his voice, more than his brother cared to hear.

'Hey, are you lookin' for a punch in the snoot?' Bumpy perked up.

'Now don't get upset, Bumpy. I know you got a raw deal. I'm just sayin'…'

'Well, shut up and don't say it. I know I was a fool. Curiosity got the better of me, that's all.'

'Curiosity killed the cat, you know,' Blimpy philosophized.

'And it's gonna get you knocked off my branch in a second, if you don't watch it!'

Bumpy apparently wasn't open to criticism at the moment. Then, calming down a bit: 'Oh, Blimpy, I know you're right,' he groaned. 'I should've known better. The worst thing is, now that I'm an outlaw over there, I can't even go back and visit Milly again. Oh, why me, why me?'

'I wish I could tell ya, but I don't know,' Blimpy replied.

'Well, I guess there's only one thing to do now,' Bumpy said, suddenly remembering his standard strategy for dealing with sad and/or frustrating situations. 'I'm gonna go to sleep and stay that way for at least ten or twelve hours.'

'Good idea! Maybe you'll think up some clever idea while you're sleepin', about how to see Milly again,' Blimpy tried to cheer him up, 'and besides, there's nothin' else we can do now anyway.'

'You said it. Dreamland, here I come!' Bumpy responded, as he lay face down on the branch, his arms and legs dangling on either side of it. 'Ooooh…now I realize how much I hurt all over! Can't quite get comfortable. Why, those mangy beasts! But don't worry, I'll think of a way to make 'em pay for this!' Bumpy, despite the pain he felt from the multiple bruises, scrapes, scratches, bites and cuts he had suffered in the fight, was now so tired that he nonetheless began to doze off. 'They won't get away with this… uuuaaagh, aaauuugghhhh,' he had begun to snore.

'Right, Bumpy,' Blimpy replied softly, as he, too stretched out a little further out on the branch, and was soon overtaken by sleep.