Koalaland: The Making of a Kingdom by David Earl Bolton - HTML preview

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Coming in Volume II of 'Koalaland'...

In the second volume of 'Koalaland – The Great Koala Novel', you will witness the great strides taken by the koalas to develop their society, and thereby improve their lot, in Southern Koalaland - not to mention all the ups and downs in the personal lives of our furry friends.

- The population of Koalaville re-locates to luscious Eucalyptus Grove, and begins the process of settlement.

- The koalas make the momentous decision to introduce a monetary system, with gold as a basis.

- Both groves decide to construct school buildings, and plan a curriculum appropriate for the teaching of young koalas.

- Justice catches up with poor Bumpy, and his subsequent trial turns into a minor sensation.

- Spring-time gives rise to a slew of romances, with all the accompanying emotional peaks and valleys that only the love-bug can cause! Why, even the Prestigious Koala King is smitten, and rumors abound that Eucalyptus Grove may soon have a queen...

All this and much, much more is coming your way in the next four volumes of 'Koalaland, or The Great Koala Novel'!

And now, a personal message to you from the King himself...