Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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“Where the hell have you two been?” Legion barked as soon their feet touched the wooden floor of the apartment. Holly righted her hoody and hastily pulled on her boots, while Dominic tried not to laugh at her frantic dressing.

“Nowhere.” She replied as he marched over to them, they had been right in the middle of getting hot and heavy when Dom’s cell rang and Legion’s disapproving voice shouted at them down the line.

Legion glared at them. “Holly a word.” He snapped turning away.

“Why me? It was his fault…” Legion’s hard stare made her trail off before she landed herself in more hot water. She elbowed Dom in the ribs to cut off his laughter before following Legion over to the bedroom. 

The door slammed shut behind them and Holly waited for the imminent ear bashing but when he faced her, Legion was all smiles. “Congratulations.” She glared at him incredulously. “He’s my brother Holly, did you really think he wouldn’t tell me what he was planning.”

“Then what was all that?” She asked him, not getting it at all. He shrugged. “I have to keep them in line somehow, cracking the whip occasionally keeps them in order.” Holly snorted with amusement.

“Yeah well next time use Dom as you’re scapegoat.” Legion wasn’t listening however; he had this sad faraway look to his grey eyes.

“Has he told you his reasons for wanting to abort your son?” He asked quietly. Fresh heartache spread over her and eventually Holly shook her head. Dominic had fought them every step of the way, he had relented a little but Holly knew deep down that he didn’t want it, and she only wished he would tell her why.

“It’s because of me.” Legion said tiredly. “Hold on a minute.” He added before she could speak. Opening the bedroom door he shouted commands at Dominic and the apartment started to empty. “I’m telling you this against Dom’s wishes, but I don’t want to be the thing that splits you two up. In many ways my brother still behaves like a petulant child, and this is much my story as it is he’s, and you have a right to know.”

“Know what?” Legion sighed.

“I wasn’t always the man I am now. There was a time when I lived for war; I didn’t feel happy unless I was on a battlefield. But then I met her. She was mortal and we were thrown together in an unfortunate series of events, she drove me crazy and many times I dreamed of chopping off her head. But she refused to give up on me and made me all the more better for it. We fell in love and everything was great until…” He trailed off and Holly didn’t press him. It was still news to her that Legion had loved someone, he was always guarded and like his brother never let anyone in.

“She fell pregnant. I knew my father would see the baby as a threat to his throne, and if he found out about us…so I kept quiet and turned to Castillo for help. I couldn’t always be there to protect her so Cas agreed to assign a Guardian Angel to her, Caleb.” Holly couldn’t help her show of surprise when Legion mentioned him. 

“But my efforts were all for nought. Lucifer found out about her and…he sent Dominic, my own brother after her.” Holly’s heart started to sink and suddenly she didn’t want Legion to continue.

“Dominic was hell bent on pleasing father back then, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to get into Lucifer’s good graces, so without hesitation Dominic found her and drove a dagger through her heart.” Time stood still and the air around them got oppressive. Holly understood why Dom hadn’t wanted to tell her.

“Of course he didn’t find out whom she truly was until after he had done the deed. He lost faith in everything after that. Did everything he could to dull the pain of our father’s deceit, drugs drink women. I never blamed him though, it’s Lucifer who is to blame and maybe Caleb…if he had done a better job in watching over her…” He gritted his teeth as his face clouded with shadows. “I tried to talk to him but Dom wouldn’t have it. He didn’t want to know us anymore…I kept track of his whereabouts of course but there wasn’t much I could do for him, my own grief was still too near.”

“You see Holly we may be these turbo supercharged beings but when it comes down to it, we have the same aspirations as you do. Love, security, family, we all want the same things, and I didn’t just lose the woman I loved that night, I also lost my brother.”

“That’s what tore Dom and Caleb apart.” Holly murmured. They had hated each other with a passion, and after agreeing to work together to save her, Holly always felt that they behaved more like brothers than enemies.

“Yes.” Legion replied. “Despite being on opposing sides, a friendship grew between the two. There was a time when they went everywhere together. But after Minnie’s murder Caleb didn’t want anything to do with him. Cherry Falls was the first time they had seen each other in hundreds of years.” Legion kneeled down in front of her and took her hands in his.

“You brought them back together, and you also gave me my brother back. I could never thank you enough for that Holly.” Tears actually formed in Legion’s eyes. “But that’s why Dominic wants no part in parenthood. He wouldn’t survive going through that again. Losing you and the baby would kill him…literally and he knows it.” Suddenly everything made sense, it was like a light had been switched on and Holly understood why Dominic had been acting the way that he had. It had been his survival mechanism kicking in.

Legion got to his feet and looked at the…no rather looked through the closed bedroom door.

“It’s time.”