The couple stepped out into the cold December night and crossed the street hand in hand. “That was…I don’t even have words to describe it.” Dominic Prince said.
“The Prince of Hell lost for words?” Holly Adams quipped, squeezing his hand playfully. It was three degrees below and while she was wrapped up in scarf gloves and hat, he wore only jeans and a cashmere sweater, being Immortal had its advantages. “It wasn’t that bad.” He threw her an incredulous look and Holly couldn’t help but grin. “Okay so it pretty much…sucked, but at least it wasn’t a chick flick.” She admitted.
He led her to the parking lot where his Red Harley motorbike sat, glowing under a street light. It was Dom’s pride and joy and wherever they went so did it. Holly had been pushing him to get a car, the seat played havoc with her back, but she knew it was like asking him to saw off his arm.
“That’s the last time you’re picking the movie princess.” Holly rolled her eyes as she took the offered helmet and pulled it over her head. The bike roared to life and she cuddled into him as the Harley glided through the notorious New York City traffic.
The winds icy fingers played with her dark curls as they plummeted forward with such speed that the world around her blurred. When he pulled over outside her favourite restaurant Holly grudging let go and yanked off the bash hat. She hated wearing the damn thing it made her head sweat but Dom wouldn’t have it any other way, she had even tried the sex card but he stuck to his guns.
Placing the helmet on the seat Holly hesitated. She had learned over the past year to trust her instincts and right now they were telling her she was being watched. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and a shiver travelled down her spine.
“What is it?”
Holly looked back to see Dominic studying her while holding the door to the restaurant open. She still found it thrilling that they were in sync enough for him to notice the little changes her body made in its language. She took one last glancing sweep of the crowded street and shrugged. “Guess I’m just paranoid.” She could tell by his stern expression that he wasn’t buying her façade. The waitress showed them to their regular table at the back; it had a perfect unblocked view of the whole restaurant and was close to the kitchen if they needed to make a hasty exit.
“What can I get for you Dom?” The waitress asked, leaning over him with a look of adoration in her brown eyes. Holly still found it hard to deal with the effect Dominic had on the female population, not that she blamed them. Holly had been drawn to him just like they were but he was all hers and encounters like this made jealously rear its ugly head.
“Usual.” He replied distractedly, his dark eyes focused on the window. “Please.” He added finally looking at her and Holly actually saw the girl swoon. “My pleasure.” She told him with a beaming smile that showed a full set of pearly whites. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time.” Holly saw his eyes follow the waitress as she walked to the kitchen and arched her eyebrows at him. “What?” He asked catching her irritated glare. “I was just being friendly.”
“Whatever.” She mumbled while shrugging out of her coat. The rest of the staff huddled around the till casting flirtatious looks Dominic’s way and Holly suddenly found herself wondering what it was that had made him chose her.
Dominic Prince had gone against his family to protect Holly. He had given up everything for her, but she had never actually asked him why. He would say it was because he had fallen in love with her and Holly believed it. The only part of him that wasn’t hard as stone were his eyes and they couldn’t lie, but Holly had never asked him why he loved her.
When they had met she had been a naïve small town girl, who preferred to sit home and study instead of partying. They were complete opposites and without sounding big headed Holly knew she was pretty, her best friend Jo had told her enough times, but Dominic was a pure God. And she would never be as slender or as beautiful as the girls standing just a few yards away.
“What are you thinking?” He asked her suddenly.
“You’ve got that look I can’t read.” Holly was about to tell him what was on her mind when the girl returned with their order. She plonked the big ham and cheese pizza onto the table and scowled at the waitress behind who carried their drinks. “Vodka and Coke for you…” the second slightly older woman said placing Dom’s drink in front of him ceremoniously. “And sparkling water for you.” Holly started a little when her glass was slammed down with such force it made the wooden table shudder. “Can I help with anything else?” Holly and their original waitress exchanged a look of outrage. “I think we can manage.” Dominic replied trying to stifle a laugh. “Well call if you change your mind.” As they backed off Holly heard the girl curse at the older woman. “You’ve started a cat fight.” She told an amused Dominic who placed a slice of pizza onto her plate.
“Best kind.” Holly threw him an exasperated stare. “Do you emit like a pheromone or something?” Dominic gave her a quizzical look then shrugged. “It’s a devil thing.”
“Huh?” She heard him sigh and he slumped back into his chair. “Lucifer has a certain aura about him. I inherited it.” Holly forgot her growling stomach. “You’ve never told me that before.” She hadn’t entertained the idea that her love might not be real. “That’s precisely why I didn’t.” He replied quickly. “Holly you love me because we’re meant to be, not because you’re under some…effect.” She leaned closer. “So what? It doesn’t work on me?” Dominic picked up his slice of pizza and took a bite. “It so works on you.” He replied teasingly. “But it doesn’t create what wasn’t already there.”
“You’re a riddle you know that.” She took a mouthful of her own food and almost groaned with pleasure. Dominic’s sad expression made her freeze. “Something I said?” He looked like his world had just ended. He dropped the pizza back onto the plate and took her hand in his.
“I don’t want you to think of me like that princess. I know there’s a lot about me you don’t know, and I’m not the most forthcoming guy in the world but God I love you Holly. I love your fire, your spirit, your kind heart, plus you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t want there to be space between us, so ask and I’ll answer.” Holly felt her heart pick up a gear. Whenever she had tried to get him to open up about his past he changed the subject, so this U-Turn was too good to pass up, even if it was a bit surprising.
Holly glanced at the guy entering the restaurant and her words dissolved. The un-easy feeling hit her full force and she stiffened. “Holly?” Dominic followed her eyes and as soon as he saw the man he tensed up. “You have got to be kidding me.” He uttered in frustration.
“Who is he?” Dominic clicked his tongue in annoyance as the man approached. He was slim and tall and walked with a grace Holly wouldn’t have thought him capable of; it dawned on her that he moved like Caleb. Flittering through the tables with a gentle ease. “He’s an Angel.” She groaned with realization as the man came to a stop beside their table.
“Evening.” The Angel’s voice was light and pleasant but there was a hardness to his grey eyes. “I won’t intrude. I just need to deliver this.” Dominic recoiled from the small gold envelope in the man’s hand.
“Is that what I think it is?” The Angel nodded.
“The coming war concerns us all. The Devine order has been called. You and you’re…” Holly saw the Angel force himself to look at her. “Partner.” He spat out the word like it was poison in his mouth. “Have been summoned.” His cool demeanour didn’t bother Holly. After Castillo’s betrayal she had no love for Heaven or Angels, and they carried none for her after what she had done to Michael, but Dominic’s show of emotion rattled her. She watched as he reluctantly accepted the envelope.
Throwing one last disgusted look her way the Angel left. “Well?” Holly prodded after he had gone. “What’s the Devine order?”
Dominic looked ill. His eyes held a haunted glint and when he looked at her Holly had never seen him look so vulnerable.