Holly Adams didn’t recognise her reflection. The blue gown transformed her completely along with Layla’s makeup. A silk collar fastened at her neck and the shimmering fabric parted to form a diamond shape just above her breast bone. Layla had attacked her with boob tape to stop her from spilling out, and after repeatedly asking if the tape would hold all night, Layla informed her to stop being such a bore.
The dress billowed out at the waistline masking Holly perfectly while at the same time making her look slimmer. Andrea had told her that a well-tailored dress could perform miracles, but Holly hadn’t believed her till now.
She felt better than ever and the girl staring back at her was stunning. Layla had done wonders with her frazzled curls, and they trailed down her back in elegant spirals. The clock on the bedside table struck 7:30 and nerves fluttered in her stomach, but she refused to let them get the best of her. No matter what happened tonight Holly swore she wouldn’t let herself panic.
The look on Caleb’s face as Holly walked out the bedroom made her worries abate. He was dressed in a traditional tux and looked flawless. Out of them all Caleb was the only other to have received a summons besides her and Dominic. After thanking them all for their help Holly followed Caleb to the lift.
The space felt small and hot and Holly was glad when the doors opened on the ground floor. Caleb hailed a cab and she slid across the backseat ignoring the driver who whistled at her.
“34th street please.” Caleb said as the taxi pulled away from the curb. Holly looked out the window as the driver and Caleb exchanged small talk. She was dying to see Dominic, one look at him and Holly knew she would feel less anxious. He filled her senses until there was nothing else but him, and she needed that distraction more than ever. Holly thought that he would have called and had carried her cell around all day but he never did, which put her more on edge. He was probably just too busy doing…whatever the hell had been so important. At least that was what she made herself believe.
The taxi finally pulled up in a street full of Victorian style buildings, none of which looked big enough to host an order of Immortals. Caleb paid and they watched it drive off. “What do we do now?” Holly asked after he made no movement. He checked his watch and smiled at her, but it was a tense smile.
“Now we wait. Dominic said he’d met us here, it’s not quite eight yet.” He added quickly. Holly looked up and down the dark deserted street and let out a deep breath. “Hey, there’s nothing to worry about, he’s not even late yet.” Caleb’s soothing did little to slow her racing heart. She tried to smile but it was more of a grimace.
“She complaining already?” Holly could have died with relief. She pivoted to see Dominic leaning against the front wall of a house, and the tears came automatically. Holly ran to him and held Dom to her as if her very life depended on it, burying herself into his chest she clutched onto him till her heart started to slow.
“I missed you too.” He whispered holding her. Gathering herself Holly pulled away, cursing herself for being so weak.
“Well…where is this meeting thingy?” She breathed still reeling from the overwhelming relief that filled her every pore. Dominic took her hand and started to lead her down the alley between two of the houses. “This way.”
The further they walked the more uncertain Holly became. “Dom there’s nothing down here…” He stopped and she squinted ahead. There was some sort of building in front of them, it looked fairly small and as a gust of wind breezed over them, Holly heard the squeaking of hinges. Caleb stepped forward and shut the door that was flapping in the wind; it resembled more of a shack than a meeting place for supernatural royalty. Holly glanced at Dom but he was too busy taking in her gown. “You look…” There was a hunger to his eyes that she knew would be mirrored in her own. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” Holly replied taking in his dark fitted suit and red shirt. He looked so hot it should be a sin.
“Ready?” Caleb asked, turning to them. He gripped the doorknob. Dom hesitated never taking his eyes off Holly. “You go ahead.” He finally replied. “We’ll catch up.” Caleb started to object but Dominic pulled her away from the door and into the shadows.
Holly’s back brushed the wall. “Dom, what are you…” His mouth came down on hers hard and Holly’s body responded instantly. She had been craving this all day and now that he was supplying Holly couldn’t get enough. The alley disappeared till there was just him; her hands raked his black hair that felt like silk pulling his body closer. As Holly went into complete meltdown he pulled away. “We shouldn’t keep them waiting.”
“You’re putting on the brakes now?” She gasped incredulously. He laughed while righting her dress.
“You know I’m worth the wait.”
“And you call me a tease.” She quipped as he took her hand and led her inside.
“How much did they tell you about tonight?” Dominic asked while they walked. The empty hallway was so dark Holly had to rely on his enhanced eyesight. “Just that’s it’s a big deal. And just for the record, I don’t need to impress a bunch of murderers and hypocrites.” Dominic grimaced.
“Can you please just do as you’re told for once? This isn’t my idea of fun either but there are certain rules that have to be obeyed, like no fighting.” Holly rolled her eyes. She was fed up of everyone trying to make out that she was trouble.
Trouble found her.
“Holly I’m serious. Not matter how much your provoked don’t start anything. Promise me.” She glared at him in reply. He pulled on her hand forcing her to a stop. “Hey, I know this is hard for you, seeing Castillo again after what happened…But Holly you have to leave it all at the door, or otherwise we’ve won’t be walking back out. Understand?”
“Dom I got it. Keep my mouth shut and act invisible.” They started to walk again.
“That wasn’t what I meant.” He told her as they came to a door. Light was creeping out of the space at the bottom, and voices soaked through the wood, casting one last concerned glance her way Dominic opened it and Holly was transported into a world full of magic and danger and grandeur.
They were standing on the threshold of a landing decked with plush royal red carpet that felt like fur when her heels stepped on it, giant cream marble columns touched the carved celling. Beautiful women dripped in jewels and crowns hugged men in formal attire, it was surreal and slightly intimidating.
A table lay off to the side with a scroll on top. A bored looking attendant crossed off names as gold Envelopes were handed over. Caleb was slightly ahead of them in the line and she saw him hand over his summons. The man took it and checked the name on the side with the ones on the scroll in front of him. Holly marvelled at the quill that scribbled out his name, it was like something out of a movie.
The curly haired attendant passed the envelope over a metal plate that was engraved in the surface of the table, and she looked on with fascination as a gold rope formed around Caleb’s wrist like a lasso. It grew fainter then went up in smoke. The process was repeated with every person in the queue, and Holly realized it was the magic that blinded them to the Order being removed.
“Dom, I forgot the envelope.” She told him with quiet panic as they came to the front. “You mean this one?” He asked with a mischievous smirk as he pulled it out of his suit pocket. Holly didn’t bother to hide her grin; at times he was purely astonishing. Dominic handed it over and the man took it without looking up. He scratched their names of the parchment. “Have a good evening Holly…” He trailed off as the rope round their wrists burned away. He looked up for the first time and stared at her with undisguised wonder. “Adams…” He seemed lost for words and uncertainly Holly glanced around to see everybody staring at her. For a moment it was like time itself had stopped.
“Thank you.” Dominic answered guiding her away from the table and towards Caleb, who stood waiting for them. When she reached him Holly caught him glaring at a dark haired man who watched every step Holly made. Caleb stepped behind her to block his view. Most of the people had torn their eyes away and after handing over their coats made for the staircase.
The man who had irritated Caleb past inches away from her and grinned flirtatiously. She heard Dominic click his tongue in annoyance. “Who is that?” Holly whispered to Caleb.
“A very dangerous man, stay away from him.” He told her before excusing himself.
“Where’s he going?” Holly asked Dominic. “To beat the wholly crap out of him.” She stared at him with horror until he burst out laughing.
“I’m kidding Holly. Come on.”
“That wasn’t funny.” She told him as he pulled her across the landing. As she fell in step behind him Holly glanced to her left and the breath caught in her throat. A group of young men stood off to the side partly cloaked in the shadow that the huge columns made. Smouldering embers glowed through the black and Holly was completely transfixed by them so much her feet forgot to walk.
The owner of the eyes stepped forward a little and his hair flowed over his shoulders in a cascading dark sheen, he was a sight to behold but his amazing looks didn’t explain the devastating effect he had on her. She felt a tug as Dominic realized she wasn’t following.
The guy held her gaze almost begging her to come to him, and she would have if Dom hadn’t placed a hand in the small of her back and ushered her away. As soon as they broke eye contact the effect started to wear off. “What the hell was that?” She gasped into his ear as they descended the stairs.
“I told Andrea to talk to you about this. The Immortals here are not just Angels and Demons.” He let his words sink in before continuing. “You wanted to know what else was real. Well the answer is just about everything you’ve ever had a nightmare about.”
“Great.” She breathed.
“You’ll be fine. Just don’t stray more than an inch from me.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly as they reached the bottom, and Holly had no intention of letting go. The ballroom seemed to go on forever. White panelling and French windows gave an impressive view of the Hudson River; at least that was what she thought it was called. Holly didn’t have the greatest sense of direction.
The wooden floor gleamed underneath the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, a black flower that looked like a lily was intertwined with the metal links that kept the crystal chandeliers bolted to the celling. At the far end there was some kind of staging and she saw a full orchestra setting up. Behind her were tables draped with white linen and topped with buffet food and a punch bowl.
Dominic pulled her through the crowd and Holly ignored the curious eyes that studied her as she passed by. Her grip on his hand started to slip as he weaved in and out with effortless ease. Suddenly a dark form was in front of her and her grip broke completely as she came to a stop. He looked slightly worse for wear; there was a dazed look to his brown eyes. He looked down and kind of leered at her, but Holly was sure that it was supposed to be a smile.
“You…” He held up a finger and she saw the whites of his eyes. “Are the prettiest thing here.” He slurred.
“That’s… nice.” She replied trying to see over his shoulder to locate Dom.
“In fact, I don’t mean to be rude but I…”
“You what?” The guy eyes widened at the sound of Dominic’s voice. He grimaced at her before turning.
“I…Well I meant…What I was saying…” His words came out fuzzy and she could hear the fear in his tone. Dominic had crossed his arms over his chest and regarded him with dangerous eyes.
“Holly.” Legion said coming through the crowd. “You look positively glowing.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it before turning to his brother, who was still staring at the poor guy.
“Dom.” He said quietly but firmly, without looking away Dominic moved closer and whispered into the man’s ear. Holly couldn’t hear what he said so she glanced at Legion who sighed heavily. The man quickly moved away and Dom’s dark eyes followed. “Dick.” He flung after him before he faced her. “What?” He asked defensively when he saw their disapproving glares. He moved away and Holly and Legion shared a look before they followed.
They caught up to him underneath the balcony; the side of the ballroom was littered with tables and expensive looking leather armchairs. Caleb was sat in one drinking what looked like his fourth punch of the night. Holly threw him a puzzled look but he just waved her off, she had never seen Caleb drink alcohol before. A voice came over the microphone and Holly forgot about everything else.
She knew that voice.
Castillo stood on the stage in front of an old fashioned sliver standing microphone. Anger and hate rose in her and Legion placed a firm but comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Would the ruling families please take up position on the dance floor.” Holly saw Dominic grab the punch from Caleb and take a mouthful. He kissed her lightly before walking off into the crowd that had taken up the fringe of the wooden floor.
“Stay with Caleb.” Legion told her before following. Music blared into life and through the gaps between heads Holly saw Dominic walk up to a beautiful blonde that waited on the dance floor, wearing a black dress that clung to her like a second skin.
“It’s tradition for the members of the ruling families to have the first dance.” Caleb said coming up behind her. As they started to glide across the floor in elegant swirls Holly felt tears prick her eyes.
“Holly. It doesn’t mean anything.” She shrugged off his arm and slapped away her tears. She knew it meant nothing but the happy smile that was permanently etched on the blonde’s face burned a hole in Holly, and Dominic wasn’t exactly looking bored.
All her fears came to life on that dance floor and it was more than she could handle. Breaking away from Caleb she bolted past the stage and through a door that luckily lead outside.
The cold air blasted her and coming to a stop Holly crumpled on to the earth and sobbed uncontrollably.
“Love will do that to you.” The voice came out of nowhere and Holly found herself looking at shiny black loafers. She looked up through water blurred eyes and saw fiery embers gazing back down at her
“Hello Holly.”