Lord of the Strings-The String Bearer by Barbara Bretana - HTML preview

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Chapter 37

Murphy bundled me into the back seat of the cop car, covered me with blankets and Zip sat next to me. He planned to sneak all of us into the Precinct and gather up all the SWAT team who would formulate a plan to do ‗something‘ about the Colonel. I let him knowing it was the safest way to return him to his family.

I watched from under the blanket as he drove through the city streets bypassing the Big Dig and taking secondary routes around the city. He drove grim faced and did not acknowledge any other police vehicles even as they waved to him.

I wanted out from under, this blanket smelled like sweaty socks and vomit. Every time I tried to sit up, Zip pushed my head back down.

"So," she spoke unexpectedly and startled me. I almost jumped out of my skin. "What‘s your big plan to save the world and all the planes?"

"What?" I asked stupidly, feeling my face redden. I threw aside the reeking blanket and sat up.

Murphy joined in. "Jade, when you get all quiet and that frown on your face, you‘re contemplating some stupid scheme and how to implement it. Remember, I‘ve known you since you were two years old." He pulled into the Precinct‘s underground garage, waved casually to the open-mouthed sergeant and into what used to be his old SWAT parking spot. I saw six other team members‘ personal vehicles parked there and this gave me pause.

"What day is this?" I asked and Murphy frowned.

"A good day to be alive. Why?"

"Why is all the team here?"

He looked around, named off his buddies. "Unless it‘s payday, we never meet up at Base at the same time, not even on a mission." No, they met on the site or nearby in the SWAT-mobile.

"TacOps meeting? God, how long have we been gone, Jadewyn? Months? Years?" He looked at the car, turned on the computer and scrolled through the screen containing all the info from Dispatch and Boston PD. "Says it‘s Feb. 28, 2013. Wednesday. Zip, you notice he didn‘t answer your question. He bypassed it with another, he‘s good at that. Deflecting anything t hat interferes with his main issue. Jade, what are up to?"

"Oh, you know, saving the world and your asses." We jump as the tap came on the window and about forty cops stood around the cruiser. A lieutenant I‘d never seen before held the butt end of a mag lite on the glass.

"Holy Christ! Murphy, get your ass out here!" he barked and he did just that, shoving the door open into the mass of flesh. Hands plucked at him, voices raised in wonder that he was alive and solid. Then, they turned their attention to me and although he protested, they dragged both of us out. Stood Zip to the side and examined me from head to toe. I endured it, knowing that these dudes had known me from the time I‘d been old enough to crawl.

"Where the fuck you been for the last six months? You, you‘re dead. Buried. I went to your funeral. Carried your fucking coffin and saw you buried next to Fanny and AJ."

"Reports of my death were grossly exaggerated," I quipped. "Are you under martial law, lock down, anything…weird?"

"Weird? Like what? Alien takeover, government conspiracies?"

"What is Colonel Brightarm doing?"

"You mean President Brightarm?" he countered and I reared back in shock

"He‘s the President? What happened to Obama?"

"He was killed in the first wave of attacks by the Druz alliance. Brightarm stepped in and took over. Pushed the bastards back. Mopped up what resistance was left a few weeks back.

We‘re still not back to normal but he promised an end in the next month."

I looked at Murphy and shrugged. This didn‘t bode well for my plans. "Are there any other events you care to enlighten us with?" I asked as they escorted us into the Precinct and the Captain‘s office. Captain Jacobs rose, stared at me, Murphy and Zip. He then pushed everyone else out and slammed the door behind us. He touched me. On the shoulder, face and belly as if to confirm that I was real and solid. He jerked my shirt open and his fingers roamed over the scar on my ribs where I‘d cut myself on the bottom of a coke bottle on the firing range at Dad‘s target practice. He was the one who had taken me for stitches because Dad had freaked out at the sight of me bleeding.

"It is  you," he shouted and hugged me so hard I thought he‘d crack my ribs. I endured the quick squeeze stiffly.

‗Of course it‘s me," I replied. "Who else? You expecting the Easter Bunny? What‘s wrong with everybody?"

"You‘re wanted for murder and were declared an enemy of the Government, Jade. A terrorist. Anyone spots you; they‘re to call a special number immediately."

"I thought I was supposed to be dead," I pointed out. I stared around the office. Nothing had changed except for the portrait of the President. Still had all his commendations and badges from all over plastered on the walls. Big old desk, four windows and ugly pull up blinds. My eyes teared when I saw the photo of my Dad in his dress blues.

"That‘s why no one‘s reported you missing. Since the Changeover, things are different around the country." He stared pointedly at Zyperia. "Who is she, Murphy?"

"The Lady Zyperia of Celene. She‘s high royalty and a Throne Warrior. Jade‘s bodyguard. Changeover, Cap? What the fuck‘s that?"

Captain Jacobs explained. "The government and the Druz Hierarchy joined forces to repel the invaders, form a coalition to patrol the planes and protect earth. In exchange for that, we have only to provide them access back and forth."

"The Druz are the enemy," I snarled and Murphy kicked me.

The Captain shrugged. "They stopped the war in the middle east. In fact, no one‘s fighting anywhere on earth. Except under Druz leadership and Brightarm‘s authority."

"Let me guess, that was Brightarm‘s idea?" I returned. "How long has he been in office?"

"He stepped in eight months ago."

"I thought we had a democracy and the people elect the president," I protested.

The Captain snorted. "Not on this world. He‘s in as long as he wants. No one will oppose him with those…things backing him."

"Great," I muttered. Now I had to figure out how to get into the White House, get by his Secret Service and take out the most protected man on the planet.