Lost in Space by Trisha McNary - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

When Antaska got back to her room, she lay down on the bed next to Potat, who was still asleep. She thought about the predicament she now found herself in.

Freeta is really becoming a problem! Will I have to deal with her every time I go to the bathroom until we leave this planet? she wondered. Should I tell M. Hoyvil now? But if I do that, will the adult Verdantes think that I’m the problem and not allow me to go into outer space, like Freeta said? I wish Potat were awake, so she could give me advice.

Antaska glanced over at Potat. She was in a deep sleep and snoring loudly for such a small cat. Antaska yawned, completely worn out by the long day.

There’s nothing I can do right now anyway since M. Hoyvil won’t be back till late, she told herself. I’d wait up for him, but I’m just too tired.

Antaska turned her head on the pillow and glanced through heavy-lidded eyes at the open doorway.

I wish this room had a locking door, she thought. It’s hard to feel comfortable when there are mentally unstable people living in this residence.

Just before she drifted off to sleep, Antaska felt a strange anxious need to stay awake. She tried to wake back up, but her mind and body were both too tired. And soon, like Potat, Antaska sunk down into a heavy, deep sleep.