MAZE by Nichole Haines - HTML preview

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The world was not prepared when it happened, like the roar of a sudden wind, the human race woke up in the morning to realize that a virus unlike any other had taken hold of the society. In many ways, it was a virus unlike any other because it does not bring death or sickness. That was the reason why it had gone unnoticed since those who were the first point of contact with the virus had no idea that they had contacted anything. It took six months for the realization to hit the medical community but even then they did not take it seriously.

In the summer of 2089, it came to the notice of a data compiler that the rate of people’s intelligence had fallen compared to that of 2088. He brought it to the attention of others who took up the research but they still did not make the full connection. Come 2090, the numbers had risen and it was then that a researcher stumbled on what was called the ‘Dummy Virus’. The virus had been battling with mankind for close to two years with the first outbreak being the spring of 2087, in one of the ice trenches in Antarctica. A group of scientists had stumbled on what they thought was an astonishing discovery. Instead, it proved not to be anything like that but instead a ticking bomb that would bring about the next step of evolution to the human race. However, it won’t be a forward evolution but rather a regression, mankind would fall back to the intelligence of his earliest ancestors.


The year 2091,

Mankind was indeed a strange being in their relationship with one another and the world. Before the discovery of the Dummy virus, most nations were in the arms raise wishing to empower themselves. When the Dummy virus was even discovered, a few were still trying to see if they could take it to their advantage but when what they were facing became clear to them, they all dropped the arms race for a cure. Something that no one was found soon and it was the reason why Dr. Erik Jurgensen, a renowned virologist, was traveling from the United States to Berlin.

From 198 countries of the world, top researchers in their field had come together after passing through a rigorous sorting out to form what most people had dubbed the ‘Anti Dummy Unit’, a name which Jurgensen finds highly ridiculous. Officially, the name had been called the Dummy Cure Investigation Team, since the world leaders don’t want to treat the Dummy virus but rather want it totally eliminated. It was the first time anyone would take a serious look at the virus and Dr. Jurgensen was glad to be part of the 205 scientists that would be working on it.

“Nice to see that you can finally make it Erik,” Dr. Kim, from South Korea, whose acquaintance he made a few days ago, said.

“The virus had reached even the safe walls of Berlin just as it had done back home,” Erik replied.

“I can say the same back in my home country. It is turning people into decent apes.”

It was one of the results of the Dummy virus, it attacks the brain and lowers the reasoning capacity of its host.  Erik had heard that it was in many ways similar to the HIV virus and he hoped that it wasn’t something they would have to battle for years the way they battled with HIV before a cure was finally found for it in 2032.

“So you have found Erik finally,” Dr. Rajesh, a renowned epidemiologist, from India walked up to the both of them.

“We just met now at the get Raj,” Erik replied.

The two of them were close friends since the time they attended a seminar in 2085, something which seemed like many years ago.

“Good to see you, Erik. The presentation is about to start. Let’s find our seat and get seated.”

The three of them went to the conference room where the 205 team members would be meeting with the United Nations and a few other scientists who were not picked to be a part of the team.

“They had to separate seats by country?” Erik said with a groan.

“You are representing your country and your government would like to boast of you,” Raj replied.

“That was exactly what my president told me,” Dr. Kim said.

All this was petty stuff to Erik who thought that this was not a matter of who comes up with the cure or not.

 There were only two options right in front of them and it was pretty clear. Find the cure to the virus or in the next few years, there would be no sensible human left on the planet.

“Please get seated as we are about to start the meeting,” A man dressed in a suit said on the podium.

Erik started looking around for a seat and he noticed that his seat was right beside countries that belonged to NATO, a typical move by their leaders no doubt.

“I see you were sent to represent the United States of America,” Dr. Adediran, one of the few researchers from Africa said.

His seat was located in the same aisle as he was and Erik knew that it was not a mistake. Most African countries had allied with one of the major powers which in this case were Britain, Germany, the United States, China, and Russia. The five countries had pulled their weight around and most of the African countries had ended up either with the United States or Britain. A few had gone to Germany and Russia. China had shown no interest in any of the African countries considering it was busy with the countries close to its borders.

“I can say the same for you, my dear friend. The guy’s name has always been hard for him to pronounce and he wasn’t even going to try to pronounce it.”

“We are about to get started now please have your seat,” A voice said from the speakers.

Dr. Adediran moved away while Erik managed to get to his seat as the light in the conference room dimmed. The road to finding the cure to the Dummy Virus was  just about to begin and for once, Erik hoped that it would be something that the 205 people gathered in this room could work together well to solve before the next wave hit in summer which was only a few months away.


“The virus is believed to be millions of years old probably before the first primate walked the Earth,” the specialist from Greenland said. “We have found traces of a similar virus but we were unable to extract it.”

In a way, that was good news for the whole world. If there was a possibility that another strain of the virus existed elsewhere then it might help in finding a cure considering the fact that the Dummy virus does not seem to have any factor in its genome they could use against it. The conference had started with the leaders from all over the world joining using the United Nations secure link. Considering the situation of the virus, no one was willing to travel out of their countries in order to avoid accidents that might occur.

2091 had been a disastrous year with a lot of accidents happening all over the world. From a nuclear meltdown in the United States to the launch of missiles in the Persian Gulf than a plane that had crashed in the Himalayas. Everyone knew what was responsible and this time, there was no threat or accusation for this was not a virus engineered by anyone. It had existed on Earth a long time before human evolution became a possibility.

“How exactly does this virus work? I would like you to explain please,” The Secretary-General asked.

Dr. Bjourn shifted to face the Secretary-General  and told them everything about the virus though Erik doubted they would be able to understand a quarter of what he said. However, he understood the peril they were facing considering the fact that the virus was mutating every year when it strikes again. The way it functioned was like any other and it had brought up the question whether it had been bio-engineered but that had been disproved almost immediately and careful examination had shown that the virus had indeed come from a trench in the Antarctica where scientific exploration was being conducted and the virus had started its journey to bring the world to her feet from there.

Ignoring everything that was being said, Erik just hoped that they could get over the chit-chat and get started on the real reason why they were here- finding the cure to this virus before it destroys humanity entirely. After an hour of talking about the virus, the UN decided they had heard enough and Dr. Bjourn gave the microphone to the next person who was going to discuss important matters.

“Respected colleagues,” Dr. John Willat started. “We all know why we are here and understand the plight that we are facing.”

There were several nods from the room as everyone followed what he was saying.

“We have all gathered here after careful examination not as a representative of our countries but rather as a leading force in the battle against the Dummy virus.”

A clear frown appeared on the Secretary General’s face to which Erik smiled silently. A lot of the leaders were  not going to like John’s statement but he was untouchable until a cure was found.

“The virus is unlike any known virus and we have anywhere to start from until Dr. Bjourn and his team discovered a virus similar to it and now we are thinking that there might be other viruses similar to it in a few places.”

His words were screaming scientifically exploring something that Erik had never gotten the chance to go for before until now.

A map of the world appeared with a few places being highlighted on the map. About ten to fifteen dots of three colors appeared on the map. Erik wondered where John was going on with this.

“Each of the locations on this map has been identified as the possible location where we might be able to find possible strains of the virus.”

There was murmuring from all around as everyone started to say their mind. Erik remained silent though looking at the map which was already beckoning to him. This was a chance to go on an adventure and it wasn’t  one that he was going to miss in any way. When a man reaches their late forties, divorced with no kids, one’s life is pretty much empty and exciting opportunities don’t pop up every day.

“What are you suggesting Dr. Willat?” A woman from Switzerland asked.

“A scientific exploration to a few parts of the world that remains unexplored in hopes that we might be able to find a cure for the virus.”

“Then why are they in three different colors?” Someone from the back asked.

John William moved closer to the screen as it changed and each of the colors was explained. Red is for areas believed to be possible locations for strains of the virus  with a percentage close to sixty. The blues are for places with a percentage close to thirty while the black was for places with a percentage close to twenty.

“I understand that most of us might be skeptical but not everyone would have to go to these locations. Only those who are willing to go will be sent but I would like to make it clear that we need people of respective fields close to this location should in case we find anything.”

There was silence in the room as everyone considered what John Willat had just said. The end of the world had dulled the adventure spirit in most people with the self- preservative spirit taking over. Everyone in the room was a professional which meant they had seen first hand what the Dummy virus was like. No one was going to volunteer themselves that easily.

“So where do we sign up or do you allocate the locations?” Erik asked.

Every head in the room was turned in the direction as he rose to his feet. At the age of 48, Erik Jurgensen still  had the graceful look of his twenties though his body often begged to differ. He is known to probably everyone in the room considering his works with viruses over the years.

“Where do we sign up for the exploration?” Erik asked again.

It took a minute for John Willat to gather himself probably because he was not expecting anyone to be so eager or maybe it was because he was shocked that it was Erik.

“Arrangements have not been made for that actually. We are all thinking about it and turn in our notification before tomorrow night.”

“Oh! My bad then. I apologize for the interruption,” Erik said sitting down.

 Everyone around him remained silent while noise suddenly occupied the room. Erik knew his actions would cause a few to act or respond but there was no denying the fact that someone has to go already and he might as well go. There was nothing much waiting for him back in his Boston home and if they don’t find a cure, he might die inside not figuring how to open the cabinet to get food. A lot of people who had been infected with the Dummy virus had died from stupid deaths.

A nod of appreciation came from John Willat to Erik Jurgensen who nodded slightly in return. A lot of responses were bound to turn in from this and Erik was glad to have been of help. He drowned out what was said for the next hour before the meeting was brought to an end.


“You inspired a lot of people to volunteer when you spoke three days ago,” John Willat told Erik at the airport. Of the 205 scientists who had gathered in the conference room, 45 had volunteered to go on the exploration to the thirteen sites. Two of them had been dropped after being deemed to be either unsafe or impossible to access.

“I was just saying my own though,” Erik replied. “I think it would be a fun experience for a man who might not get to see his fiftieth birthday.”

Both of them understood what Erik meant and John simply nodded though he looked a bit disturbed.

“Why the Himalayas though? You could have chosen somewhere like Antarctica or the Andes.”

“Too cold and I don’t want to disturb the penguins with my ugliness,” Erik replied. “Being in South America and fever almost killed me so I will pass.”

It was hard to determine if Erik was joking or he was serious. There was nothing that could be done since the team heading for the Himalayas was already set and every preparation had been made. In a race against time, changing plans was not an option.

“Goodbye, Dr. Erik Jurgensen. I hope when we meet next time we have a cure,” Dr. John Willat said.

“I hope the same Dr. John Willat.”

With that Erik got onto the plane that was to take them to an airport in Mongolia from which they were to start the journey that led into the Himalaya mountain and the peak where they wanted to explore.

The journey to the mountain had been a boring one that he had hoped for but Erik was still not let down. The sheer magnitude of the Himalayas which he had seen on the plane had amazed him. He was not sure if he would be able to find a cure for the Dummy virus here but at least he would have lived a good life if he dies anytime soon.

“We are glad to have you here,” Dr. Xin Yu said.

She had been part of the team that welcomed them when they got to this base. She is one of the leading virologists in China and considering how China might  have an edge on this, she was here.

“It is a pleasure to have finally met you, Dr. Erik Jurgensen. I have read so many of your books.”

This is one of the situations that Erik seriously wasn’t comfortable with but considering the fact that her statement seems to be sincere, he decided not to hold anything against her.

 “The pleasure is mine working with you.”

Please follow me inside,” She said.

A total of fifteen crew had been sent here to the already prepared base which was made up of soldiers from the Chinese, Russian, American and British military. There was no doubt that it was power play at hand again since the other countries must be thinking that China might want to play funny games with the base being close to their borders.

“So anything interesting for this old man?” Erik asked. “This place is colder than I expected,” Ryan, the epidemiologist from Canada said.

Surprise had been Erik’s first reaction when he realized that the boy was just 22 with a Ph.D. and two Masters.  He was just struggling to finish his Ph.D. at 22 and he  was called a genius back then seems like times really have changed.

“That might be due to the hidden cave that was discovered by the drone about four years ago.”

The reason why Erik had chosen this location was that he had barely heard anything about it and he wanted to be one of the first to explore it.

“That must have been a wonderful discovery but why haven’t we heard about it?”

“The Chinese government wanted to be sure of her findings before exposing it to the world,” Dr. Zhang Rui replied.

In other words, China wants to keep her business to herself until the Dummy Virus comes knocking boldly at the world’s door. By this time they had walked into a makeshift base that had several computers lined and operational. Erik noticed the military presence of China, Britain, and America inside discussion.

“The Russians got left out,” Erik muttered under his breath.

“What Dr. Jurgensen?” Ryan asked. “Nothing just speaking to myself.”

The readings on the monitors made no